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Talbot, N. J., Vincent, P., and Wildman, H. G. 1996. The influence of genotype and environment on the physiological and metabolic diversity ofFusarium compactum. Fungal Genetics and Biology20,254–267. Fungal species produce a large variety of secondary metabolites which are of considerable interest to the pharmaceutical industry. It is clear that the secondary metabolite production of a species varies significantly in strains from different geographic locations and from different habitats. The influence of genotype and environment on metabolite production is, however, poorly understood. In this study we examined the influence of genotypic variability, physiological variability, environmental location, and habitat on metabolite production byFusarium compactum.Isolates of the fungus from two geographic locations and two distinct habitat types were examined for growth on 95 different carbon sources, and genotypic variability was determined using RAPDs and rDNA–RFLP analysis. In a blind test secondary metabolite production was assessed using HPLC profiles of methanolic cell extracts. A number of correlations were observed between genotypic groupings, as determined using parsimony, and specific metabolite production. Similar correlations were also observed with physiological groups although genotypic analysis proved to be a more sensitive predictor of metabolite variability. The data suggest a complex relationship between environment, genotype, and metabolite production but highlight the use of genetic screening as a means of optimizing the chances of identifying a wide range of metabolites from a given species.  相似文献   
The Liphook Forest Fumigation Project: an overview   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The aim of the Liphook Project was to assess the effects of SO2 and O3, singly and in combination, on coniferous forest ecosystems. More than 4000 trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Sitka spruce (P. sitchensis) were fumigated for nearly 4 years using an open-air fumigation technique especially developed for the purpose. The technique eliminated artifacts due to chambers and enabled a variety of effects of the pollutant gases on forest ecosystems to be studied. Most symptoms of forest decline did not occur, but each species reacted in a different way to SO2 stress, providing no evidence for universal forest decline symptoms. However, some of the mechanisms hypothesized to underlie forest declines were observed as an effect of SO2 treatment, though others were not, notably any major effect of O3. The results are assessed against proposed regulatory standards (critical loads and levels) for the protection of forest ecosystems against pollution.  相似文献   
Elicitins are 10 kDa holoproteins secreted by Phytophthora fungi, that elicit an incompatible hypersensitive reaction, leading to resistance against fungal and bacterial plant pathogens. Comparison of primary sequences of -elicitins and -elicitins indicated several potential necrotic activity-determining residues. All of the highly necrotic -elicitins have a hydrophilic residue (usually lysine) at position 13, whereas in the less necrotic -elicitins this residue is replaced by a valine. Here, we report the synthesis and expression of a gene encoding a highly necrotic elicitin, -cryptogein, and we show that the substitution of Lys-13 of this recombinant protein by a valine leads to a drastic alteration to the necrotic activity of the recombinant protein.  相似文献   
An automatic system was installed for continuous analyses of ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in an experimental orchard with a canopy ofPrunus cerasifera plants in summer 1993. Air samples from three elevations (0.8 m, 1.6 m and 3 m above ground) were sequentially analyzed. Ozone concentrations above the canopy were usually higher than within the canopy; their relationships with stomatal resistance have been investigated. Sulphur dioxide levels were negligible. Nitrogen oxides showed a complex profile, with no particular trend, likely due to a reciprocal exchange between the atmosphere and the ground surface.  相似文献   
The maize b-32 protein is a functional ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP), inhibiting in vitro translation in the cell-free reticulocyte-derived system and having specific N-glycosidase activity on 28S rRNA. Previous results indicated that opaque-2 (o2) mutant kernels, lacking b-32, show an increased susceptibility to fungal attack and insect feeding and that ectopic expression in plants of a barley and a pokeweed RIP leads to increased tolerance to fungal and viral infection. This prompted us to test whether b-32 might functi on as a protectant against pathogens. The b32.66 cDNA clone under the control of the potato wun1 gene promoter was introduced into tobacco by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Out of 23 kanamycin resistant regenerated shoots, 16 contained a PCR fragment of the corrrect size spanning the boundary between the promoter used and the coding region of the b-32 gene. Eight independently transformed tobacco lines were randomly chosen for protein analysis: all of them expressed b-32 protein. The data presented indicate that transgenic tobacco plants expressing b-32 show an increased tolerance against infection by the soil-borne fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn  相似文献   
We examined the kinetics of airborne levels of mite allergen particles in a house by combined use of an indoor Burkard air sampler and immunoblotting. Airborne mite allergens collected on the Burkard sampling tape were transferred onto a nitrocellulose membrane, reacted with mouse monoclonal anti-mite allergen (Der pI) antibody, then treated with alkaline phosphatase conjugated anti-mouse IgG. Finally, the blotted allergen on the membrane was reacted with BCIP/NBT phosphatase, and purple spots visible by the naked eye were produced. The shape of the spots was observed under a microscope, and the spot area was measured by an image processor. This technique might be useful for analyzing the behavior of airborne allergen particles in indoor environments.  相似文献   
A combined palynological and phytosociological methodological approach was used in the reconstruction of precultural forest vegetation in a small model area of Bílý Kí-Janík in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy mountains (northwest Slovakia). Two pollen diagrams show the predominance of Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba and Picea abies in past natural mixed forests. The present-day occurrence and distribution of forest herbs allow the differentiation of five past vegetation types with above mentioned forest climax trees covering the area before the beginning of human interference. A map of reconstructed natural vegetation is presented which can be used for revitalization of present secondary spruce plantations, heavily affected by air pollution.  相似文献   
Ergosterol, a membrane sterol found in fungi but not in plants, was used to estimate live mycelial biomass in ectomycorrhizae. Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seeds were sown in April 1993 and grown with standard nursery culture practices. Correlations between total seedling ergosterol and visual assessment of mycorrhizal colonization were high during July and August but low as ectomycorrhizal development continued into the growing season. Percentages of mycelial dry weight over lateral roots decreased from 9% in July to 2.5% in November because seedling lateral root dry weight accumulated faster than mycelial dry weight. Total ergosterol per seedling increased from July through February. As lateral root dry weight ceased to increase during winter months, ectomycorrhizal mycelia became the major carbohydrate sink of pine seedlings. No distinctive seasonal pattern of soil ergosterol content was observed. The impact of ectomycorrhizal fungi on plant carbohydrate source-sink dynamics can be quantitatively estimated with ergosterol analysis but not with conventional visual determination.  相似文献   
R B Waring  R W Davies 《Gene》1984,28(3):277-291
A widespread class of introns is characterized by a particular RNA secondary structure, based upon four conserved nucleotide sequences. Among such "class I" introns are found the majority of introns in fungal mitochondrial genes and the self-splicing intron of the large ribosomal RNA of several species of Tetrahymena. A model of the RNA secondary structure, which must underlie the self-splicing activity, is here evaluated in the light of data on 16 further introns. The main body or "core structure" of the intron always consists of the base-paired regions P3 to P9 with the associated single-stranded loops, with P2 present also in most cases. Two minority sub-classes of core structure occur, one of which is typical of introns in fungal ribosomal RNA. Introns in which the core structure is close to the 5' splice site all have an internal guide sequence (IGS) which can pair with exon sequences adjacent to the 5' and 3' splice sites to align them precisely, as proposed by Davies et al. [Nature 300 (1982) 719-724]. In these cases, the internal guide model allows us to predict correctly the exact location of splice sites. All other introns probably use other mechanisms of alignment. This analysis provides strong support for the RNA splicing model which we have developed.  相似文献   
Summary The lungs of 12 mice, half of which were exposed to continuous 0.5 ppm nitrogen dioxide for 3 weeks, were explanted in culture, and the instances of macrophage congregation were quantitated according to numbers of target cells involved, categories of congregation from three to 11 or more, numbers of macrophages participating in each category for the total cultures, and the influence of delaying explantation for 24 and 96 hr. A total of 9042 macrophages and 2140 epithelial and spindle target cells were counted in the outgrowths from 306 explants. The incidence of macrophage congregation (or numbers of target cells) was greater for the cultures from the NO2-exposed animals, both with respect to total incidences between groups (p→0), and the 0-hr (p<0.001) and 24-hr (p<0.01) culture subgroups. In addition, the values for T3 to T6 macrophage congregation were individually and consistently greater for the exposed animal group. Postmortem interval stress at 96 hr appeared to result in large colonies, but they were reduced greatly in number. Also the incidence of macrophage congregation fell by 28% as compared to 0-hr and 24-hr subgroups. Supported by Grants NHLI No. HL 17412 and EPA No. R. 800881.  相似文献   
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