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Summary Repeated annual assessments of the toadstools (fruitbodies) of mycorrhizal fungi associated with a mixed stand ofBetula spp. indicated that they were produced in a pattern ordered in time and space, suggesting a succession with identifiable early-and late-stage fungi. This concept is supported by below-ground observations of mycorrhizas which, however, need to be augmented.Both early- and late-stage mycorrhizal fungi form mycorrhizas on seedlings growing in axenic (aseptic) conditions. In contrast, only early-stage fungi seem able to trigger mycorrhizal formation on seedlings growing in unsterile soils.During axenic propagation, the early-stageHebeloma sacchariolens and the late-stageAmanita muscaria formed similar numbers of mycorrhizas per root system. After being transplanted to a range of unsterile field soils,A. muscaria failed to keep pace with the spread of the developing root system: no moreA. muscaria mycorrhizas were formed. On the other hand the continued development ofH. sacchariolens mycorrhizas precluded, during the first season after transplanting, the development of mycorrhizas by fungi naturally occurring in field soils. In the second season, however, the development ofH. sacchariolens mycorrhizas was restricted in acid peat but not in three other types of soil.The development ofLaccaria mycorrhizas after inoculating Sitka spruce with this fungus was associated, irrespective of soil type, with accelerated tree growth; with heights at the end of the first season being doubled.  相似文献   
The seasonal succession of cladocerans was studied in an experimental ricefield (never treated with biocides) located on the Po River Plain (Province of Reggio Emilia) in 1982, the first year of rice cultivation, and in two later years, 1984 and 1986. A total of 26 species were identified; some of them were found in Northern Italy for the first time. The finding of Latonopsis australis Sars is discussed in detail. A trend of increasing specific diversity during the rice cultivation season was not recurrent every year. The most significant trends emerge when the three years are compared. The total number of species was 14 in 1982, 16 in 1984, and 20 in 1986. Diversity, too, increased strongly over the years: this trend was sustained chiefly by the increase in richness of Chydoridae species associated with the growth and decomposition of a large biomass of weeds and microalgae during the summer.  相似文献   
王献溥   《广西植物》1990,10(4):307-319
亚热带落叶阔叶林在大多数情况下是常绿阔叶林或山地常绿落叶阔叶混交林遭受破坏以后发展起来的一个演替阶段。本文对其群落外貌、结构、种类组成和演替进行了比较详尽的分析,充分论证了上述的结论。组成这个类型的建群种多是阳性速生树种,木材的用途广泛,应该加以利用,任意砍伐烧垦和改种其它针叶树种都是不妥当的。一般可待其达到成熟龄时予以择伐利用,并促使群落向常绿阔叶林的方向发展。  相似文献   
青铜峡库区是宁夏唯一有天然森林植被、珍稀候鸟、水生生物与广阔水域组成的自然保护区,素有“黄河森林公园”之称。1967年4月青铜峡水利枢绍建成以后,蓄水量猛增,库容量扩大,水位不断升高,汛期洪水倒灌,水库  相似文献   
本文研究了太白山高山灌丛群落的种类组成、结构特征和分布特点,用数量分类方法划分了不同的群落类型,并讨论了灌丛与草甸群落的演替关系。  相似文献   
The role of harmful soil organisms in the degeneration ofAmmophila arenaria at coastal foredunes was examined by the growing of seedlings ofA. arenaria in soil samples collected from its root zone. Three sites, each representing a successive stage in foredune succession were examined: (1) a highly mobile dune (sand accretion of 80 cm year−1) with vigorousA. arenaria, colonizing only the upper 30-cm of the annually deposited layer of sand, (2) a mobile dune with vigorousA. arenaria (sand accretion of 22 cm year−1) and a 1-metre soil profile completely colonized by roots and (3) a stable dune (no sand accretion) with degeneratedA. arenaria and young roots mainly present in the upper 0–10 cm. In the upper part of the highly mobile site, the presence of harmful soil organisms was confined to the root layers and at the mobile site for all depth layers a significant growth reduction ofA. arenaria was observed due to the activity of harmful soil organisms. At the stable site, however, growth had only been reduced in some of the depth layers. At all sites newly formed roots ofA. arenaria had been colonized by harmful soil organisms within one year. If present in sand prior to root growth harmful soil organisms reduced root length and root hair formation severely and they enhanced branching of the roots. It is concluded that harmful soil organisms initiate degeneration ofA. arenaria in stable dunes by attack of the root system, which makes the plants suffer from abiotic stress.  相似文献   
A dose of 2 ppm of temephos in emulsifiable formulation was applied to a mountain stream to observe its effects on the zoobenthos and the subsequent changes in benthic algae. Most zoobenthos in the treated region drifted but there were slight differences among taxa. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera disappeared but some Trichoptera and Diptera survived. Chironomids recolonized earlier than other invertebrates and reached a higher density level than before the treatment. A bloom of benthic algae occurred following the destruction of fauna. The increase in the standing crop of algae was accompanied by an increase in the number of species. Among these, Achnanthes lanceolata, Meridion circulare and Tetraspora gelatinosa were predominant. The end of the bloom began with the recovery of the zoobenthos population.  相似文献   
Abstract One of the greatest challenges for ecologists this century will be restoring forests on degraded tropical lands. This restoration will require understanding complex processes that shape successional pathways, including interactions between trees and other plants. Shrub species often quickly invade disturbed tropical lands, yet little is known about whether they facilitate or inhibit subsequent tree recruitment and growth. We examined how shrubs and other vegetation (e.g., vines, grasses, herbs) affect tree recruitment, survival, and growth during the first 6 years of forest succession in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The study was undertaken in two recently logged exotic softwood plantations. We studied the successional trajectories in two recently logged areas that varied in their initial densities of trees and shrubs. Analyses suggested tree seedling presence and density were not strongly related to shrub density or height during succession. Tree sapling presence and density were positively significantly related to shrub density and height. We found little response in the tree community to experimental shrub removal, and although removal of all nontree vegetation temporarily enhanced tree growth, the effect disappeared after 2 years. Some early‐successional trees benefited from reduced competition, whereas some mid‐successional trees benefited from the presence of other vegetation. Some specific tree species responded strongly to vegetation removal. We interpret our findings in light of designing manipulations promoting forest restoration for biodiversity conservation and conclude with four tentative guidelines: (1) manage at the species level, not the community level; (2) increase facilitation for seedlings, reduce competition for saplings; (3) be cautious of assumptions about plant interactions; and (4) be adaptable and creative with new strategies when manipulations fail.  相似文献   
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