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以辣椒叶色黄化突变体yl1及其野生型6421为试材,用白光、蓝光、红光、绿光、紫光、黄光和远红光不同光质进行处理,考察其表型、生理及光合特性的变化特征,探究光质对黄叶辣椒植株生长发育的影响。结果显示:(1)蓝光与红光对辣椒幼苗的生长有促进作用,黄光和远红光则会显著抑制幼苗生长,6421生长受不同光质的抑制影响比yl1更大。(2)两个辣椒材料光合色素含量在不同光质下均不同程度降低;6421叶绿素总含量和类胡萝卜素含量在不同光质下均高于yl1,yl1和6421叶片的光合色素含量分别在紫光和黄光下最低。(3)蓝光和绿光能显著提高yl1的净光合速率(Pn),而不同光质处理均显著降低了6421的Pn。(4)紫光处理使yl1的PSⅡ潜在活性(Fv/Fo)和最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)值均显著降低且显著低于6421,但升高了光化学猝灭系数(qP)和非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)。(5)蓝光、红光和绿光均能提高辣椒的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(...  相似文献   
The stalk of Colacium mucronatum Bourr. & Chad. is composed primarily of a cylindrical shaft with a lightly staining inner core and diffuse peripheral cortex. The shaft and cortex arise from a ring-shaped region around the canal opening whereas the core appears continuous with the canal which may be associated with initial cell attachment. All parts of the stalk, as well as the lining and contents of the reservoir, canal and flagellum exhibit stain reactions associated with neutral or mildly acidic carbohydrate with widely spaced anionic groups in low concentration.  相似文献   
Articular cartilage covers the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and provides smooth and nearly frictionless articulation while distributing mechanical loads to the subchondral bone. The thickness of the cartilage is considered to be an indicator of the stage of development, maturation, aging, loading history, and disease. The aim of our study was to develop a method for ex vivo assessment of the thickness of the cartilage that covers the TMJ and to compare that with two other existing methods. Eight porcine TMJ condyles were used to measure cartilage thickness. Three different methods were employed: needle penetration, micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), and histology; the latter was considered the gold standard. Histology and micro-CT scanning results showed no significant differences between thicknesses throughout the condyle. Needle penetration produced significantly higher values than histology, in the lateral and anterior regions. All three methods showed the anterior region to be thinner than the other regions. We concluded that overestimated thickness by the needle penetration is caused by the penetration of the needle through the first layer of subchondral bone, in which mineralization is less than in deeper layers. Micro-CT scanning method was found to be a valid method to quantify the thickness of the cartilage, and has the advantage of being non-destructive.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to explore the anticancer potentials of the gold nanoparticles (NPs) obtained by green synthesis method using an endophytic strain Fusarium solani ATLOY – 8 has been isolated from the plant Chonemorpha fragrans. The formation of the NPs was analyzed by UV, FTIR, SEM and XRD. The synthesized NPs showed pink-ruby red colors and high peak plasmon band was observed between 510 and 560 nm. It is observed that intensity of absorption steadily increases the wavelength and band stabilizes at 551 nm. The XRD pattern revealed the angles at 19, 38.32, 46.16, 57.50, and 76.81° respectively. Interestingly, the FTIR band absorption noted at 1413 cm−1, 1041 cm−1 and 690 cm−1 ascribed the presence of amine II bands of protein, C-N and C-H stretching vibrations of the nanoparticles. SEM analysis indicated that the average diameter of the synthesized nanoparticles was between 40 and 45 nm. These NPs showed cytotoxicity on cervical cancer cells (He La) and against human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) and the NPs exhibited dose dependent cytotoxic effect. IC50 value was 0.8 ± 0.5 μg/mL on MCF-7 cell line and was found to be 1.3 ± 0.5 μg/mL on MCF-7 cell lines. The synthesized NPs induced apoptosis on these cancer cell lines. The accumulation of apoptotic cells decreased in sub G0 and G1 phase of cell cycle in the MCF-7 cancer cells were found to be 55.13%, 52.11% and 51.10% after 12 h exposure to different concentrations. The results altogether provide an apparent and versatile biomedical application for safer chemotherapeutic agent with little systemic toxicity.  相似文献   
Each year 25–75% of banana and plantain yields are lost because of rhizome damages caused by banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) in growing regions of sub‐Saharan Africa. However, the specific plant defence response of the rhizome tissue in relation to the C. sordidus attack is unknown. Consequently, in this study, we evaluated whether plant defence substances in the rhizome are correlated with the degree of larval damage and whether applications of methyl jasmonate (MJ) elicit a greater induction of the plant defence potential against C. sordidus. Moreover, we attempted to reveal cellular modifications in response to the root feeding herbivore through histochemical staining. The banana cultivars “Km5” and “Mbwazirume” with tolerance and susceptibility to C. sordidus, respectively, were used in a pot experiment to evaluate percent rhizome damage, leaf chlorophyll content, total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant capacity and cell morphology in response to C. sordidus attack and/or MJ applications compared to untreated control plants. We found that C. sordidus‐induced rhizome damage was 30% in the susceptible cultivar but less than 5% in the tolerant cultivar. The percent rhizome damage was not related to leaf chlorophyll content but showed a significant negative linear relationship to both TPC and antioxidant capacity. Larvae feeding induced a considerably greater increase of polyphenolic defence compounds in Km5 than in Mbwazirume; however, this response was opposite in the MJ treatment, suggesting that the phytohormone induced the susceptible plant to invest more into the synthesis of defence chemicals that in turn lead to reduced C. sordidus damage. Tissue staining demonstrated a greater deposition of lignin and suberin in C. sordidus challenged rhizome, presumably to seal off healthy tissue with a physical barrier from continued pest attack. It is concluded that MJ induces polyphenolics in susceptible Mbwazirume banana that reduced C. sordidus damage.  相似文献   
Sensitivity of bats to land use change depends on their foraging ecology, which varies among species based on ecomorphological traits. Additionally, because prey availability, vegetative clutter, and temperature change throughout the year, some species may display seasonal shifts in their nocturnal habitat use. In the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius), tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus), and northern yellow bat (Lasiurus intermedius) are species of conservation concern that are threatened by habitat loss. Our objective was to identify characteristics of habitat used by these species during their nightly active period and compare use between summer and winter. We conducted acoustic surveys at 125 sites during May–August and at 121 of the same 125 sites December–March 2018 and 2019 in upland forests, bottomland forests, fields, ponds, and salt marsh and used occupancy models to assess habitat use. The northern long-eared bat and southeastern myotis (i.e., myotis bats) used sites that were closer to hardwood stands, pine stands, and fresh water year-round. We did not identify any strong predictors of tri-colored bat habitat use in summer, but during winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than salt marsh and upland forests. During summer and winter, northern yellow bats used sites close to fresh water and salt marsh. Additionally, during summer they used fields, ponds, and salt marsh more than upland and bottomland forests, but in winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than upland forest and salt marsh. Our results highlight important land cover types for bats in this area (e.g., bottomland forests, ponds, and salt marsh), and that habitat use changes between seasons. Accounting for and understanding how habitat use changes throughout the year will inform managers about how critical habitat features may vary in their importance to bats throughout the year. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Paraffin sections are usually rehydrated before staining. It is possible to apply aqueous dye solutions without first removing the wax. Staining then occurs more slowly, and only if the embedding medium has not melted or become unduly soft after catting. To avoid this problem, sections are flattened on water no hotter than 45 C and dried overnight at 40 C. Minor technical modifications to the staining procedures are needed. Mercury deposits are removed by iodine, and a 3% solution of sodium thiosnlfate in 60% ethanol is used to remove the iodine from paraffin sections. At room temperature, progressive staining takes 10–20 tunes longer for sections in paraffin than for hydrated sections; at 45 C, this can be shortened to about three times the regular staining time. After staining, the slides are rinsed in water, air dried, dewaxed with xylene, and coverslipped in the usual way. Nuclear staining in the presence of wax was achieved with toluidine blue, O, alum-hematoxylin and Weigert's iron-hematoxylin. Eosin and van Gieson's picric acid-acid fuchsine were effective anionic counterstains. A one-step trichrome mixture containing 3 anionic dyes and phosphomolybdic acid was unsuitable for sections in wax because it Imparted colors that were nninformative and quite different from those obtained with hydrated sections. Advantages of staining in the presence of wax include economy of solvents, reduced risk of overstaining and strong adhesion of sections to slides.  相似文献   
Pieces of mammalian nerves 1 to 2 cm. long were placed under moderate tension and fixed 24–48 hours in: picric acid, saturated aqueous, 90 ml.; formalin, 10 ml.; and trichloracetic acid, 25% aqueous, 2 ml. They were washed in water, cut in two and one end stained with 0.04–0.06% osmic acid solution, while the other was dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, and mounted sections from it stained with protargol. The fixing solution used was selected from a number of combinations of acidified picro-formalin as the one most likely to give satisfactory results when followed by both silver and osmic acid. The use of osmic acid solutions of less than 0.1% concentration avoided the overstaining of myelin sheaths seen frequently when stronger solutions were used with material that had been fixed previously. Protargol, 0.5% solution with fast green FCF added to make 0.05% dye in the final concentration, was used to impregnate sections for axis cylinders. Reduction and toning were done as in Bodian's method.  相似文献   

The identities of 18 dyes whose names begin with “Victoria” are described using their chemical structures, names and numerical identifiers. All are synthetic dyes originally synthesized in Germany during the late 19th century as colorants for textiles. Brief manufacturing details are included. All the colors of the rainbow are represented except indigo. Unusual properties including explosive tendency or toxicity are noted. Some of the applications as stains and for food coloring, anti-obesity medication and pigments for ball pen inks also are discussed  相似文献   
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