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The bearded manakins in the genus Manacus are lekking, neotropical passerines. Male plumage colour varies with geographical location and classification is based solely on these plumage patterns. It has recently been suggested that in this group of birds, plumage patterns may be a misleading taxonomic character. In this study we used microsatellite variation in a collection of museum samples to establish the amount of genetic divergence between the previously described bearded manakin species/subspecies. We found substantial genetic substructuring between species/subspecies and that plumage patterns indeed may be a misleading taxonomic character because the presence of yellow in male nuptial plumage is found in most divergent forms. We did not detect a significant isolation by distance relationship although the P -value was close to significance. Physical barriers such as rivers and mountains may affect gene flow and play a role in shaping genetic structure of the genus Manacus . Accordingly, boundaries between species/subspecies often coincide with large rivers, mountains and seas.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 439–447.  相似文献   
The proliferation of a nongovernmental sector held the promise of linking local actors with national and international ones, thereby contributing to a highly participatory, Habermasian ideal in which the formerly marginalized would find greater participation and expression. Yet the role of international agents in community-based resource management projects has recently come under scrutiny. In addressing these issues in this article, I consider the roles of different interlocutors in two contrastive phases in an Amazonian community's movement to preserve its endangered fisheries. The comparative exercise demonstrates how institutional agents, by establishing a discourse that structures the criteria through which collective demands may be problematized, may inadvertently shift from mediation to domination, and from local partnering to local production.  相似文献   
Aim To produce an inventory of south‐west Atlantic saltmarshes (from latitude 31°48′ S to 43°20′ S) using remotely sensed images and field sampling; to quantify their total area; to describe the biogeographical variation of the main habitats characterized by dominant vascular plants, in relation to major environmental factors; to test the hypothesis of predominance of the reversal pattern in plant distribution (sedges and grasses dominate the lower, regularly inundated zones, while the upper zones are occupied by more halophytic species) previously described; and to compare these south‐west Atlantic saltmarshes with others world‐wide. Location South‐western Atlantic saltmarshes Methods Field samples of dominant emergent plant species positioned by the global positioning system (GPS) were obtained from most coastal saltmarshes (14) between southern Brazil and northern Patagonia, Argentina. Landsat satellite images were obtained and coastal saltmarsh habitats were quantified by supervised classification, utilizing points gathered in the field. Results Three main plant species dominated the low and middle intertidal saltmarsh, Spartina alterniflora Loesel., Spartina densiflora Brong. and Sarcocornia perennis (P. Mill.) A.J. Scott. The total area of the studied coastal saltmarshes was 2133 km2, comprising 380 km2 of Sp. alterniflora marsh, 366 km2 of Sp. densiflora marsh, 746 km2 of Sar. perennis marsh and 641 km2 of brackish marsh (dominated by Juncus acutus L., Juncus kraussii Hochst., Scirpus maritimus L., Scirpus americanus Pers. and Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin.). Cluster analysis showed three habitat types: saltmarshes dominated by (1) Sp. densiflora and brackish species,(2) Sp. alterniflora and Sar. perennis and (3) Sp.densiflora only. The analysis of abiotic variables showed significant differences between groups of habitats and coordinated gradients of the abiotic variables. The south‐west Atlantic coast showed decreasing mean annual rainfall (1200 to 196 mm) and increasing mean tidal amplitude (< 0.5 to > 2.5 m) from latitude 31° to 43°. Main conclusions South‐west Atlantic saltmarshes are globally important by virtue of their total extent. Remote sensing showed that the reversal pattern in plant distribution is not widespread. Indeed, south‐west Atlantic saltmarshes are better characterized by the presence of the halophytic genera Spartina and Sarcocornia. Our results support the interpretation that south‐west Atlantic saltmarshes constitute a class of temperate type (sensu Adam, 1990 ) with transitional characteristics between Australasian–South African saltmarshes and west Atlantic saltmarshes.  相似文献   
The Amazon River, its huge basin, and the changes in biological processes that are rapidly occurring in this region are unquestionably of global significance. Hence, Global Change Biology is delighted to host a special thematic issue devoted to the Large‐scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Experiment in Amazônia (LBA), which is a multinational, interdisciplinary research program led by Brazil. The goal of LBA is no less modest than its subject: to understand how Amazônia functions as a regional entity in the Earth system and how these functions are changing as a result of ongoing changes in land use. This compilation of 26 papers resulting from LBA‐related research covers a broad range of topics: forest stocks of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N); fluxes of greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds from vegetation, soils and wetlands; mapping and modeling land‐use change, fire risk, and soil properties; measuring changes caused by logging, pasturing and cultivating; and new research approaches in meteorology to estimate nocturnal fluxes of C from forests and pastures. Some important new synthesis can be derived from these and other studies. The aboveground biomass of intact Amazonian forests appears to be a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), while the wetlands and soils are a net source of atmospheric methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), respectively. Land‐use change has, so far, had only a minor effect on basin‐wide emissions of CH4 and N2O, but the net effect of deforestation and reforestation appears to be a significant net release of CO2 to the atmosphere. The sum of the 100‐year global warming potentials (GWP) of these annual sources and sinks of CH4, N2O, and CO2 indicate that the Amazonian forest–river system currently may be nearly balanced in terms of the net GWP of these biogenic atmospheric gases. Of course, large uncertainties remain for these estimates, but the papers published here demonstrate tremendous progress, and also large remaining hurdles, in narrowing these uncertainties in our understanding of how Amazônia functions as a regional entity in the Earth system.  相似文献   
Aim To evaluate the relative effectiveness of the lower and upper sections, respectively, of the Amazon River as a barrier to bird distribution, and to evaluate ecological and taxonomic factors affecting the efficacy of the river barrier. Location Amazon River of South America between its confluence with the Napo River in the west and its delta in the east. Methods Using published distribution maps for 448 species of passerine birds occurring along the Amazon River, we evaluated whether each was distributed along one bank only (river presumed to be a barrier) or both banks (no barrier) to test the predictions that the river was more effective as a dispersal barrier: (1) along the lower, wider portion of the river than the upper, narrower portion; (2) for species inhabiting forests than open country; (3) for species inhabiting forest understorey than forest canopy; (4) for species restricted to terra firme (never inundated upland forest) than those not restricted to terra firme and (5) for certain taxonomic groups. Results Our analyses demonstrated that the Amazon River was most effective as a dispersal barrier along its lower portion and for species restricted to forests and terra firme. However, the river was not significantly more of a barrier for species inhabiting forest understorey than forest canopy. The river was most significant as a barrier to dispersal for the antbirds (Thamnophilidae) and was less significant as a barrier to species belonging to several large families including woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptidae), ovenbirds (Furnariidae), flycatchers (Tyrannidae), cotingids (Cotingidae), tanagers (Thraupidae), seed‐eating finches (Emberizidae) and blackbirds (Icteridae). Main conclusions The robust widths of Amazonian rivers are widely considered to represent impediments to dispersal and gene flow for many taxa of birds and other animals, and may have represented agents of vicariance in the diversification of species. Our study reaffirms the effectiveness of the lower Amazon River as a current barrier to bird dispersal for forest birds and provides new insights into the effects of habitat and taxonomy on the efficacy of the river barrier. Although supportive of several predictions of the river hypothesis of biological diversification, our study is limited in addressing the historical impact of river barriers as agents of vicariance in the process of diversification.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships within the piranhas were assessed using mitochondrial sequences with the aim of testing several hypotheses proposed to explain the origin of Neotropical diversity (palaeogeography, hydrogeology and museum hypotheses). Sequences of the ribosomal 16S gene (510 bp) and control region (980 bp) were obtained from 15 localities throughout the main South American rivers for 21 of the 28 extant piranha species. The results indicate that the genus Serrasalmus is monophyletic and comprises three major clades. The phylogeographical analyses of these clades allowed the identification of five vicariant events, extensive dispersal and four lineage duplications suggesting the occurrence of sympatric speciation. Biogeographical patterns are consistent with the prediction made by the museum hypothesis that lineages from the Precambrian shields are older than those from the lowlands of the Amazon. The vicariant events inferred here match the distribution of the palaeoarches and several postdispersal speciation events are identified, thereby matching the predictions of the palaeogeography and hydrogeology hypotheses, respectively. Molecular clock calibration of the control region sequences indicates that the main lineages differentiated from their most recent common ancestor at 9 million years ago in the proto Amazon-Orinoco and the present rate of diversification is the highest reported to date for large carnivorous Characiformes. The present results emphasize that an interaction among geology, sea-level changes, and hydrography created opportunities for cladogenesis in the piranhas at different temporal and geographical scales.  相似文献   
Meglitschia mylei n. sp. found in the gall bladder of the teleostean fish Myleus rubripinnis (Serrasalmidae) from the middle Amazonian region of Brazil is described using light and transmission electron microscopy. The spores observed in the bile averaged 24.6±0.8 μm long, 8.7±0.4 μm wide and 5.1±0.3 μm thick and were strongly furcate and arcuate ∩-shaped composed of two symmetric equal-sized valves, up to ~70 nm thick. Each valve possessed one opposed tapering appendage, 20.1±0.7 μm long, oriented parallel towards the basal tip of the appendages and joined along a right suture line forming a thick strand. The strand goes around the central part of the spore, which in turn surrounds two equal and symmetric spherical polar capsules (PC), 2.1±0.3 μm in diameter, located at the same level. Each capsule contains a polar filament with five (rarely six) coils. The binucleate sporoplasm was irregular in shape, contained several sporoplasmosomes, ~175 nm in diameter and filled all the space of the two caudal appendages. Based on the arc shape of the spore with two tapering caudal appendages oriented to the basis of spores, on the number and position of the PC and of the polar filament coils and arrangements, and on the host specificity, we propose the name M. mylei n. sp. for this new myxozoan. Accordingly, this is the second described species of this genus.  相似文献   
Termites play important roles in organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and soil structure in tropical rain forests. When forests are replaced by agriculture, termite species richness, abundance, and function often decline. We compared the termite assemblage of a primary forest site with that of a low plant diversity, palm-based agroforest (five plant species) and a high plant diversity, home-garden agroforest (10 plant species) using a rapid biodiversity assessment protocol. In comparing the primary forest termite species composition to previously published studies, we found soil feeders and the Apicotermitinae to be more dominant than previously reported in Amazonia. Thirty percent of the species belonged to the Apicotermitinae, and an unusually high percentage (57%) of species were soil feeders. Unexpectedly, the palm-based agroforest, despite its lower plant diversity, was closer to primary forest in termite species composition, rate of species accumulation, and proportions of species in taxonomic and functional classes than was the home-garden agroforest. This suggests that particular plant attributes may better determine the termite assemblage than plant diversity alone in these agroecosystems. Unlike other agroecosystems reported in the literature, Apicotermitinae and soil feeders were proportionally more abundant in these agroforests than in primary forest. The ability of agroforests to support populations of soil feeders has a potentially positive effect on soil fertility in these agroecosystems; insomuch as feeding guild is a proxy for function, these closed-canopy agroforests may be able to sustain the same termite-mediated functions as primary forest.  相似文献   
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