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草鱼、中华鳖IL-2活性影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结果显示:当年草鱼种和中华鳖脾细胞培养上清液中能检测出IL-2活性,而且1龄以上草鱼、中华鳖的IL-2活性高于当年孵化的草鱼和中华鳖.草鱼、中华鳖脾细胞在25℃培养温度条件下,其上清液中IL-2活性最高,35℃次之,15℃最低.因此,草鱼、中华鳖IL-2活性在一定范围内是随着年龄增加而增强和依赖温度的.通过小鼠胸腺细胞增殖和对小鼠L929细胞杀伤率的实验表明37℃比25℃检测温度下所测的IL-2活性高,而中华鳖胸腺细胞增殖实验却显示25℃检测温度下IL-2活性高于37℃.本文讨论了年龄、温度对免疫反应影响的机理.    相似文献   
岩亮洞是广西扶绥地区最近新发现的早更新世巨猿化石点,经过初步发掘,采集到了丰富的巨猿材料及大量伴生的哺乳动物化石。引人注目的是其中犀类化石居多,包括146颗完整的牙齿及十多件头后骨骼化石,从形态特征判断,这些犀类化石应属于独角犀的一新种Rhinoceros fusuiensis。岩亮洞巨猿动物群中的独角犀以种群丰度最大而不同于其他已知东亚地区的巨猿动物群中的独角犀类材料。本文从犀类牙齿的主尖釉质层、齿质暴露程度、咀嚼面的磨蚀程度等方面对岩亮洞独角犀的年龄结构进行了研究。该死亡群中至少有4头幼年个体、5头青年个体、5头成年个体和1头老年个体。依据牙齿磨蚀程度和牙齿萌出顺序对年龄结构的分析及统计显示,其中青年个体和成年个体最多,幼年个体次之,老年个体最少,其死亡的原因不是通常意义上磨耗型死亡,突发性的灾害可能是造成这种死亡年龄分布的主要原因。  相似文献   
The influences of age and maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) on serum lipoproteins with special regard to the concentration, composition and distribution of high density lipoprotein (HDL) subfractions were investigated in 51 healthy males of different characteristics: younger than 35 years, untrained (n = 14, mean age 28.2 years, SD 6.0; VO2max, 47.9 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 5.8) and trained (n = 11, mean age 27.9 years, SD 4.3; VO2max, 61.1 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 5.1), older than 50 years untrained (n = 14, mean age 58.9 years, SD 5.9, VO2max, 29.3 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 5.3) and trained (n = 12, mean age 59.3 years, SD 7.2, VO2max, 45.7 ml.kg-1.min-1, SD 7.7). The fasting-state serum concentrations of total cholesterol, tri-acylglycerol and lipoprotein-cholesterol were measured. The HDL-subfractions were separated by density (rho) gradient ultracentrifugation. Concentrations of cholesterol, cholesterylester, tri-acylglycerol, phospholipids, apolipoprotein (apo) A-I and A-II were measured in the subfractions HDL2b: rho = 1.063-1.100 g.ml-1; HDL2al: rho = 1.00-1.110 g.ml-1; HDL2a2: rho = 1.110-1.150 g.ml-1; HDL3: rho = 1.150-1.210 g.ml-1. Elderly untrained subjects showed increased serum concentrations of total-, very low- and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol and elevated tri-acylglycerol levels. The HDL-cholesterol concentration was decreased, due to reduced concentrations of HDL2-subfractions. Significant changes in the composition of HDL2-subfractions were found in elderly untrained subjects. The HDL2-subfractions had more protein, a decreased apoA-I:A-II ratio and less phospholipids in comparison to HDL2-subfractions from younger untrained and trained, and elderly trained subjects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
从野外大熊猫的粪便估计年龄及其种群年龄结构的研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
本文对野外大熊猫粪便中的竹秆咬节及切缘与竹叶残片量度和破碎状况的研究,并以此对已知年龄个体的牙齿切片和齿冠磨损程度进行验证,发现通过粪便分析,可将野外大熊猫种群,大体划分为4个年龄组。  相似文献   
Catch-up weight gain after malnutrition is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome. Here we show that social isolation enhanced fasting-induced weight loss and suppressed weight gain induced by re-feeding for 6 days following a 24-h fast in prepubertal wild-type mice. These effects of social isolation on weight gain were not associated with significant changes in daily average food consumption. Under the same housing condition, genetic deletion of β-endorphin reduced the fasting-induced weight loss and enhanced the re-feeding-induced weight gain in prepubertal mice. These effects of social isolation or genetic deletion of β-endorphin on these weight changes were attenuated and reversed in postpubertal mice. Moreover, genetic deletion of β-endorphin attenuated these effects of social isolation on the catch-up weight gain in prepubertal mice and reversed them in postpubertal mice. Thus, social isolation, endogenous β-endorphin, and age can be novel modulators for body weight changes induced by fasting and re-feeding in mice.  相似文献   
为调查短颌鲚(Coilia nasus)在三峡库区的资源现状,自2019年7—12月于三峡库区的长江一级支流澎溪河、梅溪河、草堂河、大宁河共采集短颌鲚样本459尾,用以分析三峡库区现有短颌鲚的年龄结构及生长特征.研究结果显示,三峡库区短颌鲚群体由1—6龄组成,1龄即可达性成熟,群体中1—3龄个体占比90.85%;群体平...  相似文献   


Growing evidence suggests that epigenetic mechanisms of gene regulation may play a role in susceptibilities to specific toxicities and adverse drug reactions. MiRNAs in particular have been shown to be important regulators in cancer and other diseases and show promise as predictive biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis. In this study, we characterized the global kidney miRNA expression profile in untreated male and female F344 rats throughout the life span. These findings were correlated with sex-specific susceptibilities to adverse renal events, such as male-biased renal fibrosis and inflammation in old age.


Kidney miRNA expression was examined in F344 rats at 2, 5, 6, 8, 15, 21, 78, and 104 weeks of age in both sexes using Agilent miRNA microarrays. Differential expression was determined using filtering criteria of ≥1.5 fold change and ANOVA or pairwise t-test (FDR <5%) to determine significant age and sex effects, respectively. Pathway analysis software was used to investigate the possible roles of these target genes in age- and sex-specific differences.


Three hundred eleven miRNAs were found to be expressed in at least one age and sex. Filtering criteria revealed 174 differentially expressed miRNAs in the kidney; 173 and 34 miRNAs exhibiting age and sex effects, respectively. Principal component analysis revealed age effects predominated over sex effects, with 2-week miRNA expression being much different from other ages. No significant sexually dimorphic miRNA expression was observed from 5 to 8 weeks, while the most differential expression (13 miRNAs) was observed at 21 weeks. Potential target genes of these differentially expressed miRNAs were identified.


The expression of 56% of detected renal miRNAs was found to vary significantly with age and/or sex during the life span of F344 rats. Pathway analysis suggested that 2-week-expressed miRNAs may be related to organ and cellular development and proliferation pathways. Male-biased miRNA expression at older ages correlated with male-biased renal fibrosis and mononuclear cell infiltration. These miRNAs showed high representation in renal inflammation and nephritis pathways, and included miR-214, miR-130b, miR-150, miR-223, miR-142-5p, miR-185, and miR-296*. Analysis of kidney miRNA expression throughout the rat life span will improve the use of current and future renal biomarkers and inform our assessments of kidney injury and disease.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13293-014-0019-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Objective: To investigate the effect of Potentilla fulgens extract on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in male mice as a function of age.

Methods: Eighteen-month-old Swiss albino male mice were administered the dichloromethane-methanol extract of P. fulgens (250?mg/kg b.w.) on alternate days via intraperitoneal route for a period of 14 days. Lipid peroxidation and activities of catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx1) in liver and kidney were measured and serum oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay was estimated. Phytochemical analysis of P. fulgens extract using high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) was carried out with gallic acid, quercetin, catechin, and epicatechin as markers.

Results: Significant increase in level of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), decreased GPx1, and CAT activities as well as reduction in ORAC were observed in 18-month-old mice as compared to that of 2-month-old mice. Treatment with P. fulgens extract significantly lowered TBARS level, ameliorated CAT, and GPx1 activities in liver and kidney and improved serum ORAC in aging mice. HPTLC studies revealed well resolved bands of P. fulgens extract containing epicatechin and catechin.

Discussion: This study showed that P. fulgens is a potent antioxidative agent, which can emerge as a promising candidate in alleviating the age-associated oxidative stress and related diseases.  相似文献   
Colony age and size can be poorly related in scleractinian corals if colonies undergo fission to form smaller independent patches of living tissue (i.e., ramets), but the implications of this life-history characteristic are unclear. This study explored the ecological consequences of the potential discrepancy between size and age for a massive scleractinian, first by testing the effect of colony origin on the growth of small colonies, and second by quantifying the contribution of ramets to population structure. Using Siderastrea siderea in St. John (US Virgin Islands) as an experimental system, the analyses demonstrated that the growth of small colonies derived from sexual reproduction was 2.5-fold greater than that of small ramets which were estimated to be ≈100 years older based on the age of the parent colonies from which they split. Although fission can generate discrete colonies, which in the case of the study reef accounted for 42% of all colonies, it may depress colony success and reef accretion through lowered colony growth rates.  相似文献   
Synopsis The brown trout in Llyn Frongoch, a mature upland reservoir, and its nursery stream was sampled during 1983. The stream stock consisted largely of the 1983 and 1982 year classes, with fish reaching mean lengths of 7.0 and 11.6 cm at one and two years of age. The size and biomass of the stream stock at the beginning of 1983 and 1984 were estimated to be 120 and 125 (1.20 and 1.25 fish m–2) and 1.41 and 0.69 kg (14.1 g m–2 and 6.9 g m–2) respectively. Annual stream production ranged from an estimated minimum of 2.49 kg (24.9 g m–2) to an estimated maximum of 4.59 kg (45.9 g m–2). Both downstream and upstream movements of 0+ juveniles were recorded. The adult spawning stock was estimated at 79 males and 32 females, a sex ratio of 2.5:1, with most spawners belonging to the 1980 yearclass. The average size of the lake stock over the year was estimated to be 1 650 (229 fish ha–1) or 250.8 kg (34.8 kg ha–1). The 1980 yearclass was predominant; there were few fish older than five years. Seasonal variations in netting catches suggested movements to and from the littoral region. Growth in the lake was moderately fast, with fish reaching mean lengths of 21.7 and 27.2 cm by three and four years of age. Fish entering the lake after one year appeared to grow faster than fish which remained in the stream for two years. Annual production in the lake was estimated at 136.7 kg (19.0 kg ha–1). The total angling catch for the season was estimated to be 62.6 kg (8.7 kg ha–1).  相似文献   
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