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Cioclovina (Romania): affinities of an early modern European   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding factors regulating hybrid fitness and gene exchange is a major research challenge for evolutionary biology. Genomic cline analysis has been used to evaluate alternative patterns of introgression, but only two models have been used widely and the approach has generally lacked a hypothesis testing framework for distinguishing effects of selection and drift. I propose two alternative cline models, implement multivariate outlier detection to identify markers associated with hybrid fitness, and simulate hybrid zone dynamics to evaluate the signatures of different modes of selection. Analysis of simulated data shows that previous approaches are prone to false positives (multinomial regression) or relatively insensitive to outlier loci affected by selection (Barton's concordance). The new, theory‐based logit‐logistic cline model is generally best at detecting loci affecting hybrid fitness. Although some generalizations can be made about different modes of selection, there is no one‐to‐one correspondence between pattern and process. These new methods will enhance our ability to extract important information about the genetics of reproductive isolation and hybrid fitness. However, much remains to be done to relate statistical patterns to particular evolutionary processes. The methods described here are implemented in a freely available package “HIest” for the R statistical software (CRAN; http://cran.r-project.org/ ).  相似文献   
When a lineage originates from hybridization genomic blocks of contiguous ancestry from different ancestors are fragmented through genetic recombination. The resulting blocks are delineated by so called junctions, which accumulate with every generation that passes. Modeling the accumulation of ancestry block junctions can elucidate processes and timeframes of genomic admixture. Previous models have not addressed ancestry block dynamics for chromosomes that consist of a finite number of recombination sites. However, genomic data typically consist of informative markers that are interspersed with fragments for which no ancestry information is available. Hence, repeated recombination events may occur between markers, effectively removing existing junctions. Here, we present an analytical treatment of the dynamics of the mean number of junctions over time, taking into account the number of recombination sites per chromosome, population size, genetic map length, and the frequency of the ancestral species in the founding hybrid swarm. We describe the expected number of junctions using equidistant molecular markers and estimate the number of junctions using random markers. This extended theory of junctions thus reflects properties of empirical data and can serve to study the genomic patterns following admixture.  相似文献   


The Generation Scotland Scottish Family Health Study (GS:SFHS) includes 23,960 participants from across Scotland with records for many health-related traits and environmental covariates. Genotypes at ~700 K SNPs are currently available for 10,000 participants. The cohort was designed as a resource for genetic and health related research and the study of complex traits. In this study we developed a suite of analyses to disentangle the genomic differentiation within GS:SFHS individuals to describe and optimise the sample and methods for future analyses.


We combined the genotypic information of GS:SFHS with 1092 individuals from the 1000 Genomes project and estimated their genomic relationships. Then, we performed Principal Component Analyses of the resulting relationships to investigate the genomic origin of different groups. We characterised two groups of individuals: those with a few sparse rare markers in the genome, and those with several large rare haplotypes which might represent relatively recent exogenous ancestors. We identified some individuals with likely Italian ancestry and a group with some potential African/Asian ancestry. An analysis of homozygosity in the GS:SFHS sample revealed a very similar pattern to other European populations. We also identified an individual carrying a chromosome 1 uniparental disomy. We found evidence of local geographic stratification within the population having impact on the genomic structure.


These findings illuminate the history of the Scottish population and have implications for further analyses such as the study of the contributions of common and rare variants to trait heritabilities and the evaluation of genomic and phenotypic prediction of disease.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1605-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Ethnohistoric accounts and serological analyses have documented the genetic effects of transplantation and admixture of several subpopulations of Tlaxcaltecans in Saltillo, Mexico. Interpopulational affinities are assessed using skin reflectance readings taken at the upper inner arm site with a Photovolt Model 670 reflectance spectrophotometer for these groups, focusing on the barrios of La Minita and Chamizal. Genetic distance analyses based on blood groups and skin reflectance data are in close agreement and reflect differential rates of admixture for these groups. Admixture estimates for a dihybrid model (Indian-Spanish) were derived from skin reflectances and show a slight tendency for underestimation of Spanish admixture when compared to blood group estimates. Application of a trihybrid model incorporating West African admixture shows similar estimates based on blood groups, immunoglobulins, and skin color.  相似文献   
We analyzed the European genetic contribution to 10 populations of African descent in the United States (Maywood, Illinois; Detroit; New York; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Baltimore; Charleston, South Carolina; New Orleans; and Houston) and in Jamaica, using nine autosomal DNA markers. These markers either are population-specific or show frequency differences >45% between the parental populations and are thus especially informative for admixture. European genetic ancestry ranged from 6.8% (Jamaica) to 22.5% (New Orleans). The unique utility of these markers is reflected in the low variance associated with these admixture estimates (SEM 1.3%-2.7%). We also estimated the male and female European contribution to African Americans, on the basis of informative mtDNA (haplogroups H and L) and Y Alu polymorphic markers. Results indicate a sex-biased gene flow from Europeans, the male contribution being substantially greater than the female contribution. mtDNA haplogroups analysis shows no evidence of a significant maternal Amerindian contribution to any of the 10 populations. We detected significant nonrandom association between two markers located 22 cM apart (FY-null and AT3), most likely due to admixture linkage disequilibrium created in the interbreeding of the two parental populations. The strength of this association and the substantial genetic distance between FY and AT3 emphasize the importance of admixed populations as a useful resource for mapping traits with different prevalence in two parental populations.  相似文献   
Aim This paper has three aims: (1) to reconstruct the population history of a flightless silvicolous (forest) ground beetle in a region where strong anthropogenic activity has altered the connectivity of the landscape; (2) to estimate the effects of both contemporary and historical landscape structure on the genetics of populations; and (3) to investigate the reasons for clinal variation in one gene locus found in an earlier study carried out in the same geographical location. Location Münster (Westphalia), north‐west Germany. Methods We investigated 26 populations of the ground beetle Carabus auronitens Fabricius, 1792 by analysing seven polymorphic microsatellite loci and an allozyme locus. Samples of at least 16 individuals per site were studied. These were obtained from dry pitfall traps placed at 23 sites and from three additional (refuge) populations. We used regression and correlation analyses to investigate the effects of both historical and contemporary landscape structure on the allele frequency distributions of the investigated loci. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was used to study possible clinal variations, and admixture rates were calculated in order to assess the genetic influence of populations from possible refuges. Possible reasons for the development of the cline were examined using simulation models. Results The allele frequency distributions at the investigated loci could not be explained by selection or isolation by distance. We found clinal variation in 50% of the investigated loci and our simulations indicated that this was unlikely to have developed by chance. Admixture rates show significant influences of the investigated refuge populations on the populations under study. Main conclusions The findings strongly suggest that the clinal variation is secondary. It results from recolonization of the area by C. auronitens from multiple refuges after anthropogenic landscape changes caused forest fragmentation and led to species isolation.  相似文献   
There is an ongoing debate in the field of human evolution about the possible contribution of Neanderthals to the modern human gene pool. To study how the Neanderthal private alleles may have spread over the genes of Homo sapiens, we propose a deterministic model based on recursive equations and ordinary differential equations. If the Neanderthal population was large compared to the Homo sapiens population at the beginning of the contact period, we show that genetic introgression should have been fast and complete meaning that most of the Neanderthal private alleles should be found in the modern human gene pool in case of ancient admixture. In order to test/reject ancient admixture from genome-wide data, we incorporate the model of genetic introgression into a statistical hypothesis-testing framework. We show that the power to reject ancient admixture increases as the ratio, at the time of putative admixture, of the population size of Homo sapiens over that of Neanderthal decreases. We find that the power to reject ancient admixture might be particularly low if the population size of Homo sapiens was comparable to the Neanderthal population size.  相似文献   


Tunisian local cattle populations are at risk of extinction as they were massively crossed with imported breeds. Preservation of indigenous livestock populations is important because each of them comprises a unique set of genes resulting from a local environment-driven selection that occurred over hundreds of years. The diversity and genetic structure of Tunisian local cattle populations are poorly understood. However, such information is crucial to the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources.In addition, comparing the genomic structure of population sets from different parts of the world could help yield insight into their origin and history.In the present study, we provide a detailed assessment of the population structure of the three Tunisian local cattle populations using various methods, and we highlight their origin and history by investigating approximately ~38,000 SNPs in a broad panel of 878 individuals from 37 worldwide cattle breeds representative of African, European and indicine populations.


Our study revealed a low level of divergence and high genetic diversity in Tunisian local cattle reflecting low levels of genetic drift. A Comparison with the worldwide cattle panel pinpointed the admixed origin of the genome of the three Tunisian populations with the two main European and African ancestries. Our results were in agreement with previous historical and archaeological reports about the past gene flow that existed between North African and South European breeds, in particular with Iberian cattle. We also detected a low-level indicine introgression in the three Tunisian populations and we inferred that indicine ancestry was inherited via African ancestors.


Our results represent the first study providing genetic evidence about the origin and history of Tunisian local cattle. The information provided by the fine-scale genetic characterization of our study will enhance the establishment of a national conservation strategy for these populations. These results may enable the identification of genetic variants involved in adaptation to harsh environmental conditions.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1638-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Linkage heterogeneity is common for complex diseases. It is well known that loss of statistical power for detecting linkage will result if one assumes complete homogeneity in the presence of linkage heterogeneity. To this end, Smith (1963, Annals of Human Genetics 27, 175-182) proposed an admixture model to account for linkage heterogeneity. It is well known that for this model, the conventional chi-squared approximation to the likelihood ratio test for no linkage does not apply even when the sample size is large. By dealing with nuclear families and one marker at a time for genetic diseases with simple modes of inheritance, score-based test statistics (Liang and Rathouz, 1999, Biometrics 55, 65-74) and likelihood-ratio-based test statistics (Lemdani and Pons, 1995, Biometrics 51, 1033-1041) have been proposed which have a simple large-sample distribution under the null hypothesis of linkage. In this paper, we extend their work to more practical situations that include information from multiple markers and multi-generational pedigrees while allowing for a class of general genetic models. Three different approaches are proposed to eliminate the nuisance parameters in these test statistics. We show that all three approaches lead to the same asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of no linkage. Simulation results show that the proposed test statistics have adequate power to detect linkage and that the performances of these two classes of test statistics are quite comparable. We have applied the proposed method to a family study of asthma (Barnes et al., 1996), in which the score-based test shows evidence of linkage with p-value <0.0001 in the region of interest on chromosome 12. Additionally, we have implemented this score-based test within the frequently used computer package GENEHUNTER.  相似文献   
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