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周全  张燕均  杨平  杨奇森  吴毅 《四川动物》2012,31(2):287-289
1984年9月24日在广东连州采集到2只蝙蝠(1♀,1♂),体型大,头体长分别为92.0mm,85.0mm,前臂长73.2mm,73.0mm,颅全长24.68mm,23.97mm;尾端有少量长毛;脑颅比较狭窄。经与国内已采集的黑髯墓蝠Taphozous melanopogon标本及已报道的同类蝙蝠特征相比较,鉴定该蝙蝠标本为鞘尾蝠科的大墓蝠Taphozous theobaldi Dobson,1872,为广东省蝙蝠新纪录种。  相似文献   
四川溪洛渡水库库区雷波至金阳段翼手类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘少英  刘洋  孙治宇 《四川动物》2005,24(4):602-603
1999年5~7月,对溪洛渡水库库区(雷波至金阳一线河谷地带〈包括永善〉,海拔2000 m以下)翼手类进行了调查.共计调查了20个洞穴和沿线房屋.调查结合历史资料确认溪洛渡水库库区有翼手类动物4科6属15种.优势种是大蹄蝠、小菊头蝠、双色蹄蝠;新发现的稀有种类是印度假吸血蝠.  相似文献   
Bat fatality at wind energy facilities is a conservation issue, but its effect on bat populations is difficult to estimate. We have little understanding of wind turbine effects on bat population persistence, in part because we have poor knowledge of bat migration pathways and hence the source populations for individual fatalities. We used deuterium ratio analysis combined with genetic algorithm for rule-set prediction and the web-based isoscapes modeling, analysis, and prediction in a geographic information system environment as a novel approach. Our objectives were to explore the utility of these methods together and map the geographic extents of eastern red bat (Lasiurus borealis) specimens salvaged in 2008–2010 from a single, 92-km2 wind energy facility in Illinois, USA. Results indicate that combining these methods can be successful and support their use with species where ranges may be less well defined. Because of the migratory nature of this species and the range of deuterium values of pixels in our isotope model, we predicted that 18% and 82% of the specimens would have isotope results inside and outside of the wind facility's isocline respectively. We concluded that 71.4% of the specimens had isotope signatures placing them outside the wind facility's isocline. It could be argued that the wide distribution of bat fatalities dilutes the overall effect of those fatalities on the bat species; however, if other facilities show a similar pattern, each facility could have cumulative and far reaching population-level effects. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Luan RH  Wu FJ  Jen PH  Sun XD 《生理学报》2005,57(2):225-232
以回声定位蝙蝠为模式动物,采用在体动物细胞外单位记录法,研究了后掩蔽效应对下丘神经元声反应的影响。结果显示,部分神经元(38%,12/31)对测试声刺激的反应明显受到掩蔽声的抑制,其后掩蔽效应强弱与掩蔽声和测试声的相对强度差(inter-stimulus level difference,SLD),以及测试声与掩蔽声之间的间隔时间(inter-stimulus onset asynchrony,SOA)有关:当掩蔽声强度升高或测试声强度降低时,后掩蔽效应增强;而SOA的缩短,亦可见后掩蔽效应增强。另外,相当数量的神经元(52%,16/31)对测试声刺激的反应并不受掩蔽声的影响,其中有的神经元只有在特定SLD和SOA时,才表现出后掩蔽效应。而少数下丘神经元(10%,3/31)在特定SLD和SOA时,掩蔽声对测试声反应有易化作用。上述结果表明,部分下丘神经元参与了声认知活动中的后掩蔽形成过程,推测下丘神经元在定型声反应特性中,对掩蔽声诱导的兴奋前抑制性输入与测试声诱导的兴奋性输入之间的时相性动态整合起关键作用。  相似文献   
The Mediterranean Basin is a global biodiversity hotspot, hosting a number of native species belonging to families that are found almost exclusively in tropical climates. Yet, whether or not these taxa were able to survive in the Mediterranean region during the Quaternary climatic oscillations remains unknown. Focusing on the European free-tailed bat (Tadarida teniotis), we aimed to (a) identify potential ancient populations and glacial refugia; (b) determine the post-glacial colonization routes across the Mediterranean; and (c) evaluate current population structure and demography. Mitochondrial and nuclear markers were used to understand T. teniotis evolutionary and demographic history. We show that T. teniotis is likely restricted to the Western Palearctic, with mitochondrial phylogeny suggesting a split between an Anatolian/Middle East clade and a European clade. Nuclear data pointed to three genetic populations, one of which is an isolated and highly differentiated group in the Canary Islands, another distributed across Iberia, Morocco, and France, and a third stretching from Italy to the east, with admixture following a pattern of isolation by distance. Evolutionary and demographic reconstruction supports a pre-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) colonization of Italy and the Anatolian/Middle East, while the remaining populations were colonized from Italy after the Younger Dryas. We also found support for demographic expansion following the Iberian colonization. The results show that during the LGM T. teniotis persisted in Mediterranean refugia and has subsequently expanded to its current circum-Mediterranean range. Our findings raise questions regarding the physiological and ecological traits that enabled species with tropical affinities to survive in colder climates.  相似文献   
The relationship of telomere shortening and cellular ageing in cultured cells such as fibroblasts is straightforward: telomeres shorten with an increasing number of cell divisions until they trigger replicative senescence which prevents further mitotic cycles. But studies investigating the relationship between telomere shortening and ageing in whole organisms show contrasting results: while there is a clear decline in telomere length (TL) with chronological age in some species such as humans, no such decline is observed in others. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Foley et al. (2020) show that experiencing harsh weather conditions correlates with longitudinal telomere shortening in the bat species Myotis myotis, whereas chronological age does not (Foley et al., 2020). Further, the authors investigated whether genetics influence TL and find a low heritability (h2 = 0.01–0.06) again suggesting that environmental effects are the dominant drivers of variation in TL in this species. These are important findings as there is disagreement in the literature about the relative magnitude of genetic and environmental effects contributing to TL variation in different species. This paper investigating the impact of environmental effects makes a novel and important contribution to the literature on TL in free‐living mammals.  相似文献   
Sensitivity of bats to land use change depends on their foraging ecology, which varies among species based on ecomorphological traits. Additionally, because prey availability, vegetative clutter, and temperature change throughout the year, some species may display seasonal shifts in their nocturnal habitat use. In the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius), tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus), and northern yellow bat (Lasiurus intermedius) are species of conservation concern that are threatened by habitat loss. Our objective was to identify characteristics of habitat used by these species during their nightly active period and compare use between summer and winter. We conducted acoustic surveys at 125 sites during May–August and at 121 of the same 125 sites December–March 2018 and 2019 in upland forests, bottomland forests, fields, ponds, and salt marsh and used occupancy models to assess habitat use. The northern long-eared bat and southeastern myotis (i.e., myotis bats) used sites that were closer to hardwood stands, pine stands, and fresh water year-round. We did not identify any strong predictors of tri-colored bat habitat use in summer, but during winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than salt marsh and upland forests. During summer and winter, northern yellow bats used sites close to fresh water and salt marsh. Additionally, during summer they used fields, ponds, and salt marsh more than upland and bottomland forests, but in winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than upland forest and salt marsh. Our results highlight important land cover types for bats in this area (e.g., bottomland forests, ponds, and salt marsh), and that habitat use changes between seasons. Accounting for and understanding how habitat use changes throughout the year will inform managers about how critical habitat features may vary in their importance to bats throughout the year. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
蝙蝠是很多病原微生物的自然宿主, 全球多项研究表明蝙蝠是巴尔通体(Bartonella species)的主要宿主。为了解滇西南地区蝙蝠中巴尔通体的流行特征, 我们于2015-2017年间在云南省4个地区应用网捕法捕获蝙蝠3种305只。经种类鉴定后采集肝脾组织, 提取核酸, 通过TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR方法检测巴尔通体的tmRNA基因ssrA, 并进行测序鉴定和系统发育分析。结果发现172只蝙蝠检出该基因, 总感染率为56.4%; 其中临沧、西双版纳、保山和瑞丽4个采样点的蝙蝠感染率分别为50.0% (22/44)、61.7% (29/47)、62.1% (18/29)和55.7% (103/185)。中菊头蝠(Rhinolophus affinis)、小菊头蝠(R. blythi)和棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaultii)的感染率分别为50.0% (22/44)、62.1% (18/29)和56.9% (132/232), 差异没有统计学意义(χ2 = 1.135, P = 0.567), 表明巴尔通体在云南当地的蝙蝠种群中高度流行。定量PCR扩增产物2次扩增后测序获得37个巴尔通体ssrA序列, 属于10个系统发育分支, 其中1个为伊丽莎白巴尔通体(B. elizabethae)、特利波契巴尔通体(B. tribocorum)和克拉斯诺夫巴尔通体(B. krasnovii)的近缘种。其余序列与已知巴尔通体距离较远, 与亚洲、欧洲和美洲等其他地域来源于蝙蝠的巴尔通体近缘。遗传多样性分析显示, ssrA基因的核苷酸多样性指数(π)为0.11381 ± 0.00928, 基因型多样性指数(Hd)为0.985 ± 0.010, 形成29个基因型(单倍型), 说明云南蝙蝠巴尔通体具有丰富的遗传多样性。通过对本研究标本与全球相关序列的系统发育网络重建, 分析全球蝙蝠巴尔通体的地理和宿主分布特征, 可以看出巴尔通体与蝙蝠之间存在显著的宿主特异性关联。因此可初步确定蝙蝠-巴尔通体具有协同进化特征, 同时受到地理隔离的影响。  相似文献   
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