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The utilization of inorganic carbon by three species of marine diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve. Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grun., and Chaetoceros calcitrans Paulsen was investigated using an inorganic carbon isotopic disequilibnum technique and inorganic carbon dose-response curves. Stable carbon isotope data of the diatoms are also presented. Observed rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution were greater than could be accounted for by the theoretical rate of CO2 supply from the uncatalyzed dehydration of HCO3? in the external medium, suggesting use of HCO3? as an inorganic carbon source. Data from the isotopic disequilibrium experiment demonstrate the use of both HCO3? and CO2 for photosynthesis. Carbon isotope discrimination values support the use of HCO3? by the diatoms.  相似文献   
Settlement of male great reed warblers in the breeding ground was highly asynchronous at Lake Biwa in Japan. It took over 1 month from the appearance of the first male to a saturation in number of males. In resource-defense-polygyny, males are expected to try to defend as large an area as possible in the optimal habitat. In fact, a small number of the earliest settling males divided up the breeding ground almost completely as territories among themselves and these were later reduced in size with the addition of later settlers. The reduction was not due to a seasonal decline of aggressiveness on the part of the owners but to a higher level of intrusion pressure by later arriving males. The neighbor-neighbor relationship, once established, was rather stable. Home range overlap was small and territorial contacts were few between neighbors. Territorial boundaries seem not to shift despite the addition of new males as long as the neighbors were the same. The stable relationships between neighbors are expected to help the earlier resident to maintain his large and good territories throughout the breeding season and hence polygyny is favored in this species.  相似文献   
Pro-UKS1 was designed as a thrombin-resistant derivative of pro-urokinase (pro-UK) by introducing a glycosylation site using site-directed mutagenesis. An expression plasmid for pro-UKS1, pMo1UKS1SEd1-5, was constructed and introduced into Namalwa KJM-1 cells (Hosoiet al., 1988), and cells resistant to G418 and Methotrexate (MTX) were obtained. Amongst them, the highest pro-UKS1 producer (resistant to 500 nM of MTX), clone 41-8, was selected and further characterized. Clone 41-8 was cultured in serum-free ITPSGF medium (Hosoiet al., 1988). Under the conventional conditions, the concentration of pro-UKS1 reached 26 g ml–1. Addition of glucose and tri-iodothyronine (T3) improved productivity, and the maximal productivity of pro-UKS1 was 67 g ml–1 day–1. In this conditioned medium, content of pro-UKS1 was above 80% of total proteins.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - dhfr dihydrofolate reductase - HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - kb kilobase pairs - kDa kilodaltons - MTX Methotrexate - PBS phosphate buffered saline - pro-UK pro-urokinase - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - T3 tri-iodothyronine - Tween-PBS phosphate buffered saline containing 0.05% Tween 80  相似文献   
The organization of 14 exons covering 97% of the cDNA sequence of human cerebroside sulfate activator protein precursor has been determined from two overlapping EMBL-4 human genomic clones extending over 17kb. All exons and exon/intron splice junctions and five introns were sequenced. Exon 8 consists of only 9 bp and is involved in alternative splicing which generates three different mRNAs of cerebroside sulfate activator precursor.  相似文献   
Summary We document two episodes, in different years, of Barn Owls (Tyto alba) preying on a winter population of Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) on a southern California island. The predation in each case followed a marked shift in the diet of the Barn Owls, due to the cyclic decline of their normal small mammal prey. Heavy predation in the first year resulted in the extirpation of the Burrowing Owls on the island. Such heavy predation on alternative prey species is commonly reported in cyclic predator-prey systems, however this is the first documented case of extirpation of the alternative prey. Complete elimination of any prey species by terrestrial predators is, in fact, very rare.  相似文献   
The effect of nematode infestation on the alternative pathway respiration of mitochondria isolated from resistant and susceptible tomato roots greatly depended on the oxidisable substrate tested. The percentage of alternative respiration in NADH, malate and succinate oxidation was markedly different between the resistant (Rossol) and the susceptible (Roma VF) cultivars before infestation. Only the percentage of malate alternative oxidation in mitochondria from the resistant roots was influenced by nematode invasion. Conversely, attacked roots showed consistent variations in the content of mitochondria per unit fresh weight and in the phosphorylation efficiency (ADP/O) of the organelles. Expression of the alternative pathway (ρ' value) was found to be unchanged in intact roots and isolated mitochondria six days after nematode inoculation.  相似文献   
Delayed fluorescence from Rhodopseudomonas viridis membrane fragments has been studied using a phosphoroscope employing single, short actinic flashes, under conditions of controlled redox potential and temperature. The emission spectrum shows that delayed fluorescence is emitted by the bulk, antenna bacteriochlorophyll. The energy for delayed fluorescence, however, must be stored in a reaction-center complex including the photooxidized form (P+) of the primary electron-donor (P) and the photoreduced form (X?) of the primary electron-acceptor. This is shown by the following observations: (1) Delayed luminescence is quenched (a) at low redox potentials which allow cytochromes to reduce P+ rapidly after the flash, (b) at higher redox potentials which, by oxidizing P chemically, prevent the photochemical formation of P+X?, and (c) upon transfer of an electron from X? to a secondary acceptor, Y. (2) Under conditions that prevent the reduction of P+ by cytochromes and the oxidation of X? by Y, the decay kinetics of delayed fluorescence are identical with those of P+X?, as measured from optical absorbance changes.The main decay route for P+X? under these conditions has a rate-constant of approximately 103 s?1. In contrast, a comparison of the intensities of delayed and prompt fluorescence indicates that the process in which P+X? returns energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll has a rate-constant of 3.7 s?1, at 295 °K and pH 7.8. The decay kinetics of P+X? and delayed fluorescence change little with temperature, whereas the intensity of delayed fluorescence increases with increasing temperature, having an activation energy of 12.5 kcal · mol?1. We conclude that the main decay route involves tunneling of an electron from X? to P+, without the promotion of P to an excited state. Delayed fluorescence requires such a promotion, followed by transfer of energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll, and this combination of events is rare. The activation energy, taken with potentiometric data, indicates that the photochemical conversion of PX to P+X? results in increases of both the energy and the entropy of the system, by 16.6 kcal · mol?1 and 8.8 cal · mol?1 · deg?1. The intensity of delayed fluorescence depends strongly on the pH; the origin of this effect remains unclear.  相似文献   
太行山南麓山区栓皮栎-扁担杆生态系统水分利用策略   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
孙守家  孟平  张劲松  贾长荣  任迎丰 《生态学报》2014,34(21):6317-6325
分析了太行山南麓低丘山区降水、泉水、地下水、土壤水以及栓皮栎、扁担杆的氢氧稳定同位素特征,结合Iso Source模型确定了栓皮栎和扁担杆水分来源的季节性差异,并对栓皮栎和扁担杆水分利用策略进行分析。结果表明,同一生态系统中的栓皮栎和扁担杆枝条水的δ18O和δD值差别明显。雨季中栓皮栎和扁担杆水分来源较浅,以0—20 cm土壤水分为主,但旱季中栓皮栎和扁担杆水分主要来源均比雨季明显加深,其中栓皮栎主要利用40—60 cm土壤水分,扁担杆则主要利用20—40 cm土壤水分。此外,旱季后期栓皮栎还利用部分泉水,其比例达到了19.6%。二者水分来源的不同,使得栓皮栎与扁担杆在旱季期间能避开用水冲突。旱季中生长在生态系统上层的栓皮栎中午部分气孔关闭,蒸腾速率下降,生长在生态系统下层的扁担杆日均蒸腾速率、气孔导度则分别比栓皮栎下降了46.94%和30.58%。栓皮栎和扁担杆分别采取了深水源及部分气孔关闭和浅水源及低蒸腾耗散的水分利用策略来利用旱季中有限的水分,因而其组成的生态系统表现出较强地适合太行山南麓脆弱环境的生态适应性。  相似文献   
植被恢复过程中芒萁覆盖对侵蚀红壤氮组分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氮素是限制陆地生态系统生产力的重要因子。采用时空代换法,以红壤侵蚀区未治理、恢复12年和30年的马尾松林为研究对象,对比分析了林下芒萁覆盖地与裸地表层土壤之间氮同位素、不同形态氮组分含量以及不同组分氮含量所占比例之间的差异。结果表明:在所有马尾松林中,芒萁覆盖增加了表层土壤的全氮含量,δ~(15)N值则比林下裸地显著降低了33. 8%—83.1%(P0.05)。随着恢复年限增加,林下芒萁覆盖地表层土壤δ~(15)N值显著下降,而林下裸露地δ~(15)N值没有显著变化(P0.05)。不同恢复年限马尾松林的芒萁覆盖地表层土壤微生物生物量氮、可溶性有机氮和铵态氮含量显著高于林下裸地(P 0.05),而硝态氮含量则显著低于林下裸地(P0.05)。随恢复年限增加,表层土壤微生物生物量氮、可溶性有机氮、铵态氮含量均呈增加趋势,而硝态氮含量则呈下降趋势,不同形态氮占全氮比例表现为:微生物生物量氮铵态氮可溶性有机氮硝态氮。相关分析表明土壤δ~(15)N值与硝态氮极显著正相关,与其他氮组分极显著负相关(P0.01)。由此可见,与林下裸地相比,芒萁覆盖在植被恢复过程中有助于提高表层土壤中全氮、微生物生物量氮、可溶性有机氮和铵态氮含量,降低硝态氮的淋溶损失风险,促进土壤氮保持和积累,从而有利于退化红壤生态系统的恢复。  相似文献   
环境微生物群落功能研究的新方法和新策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏力  杨成运  李友国 《生态学报》2008,28(9):4424-4429
微生物群落在驱动生物地球化学循环中扮演着重要角色,传统的研究方法可对微生物群落进行遗传结构的解析,但不能有效地与功能研究耦联.概述了近年发展起来的基于核酸和蛋白质水平的分子生物学新方法--环境mRNA 和 rRNA同时荧光原位杂交(FISH)、寡核苷酸微阵列技术(Oligonucleotide Microarray)、 稳定性同位素联合宏基因组学(SIP-enabled Metagenomics)和环境蛋白质组学(Metaproteomics)在环境微生物群落功能研究中的应用,并且对其发展趋势进行了分析和展望.  相似文献   
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