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Metal hyperaccumulator plants like Alyssum murale are used for phytoremediation of Ni contaminated soils. Soil microorganisms are known to play an important role in nutrient acquisition for plants, however, little is known about the rhizosphere microorganisms of hyperaccumulators. Fresh and dry weight, and Ni and Fe concentrations in plant shoots were higher when A. murale was grown in non-sterilized compared to sterilized soils. The analysis of microbial populations in the rhizosphere of A. murale and in bulk soils demonstrated that microbial numbers were affected by the presence of the plant. Significantly higher numbers of culturable actinomycetes, bacteria and fungi were found in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. A higher percent of Ni-resistant bacteria were also found in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil. Percentage of acid producing bacteria was higher among the rhizosphere isolates compared to isolates from bulk soil. However, proportions of siderophore producing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria were not affected by the presence of the plant. We hypothesize that microbes in the rhizosphere of A. murale were capable of reducing soil pH leading to an increase in metal uptake by this hyperaccumulator.  相似文献   
Elemental allelopathy suggests that nickel (Ni)-rich leaves shed by hyperaccumulators inhibit the germination and growth of nearby plant species. Here, the germination of eight herbaceous species following addition of Alyssum murale biomass or Ni(NO3)2, with the same Ni level added to soil, was assessed. The distribution of Ni in soil was tested by determining Ni phytoavailability and speciation over time. Phytoavailable Ni in soil amended with biomass declined rapidly over time due to Ni binding to iron (Fe)/manganese (Mn) oxides in the soil. No significant effects on seed germination were observed. Unlike the Ni complex in Alyssum biomass, more Ni remained soluble and phytoavailable in soil amended with Ni(NO3)2, thus significantly inhibiting seed germination. High-Ni leaves shed by hyperaccumulators did not appear to create a 'toxic zone' around the plants and inhibit germination or growth of competing plants. The lack of an allelopathic effect was probably related to low Ni availability.  相似文献   
One of the most serious and long-term consequences of environmental pollution is heavy metal contamination of soils. Elements such as zinc, cadmium, lead, nickel, and chromium are being released into the environment by many industrial processes and have now reached concentrations that are of concern. Phytoremediation is a new, low-cost, and environmentally friendly technique that relies on the natural properties of some plants to clean-up the ground through their ability to take up metals from the soil. Hyperaccumulator plants, capable of accumulating metals far in excess of any normal physiological requirement, represent a most promising tool for metal phytoextraction, but the in field establishment of their conditions for utilization needs a long period because of the plant life-cycle. The use of a mathematical model is proposed to process growth and uptake data from in vitro experiments for a rapid assessment of the time and concentration parameters for the deployment of hyperaccumulator plants for phytoextraction purposes. This preliminary research has been carried out using Alyssum bertolonii Desv., a nickel hyperaccumulator endemic to Italian serpentine soils.  相似文献   
Summary Data are given on the aqueous acetone—soluble (free) amino acid composition and total nickel contents of leaves of wild and cultivatedAlyssum bertolonii and of seeds produced by the former. Leaves of the wild plants show a direct relationship between their total free amino acid N and Ni contents. These are highest in February, show a decrease in June and increase again by October. It is inferred that variations in the Ni uptake and free amino acid contents are functions of seasonal factors. Leaves of cultivated plants showed the lowest Ni content but the highest free amino acid content illustrating the influence of environmental factors.  相似文献   
We applied the patch-clamp technique to investigate the transport properties of the Slow Vacuolar (SV) channel identified in leaf vacuoles of Alyssum bertolonii Desv., a nickel hyperaccumulator plant growing in serpentine soil of the northern Apennines (Italy). SV currents recorded in vacuoles from adult plants collected in their natural habitat showed high sensitivity towards cytosolic nickel. Dose-response analyses indicated half-maximal current inhibition at submicromolar concentrations, i.e. up to three orders of magnitude lower than previously reported values from other plant species. The voltage-dependent increase of residual currents at saturating nickel concentrations could be interpreted as relief of channel block by nickel permeation at high positive membrane potentials. Including young plants of A. bertolonii into the study, we found that SV channels from these plants did not display elevated nickel sensitivity. This difference may be related to age-dependent changes in nickel hyperaccumulation of A. bertolonii leaf cells.  相似文献   
Serpentine and non-serpentine plants of Alyssum murale, a nickel (Ni) accumulator plant, from North Greece, were studied in order to examine: (1) The ability of natural plants to accumulate metals; (2) the ability of their seedlings to tolerate increasing concentrations of Ni2+ or Mn2+ (0, 0.16, 0.32, 0.5 and 1 mmol/L), when grown in nutrient solution; (3) the activities and electrophoretic patterns of root and shoot DNases and RNases under the above conditions. Measurements of metal concentrations in serpentine and non-serpentine natural plants and the respective soils revealed: (1) Very low calcium (Ca)/magnesium (Mg) (0.16) ratio and high concentration of Ni in serpentine soil; (2) very high Ca/Mg (17) ratio and high concentration of manganese (Mn) in non-serpentine soil; (3) the ability of serpentine natural plants to accumulate Ni and the inability of plants of both serpentine and non-serpentine populations to accumulate Mn. A. murale plants grown in nutrient solution with increasing Ni2+ or Mn2+ concentrations showed a negative correlation between the Ni2+ or Mn2+ concentrations in the nutrient solution, and the chlorophyll concentration, shoot and especially root length. The accumulation of Ni2+ or Mn2+ in the plant showed a positive correlation with increasing Ni2+ or Mn2+ concentrations in the nutrient solution. Application of 0.5 mmol/L Ni2+ or Mn2+ resulted in the inhibition of DNase activities and the appearance of a new DNase form, in both root and shoot detected by electrophoresis in active ssDNA polyacrylamide gel. The new gel-extracted DNase showed nicking action against plasmid DNA and has been characterised as an endo-DNase. In contrast, electrophoretic patterns and RNase activities were unaffected. According to our studies on growth, both serpentine and non-serpentine plants of A. murale have a constitutive ability to tolerate and accumulate Ni2+ or Mn2+; they have similar DNase and RNase electrophoretic patterns and show a new DNase form under Ni2+ or Mn2+ stress. This is the first report on the response of nucleolytic enzymes under metallic elements hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   
Experiments were carried out on the tolerance to, and uptake of, nickel by three iberian subspecies of Alyssum serpylliforium Desf. Two of these subspecies, the serpentine-endemic ssp. lusitanicum from Bragança, Portugal and ssp. malacitanum from Málaga, Spain, are hyperaccumulators (> 1000 g/g in dried material) of nickel. Their possible ancestor, ssp. serpyllifolium (from Granada, Spain) was a non-accumulator of this element. Seeds of the two serpentine-endemics germinated extensively in nickel concentrations up to 12 000 g/g (1.2%) whereas ssp. serpyllifolium only germinated in nickel concentrations below 60 g/ml. Tolerance tests involving measurement of new root lengths of excised seedlings placed in varying nickel concentrations, again showed much greater tolerance of the two serpentinophytes. In both series of experiments, the order of tolerance was: ssp. lusitanicum > ssp. malacitanum > ssp. serpyllifolium. In pot trials involving seedlings of ssp. malacitanum grown in mixtures containing varying amounts of calcium, magnesium, and nickel, the most important finding was that plants will tolerate higher nickel contents in the soil when excess calcium is added. This is achieved by lowering the uptake of nickel. There appeared to be some concomitant reduction in calcium uptake in the presence of nickel, and some increase in uptake of magnesium. The resultant lower calcium/magnesium ratio in the plant, though not symptomatic of a favourable condition for colonization of serpentine soils, probably results from a mechanism which renders nickel innocuous to the plant at the expense of calcium uptake. It is suggested that the physiological characters of ssp. lusitanicum and ssp malacitanum are sufficiently different to support arguments for promoting the latter to full specific rank as has now been done for ssp. lusitanicum.  相似文献   
An experimental assessment of the defence hypothesis of nickel (Ni) hyperaccumulation in Alyssum was lacking. Also, to date no study had investigated the effects of hyperaccumulator litter on a detritivore species. We performed several experiments with model arthropods representatives of two trophic levels: Tribolium castaneum (herbivore) and Porcellio dilatatus (detritivore). In no-choice trials using artificial food disks with different Ni concentrations, T. castaneum fed significantly less as Ni concentration increased and totally rejected disks with the highest Ni concentration. In choice tests, insects preferred disks without Ni. In the no-choice experiment, mortality was low and did not differ significantly among treatments. Hence, this suggested a deterrent effect of high Ni diet. Experiments with P. dilatatus showed that isopods fed A. pintodasilvae litter showed significantly greater mortality (83%) than isopods fed litter from the non-hyperaccumulator species Iberis procumbens (8%), Micromeria juliana (no mortality) or Alnus glutinosa (no mortality). Also, isopods consumed significantly greater amounts of litter from the non-hyperaccumulator plant species. The behaviour of isopods fed A. pintodasilvae litter suggested an antifeedant effect of Ni, possibly due to post-ingestive toxic effects. Our results support the view that Ni defends the Portuguese serpentine hyperaccumulator A. pintodasilvae against herbivores, indicating that Ni can account both for feeding deterrence and toxic effects. The effects of hyperaccumulator litter on the detritivore P. dilatatus suggest that the activity of these important organisms may be significantly impaired with potential consequences on the decomposition processes.  相似文献   
Adding floral resources to agro-ecosystems to improve biological control can enhance the survival, egg load, and parasitism rate of insect parasitoids. However, this may not always be the case because the herbivore may benefit from the added resource as much as, or more than the third-trophic level. In addition, the natural enemies of those in the third-trophic level may also derive improved fitness from the added resources. Both these processes will dampen trophic cascades, leading to less-effective biological control. In this study, the effect of adding different flowering plants on the longevity, egg load, aphid parasitism rates and hyperparasitism of Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) by its hyperparasitoid Dendrocerus aphidum Rondani (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae) were investigated, using the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Homoptera: Aphididae) as the herbivore. Parasitoids exposed to buckwheat survived, on average, between four to five times as long as those in the control (water) and those in phacelia, alyssum and coriander treatments survived three to four times as long. Hyperparasitoids exposed to buckwheat survived five to six times as long as those in the control and three to five times longer with the other plants compared with the control. Almost all flower species significantly increased parasitoid and hyperparasitoid egg loads and the number of parasitised aphids and parasitised mummies compared with control. Understanding the factors influencing the dynamics of multitrophic interactions involving flowering plants, herbivores, parasitoids and hyperparasitoids is a fertile area for future research. One of the most challenging areas in contemporary ecology concerns the relative importance of different types of biodiversity mediating trophic interactions and thereby influencing the structure of communities and food webs. This paper begins to explore this using an experimental, laboratory-based approach.  相似文献   
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