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Mammalian heparanase: what is the message?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A new series of 2,6,9-trisubstituted adenines (5–14) have been prepared and evaluated in radioligand binding studies for their affinity at the human A1, A2A and A3 adenosine receptors and in adenylyl cyclase experiments for their potency at the human A2B subtype. From this preliminary study the conclusion can be drawn that introduction of bulky chains at the N 6 position of 9-propyladenine significantly increased binding affinity at the human A1 and A3 adenosine receptors, while the presence of a chlorine atom at the 2 position resulted in a not univocal effect, depending on the receptor subtype and/or on the substituent present in the N 6 position. However, in all cases, the presence in the 2 position of a chlorine atom favoured the interaction with the A2A subtype. These results demonstrated that, although the synthesized compounds were found to be quite inactive at the human A2B subtype, adenine is a useful template for further development of simplified adenosine receptor antagonists with distinct receptor selectivity profiles.  相似文献   
The ubiquitin proteasome system is involved in the regulation of most basic intracellular processes, and deregulation of this system can results in certain kinds of human diseases. Proteolytic core this system, the 20S proteasome, has been found in physiological fluids of both healthy humans and patients suffering from a variety of inflammatory, autoimmune, and neoplastic diseases. The concentration of these extracellular proteasomes has been found to correlate with the diseased state, being of a prognostic significance. The transport mechanisms and functions of these proteasomes, however, are largely unclear. Previous studies revealed that the transport of extracellular proteasomes may occur via microvesicles and exosomes, which led to the hypothesis that extracellular proteasomes are implicated in cell-to-cell communication process. Here we show that microvesicles and exosomes, two major known types of intercellular vehicles, contain no detectable proteasomes. Moreover, neither affinity purified nor naturally released into conditioned medium by donor cells 20S proteasomes could penetrate recipient HeLa cells. Taken together, these results suggest that extracellular proteasomes are unlikely to be involved in the cell-to-cell communication and that their release by cells serve other biological purposes.  相似文献   
Despite the heteroplasmic lower population of mitochondrial (mt) DNA deletion, mtDNA deletion is significantly related to the loss of atrial adenine nucleotides. To elucidate its mechanism, we examined the frequency of a 7.4-kb mtDNA deletion, the concentration of adenine nucleotides, and the activity of AMP catabolic enzymes in 10 human right atria obtained from cardiac surgery, using quantitative PCR, HPLC, and immunoprecipitations. The atrial concentrations of ATP, ADP, AMP, and the total adenine nucleotides were significantly lower in patients with deletion than those in patients without deletion, despite the lower frequency of their deletion. The activities of total AMP deaminase (AMPD), liver-type (AMPD 2), and heart-type isoform (AMPD 3) were significantly higher in patients with deletion than in patients without deletion, although there was no significant difference in the cytosolic 5(')-nucleotidase among them. In conclusion, mtDNA deletion coordinately induces AMP deaminase to contribute to the loss of atrial adenine nucleotides through degrading AMP excessively.  相似文献   
Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) is a phenomenon of protection in various tissues from normothermic ischemic injury by previous exposure to short cycles of ischemia-reperfusion. The ability of IPC to protect hepatocytes from a model of hypothermic transplant preservation injury was tested in this study. Rat hepatocytes were subjected to 30min of warm ischemia (37 degrees C) followed by 24 or 48h of hypothermic (4 degrees C) storage in UW solution and subsequent re-oxygenation at normothermia for 1h. Studies were performed with untreated control cells and cells treated with IPC (10min anoxia followed by 10min re-oxygenation, 1 cycle). Hepatocytes exposed to IPC prior to warm ischemia released significantly less LDH and had higher ATP concentrations, relative to untreated ischemic hepatocytes. IPC significantly reduced LDH release after 24h of cold storage before reperfusion and after 48h of cold storage and after 60min of warm re-oxygenation, relative to the corresponding untreated hepatocytes. ATP levels were also significantly higher when IPC was used prior to the warm and cold ischemia-re-oxygenation protocols. In parallel studies, IPC increased new protein synthesis and lactate after cold storage and reperfusion compared to untreated cells but no differences in the patterns of protein banding were detected on electrophoresis between the groups. In conclusion, IPC significantly improves hepatocyte viability and energy metabolism in a model of hypothermic preservation injury preceded by normothermic ischemia. These protective effects on viability may be related to enhanced protein and ATP synthesis at reperfusion.  相似文献   
Two immunodominant gametocyte antigens from Eimeria maxima with M(r) 56 kDa and M(r) 82 kDa have been identified previously as potential candidates for inclusion in a recombinant subunit vaccine against coccidiosis in poultry. Here, these proteins have been biochemically characterised, immunolocalised within the parasite, and sequences for their amino termini determined. These antigens co-purify by affinity chromatography suggesting an interaction with each other. However, separation of the proteins by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in the absence of beta-mercaptoethanol did not reveal the presence of inter-chain disulphide bonds. The true masses of the 56 and 82 kDa antigens are 52450 and 62450 Da, respectively, as determined by mass spectrometry. TX-114 separations suggested that they exist, in part, as soluble proteins within the parasite, and immunolocalisation studies indicated that they were found in the wall forming bodies of macrogametocytes. Separation of the proteins by 2D SDS-PAGE revealed that they are acidic in nature and heterogeneous in charge. Cleavage by neuraminidase and O-glycosidase indicated that the presence of O-linked glycans contributed to some of the charge microheterogeneity of both proteins. The absence of these O-glycans however, did not abolish antibody recognition, suggesting that the development of a recombinant subunit vaccine is possible. A more extensive investigation of the carbohydrate moieties of these proteins revealed that they also possess glucose, fucose, mannose and galactose. There was no evidence for the presence of N-linked glycans. The 56 and 82 kDa antigens were separated from a mixture of proteins in a crude gametocyte lysate by 2D SDS-PAGE, the proteins isolated, and the N-terminus amino acid sequence determined. They showed no homology to each other at the N-terminus, or to any other previously characterised protein. Characterisation of these novel proteins has provided further insights into the molecular mechanisms of gametocyte differentiation in E. maxima.  相似文献   
Heparan sulphate 2-O-sulphotransferase (Hs2st) acts at an intermediate stage in the pathway of biosynthesis of heparan sulphate (HS), catalysing the transfer of sulphate from 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulfate (PAPS) to the C2-position of selected hexuronic acid residues within the maturing HS chain. It is well established that 2-O-sulphation within HS, particularly of iduronate residues, is essential for HS to participate in a variety of high-affinity ligand-binding interactions. HS plays a central role in embryonic development and cellular function, modulating the activities of an extensive range of growth factors. Interestingly, in contrast to the early failure of embryos entirely lacking HS, Hs2st –/– mice survive until birth, but die perinatally due to a complete failure of kidney formation. The phenotype of Hs2st –/– mutant kidneys suggests that signalling between two tissues, ureteric bud and metanephric mesenchyme, is disrupted. We discuss candidate signalling molecules that may mediate this interaction. The HS generated by these mice lacks 2-O-sulphate groups but is extensively modified above wild type levels by O-sulphation at C-6 of glucosamine-N-sulfate (GlcNS) residues. We will discuss the potentially altered role of this atypical HS in growth factor signalling. Published in 2003.  相似文献   
Occupational exposure to beryllium (Be) and Be compounds occurs in a wide range of industrial processes. A large number of workers are potentially exposed to this metal during manufacturing and processing, so there is a concern regarding the potential carcinogenic hazard of Be. Studies were performed to determine the carcinogenic potential of beryllium sulfate (BeSO4) in cultured mammalian cells. BALB/c3T3 cells were treated with varying concentrations of BeSO4 for 72 h and the transformation frequency was determined after 4 weeks of culturing. Concentrations from 50–200 g BeSO4/ml, caused a concentrationdependent increase (9–41 fold) in transformation frequency. Nontransformed BALB/c3T3 cells and cells from transformed foci induced by BeSO4 were injected into both axillary regions of nude mice. All ten Beinduced transformed cell lines injected into nude mice produced fibrosarcomas within 50 days after cell injection. No tumors were found in nude mice receiving nontransformed BALB/c3T3 cells 90 days postinjection. Gene amplification was investigated in Kras, cmyc, cfos, cjun, csis, erbB2 and p53 using differential PCR while random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting was employed to detect genomic instability. Gene amplification was found in Kras and cjun, however no change in gene expression or protein level was observed in any of the genes by Western blotting. Five of the 10 transformed cell lines showed genetic instability using different random primers. In conclusion, these results indicate that BeSO4 is capable of inducing morphological cell transformation in mammalian cells and that transformed cells induced by BeSO4 are potentially tumorigenic. Also, cell transformation induced by BeSO4 may be attributed, in part, to the gene amplification of Kras and cjun and some BeSO4induced transformed cells possess neoplastic potential resulting from genomic instability.  相似文献   
The surfactant-degrading biocatalyst Pseudomonas C12B was immobilized by covalent linking on silanized inorganic supports and by physical entrapment of cells within reticulated polyurethane foam. Both immobilized biocatalysts have been shown to be appropriate for the effective primary biodegradation of the anionic surfactants sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), dodecylbenzene sulphonic acid (DBS), dioctyl sulphosuccinate (DOSS) and dihexyl sulphosuccinate (DHSS). The overall surfactant removal from water by cells entrapped in reticulated polyurethane foam exhibits a biphasic process, a rapid sorption step of the surfactant onto the cell-loaded support and the intrinsic primary biodegradation slower step, both acting cooperatively. The optimization of variables for the adsorption and the biodegradation processes (flow rate, particle size, substrate concentration) have been studied. Sorption isotherms for the surfactants on reticulated polyurethane foam have been established as type II of the Brunauer, Deming, Deming and Teller (BDDT) classification. The kinetics of the primary biodegradation of SDS by cells covalent linked on sepiolite treated with 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTS) were found to be first-order. In this case, surfactant adsorption does not exist.  相似文献   
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