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热带森林优势种青冈叶片气孔、解剖和形态性状与气候、土壤因子的关联 了解优势树种叶片多水平的功能性状沿海拔梯度的变化及其内在关联,有助于预测优势种应对气候变化的响应与适应。本文研究了青冈属树种叶片气孔、解剖和形态性状沿海拔梯度的变化及其与环境调控因子的关联,探究了其生态策略是否随海拔发生改变。在海南尖峰岭热带森林,沿海拔梯度(400–1400 m)采集了6种常绿青冈:竹叶青冈(Cyclobalanopsis bambusaefolia)、雷公青冈(C. hui)、托盘青冈 (C. patelliformis)、饭甄青冈(C. fleuryi)、吊罗山青冈(C. tiaoloshanica)和亮叶青冈(C. phanera)叶片,用于气孔、解剖和形态性状的测定。研究结果表明,随海拔升高,青冈树种叶片气孔密度、气孔孔隙度指数和叶面积显著增加,但海绵组织厚度比和干物质含量则显着降低。叶片气孔、解剖和形态性状沿海拔梯 度的变化主要受年均温、年降水量和土壤pH 值调控。在低海拔和高海拔处,青冈属采取“耐受”和“竞 争”策略,而在中海拔处,则是“竞争”策略。土壤磷含量和土壤pH 值随海拔的变化可能是驱动其生态 策略转变的主要原因。该结果揭示,热带森林优势树种青冈可通过从气孔细胞-组织解剖结构-叶片水平功能性状的改变来响应环境变化。  相似文献   
Loranthaceae family includes hemiparasitic members which are seen invading a wide range of commercial crops. Helicanthes elasticus (Desv.) Danser is very common on mango trees. Though parasitic in nature, this mistletoe is also medicinally important as fetoprotective, against vesicular calculi and kidney infections. This study is an attempt to document macro-microscopical features of parasitic root, fruit and host-mistletoe tissue interaction in the haustorium of H. elasticus growing on mango stems. Collection, preservation, sectioning, staining and photomicrography of the root, fruit and host-mistletoe union were done as per standard methodologies of anatomical studies. Though there is resemblance to the normal roots in morphology as well as anatomy, the microscopic finding of large number of branched stone cells in the roots is interesting. The morpho-anatomical features recorded would help in understanding the infection biology of this mistletoe. The eradication during the earlier stages of its establishment from seed or from the root creeping over the surface of the host can help in controlling this parasite infection on commercially important host plants.  相似文献   
Social predation—when groups of predators coordinate actions to find and capture prey—is a common tactic among mammals but comparatively rare in fishes. We report the unexpected social predation by electric eels, an otherwise solitary predator in the Amazon rainforest. Observations made in different years and recorded on video show electric eels herding, encircling shoals of small nektonic fishes, and launching joint predatory high‐voltage strikes on the prey ball. These findings challenge the hypothesis that electric eels may have a single foraging strategy and extend our knowledge on social predation to an organism that employs high‐voltage discharge for hunting. Thereby offering a novel perspective for studies on the evolutionary interplay between predatory and escape tactics.  相似文献   

The Shear-slip Mesh Update Method (SSMUM) is being used in flow simulations involving large but regular displacements of one or more boundaries of the computational domain. We follow up the earlier discussion of the method with notes on practical implementation aspects. In order to establish a benchmark problem for this class of flow problems, we define and report results from a two-dimensional viscous flow around a rotating stirrer in a square chamber. The application potential of the method is demonstrated in the context of biomedical design problem, as we perform an analysis of blood flow in a centrifugal left ventricular assist device, or blood pump, which involves a rotating impeller in a non-axisymmetric housing.  相似文献   
A 3D balance control model of quiet upright stance is presented, based on an optimal control strategy, and evaluated in terms of its ability to simulate postural sway in both the anterior–posterior and medial–lateral directions. The human body was represented as a two-segment inverted pendulum. Several assumptions were made to linearise body dynamics, for example, that there was no transverse rotation during upright stance. The neural controller was presumed to be an optimal controller that generates ankle control torque and hip control torque according to certain performance criteria. An optimisation procedure was used to determine the values of unspecified model parameters including random disturbance gains and sensory delay times. This model was used to simulate postural sway behaviours characterised by centre-of-pressure (COP)-based measures. Confidence intervals for all normalised COP-based measures contained unity, indicating no significant differences between any of the simulated COP-based measures and corresponding experimental references. In addition, mean normalised errors for the traditional measures were < 8%, and those for most statistical mechanics measures were ~3–66%. On the basis these results, the proposed 3D balance control model appears to have the ability to accurately simulate 3D postural sway behaviours.  相似文献   
Life within the soil is vital for maintaining life on Earth due to the numerous ecosystem services that it provides. However, there is evidence that pressures on the soil biota are increasing which may undermine some of these ecosystem services. Current levels of belowground biodiversity are relatively poorly known, and so no benchmark exists by which to measure possible future losses of biodiversity. Furthermore, the relative risk that each type of anthropogenic pressures places on the soil biota remains unclear. Potential threats to soil biodiversity were calculated through the use of a composite score produced from data collected from 20 international experts using the budget allocation methodology. This allowed relative weightings to be given to each of the identified pressures for which data were available in the European Soil Data Centre (ESDC). A total of seven different indicators were used for calculating the composite scores. These data were applied through a model using ArcGIS to produce a spatial analysis of composite pressures on soil biodiversity at the European scale. The model highlights the variation in the composite result of the potential threats to soil biodiversity. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the intensity of land exploitation, both in terms of agriculture and use intensity, as well as in terms of land‐use dynamics, were the main factors applying pressure on soil biodiversity. It is important to note that the model should not be viewed as an estimate of the current level of soil biodiversity in Europe, but as an estimate of pressures that are currently being exerted. The results obtained should be seen as a starting point for further investigation on this relatively unknown issue and demonstrate the utility of this type of model which may be applied to other regions and scales.  相似文献   
Local adaptation, adaptive population divergence and speciation are often expected to result from populations evolving in response to spatial variation in selection. Yet, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the major features that characterise the spatial patterns of selection, namely the extent of variation among populations in the strength and direction of selection. Here, we analyse a data set of spatially replicated studies of directional phenotypic selection from natural populations. The data set includes 60 studies, consisting of 3937 estimates of selection across an average of five populations. We performed meta‐analyses to explore features characterising spatial variation in directional selection. We found that selection tends to vary mainly in strength and less in direction among populations. Although differences in the direction of selection occur among populations they do so where selection is often weakest, which may limit the potential for ongoing adaptive population divergence. Overall, we also found that spatial variation in selection appears comparable to temporal (annual) variation in selection within populations; however, several deficiencies in available data currently complicate this comparison. We discuss future research needs to further advance our understanding of spatial variation in selection.  相似文献   
Individual dispersal,landscape connectivity and ecological networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Connectivity is classically considered an emergent property of landscapes encapsulating individuals' flows across space. However, its operational use requires a precise understanding of why and how organisms disperse. Such movements, and hence landscape connectivity, will obviously vary according to both organism properties and landscape features. We review whether landscape connectivity estimates could gain in both precision and generality by incorporating three fundamental outcomes of dispersal theory. Firstly, dispersal is a multi‐causal process; its restriction to an ‘escape reaction’ to environmental unsuitability is an oversimplification, as dispersing individuals can leave excellent quality habitat patches or stay in poor‐quality habitats according to the relative costs and benefits of dispersal and philopatry. Secondly, species, populations and individuals do not always react similarly to those cues that trigger dispersal, which sometimes results in contrasting dispersal strategies. Finally, dispersal is a major component of fitness and is thus under strong selective pressures, which could generate rapid adaptations of dispersal strategies. Such evolutionary responses will entail spatiotemporal variation in landscape connectivity. We thus strongly recommend the use of genetic tools to: (i) assess gene flow intensity and direction among populations in a given landscape; and (ii) accurately estimate landscape features impacting gene flow, and hence landscape connectivity. Such approaches will provide the basic data for planning corridors or stepping stones aiming at (re)connecting local populations of a given species in a given landscape. This strategy is clearly species‐ and landscape‐specific. But we suggest that the ecological network in a given landscape could be designed by stacking up such linkages designed for several species living in different ecosystems. This procedure relies on the use of umbrella species that are representative of other species living in the same ecosystem.  相似文献   
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