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Biometric analysis helps in sex differentiation, understanding development and for studies of avian biology such as foraging ecology, evolutionary ecology, and survivorship. We suggest that biometry can also be a reliable, practical and inexpensive tool to determine the age of nestlings in the field by non-invasive methods. As an example we studied the biometry of wing, culmen, talon, tarsus and body mass of nestling southern Indian Spotted Owlets (Athene brama brama). Based on the growth pattern analysis using logistic growth model, discriminant analysis and CHAID (Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection) based decision tree, we show that biometry of nestling Spotted Owlets is an easy, reliable and inexpensive method to determine nestling age and to assess growth rate and relative nutritional status. These biometric parameters also allow us to predict their ability to initiate first flight from the nest site. This method is described here for the first time and we postulate that such charts can be devised for other avian species as well, so as to assist conservation biologists and bird rescuers.  相似文献   
目的 探究亚洲健康人群的肠道菌群组成特征及其与血压和年龄相关生理指标的关系。 方法 应用WGCNA分析,对22个健康个体肠道微生物细菌基因组进行解析。 结果 亚洲健康人肠道微生物相对丰度最高的细菌门水平分别是Firmicutes(厚壁菌门)、 Bacteroidetes(拟杆菌门)以及 Proteobacteria(变形菌门),并且在Proteobacteria中显示高差异性。WGCNA分析结果表明两个模块(yellow,green)中微生物物种丰富度分别与收缩压和舒张压以及年龄呈正相关(t=3.098 1,P=0.005 6;t=3.015 9,P=0.006 8;t=2.390 8,P=0.026 7)。其中Ruminococcus sp.(瘤胃球菌)、Oscillospiraceae sp.(颤螺菌)、Clostridium hathewayi(哈氏梭菌)与血压呈现显著正相关;Intestinibacter(肠杆菌)、Clostridium(梭菌)、Blautia(劳特菌) 以及Veillonella(韦荣球菌)属下的Aypic、Tobetsuensis rogosae与年龄呈现正相关。抗性基因注释结果表明,年龄和血压相关核心菌群均富集有较多的大环内酯-林可酰胺-链霉素类、杆菌肽类以及四环素类抗生素抗性基因。其中多黏菌素类抗性基因仅存在于年龄相关核心菌群而氯霉素抗性基因仅存在于血压相关核心菌群。 结论 健康人肠道微生物物种丰度与血压以及年龄相关,肠道菌群可能在心血管疾病以及衰老过程中发挥重要影响。  相似文献   
目的 调查分析本地区阴道炎患者的阴道微生态状况。方法 回顾性分析我院2017年1月至2017年12月妇科门诊就诊的1 830例阴道炎患者阴道菌群分布,并探讨阴道菌群分布与年龄、季节以及复发性阴道炎之间的关系。结果 1 830例患者中菌群正常者547例(29.89%),细菌性阴道病(BV)319例(17.43%),阴道假丝酵母菌病(VVC)331例(18.09%),滴虫性阴道炎(TV)13例(0.71%),混合性阴道炎(MCVI)94例(5.14%)。共有90例(4.92%)患者在治疗后复发,混合感染者复发率最高(10.64%)。阴道菌群异常者的年龄主要集中于30~40岁(73.00%)和41~50岁(76.06%),混合性阴道炎、VVC和BV主要集中于30~40岁和41~50岁的患者。秋冬季患者菌群异常的检出率高于春夏季,春季BV检出率最高,秋季VVC和菌群抑制检出率最高。结论 阴道炎患者阴道菌群分布既可表现为正常,也可表现为失调状态,其中混合性阴道炎最容易复发不同年龄段,不同季节患者阴道菌群分布不同。  相似文献   
Vegetation and environmental change from late Bronze Age to the Roman period in north-west Portugal is reconstructed on the basis of charcoal analyses. The site was occupied by people of the Castrejo culture, i.e. an Iron Age culture that developed in the north-west Iberian peninsula. The pattern of exploitation of natural wood resources by local populations during this period appears to be similar during the three phases of occupation. The frequencies of light-demanding plant species, mostly Leguminosae, testify to considerable destruction and degeneration of the climax woodlands. The preference of particular wood for specific uses, such as roofing, is discussed and the Holocene history of selected trees within the wider region is considered.  相似文献   
The paper deals with optimal control in a linear integral age-dependent model of population dynamics. A problem for maximizing the harvesting return on a finite time horizon is formulated and analyzed. The optimal controls are the harvesting age and the rate of population removal by harvesting. The gradient and necessary condition for an extremum are derived. A qualitative analysis of the problem is provided. The model shows the presence of a zero-investment period. A preliminary asymptotic analysis indicates possible turnpike properties of the optimal harvesting age. Biological interpretation of all results is provided.  相似文献   
We present a new idea about the possible effects of human-induced mortality on different age cohorts (i.e., breeders vs. juveniles) in long-lived animals. Our hypothesis is based on Curios idea on the effect of natural selective processes on cohorts to explain age-related increases in fecundity (selection hypothesis). We believe that negative human pressure may modify such contribution to reproduction of good versus low quality phenotypes, altering the genetic structure of the population. Ecologists and environmental managers in general should be aware of how stochastic events provoked by humans may induce changes in the genetic structure of populations.  相似文献   
Differential expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA2a) and phospholamban (PLB) has been shown in heart failure and atrial arrhythmias. We investigated the influence of volume overload and age on their expression in pediatric atrial myocardium. Right atrial specimens from 18 children with volume overloaded right atrium (VO) and 12 patients without overload were studied. Each group was further divided into patients less than and older than 12 months of age. Only in the younger patients SERCA2a was significantly reduced in the VO group. In younger patients PLB mRNA level tended to be lower in VO. The PLB:SERCA protein ratio was significantly reduced in the VO group. Age itself did not influence the SERCA2a and PLB expression, if the hemodynamic overload was not taken into account. This study is the first to show a combined influence of volume overload and age on atrial SERCA2a expression.  相似文献   
In cross-sectional studies of infectious diseases, the data typically consist of: age at the time of study, status (presence or absence) of infection, and a chronology of events possibly associated with the disease. Motivated by a study of how human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is transmitted among children with sickle cell anemia in Uganda, we have developed a flexible parametric approach for combining current-status data with a history of blood transfusions. We model heterogeneity in transfusion-associated risk by a child-specific random effect. We present an extension of the model to accommodate the fact that there is no gold standard for HHV-8 infection and infection status was assessed by a serological assay. The parameters are estimated via maximum likelihood. Finally, we present results from applying various parameterizations of the model to the Ugandan study.  相似文献   
We estimated the dates of the monocot–dicot split and the origin of core eudicots using a large chloroplast (cp) genomic dataset. Sixty-one protein-coding genes common to the 12 completely sequenced cp genomes of land plants were concatenated and analyzed. Three reliable split events were used as calibration points and for cross references. Both the method based on the assumption of a constant rate and the Li–Tanimura unequal-rate method were used to estimate divergence times. The phylogenetic analyses indicated that nonsynonymous substitution rates of cp genomes are unequal among tracheophyte lineages. For this reason, the constant-rate method gave overestimates of the monocot–dicot divergence and the age of core eudicots, especially when fast-evolving monocots were included in the analysis. In contrast, the Li–Tanimura method gave estimates consistent with the known evolutionary sequence of seed plant lineages and with known fossil records. Combining estimates calibrated by two known fossil nodes and the Li–Tanimura method, we propose that monocots branched off from dicots 140–150 Myr ago (late Jurassic–early Cretaceous), at least 50 Myr younger than previous estimates based on the molecular clock hypothesis, and that the core eudicots diverged 100–115 Myr ago (Albian–Aptian of the Cretaceous). These estimates indicate that both the monocot–dicot divergence and the core eudicots age are older than their respective fossil records.  相似文献   
Radiocarbon measurements have been used in combination with "bomb 14C" models to estimate turnover of soil organic carbon fractions. However, the bomb 14C models assume that all SOC fractions are formed directly from external inputs of carbon, which is not always valid because some SOC fractions may receive carbon from other SOC fractions. Due to the continuous inputs of organic carbon, we argue that the most appropriate way to describe the age of SOC is by an age distribution. We developed age distributed models of SOC fractions and derived analytical solutions to them. The models all assume that SOC fraction decay can be described by first-order kinetics, but differ in their assumptions about the pathway of SOC fraction formation. The solutions can be used to estimate age distributions at steady state of different SOC fractions based on their radiocarbon content. These age distributions can be used to calculate the mean age, mean residence time, and other vital statistics of each measurable SOC fraction. Furthermore, if a sequential scheme is used to isolate the SOC fractions, an estimated age distribution of the total SOC can be obtained by adding the contributions of each soil fraction. The age distributions can be very helpful in interpretations of soil organic carbon dynamics in different soils.  相似文献   
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