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After murine fetal cells from the rostral mesencephalic tegmentum were isolated, prepared, and cultured; neuronal and glial cells in primary mixed cell cultures were exposed to ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA) at varying concentrations. Studies were performed at 23 days in culture after 14 day exposure to Fe-NTA. In addition to morphologic studies, biochemical assays including specific [3H]flunitrazepam (FLU) binding, clonazepam (CLO)-displaceable [3H]-FLU binding, Ro5-4864-displaceable [3H]-FLU binding, [3H]dopamine (DA) uptake, [3H]haloperidol (HAL) binding, [3H]spiperone (SP) binding, glutamine synthetase activity (GS), and protein determinations were performed. The data demonstrate that chelated ferric iron has an adverse effect on these cells. The data also demonstrate that increasing concentrations of Fe-NTA resulted in massive neuronal dropout leaving the culture population virtually all glial; however, the specific binding of [3H]HAL and [3H]SP increased. There was a concomitant decrease in both glutamine synthetase activity and overall protein content. The mechanism of enhancement in the presence of Fe-NTA of [3H]HAL and [3H]SP binding is unknown and may be unique, but may be related to the known increase in D2 receptor ligand affinity in the presence of other multivalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+).  相似文献   
Summary The net loss of KCl observed in Ehrlich ascites cells during regulatory volume decrease (RVD) following hypotonic exposure involves activation of separate conductive K+ and Cl transport pathways. RVD is accelerated when a parallel K+ transport pathway is provided by addition of gramicidin, indicating that the K+ conductance is rate limiting. Addition of ionophore A23187 plus Ca2+ also activates separate K+ and Cl transport pathways, resulting in a hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. A calculation shows that the K+ and Cl conductance is increased 14-and 10-fold, respectively. Gramicidin fails to accelerate the A23187-induced cell shrinkage, indicating that the Cl conductance is rate limiting. An A23187-induced activation of42K and36Cl tracer fluxes is directly demonstrated. RVD and the A23187-induced cell shrinkage both are: (i) inhibited by quinine which blocks the Ca2+-activated K+ channel. (ii) unaffected by substitution of NO 3 or SCN for Cl, and (iii) inhibited by the anti-calmodulin drug pimozide. When the K+ channel is blocked by quinine but bypassed by addition of gramicidin, the rate of cell shrinkage can be used to monitor the Cl conductance. The Cl conductance is increased about 60-fold during RVD. The volume-induced activation of the Cl transport pathway is transient, with inactivation within about 10 min. The activation induced by ionophore A23187 in Ca2+-free media (probably by release of Ca2+ from internal stores) is also transient, whereas the activation is persistent in Ca2+-containing media. In the latter case, addition of excess EGTA is followed by inactivation of the Cl transport pathway. These findings suggest that a transient increase in free cytosolic Ca2+ may account for the transient activation of the Cl transport pathway. The activated anion transport pathway is unselective, carrying both Cl, Br, NO 3 , and SCN. The anti-calmodulin drug pimozide blocks the volume- or A23187-induced Cl transport pathway and also blocks the activation of the K+ transport pathway. This is demonstrated directly by42K flux experiments and indirectly in media where the dominating anion (SCN) has a high ground permeability. A comparison of the A23187-induced K+ conductance estimated from42K flux measurements at high external K+, and from net K flux measurements suggests single-file behavior of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel. The number of Ca2+-activated K+ channels is estimated at about 100 per cell.  相似文献   
Rat cortical astrocytes in primary culture were examined for their capacity to transport and metabolize exogenous L-[U-14C]glutamate. After incubation for time periods up to 120 min, cells and incubation media were analyzed for labelled and endogenous glutamate and its metabolic products by HPLC coupled with fluorescence detection and liquid scintillation counting. Glutamine was the major labelled metabolite after 120 min, accounted for 38% of the original glutamate label, and was found primarily in the incubation medium. A further 13.5% of the label was recovered in deaminated metabolites of glutamate, 1.2% was associated with aspartate, 23% remained in glutamate, and 10.2% was found in an acid-precipitated cell fraction. More than 84% of the label was recovered in these fraction. suggesting that the maximum possible formation and loss of 14CO2 was 16%. The rate of total glutamine synthesis was 1.1 nmol X mg protein-1 X min-1 when 9 microM exogenous glutamate was present. The total amount of glutamine synthesized greatly exceeded the consumption of glutamate, indicating that a substantial proportion of glutamine was synthesized from other carbon sources. Almost all of the newly formed glutamine was exported into the medium. These results indicate that astrocytes in primary culture, by accumulating glutamate, producing glutamine, and exporting it, are capable of carrying out the glial component of the glutamine cycle.  相似文献   
Soluble extracts from nerve growth factor (NGF)-stimulated PC12 cells prepared by alkaline lysis show a two- to 10-fold greater ability to phosphorylate the 40S ribosomal protein S6 than do extracts from control cells. The alkaline lysis method yields a preparation of much higher specific activity than does sonication. Half-maximal incorporation of 32P from [32P]ATP into S6 occurred after 4-7 min of NGF treatment. The partially purified NGF-sensitive S6 kinase has a molecular weight of 45,000. It is not inhibited by NaCl, chlorpromazine, or the specific inhibitor of cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase, nor is it activated by addition of diolein plus phosphatidylserine. Trypsin treatment of either crude extracts or partially purified S6 kinase from control or NGF-treated cells was without effect. These data suggest that the S6 kinase stimulated by NGF is neither cAMP-dependent protein kinase or protein kinase C nor the result of tryptic activation of an inactive proenzyme. Treatment of intact cells with dibutyryl cAMP or 5'-N-ethylcarboxamideadenosine also increases the subsequent cell-free phosphorylation of S6. This observation suggests that cAMP-dependent protein kinase may be involved in the phosphorylation of S6 kinase.  相似文献   
Summary Cultures generated from tissues consisting of multiple types of cells are often heterogeneous. Unless the cell type of interest has or can be given some selective growth advantage it may be overgrown by other cells. While developing techniques for the tissue culture of microvascular endothelial cells we evaluated an electrosurgical generator (diathermy) to selectively kill nonendothelail cells. Primary cell cultures were observed at ×100 magnification under phase contrast microscopy and a needle electrode apposed to the cell to be destroyed. A return electrode was constructed by placing a sterile clip in contact with the culture medium. The diathermy power setting controlled the area of lysis. Use of this technique allowed weeding of unwanted cells without damage to endothelial cells, which were able to grow to confluence in pure culture. Dr. Marks receives a Medical Postgraduate Research Scholarship from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. Financial support was received from the Leo Leukaemia and Cancer Research Trust and the Scleroderma Association of New South Wales.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic resistivities and membrane breakdown potentials of normal (AA), sickle-cell-trait (AS), and sickle (SS) red blood cells have been measured by the biophysical methodology of resistive pulse spectroscopy over a range of osmolalities. At isotonicity, the average membrane breakdown potentials are virtually identical for the three types of cells occurring at about 1150 V/cm. Average isotonic cytoplasmic resistivities are somewhat higher for the SS cells (166.7±7.49 ohm-cm) compared to the AA (147.6±1.98 ohm-cm) or AS cells (148.7±1.79 ohm-cm). As medium osmolality is varied, the differences in resistive properties become enlarged, especially at very low and very high osmolalities. At high osmolalities, both types of sickle cells show a large increase in internal resistivity compared to the normals; at low osmolality, the SS samples exhibit a distinctly different membrane breakdown characteristic, decreasing in this parameter, whereas the other two groups increase. Of the 15 SS samples tested, three displayed much higher cytoplasmic resistivities at isotonicity: 218.2±5.25 ohm-cm, compared to an average of 153.5±3.46 ohm-cm for the other 12. The relationship between these high resistivities and the subfraction of irreversibly sickled cells in the sample is discussed.  相似文献   
Using HeLa S-3 cells synchronized by selective detachment, in this paper we report a parallel study of nuclear morphology and autoradiography grain patterns between middle G1 and middle S phases: Our results show two distinct [3H]-thymidine labeling patterns. The first “peripheral” labeling pattern has a characteristic nuclear size distribution, in contrast to the heterogeneous and varying size distributions of Feulgen-stained nuclei, and apparently is characteristic of very early S phase. The sizes of the second labeling pattern—homogeneous or inhomogeneous grain distribution throughout the nucleus—are equal or larger than the first and vary with S phase progression. Together, the corresponding nuclear sizes of the labeled nuclei represent the larger extreme of nuclear areas, and the labeling index closely parallels the fraction of nuclei with areas larger than the minimum size of the labeled nuclei. These results suggest a characteristic nuclear size (reflecting unique intranuclear DNA distribution) as a necessary, if not sufficient, requirement for S phase initiation. Parallel experimentation with rat liver cells—synchronized in vivo by partial hepatectomy and analyzed by thin section autoradiography—confirms the existence of a peripheral labeling pattern in both the very early part and the very late part of S phase, which reconciles our data with previous results and points to the fact that both initiation and termination sites for DNA replication are near the nuclear periphery.  相似文献   
胚胎性癌细胞(简称EC细胞)作为一类肿瘤(畸胎瘤)的干细胞近年受到广泛的重视,从胚胎学、肿瘤学和分子生物学等许多学科领域都应用它作为实验材料,离体诱导分化研究是其中的一个方面。B 7-2 EC细胞是我们从129品系小鼠的自发睾丸畸胎瘤中分离克隆得到的一株多能EC细胞,它在同种同基因小鼠  相似文献   
Results are presented on the effects of human lymphoblastoid interferon (HUIFN-α-ly) on the infectivity of metacyclic culture forms of Trypanosoma cruzi in HeLa cells. When cells were pretreated with interferon the parasitisation ratios of the cultures increased with respect to controls. This phenomenon also occurs when interferon was added during the period of parasite-cell interaction. When parasites were pretreated with interferon but cells were not, no increase in the parasitisation ratios was observed.  相似文献   
The haematology and phospholipase activity and mast cell numbers of the small intestine and colon of rats was studied 10 days after infection with various numbers of larvae of N. brasiliensis. A significant reduction in the RBC occurred after infections with 200 and 5000 larvae but not with 1000 larvae. Hb was significantly reduced after infection with 200 larvae and increases in the MCV and MCH indicated the development of a macrocytic anaemia. Reticulocyte count was increased at all levels of infection except after 200 larvae. WBC was increased at all levels of infection except in the 5000 larvae group. Lymphocytes were significantly increased in all groups except those infected with 5000 larvae. Neutrophils increased only at the lower levels of infection. The most marked changes occurred in eosinophil numbers, significant increases occurring with increasing levels of infection. However, after infection with 5000 larvae the numbers were significantly lower than after infection with 200 or 1000 larvae. Phospholipase activity, which is believed to be related to tissue eosinophil levels, was significantly increased at all infection levels in the proximal small intestine. Significant increases in the distal ileum and colon occurred mainly after infection with 1000 and 5000 larvae. Mast cell numbers did not change significantly at any infection level. It is suggested that the pathology observed, here in the form of anaemia, is multifactorial in origin and is largely a function of the immune response, the development and expression of which is dependent on the level of infection, with suppression of immune damage occurring at the high levels of infection when pathogenesis may involve a direct effect of the worms.  相似文献   
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