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Summary A state-dependent model has been used to predict daily and tidal patterns of migration, feeding and inactivity in juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in their intertidal and shallow subtidal nursery areas. Vertical position, quantity of energy reserves and fullness of the gut characterized the state of individual fishes. If feeding is visually mediated, the model predicts that, by night, plaice should move to areas of low predation risk and become inactive, whereas by day, plaice should migrate to feed in areas of high prey encounter rate. Vertical zones adopted by day and night and, hence, patterns of migration, should depend on the distributions of predators and prey. When prey are more abundant in the intertidal zone, plaice should move onshore to feed as the tide rises and when prey are more abundant offshore, plaice should move offshore to feed by day. If predators are equally abundant in all zones, the fish should behave as if no predators were present, having no effective refuge. An increase in the abundance of predators with depth results in the restriction of plaice activities to shallower vertical zones, depending on the magnitude of the predation threat. Zones adopted thus depend on the trade-off between energy intake and predation risk. Concordance between predicted behaviour and observed patterns is evident in contrasting habitats. Migration and feeding in the Wadden Sea, where prey are more abundant on intertidal flats, is dominated by the tidal component, whereas on impoverished exposed beaches of the west coast of Scotland, the diurnal component is dominant. Tidally related behaviour persists in the latter environment, not predicted by the model and may be a consequence of using endogenous rhythms to approach optimal behavioural patterns.  相似文献   
1 Adult wheat stem sawflies Cephus cinctus, pests of cultivated cereals that also infests wild grasses, migrate into wheat fields where they oviposit in elongating, succulent stems.
2 Volatiles released by wheat plants at susceptible stages were analyzed to determine potential semiochemical compounds. Seven major compounds were identified and quantified.
3 A Y-tube bioassay was developed to evaluate upwind orientation of adult sawflies in response to an airstream that passed over elongated wheat plants. The bioassay was also conducted with synthetic volatile compounds. The compounds were tested using a range of concentrations spanning those identified in the airstream passing over wheat plants.
4 A significant number of adult females were attracted to wheat plants when given a choice of either purified air or the air passing over plants.
5 A significant number of female C. cinctus were attracted to ( Z )-3-hexenyl acetate, β-ocimene, and ( Z )-3-hexen-1-ol, but were repelled by 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one. Females did not respond to ( E )-2-hexenal, or ( E )-2-hexenyl acetate. The behavioural responses were concentration dependent; the highest tested concentration of ( Z )-3-hexenyl acetate was repellent to females of this species.
6 Adult males did not discriminate between air passing over wheat plants and air from a purified airstream. Males did not respond to any tested synthetic compound at any concentration.
7 The present study demonstrates for the first time that adult females of wheat stem sawfly display innate behaviours in response to synthetic volatiles. These results provide a basis for the potential development of resistant wheat varieties and for the development of semiochemically-based pest management.  相似文献   
A whale shark Rhincodon typus satellite tagged off the coast of Mozambique showed a highly directional movement across the Mozambique Channel and around the southern tip of Madagascar, a minimum distance of 1200 km in 87 days. Dives to depths well into the mesopelagic and bathypelagic zones (1286 m maximum depth) were recorded in a bathymetrically non-constraining habitat. The water temperature range recorded during the fish's movement was 3·4–29·9° C.  相似文献   
1. To reduce the risk of being eaten by predators, prey alter their morphology or behaviour. This response can be tuned to the current danger if chemical or other cues associated with predators inform the prey about the risks involved. 2. It is well known that various prey species discriminate between chemical cues from predators that fed on conspecific prey and those that fed on heterospecific prey, and react stronger to the first. It is therefore expected that generalist predators are more successful in capturing a given prey species when they are contaminated with chemical cues from another prey species instead of cues from the same prey species. 3. Here, a generalist predatory mite was studied that feeds on thrips larvae as well as on whitefly eggs and crawlers. Mites were marked with cues (i.e. body fluids) of one of these two prey species and were subsequently offered thrips larva. 4. Predators marked with thrips cues killed significantly fewer thrips than predators marked with whitefly cues, even though the predator's tendency to attack was the same. In addition, more thrips larvae sought refuge in the presence of a predatory mite marked with thrips cues instead of whitefly cues. 5. This suggests that generalist predators may experience improved attack success when switching prey species.  相似文献   
1. Past work on the thermal preferences of Dipsosaurus dorsalis (Biard & Giard) has indicated that intense, exhaustive exercise causes these lizards to select a body temperature (33·5 °C) which is cooler than their preferred activity temperature of 40°C during the first 1–2 h of exercise recovery.
2. In order to test the hypothesis that the thermal regime selected by exhausted D. dorsalis is beneficial to the process of exercise recovery, lizards were forced to undergo both exhaustive and sprinting exercise at their preferred body temperature of 40°C. The peak speeds attained and the total distances travelled by these animals during these two different exercise protocols were measured and the animals were then forced to undergo a second bout of either sprinting or exhaustive exercise, following a 30–330 min recovery at either 20°C, 40°C or under a variable thermal regime which duplicated that selected by animals following exercise.
3. Animals recovering at a constant 40°C regained their ability to repeat exhaustive activity in less than 85 min, while animals recovering under the other two thermal regimes required between 85 and 100 min of recovery to be able to repeat this activity. Animals recovering at both 40°C and under the variable thermal regime regained their ability to repeat sprint behaviour within 60 min of recovery, while animals recovering at 20°C required more than 100 min of recovery to be able to repeat sprint behaviour.
4. These results formed the basis of the conclusion that the post-exercise behaviour selected by D. dorsalis retards the rate at which the animals recover their ability to repeat exhaustive exercise when compared with recovery at a constant 40°C but does not retard their ability to repeat sprint exercise.  相似文献   
Sol-gel treatments have been performed on cotton fabrics in order to promote the formation of a surface silica insulating barrier, able to enhance their thermo-oxidative stability and flame retardancy. In particular, the role of several silica precursors, which differ as far as their structure (number and type of hydrolysable groups, presence of aromatic rings) is concerned, has been thoroughly investigated. The level of silica distribution and dispersion on and within the fabrics was found to depend on the type of precursor employed, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy and elemental analysis. All the precursors were able to favour the char formation in air below 360 °C, as stated by thermogravimetric analysis: in particular, the highest thermal stability was achieved in the presence of precursors bearing aromatic rings. Indeed, both flammability resistance and combustion behaviour of the treated fabrics were remarkably enhanced.  相似文献   
Maize is a cereal particularly lacking in tryptophan, which is the precursor of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter. Altough complementary foods may eliminate tryptophan deficiency, serotonin deficiency may often continue to exist because of competition made by other Large Neutral Amino Acids (LNAA) against tryptophan for neuron access, since they use the same carrier to cross the blood-brain barrier. Thus serotonin synthesis depends on two variables: the amount of tryptophan and the trp/LNAA ratio (R). “R” is lowest for common maize, low for beans and, as a rule, for most vegetable foods, higher for meat. So, when maize is the preponderant food in the meal, the “R” value lowers and so in parallel serotonin synthesis does. Serotonin deficiency involves several behavioural consequences, such as the tendency towards aggressive behaviour or the religious fanaticism. Among native american populations, these consequences appear, as a rule, positively correlated with maize alimentary dependence (Aztecs appear as those who greatly suffered from serotonin deficiency). In the world these are thinkable for some african populations (i.e. Zulu) or european (i.e. Balkan peoples).  相似文献   
In a conservation context, food supplementation is a management tool used to reverse the decline of food-limited populations by means of positive changes in behaviour and fitness that may be reflected in population parameters. The critically endangered Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus has suffered a dramatic decline primarily because of the severe drop of its main prey, the European wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus . To reverse this situation, a food supplementation programme has been implemented in Doñana, south-west Spain, since 2002. In this study, we assess the utility of providing artificial food to reduce home-range (HR) size, and to increase productivity, survival and recruitment in a scenario of low lynx density, as compared with reference data from the same population in the absence of extra food. Food supplementation produced a significant contraction of core areas, but not of complete lynx HRs. We did not detect any significant change in productivity or dispersal rates, but supplementation could have helped transient adult lynx to settle down. The positive effects of food supplementation may have been partly countered by factors such as inbreeding, Allee effects and disease outbreaks, whose effects may have been exacerbated in this small lynx population. Food supplementation, however, proved useful to retain individuals, to keep range sizes within their normal range of values, thus maintaining spatial organization, and to allow lynx reproduction and kitten survival in areas with very low prey density. Therefore, we recommend keeping an extensive and intensive supplementary feeding programme until the density of wild rabbits will enable the viability of this endangered lynx population.  相似文献   
Solitarious nymphs of Schistocerca gregaria were reared under various conditions in both Jerusalem and Oxford to tease apart cues involved in behavioural and colour phase change. Treatments included rearing nymphs from the IInd or IIIrd until the final nymphal stadium in physical contact with similarly aged conspecific groups or with another locust species, Locusta migratoria migratorioides, as well as confining single nymphs in mesh cages, which were kept within crowds of S. gregaria or L. migratoria migratorioides, providing visual and olfactory but no physical contact with other locusts. In the Oxford experiments, an extra treatment was included which provided olfactory cues without visual or contact stimulation. Our results confirm that transformation from the solitarious to the gregarious phase of locusts is complex, and that different phase characteristics not only follow different time courses, but are also controlled by different suites of cues. As predicted from earlier studies, behavioural phase change was evoked by non-species-specific cues. Rearing in contact with either species was fully effective in inducing gregarious behaviour, as was the combination of the sight and smell of other locusts, but odour alone was ineffective. Colour phase change was shown to comprise two distinct elements that could be dissociated: black patterning and yellow background. The former of these could be induced as effectively by rearing S. gregaria nymphs in a crowd of L. migratoria migratorioides as by rearing with conspecifics. Sight and smell of other locusts also triggered black patterning and, unlike behavioural change, some black patterning was induced by odour cues alone. Hence, physical contact was not needed to induce gregarious black patterning. Yellow colouration, however, was only fully induced when locusts were reared in contact with conspecifics, implying the presence of a species-specific contact chemical cue.  相似文献   
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