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Fertile revertants from S-type male-sterile maize grown in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Plants were regenerated from callus cultures of maize inbred W182BN with the S(USDA) type of cytoplasmic male sterility (cms). Some regenerates from 16 of 18 separate cultures had fertile tassels. Many other regenerates, whose fertility could not be scored accurately because of abnormal plant morphology, produced fertile progeny after pollination with N cytoplasm W182BN. Revertant plants and/or progeny were obtained from all 18 cultures, which included the CA, D, LBN, and S sources of cmsS. More revertants were recovered from cultures maintained as callus for 12 months than from 3–4 month old cultures. Several types of evidence (absence of segregation for fertility after selfing or pollination of revertants with standard W182BN, pollen viability counts, failure of revertants to restore sterile cmsS lines to fertility, mitochondrial DNA analyses) indicated that the reversion to fertility involved cytoplasmic rather than nuclear alterations. All revertants examined lacked the S1 and S2 plasmid-like DNAs characteristic of the mitochondrial genome of sterile cmsS lines. Most callus cultures lost S1 and S2 after 13–20 months in vitro. No revertants were seen among thousands of W182BN cmsS plants grown from seed in the field or among plants from tissue cultures of W182BN with the C or T types of cms. The cytoplasmic revertants recovered from culture may be useful for the molecular analysis of cmsS.  相似文献   
The intracellular concentrations of total glutathione, GSSG and protein · S-SG, the total excreted glutathione concentration, and the susceptibility towards GSH-reacting compounds were assayed in strains of Escherichia coli deficient in biosynthesis and/or reduction of glutathione. A deficiency in glutathione reductase displaced the glutathione status towards the oxidized forms. This displacement was more clearly appreciated in strains additionally deficient in glutathione biosynthesis. A deficiency in catalase activity also produced an increase in the oxidation of glutathione. The most severe changes were observed in the concentrations of protein-glutathione mixed disulfides and in the amount of glutathione excreted to the medium. Increased sensitivities towards compounds known to interact with cellular GSH were observed in glutathione reductase deficient strains, although these effects were enhanced in strains additionally deficient in GSH biosynthesis  相似文献   
Summary A direct comparison of microspore culture and anther culture was made in Brassica napus using F1 crosses of Regent (canola) by Golden (rapeseed), and their reciprocals, as well as a hybrid between Reston and a highly embryogenic, canola-quality breeding line (G231) as donor plants. The study confirmed that microspore culture can be ten times more efficient than anther culture for embryo production. Embryo yields from cultures initiated from the Reston x G231 were four-fold greater than those initiated from the Regent x Golden crosses, and significant differences were also detected among cultures initiated from the different Regent x Golden crosses. These results illustrate the influence that donor plant genotype has on embryo production. However, superior embryogenic potential among donor material was not always coincident with superior plant production. The average haploid-todiploid ratio in microspore-derived regenerates was 21 for the population obtained from the Regent x Golden crosses but 11 for the Reston x G231 cross. For both types of material, the frequency of diploids increased upon repeated cycles of explanting. A field study showed that there were no differences between the populations of anther-derived and microspore-derived spontaneous diploid and doubled haploid lines, with respect to the days required for them to flower or to mature. The information is valuable for canola breeding programs considering the use of haploidy.  相似文献   
The goal of this study is to establish the nature of pentammineruthenium(III) binding to DNA in intact mouse liver nuclei. Also, we wish to determine whether the nucleosomal organization of mouse chromatin has a substantial effect on the relative Ru(III) binding levels of internucleosomal and nucleosomal core DNA. These questions are important because ammineruthenium compounds share chemical and biological properties with the cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) or cisplatin chemotherapeutic agent. Therefore, they represent a potential class of new chemotherapeutic agents. We find that in intact nuclei the predominant DNA binding site for pentammineruthenium(II), followed by air oxidation to pentammineruthenium(III), is N-7 guanine, as is the case with cisplatin. Also, the Ru(III) distribution between internucleosomal and nucleosomal core DNA was found to be nearly identical as probed with three non-specific deoxyribonucleases.  相似文献   
Pathogenicity of some chrysosporium species isolated in France   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to appreciate the pathogenicity of several geophilic Chrysosporium species (including Anixiopsis stercoraria, Chrysosporium keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. pannorum, C. state of Arthroderma curreyi, C. state of A. multifidum, and C. state of A. tuberculatum), the authors have realized two series of experimental infestations. Inoculation of these fungi on the back of guinea pigs produced rare erythematous scaling lesions which spontaneously disappeared 3–5 weeks later. No real hair invasion was observed. In white mice, eight weeks after intraperitoneal inoculation, granulomas with necrotic center were observed in the peritoneal tissue with C. keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. state of A. curreyi and C. state of A. tuberculatum. Conidia were often intact in necrotic centers and retrocultures were positive. With C. state of A. curreyi, spherical spores associated with rare budding cells were noted. The pathogenic role of these keratinophilic fungi is uncertain. However, their ability to remain viable for several weeks in skin and peritoneal tissue indicates that they could become pathogen in certain circumstances.This paper was presented at the Xth congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology at Barcelona, Spain from June 27 to July 1, 1988.  相似文献   
The population dynamics of Moniliformis moniliformis was studied in ‘free-ranging’ laboratory rats, Rattus norvegicus, presented with different relative density levels of M. moniliformis in cockroaches, Periplaneta americana. Changes in selected population parameters of the negative binomial distribution were evaluated as indicators of changes in aggregation. A significant increase in the degree of aggregation of parasites occurred as a result of the increase in relative density of infective stages available to the rats. This increase in aggregation was due to the increase in over-dispersion that occurred in female rats only. The degree of aggregation in females was found to be significantly higher than that in males at both treatment levels. The best indicators of the degree of aggregation were found to be the ratio of the variance to the relative density and the ratio of the log-variance to log-relative density. Changes in k were not correlated with changes in over-dispersion or the relative density.  相似文献   
Transfer efficiencies between phycobilisomes and photosystem II antenna chlorophylls were determined on membrane fragments isolated from low and high light adapted Anabaena cells. The observed increase in energy transfer in high light adapted cells is a consequence of shorter interchromophore distances and a decrease in the number of jumps of the exciting photons. Calculation of the rates of energy transfer and the coupling energies indicate that the weak interaction inferred for energy transfer between phycobilisome and photosystem II in low light adapted cells is replaced by an intermediate interaction in high light adapted cells.Abbreviations LLA low light adapted - HLA high light adapted - PBS phycobilisome - PS photosystem  相似文献   
Three epitopes have been localized by immunoelectron microscopy on subunit Aa6 of the 4 x 6-meric hemocyanin of the scorpion Androctonus australis. Soluble immunocomplexes composed of monoclonal antibodies and of native hemocyanin were purified, negatively stained with uranyle acetate by the single-layer technique, and examined under the electron microscope (EM). The molecule images were digitized, aligned, and submitted to correspondence analysis according to the method of Van Heel and Frank (Ultramicroscopy 6:187-194, 1981). A high-precision localization of the attachment point of the Fab arm to the antigen was achieved through a careful analysis of the average images. This method easily allowed the discrimination of epitopes located in different domains (Mr 20 kDa) of the same subunit. Nonoverlapping epitopes located in the same structural domain of subunit Aa6 could be distinguished by the stain exclusion patterns of their Fab arms. The method is general and may be used for epitope mapping in any antigen producing definite EM views.  相似文献   
Data from the long-term experiment on sheep grazing versus zero sheep grazing (i.e. in an enclosure) on the composition of the Juncus squarrosus grassland at the Moor House NNR are presented. The data have been analysed to assess change in (1) the abundance of individual species, (2) higher plant and bryophyte communities, and (3) vegetation structure. The higher plant data suggested that both the enclosed-and grazed plots were changing in the same direction, but the enclosed plot was moving much faster. The general tendency was towards a blanket bog vegetation dominated by Eriophorum vaginatum and Calluna vulgaris. Juncus squarrosus has declined very quickly in the enclosed plot, but there has also been a slower decline in the grazed one. A significant increase in Calluna vulgaris has occurred only in the enclosed plot. In contrast, the bryophyte data showed completely different successional trajectories in the two treatment plots.The vegetation structure changed markedly after release from grazing, with a decrease in phytomass, but increase in necromass in the lowest height strata. There was no noticeable change in structure over the 18 year period in the grazed plot.Particular problems found in this study were that some species either fluctuated widely in response, or changed in a curvilinear manner.  相似文献   
Summary A cyanide-degrading pseudomonad was isolated by selective enrichment in a chemostat inoculated with coke-plant activated sludge and maintained at a dilution rate of 0.042/h for 60 days with a feed of 10 mg/l cyanide. The isolate, a facultative methylotroph capable of growth on methanol and methylamine, degraded cyanide to formate and ammonia; it could utilize the released ammonia as a nitrogen source but did not further metabolize formate under the experimental conditions employed. Both cyanide-degrading enzyme activity and respiratory resistance to cyanide were inducible and were enhanced by repeated exposure to the compound. Cell-free extracts stoichiometrically converted cyanide to formate and ammonia in a reaction that did not require oxygen. Enzyme activity, lost upon dialysis, was restored by less than equimolar ratios of NAD(P)H or ascorbate to cyanide, indicating that the reductants did not function directly as co-enzymes.  相似文献   
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