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Abstract. Electric-circuit analogue models of the water relations of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) succulents such as Agave deserti and Ferocactus acanthodes have predicted diel movement of water between the water-storage parenchyma and the photo-synthetic chlorenchyma. Injection of tritiated water into either tissue in the laboratory confirmed substantial and bidirectional water movements, especially under conditions of wet soil. For A. deserti , water movement from the water-storage parenchyma to the chlorenchyma increased at night as the chlorenchyma osmotic pressure increased. Although nocturnal osmotic pressure increases and transpiration for both species were minimal in the field under dry conditions, diel changes in the deuterium: hydrogen ratio (expressed as ΔD) were similar for the water-storage parenchyma and the chlorenchyma. Such indication of [substantial mixing of water between the tissues over a 24-h cycle was more evident under wet conditions in the field. For A. deserti , ΔD then increased by 32%o from the afternoon to midnight and was essentially identical in the water-storage parenchyma and the chlorenchyma. For F. acanthodes , the diel changes in ΔD were one-third those of A. deserti , and ΔD was always slightly higher for the chlorenchyma than for the water-storage parenchyma, apparently reflecting the lower surface-to-volume ratio of A. deserti. In summary, data obtained using radioactive and stable isotopes strongly supported model predictions concerning diel cycles of internal water distribution for these CAM species.  相似文献   
Effects of source-sink relations on photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6  
Abstract. While photosynthesis of C3 plants is stimulated by an increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration, photosynthetic capacity is often reduced after long-term exposure to elevated CO2. This reduction appears to be brought about by end product inhibition, resulting from an imbalance in the supply and demand of carbohydrates. A review of the literature revealed that the reduction of photosynthetic capacity in elevated CO2 was most pronounced when the increased supply of carbohydrates was combined with small sink size. The volume of pots in which plants were grown affected the sink size by restricting root growth. While plants grown in small pots had a reduced photosynthetic capacity, plants grown in the field showed no reduction or an increase in this capacity. Pot volume also determined the effect of elevated CO2 on the root/shoot ratio: the root/shoot ratio increased when root growth was not restricted and decreased in plants grown in small pots. The data presented in this paper suggest that plants growing in the field will maintain a high photosynthetic capacity as the atmospheric CO2 level continues to rise.  相似文献   
Summary The oxidation ofl-pipecolic acid to -aminoadipic acid was studied in eight species of mammals using an assay system more sensitive than those previously employed. After percoll-gradient fractionation, activity was localized to the mitochondrial-enriched fractions in tissues from rabbit, guinea pig, pig, dog, and sheep, with guinea pig kidney cortex showing greatest specific activity. These results contrast with the peroxisomal oxidation ofl-pipecolic acid observed in macaques and man (Mihalik and Rhead 1989; Mihalik et al. 1989). Rats and mice had undetectable levels of both peroxisomal and mitochondriall-pipecolic acid oxidation. In the rat, peroxisomal oxidation activity was not induced by feeding with either clofibrate or clofibrate andl-pipecolic acid. Thus, among mammals, both the ability to oxidizel-pipecolic acid and the organellar location of this oxidation is species dependent.  相似文献   
In situ digestion of metaphase and polytene chromosomes and of interphase nuclei in different cell types ofDrosophila nasuta with restriction enzymes revealed that enzymes like AluI, EcoRI, HaeIII, Sau3a and SinI did not affect Giemsa-stainability of heterochromatin while that of euchromatin was significantly reduced; TaqI and SalI digested both heterochromatin and euchromatin in mitotic chromosomes. Digestion of genomic DNA with AluI, EcoRI, HaeIII, Sau3a and KpnI left a 23 kb DNA band undigested in agarose gels while withTaqI, no such undigested band was seen. TheAluI resistant 23 kb DNA hybridized insitu specifically with the heterochromatic chromocentre. It appears that the digestibility of heterochromatin region in genome ofDrosophila nasuta with the tested restriction enzymes is dependent on the availability of their recognition sites.  相似文献   
Summary We have shown that depletion of monocytes from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) byl-phenylalanine methyl ester (PheOMe) enhanced lymphokine-activated killer cell (LAK) generation by recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) at high cell density. In this study, we have investigated the mechanism of action of PheOMe on LAK activation by using trypsin, chymotrypsin, tosylphenylalaninechloromethanol (TPCK, a chymotrypsin inhibitor), tosyl-l-lysinechloromethane (TLCK, a trypsin inhibitor), phenylalaninol (PheOH), and benzamidine. PBMC were treated with 1–5 mM PheOMe for 40 min at room temperature in combination with the various agents, washed and assessed for their effects on natural killer (NK) activity against K562 cells and monocyte depletion. The treated cells were then cultured with or without rIL-2 for 3 days. LAK cytotoxicity was assayed against51Cr-labeled K562 and Raji tumor target cells. TPCK at 10 µg/ml partially inhibited depletion of monocytes by PheOMe. TLCK did not prevent depletion of monocytes nor inhibition of NK activity induced by PheOMe. TPCK and TLCK inhibited NK activity by themselves. TPCK but not TLCK inhibited rIL-2 induction of LAK cells. On the other hand, PheOH and benzamidine (analogs of PheOMe) lacked any effect on monocyte depletion but abrogated the inhibitory effect of PheOMe on NK activity. They had no effect on rIL-2 activation of LAK activity enhanced by PheOMe. Trypsin potentiated the inhibitory effect of PheOMe on NK activity and monocyte depletion. Trypsin partially inhibited IL-2 activation of LAK activity enhanced by PheOMe. Chymotrypsin had little effect on NK activity but prevented the inhibitory effect of PheOMe on NK activity. It had little effect on monocyte depletion induced by PheOMe. PheOMe was hydrolysed by monocytes and chymotrypsin to Phe and methanol as determined by HPLC. TPCK inhibited hydrolysis of PheOMe by monocytes. Our data suggest that the effects of PheOMe on monocytes, NK cells and LAK activation involve protease activities of monocytes.  相似文献   
Summary Dissected ampullae of Lorenzini of the skate (Raja clavata) were studied with the aim of determining the synaptic transmitter between electroreceptor cell and afferent fibre. Resting activity and stimulus-evoked activity in response to electrical pulses were recorded in single afferent units at constant perfusion with normal and test solutions containing different putative neurotransmitters. Presynaptic transmitter release was blocked by Mg2+ (up to 50 mM) to investigate the effects of the test substances upon the postsynaptic membrane. l-Glutamate (l-GLU) and l-aspartate (l-ASP), both at concentrations between 10-7 and 10-3 M, enlarged strongly resting and stimulus-evoked discharge frequency in the afferent fibre. If transmission was blocked by high Mg2+, resting discharge frequency could be restored by l-GLU or l-ASP. The glutamate agonists quisqualate (10-8–105 M) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (10-5–10-3 M) enlarged spontaneous activity in the afferent fiber. The same was found for kainic acid (10-9–10-5 M). Taurine at concentrations between 10-5 and 10-3 M caused a concentration-dependent decrease in afferent activity. The same was found for gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA; 10-5–10-4 M), and for the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline, both in concentrations between 10-5 and 10-3 M. Serotonine (10-5–10-3 M) and dopamine (10-5-10-3 M) had no effect on resting or evoked activity in the Lorenzinian ampulla afferents. Acetylcholine (ACh; 10-4 M) enlarged discharge frequency in those units with initial rates lower than 22–25 Hz, but diminished discharge frequency in fibres with initial activity higher than 25 Hz. When synaptic transmission was blocked by high Mg2+ solution, perfusion with additional ACh did not restore resting activity in the afferent fibre. The results suggest that the most probable transmitter in the afferent synapse of the ampullae of Lorenzini is l-GLU or l-ASP, or a substance of similar nature.Abbreviations ACh acetylcholine - GABA gamma aminobutyric acid - KA kainic acid - l-ASP l-aspartate - l-GLU l-glutamate - NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate - Q quisqualate - n.s. normal solution  相似文献   
We report the isolation of mutations in, and the characterization of, an Escherichia coli gene, hip, that is required for site-specific recombination of phage lambda. hip mutants are recessive and are located near minute 20 on the linkage map. The gene product is not vital to bacterial growth, since deletion mutants are viable. The absence of hip product reduces lambda integration to barely detectable levels and also reduces prophage excision, but less drastically. Certain mutations in the lambda int gene partially restore integration and excision in hip- hosts. Homologous recombination promoted by recA does not require hip function. In addition to their defect in site-specific recombination, hip mutants are unable to support lytic growth of phage Mu or of certain lambda mutants. Their pleiotropic phenotype closely resembles that of himA mutants, but complementation, mapping and DNA sequencing show that hip and himA are different genes.  相似文献   
Proteinase inhibitors were tested for their ability to inhibit prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) release by cultured anterior pituitary cells of the rat. Inhibitors of microbial origin (chymostatin, elastatinal, leupeptin) had either no or a moderate effect on hormone release while some tripeptide aldehydes, especially those with lysine at their C terminus, inhibited markedly PRL and to a lesser extent GH release. Boc-DPhe-Phe-lysinal was the most effective on lactotrophs inhibiting PRL release more than 50% at 10(-4) M. The site(s) of action of tripeptide aldehydes remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   
The present results demonstrate for the first time in rat liver, that low ethanol concentrations (2.2 and 22 mM) directly stimulate dihydrotestosterone conversion to 5 alpha-androstan-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol and 5 alpha-androstan-3 beta, 17 beta-diol. Because this effect was blocked by 4-methylpyrazole, an alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor, or by the addition of a saturating NADH concentration, this action probably is mediated by hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase activity through elevation of the NADH/NAD+ ratio. It remains to be determined whether this effect of ethanol actually reduces circulating and/or target tissue dihydrotestosterone levels; nevertheless, it is tempting to speculate that this action, in part, is responsible for the reported adverse effects of alcohol on male reproductive functions.  相似文献   
R S Chang  V J Lotti  T B Chen 《Life sciences》1985,36(10):965-971
CCK-octapeptide (CCK-8) (EC50 = 0.5 nM), in the presence of Li+, increased 3H-inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation in guinea pig gastric glands prelabeled with 3H-inositol. CCK-8 desulfate, human gastrin I and pentagastrin were much less potent than CCK-8. Antagonists of CCK receptors such as proglumide, dibutyryl-c-GMP and CBZ-Tyr (SO3H)-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-AspNH2 shifted the CCK dose response curve to the right. However, histamine (H1 and H2), cholinergic, substance P and alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists had no effect on 3H-IP accumulation induced by CCK. The results suggest that CCK receptor activation in gastric glands leads to an enhanced breakdown of inositol phospholipids which may relate to calcium mobilization and pepsinogen secretion.  相似文献   
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