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Experiments were conducted with natural plankton assemblages from two areas in Great South Bay (GSB) and the Peconic Bays Estuary System, NY, to compare the rates of growth and pelagic grazing mortality of Aureococcus anophagefferens with co-occurring phytoplankton. We hypothesized that A. anophagefferens would experience low mortality rates by microbial herbivores (relative to feeding pressure on other algae) thus providing it with a competitive advantage within the phytoplankton community. In fact, substantial rates of mortality were observed in nearly every experiment in our study. However, mortality rates of A. anophagefferens were less than intrinsic growth rates of the alga during late spring and early summer in Great South Bay, resulting in positive net growth rates for the alga during that period. This timing coincided with the development of a brown tide in this estuary. Similarly, growth rates of the alga also exceeded mortality rates during bloom development in natural plankton assemblages from the Peconic Bays Estuary System held in mesocosms. In contrast to the situation for A. anophagefferens, growth rates of the total phytoplankton assemblage, and another common picoplanktonic phytoplankter (Synechococcus spp.), were frequently less than their respective mortality rates. Mortality rates of A. anophagefferens in both systems were similar to growth rates of the alga during later stages of the bloom. Laboratory studies confirmed that species of phagotrophic protists that consume A. anophagefferens (at least in culture) are present during brown tides but preference for or against the alga appears to be species-specific among phagotrophic protists. We conclude that two scenarios may explain our results: (1) protistan species capable of consuming the brown tide alga were present at low abundances during bloom initiation and thus not able to respond rapidly to increases in the intrinsic growth rate of the alga, or (2) the brown tide alga produced substance(s) that inhibited or retarded protistan grazing activities during the period of bloom initiation. The latter scenario seems less likely given that significant mortality of A. anophagefferens was measured during our field study and mesocosm experiment. However, even a minor reduction in mortality rate due to feeding selectivity among herbivores might result in a mismatch between growth and grazing of A. anophagefferens that could give rise to significant net population growth of this HAB species. Either scenario infers an important role for trophic interactions within the plankton as a factor explaining the development of brown tides in natural ecosystems.  相似文献   
大亚湾春季卡盾藻种群动态及其赤潮成因分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了2000年春季大亚湾古老卡盾藻/海洋卡盾藻(Chattonella antique/marina)种群动态及其与环境因子的关系。卡盾藻是一种沿岸分布的有害赤潮针孢藻,2000年春在大亚湾海域高密度高频率出现,最高细胞密度为129cells/mL。大亚湾合适的水温、盐度及丰富的营养盐含量为卡盾藻的生长提供了良好的环境条件,而较低的Si∶N及持续的阴雨天气抑制了小型硅藻的生长,使卡盾藻在浮游植物种群竞争中占据一定地位。孢囊萌发被认为是水体中卡盾藻营养细胞及其赤潮发生的种源,但孢囊需经过4个月以上、11℃以下低温处理后方可成熟和萌发,大亚湾冬季水温,不能满足卡盾藻孢囊休眠成熟的需要。作者推测,2000年春大亚湾高密度卡盾藻营养细胞的种源可能来源于由船舶压舱水所带来的成熟孢囊。    相似文献   
The interaction between pinacyanol chloride and sodium alginate or guluronate-rich alginate is found to effect profound changes in the visible absorbance and circular dichroism spectra. Two different types of aggregates are observed depending on the relative dye/alginate concentrations. With a dye/alginate ratio at 1:1, a complex is deduced based on an analysis of Job’s method and conductometric titrations. Another complex forms at 1:10 dye/alginate ratio and only in the presence of alginate or guluronate-rich alginate. The two aggregates are in dynamic equilibrium according to the presence of isosbestic points in the visible spectra. The effects of pH and divalent cations on the spectra are studied. The 1:10 complex is damaged by addition of hydrochloric acid and divalent cations; however, at low concentration of these agents the spectra indicate conversion of the complex into the 1:1 aggregate. Models for the two complexes are proposed taking into account the preference of guluronate binding sites for chelating ions.  相似文献   
Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, have had detrimental impacts on the coastal Gulf of Mexico for decades. Detection of Karenia brevis blooms uses an ecological approach based on anomalies derived from ocean color imagery. The same anomaly product used in Florida produces frequent false positives on the Texas coast. These failures occurred during wind-driven resuspension events. During these events resuspension of benthic algae significantly increases chlorophyll concentrations in the water, resulting in confusion with normal water column phytoplankton, such as Karenia. A method was developed to separate the resuspended chlorophyll from the water column chlorophyll, decreasing the false positives used with the detection method.  相似文献   
本实验调查了武汉东湖浮游植物水华的各种成份以及水柱沉淀物内叶绿素α含量,根据碳与叶绿素α关系,给定了一回归方程,并计算出沉淀物中藻类活体相应的碳、氮、磷含量。从平均数值看,武汉东湖浮游植物水华的C,N,P含量分别为39.30,7.98及0.94(%);其干湿比为0.20,碳、氮比为5.10,碳、磷比为46.54,碳与叶绿素α之比则为133.32。 1983年东湖水柱沉淀物中浮游植物活体叶绿素α下沉量平均每天每平方米为43.8675微克(Ⅰ站)及35.5881微克(Ⅱ站)。利用东湖浮游植物水华各种成份含量及其各种比率计算出的东湖水柱沉淀物中浮游植物活体碳、氮、磷量,按顺序每天每平方米分别为2.53,0.50,0.05毫克(Ⅰ站)及2.09,0.41,0.04毫克(Ⅱ站)。  相似文献   
Lake Timsah is considered as the biggest water body at Ismailia City with a surface area of 14?km2. It is a saline shallow water basin lies approximately mid-way between the south city of Suez and the north city of Port Said at 30o35′46.55“N and 32o19′30.54″E. Because it receives water with high and low salinities, salinity stratification is producing in the Lake Timsah, with values of 14–40‰ for the surface water and over 40‰ for the bottom water. The temperature of the lake water decreased to below 19 °C in the winter and rose to above 29?°C in the summer; the concentration of dissolved oxygen ranged between 6.5 and 12.2?l?1 and the pH fluctuated between 7.9 in its lower value and 8.2 in its higher value. Water transparency was very low as indicated by Secchi disc readings recorded during this study and varied between 0.3 and 2.7?m. The main chemical nutrient (phosphorus) reached its highest levels of 96?µg?l?1 in winter and their lowest values of 24?µg?l?1 during summer. This nutrient concentration is high especially by comparing with those of unpolluted marine waters, but is typical of the more eutrophic coastal waters worldwide. The composition and abundance of phytoplankton with dominancy of diatoms and increased population density (20,986 cell l?1) reflect the eutrophic condition of the lake. The intensive growth of phytoplankton was enriched by high concentration of chlorophyll a with annual values ranged between 6.5 and 56?µg?l?1. The objective of the present work was quantitative assessment of the quality of the water of the Lake Timsah using different approaches. During the present study, three different approaches were applied for the quantitative assessment of Lake Timsah water quality: the trophic state index (TST); trophic level index (TLI) and water quality index (WQI). Application of the trophic state and trophic level indices (TSI & TLI) revealed that the Lake Timsah has trophic indices of 60 and 5.2 for TSI and TLI, respectively. Both indices reflected the eutrophic condition of the lake waters and confirmed that the eutrophication is a major threat in the Lake Timsah. On the other hand, the WQI calculated for the Lake Timsah during the present study with an average of 49 demonstrated that the water of the Lake Timsah is bad and unsuitable for main and/or several uses. Moreover, WQI allows accounting for several water resource uses and can serve a more robust than TSI and/or TLI and can be used effectively as a comprehensive tool for water quality quantification. In conclusion, the three subjective indices used for the assessment process for the lake water are more suitable and effective for needs of the sustainable water resources protection and management of the Lake Timsah.  相似文献   
Algal blooms are commonly observed in freshwater and coastal areas, causing significant damage to drinking water and aquaculture production. Predictive models are effective for algal bloom forecasting and management. In this paper, an auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model was developed to predict daily chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations, using data from Taihu Lake in China. For comparison, a multivariate linear regression (MVLR) model was also established to predict daily Chl a concentrations using the same data. Results showed that the ARIMA model generally performed better than the MVLR model with respect to the absolute error of peak value, root mean square error and index of agreement. Because the ARIMA model needs only one input variable, it shows greater applicability as an algal bloom early warning system using online sensors of Chl a.  相似文献   
Small ponds and puddles are extremely common throughout the ice-free areas of the maritime Antarctic. The carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a typical pond on Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands were investigated during summer 1991. The pond vegetation consisted of a benthic mat of cyanobacteria, diatoms and chlorophytes. The mat was not limited by nutrient availability, both phosphorus and nitrogen being available in the overlying water and N:P ratios in both the water and the mat indicating a roughly balanced supply. Maximal rates of carbon fixation of 0.1–0.2 mgC g–1 dry weight h–1 were similar to those of other perennial Antarctic mat communities. Productivity appeared to be limited by physical factors, but the effects of irradiance and temperature could not be separated. Although carbon fixation rates were low, carbon loss processes were minimal leading to an accumulation of material in the mat approximating to one doubling per year. Atmospheric nitrogen fixation was not a significant component of the nitrogen budget of the pond, accounting for only 0.1 % of the nitrogen accumulation by the mat. Nitrogen uptake was largely from dissolved nitrogen sources, in particular as dissolved organic nitrogen. It is concluded that ephemeral water bodies may play a significant role in the nutrient dynamics of maritime Antarctic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Rivers export nutrients to coastal waters. Excess nutrient export may result in harmful algal blooms and hypoxia, affecting biodiversity, fisheries, and recreation. The purpose of this study is to quantify for European rivers (1) the extent to which N and P loads exceed levels that minimize the risk of harmful algal blooms and (2) the relative shares of sources of N and P in rivers. This may help to identify effective management strategies to reduce coastal eutrophication. We focus on 48 rivers in 27 countries of the European Union (EU27). We used the Global Nutrient Export from Watersheds (NEWS) model to analyze nutrient export by rivers and the associated potentials for coastal eutrophication as reflected by Indicator for Coastal Eutrophication Potential (ICEP). In 2000, 38 of the 48 EU rivers indicated in our study had an ICEP > 0, indicating a relatively high potential for harmful algal blooms. These 38 rivers cover 60% of EU27 land area. Between 2000 and 2050 nutrient export by European rivers is projected to decrease. However, by 2050 still 34 EU rivers, covering 48% of the land area, have an ICEP > 0. This indicates that in these scenarios little progress is made in terms of environmental improvement. About one-third of the rivers with ICEP > 0 are N limited, and about two-thirds P limited. In N-limited rivers reducing N loads is a more effective way to reduce the risk for coastal eutrophication than reducing P, and vice versa. For N-limited rivers agriculture or sewage are the dominant sources of nutrients in river water. In P-limited rivers, sewage is found to be the dominant source of P, except for rivers draining into the Atlantic Ocean, where agriculture can also be dominant. A basin-specific approach is needed to effectively reduce N and P loads.  相似文献   
Based on observations collected during 15 cruises from 2002 to 2007 and on historical data, annual and seasonal variations in dissolved inorganic nutrients in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary and the adjacent area were investigated. The importance of nutrients and nutrient fluxes to Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the East China Sea (ECS) was also studied. The results showed an increasing trend in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) over the past fifty years. The changes in the PO4-P concentration fluctuated from 1959 to 2000, but the level has been almost stable since then. By contrast, the SiO3-Si concentrations decreased significantly over the past fifty years. Regarding seasonal variations, nutrients usually exhibited high values during autumn and winter, and the lowest values occurred in mid-summer. A strong positive relationship was observed between the DIN and PO4-P concentrations and the frequency or scale of HABs, indicating that eutrophication played a crucial role in the occurrence of HABs. As for nutrient fluxes, DIN and PO4-P fluxes have climbed sharply since 1980. In the ECS, the DIN increased sharply, but PO4-P concentrations only changed slightly. The increased nutrient discharges, especially DIN, could also have caused the strong increase in the frequency and area of HABs. The areas of hypoxic bottom water off the Changjiang River estuary presented an increasing trend over the past fifty years, which may also be attributable to eutrophication. Changes in the nutrient composition were also investigated in the present study. The N/P ratio increased dramatically over the past fifty years, while the Si/N ratio decreased. The percentage of diatoms decreased from 99% to 73%, while dinoflagellates increased from less than 1% to over 25% during the past fifty years. Therefore, long-term changes in nutrients, especially excess DIN and increasing N/P, could be responsible for the shift in the phytoplankton community structure.  相似文献   
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