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Summary The structure of hemocytes in the normal state and during blood coagulation, and the intracellular localization of three clotting factors and two antimicrobial factors were examined in the Japanese horseshoe crabTachypleus tridentatus. Two types of hemocytes were found in the circulating blood: non-granular and granular hemocytes. The latter contained numerous dense granules classed into two major types: L- and D-granules. The L-granules were larger (up to 1.5 m in diameter) and less electron-dense than the D-granules (less than 0.6 m in diameter). The L-granules contained three clotting factors and one antimicrobial factor, whereas the D-granules exclusively contained the other antimicrobial factor. After treatment with endotoxin, the L-granules were released more rapidly than the D-granules, although almost all granules were finally exocytosed. The granular hemocyte possessed a single Golgi complex; possible precursor granules of L-granules and D-granules contained tubular and condensed dense material, respectively. These data are discussed in relation to the self-defense mechanisms of the horseshoe crab.  相似文献   
Summary Effect of sources, moisture levels and extractants on extraction, analytical properties, IR-spectra, macromolecular characteristics, interaction with cations and physiological properties of the extracted material (humic acid) were studied. Among the three variables, extractant influenced the degree of humification, IR-spectra, nature and properties of humic acids to a greater extent though the other two had significant contribution. Sodium pyrophosphate found to be an ideal extractant for humic acid. Reduced viscosity of humic acids increased with dilution particularly below 0.1 g/dl and decreased with increasing H+ concentration between pH 6.5 and 8.5 irrespective of source, moisture level and extractant. The amount of proton released and drop in initial pH of humic acids on addition of different metal ions indicated formation of mono-, di-hydroxy metal-HA complexes which broke down at pH 8.0 and above. HA-Fe2+ and HA-Cu2+ complexes were found to be most stable. Humic acids from different sources varied significantly in their effect on available nutrient status of soils though, the latter is main determining factor particularly for calcium and magnesium.  相似文献   
Cryoconite, the dark sediment on the surface of glaciers, often aggregates into oval or irregular granules serving as biogeochemical factories. They reduce a glacier's albedo, act as biodiversity hotspots by supporting aerobic and anaerobic microbial communities, constitute one of the organic matter (OM) sources on glaciers, and are a feeder for micrometazoans. Although cryoconite granules have multiple roles on glaciers, their formation is poorly understood. Cyanobacteria are ubiquitous and abundant engineers of cryoconite hole ecosystems. This study tested whether cyanobacteria may be responsible for cryoconite granulation as a sole biotic element. Incubation of Greenlandic, Svalbard, and Scandinavian cyanobacteria in different nutrient availabilities and substrata for growth (distilled water alone and water with quartz powder, furnaced cryoconite without OM, or powdered rocks from glacial catchment) revealed that cyanobacteria bind mineral particles into granules. The structures formed in the experiment resembled those commonly observed in natural cryoconite holes: they contained numerous cyanobacterial filaments protruding from aggregated mineral particles. Moreover, all examined strains were confirmed to produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which suggests that cryoconite granulation is most likely due to EPS secretion by gliding cyanobacteria. In the presence of water as the only substrate for growth, cyanobacteria formed mostly carpet-like mats. Our data empirically prove that EPS-producing oscillatorialean cyanobacteria isolated from the diverse community of cryoconite microorganisms can form granules from mineral substrate and that the presence of the mineral substrate increases the probability of the formation of these important and complex biogeochemical microstructures on glaciers.  相似文献   
Résumé La recherche de l'habitat d'un hôte potentiel par D. pulchellus, endoparasite considéré comme spécialiste des nymphes d'A. assectella, est abordée chez les adultes femelles et mâles, en olfactométrie, par l'étude de leur comportement locomoteur. L'activité locomotrice et l'attraction sont ainsi analysées en présence de substances allélochimiques issues ou non de végétaux pouvant abriter un hôte. Que les composés soufrés testés soient stables ou non, ils ne déclenchent pas d'attraction chez les hyménoptères quel que soit leur sexe et le type d'olfactomètre utilisé, contrairement aux imagos du phytophage-hôte, A. assectella, attirés par les composés soufrés instables spécifiques du poireau. L'activité locomotrice des hyménoptères des deux sexes est stimulée par divers composés volatils soufrés de synthèse ou émis naturellement par les Crucifères et par les Allium consommés par les larves d'A. assectella. Les substances efficaces sont généralément stables et sont caractérisées par le groupement actif R-S-, à condition que R ne soit pas un allyle. Par ailleurs, des composés volatils non soufrés contenus dans des végétaux autres que les Allium et les Crucifères ne stimulent pas le comportement locomoteur des hyménoptères. Ces différentes observations permettent d'envisager que D. pulchellus est un spécialiste inféodé à des microlépidoptères s'alimentant sur des végétaux soufrés et non sur les seuls Allium.
Summary Searching the host habitat by the endoparasite wasp Diadromus pulchellus, considered to be a specialist of Acrolepiopsis assectella nymphs, is studied in females and males by analysis of locomotory behaviour in olfactometers. Thus, locomotor activity and attraction are studied in the presence or absence of air-borne volatiles emitted by plants able to shelter a potential host-moth. Stable and unstable sulphur compounds used do not release attraction in female and male ichneumonids whatever the type of olfactometer used. By contrast, phytophagous host adults are attracted by unstable specific sulphur compounds of the leek. Locomotor activities of D. pulchellus females and males are stimulated by various volatile sulphur compounds of synthetic origin or naturally occurring in Allium eaten by A. assectella larvae and in Crucifera. The effective compounds generally are stable and characterized by the active group R-S — in which the alkyl moiety must not be an allyl one. On the other hand, volatiles without sulphur, emitted by plants which do not belong to Cruciferae or Allium, do not stimulate the hymenopteran locomotor activity. These observations suggest that D. pulchellus is oligophagous, attracted to microlepidoptera developing on plants containing sulphur compounds and not only on Allium.
In germinating lupin cotyledons, there was a rapid depletion of raffinose series oligosaccharides, a temporary increase in sucrose and constant low levels of reducing monosaccharides. The major polysaccharide fraction was extracted with hot NH4 oxalate—EDTA solution and had the constitution of intercellular/cell wall polysaccharide. GLC examination of component sugars showed that as cotyledons expanded this fraction was depleted and that there was selective hydrolysis of arabinose and galactose, so that the uronic acid proportion increased. Gel and DEAE-cellulose chromatography showed that this fraction became more heterogeneous. The neutral and acidic fractions were separated and the component sugars, viscosities, gel chromatographic behaviour and sedimentation constants of these determined. The results indicated that in the later phase of plant cell wall expansion in germinating lupin cotyledons the arabinogalactan side chains of the pectic polysaccharide fraction are selectively hydrolysed leaving a primary wall with a high uronic acid content.  相似文献   
Two pure peroxidase isoenzymes B1 and D4 were isolated from the upper parts of 10-day-old wheat seedlings by means of gel and ion-exchange chromatography. Their MWs were 85000 and 24000 respectively. B1 was unstable and under various conditions it was converted to another isoenzyme, electrophoretically identical with D4. B1 contains about 40% of neutral sugars: 17.2% arabinose, 15.3% galactose, 5% glucose and traces of mannose. D4 is free of neutral sugars. None of the isoenzymes contained amino sugars. B1 oxidizes ferulic and p-coumaric acids. This oxidation has two pH optima of 4.4 and 5.4–5.6 and is inhibited by high concentrations of substrates, cyanide and azide. B1 oxidizes IAA in the presence of phenolic cofactor and Mn2+ ions. IAA oxidation has two pH optima of 4.5 and 5.6 and is inhibited by high substrate concentration, cyanide and azide, and by a number of indole derivatives. The main products of IAA oxidation are 3-methyleneoxindole and indole-3-methanol. o- and p- diphenols induce a lag period prior to IAA oxidation. Ferulic acid is oxidized during this lag period, probably to a dimer. B1 is able to produce H2O2 from oxygen. Mn2+ ions, a phenolic cofactor and an electron donor (IAA or NADH) are needed. B1 oxidizes α-keto-γ- methylmercaptobutyric acid to ethylene. D4 has a low peroxidatic activity and is inactive as an IAA oxidase. Thus B1 is probably an active cell wall-bound peroxidase isoenzyme, whereas D4 is its decomposition product.  相似文献   
A form-function analysis of photon capture for seaweeds   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Ramus  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,199(1):65-71
A large material of planktonic and semiplanktonic micro-crustaceans from various type of waters in south and central Sweden was computerized. The more frequent species were listed according to pH-preference and relation to humic content measured as mg Pt/l. Species indicating oligotrophy have their optima just below the neutral point, eurytopic ones around this level, while the eutrophic species Daphnia cucullata and D. magna were closely correlated with higher pH-levels. No really extreme pH-preference was observed. There is no link between trophic indication and the ranking list for humic content. Most planktic species occur at lower humic contents and semiplankters at higher.  相似文献   
Sjut  V.  Bangerth  F. 《Plant Growth Regulation》1982,1(4):243-251
Ethylene, indol-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellin-like substances (GAs) and abscisic acid (ABA) were analysed in extracts from normal, seed-containing and parthenocarpic tomato fruits throughout fruit development. Parthenocarpic fruit growth was induced with an auxin (4-CPA), morphactin (CME) or gibberellic acid (GA3) and compared with that of pollinated control fruits. Fruit growth was only affected by the treatment with GA3, decreasing size and fresh weight by 60%. The peak sequence of hormones during fruit development was ethylene-GAs-IAA-ABA. Seeded fruits contained the highest levels of IAA and ABA but the lowest levels of GAs. Also, in seeded fruits, a high proportion of IAA and ABA was found in the seeds whereas this was not the case for GAs.Hormone levels of tomato fruits may be successfully, easily and reproducibly altered by inducing parthenocarpic fruit growth and thus eliminating development of seeds which are a major source of hormone synthesis. In spite of markedly changed hormone levels, there was no obvious relationship between fruit growth and extractable hormones per se. However, the results indicate that a high ratio of GAs: auxins is unfavourable for growth of tomato fruits.  相似文献   
Summary A substance was isolated from crude extracts of hydra that inhibits foot regeneration. This substance, the foot inhibitor, has a molecular weight of 500 daltons. It is a hydrophilic molecule, slightly basic in character and it has no peptide bonds. The pruified substance acts specifically and at concentrations lower than 10–7 M. At this low concentration only foot and not head regeneration is inhibited. Hydra are sensitive to purified foot inhibitor between the second and eight hour after initiation of foot regeneration by cutting. In normal animals the foot inhibitor is most likely produced by nerve cells. A substance with similar biological and physico-chemical properties is found in other coelenterates.  相似文献   
Observations were done on the effect of inorganic substances on the gut evacuation process in Daphnia magna. Procedures which accelerate this process are described.  相似文献   
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