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Frequent occurrences of coral bleaching and the ensuing damage to coral reefs have generated interest in documenting stress responses that precede bleaching. The objective of this study was to assess and compare physiological changes in healthy, semi-bleached and totally bleached colonies of two coral species, Porites lutea and Acropora formosa, during a natural bleaching event in the Lakshadweep Archipelago in the Arabian Sea to determine the traits that will be useful in the diagnosis of coral health. In April 2002, three “health conditions” were observed as “appearing healthy,” “semi-bleached” and “bleached” specimens for two dominant and co-occurring coral species in these islands. Changes in the pigment composition, zooxanthellae density (ZD), mitotic index (MI) of zooxanthellae, RNA/DNA ratios and protein profile in the two coral species showing different levels of bleaching in the field were compared to address the hypothesis of no difference in health condition between species and bleaching status. The loss in chlorophyll (chl) a, chl c and ZD in the transitional stage of semi-bleaching in the branched coral A. formosa was 80, 75 and 80%, respectively. The losses were much less in the massive coral P. lutea, being 20, 50 and 25%, respectively. The decrease in zooxanthellar density and chl a was accompanied by an increased MI of zooxanthellae and RNA/DNA ratios in both the species. There was an increase in accumulation of lipofuscin granules in partially bleached P. lutea tissue, which is an indication of cellular senescence. Multivariate statistical analyses showed that colonies of P. lutea ranked in different health conditions differed significantly in chl a, chl c, ZD, RNA/DNA ratios, and protein concentrations, whereas in A. formosa chl a, chl c, chl a/c, phaeopigments and MI contributed to the variance between health conditions.  相似文献   
Threatened Caribbean coral communities can benefit from high‐resolution genetic data used to inform management and conservation action. We use Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS) to investigate genetic patterns in the threatened coral, Acropora cervicornis, across the Florida Reef Tract (FRT) and the western Caribbean. Results show extensive population structure at regional scales and resolve previously unknown structure within the FRT. Different regions also exhibit up to threefold differences in genetic diversity (He), suggesting targeted management based on the goals and resources of each population is needed. Patterns of genetic diversity have a strong spatial component, and our results show Broward and the Lower Keys are among the most diverse populations in Florida. The genetic diversity of Caribbean staghorn coral is concentrated within populations and within individual reefs (AMOVA), highlighting the complex mosaic of population structure. This variance structure is similar over regional and local scales, which suggests that in situ nurseries are adequately capturing natural patterns of diversity, representing a resource that can replicate the average diversity of wild assemblages, serving to increase intraspecific diversity and potentially leading to improved biodiversity and ecosystem function. Results presented here can be translated into specific goals for the recovery of A. cervicornis, including active focus on low diversity areas, protection of high diversity and connectivity, and practical thresholds for responsible restoration.  相似文献   
In sessile modular marine invertebrates, chimeras can originate from fusions of closely settling larvae or of colonies that come into contact through growth or movement. While it has been shown that juveniles of brooding corals fuse under experimental conditions, chimera formation in broadcast spawning corals, the most abundant group of reef corals, has not been examined. This study explores the capacity of the broadcast spawning coral Acropora millepora to form chimeras under experimental conditions and to persist as chimeras in the field. Under experimental conditions, 1.5-fold more larvae settled in aggregations than solitarily, and analyses of nine microsatellite loci revealed that 50 per cent of juveniles tested harboured different genotypes within the same colony. Significantly, some chimeric colonies persisted for 23 months post-settlement, when the study ended. Genotypes within persisting chimeric colonies all showed a high level of relatedness, whereas rejecting colonies displayed variable levels of relatedness. The nearly threefold greater sizes of chimeras compared with solitary juveniles, from settlement through to at least three months, suggest that chimerism is likely to be an important strategy for maximizing survival of vulnerable early life-history stages of corals, although longer-term studies are required to more fully explore the potential benefits of chimerism.  相似文献   
Baseline studies conducted in 1998 document the presence of robust, non-reef-building Acropora cervicornis thickets in shallow (3–7 m depth), near-shore waters off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. These thickets thrive in a high-latitude environment, the northernmost in the continental USA, in the midst of potential anthropogenic stressors. Within thickets, the spatial variation in mean percent coral cover, macroalgal cover, scleractinian species richness, density of A. cervicornis juveniles, and the density and size of A. cervicornis colonies and fragments were recorded. Thicket size ranged between ~0.1 and 0.8 ha and mean coral cover varied between ~5 and 28%, with A. cervicornis accounting for ~87–97% of all scleractinians. Mean A. cervicornis colony and fragment densities per thicket were 1.3–3.3 colonies m–2 and 0.7–2.8 fragments m–2, respectively. Recruit densities varied between 0 and 1 ind. m–2. White band disease was detected at all thickets, with a mean A. cervicornis colony surface area affected of 1.8%. For all thickets, densities of the corallivorous polychaete Hermodice carunculata ranged between ~18 and 86 ind. ha–1, with predation scars affecting <0.2% of the A. cervicornis cover. These flourishing A. cervicornis thickets off Fort Lauderdale provide an interesting counterpoint to the declining and disease-stricken A. cervicornis populations reported in the Florida Keys and wider Caribbean.  相似文献   
Hermatypic (reef building) corals live in an environment characterized by high ambient levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Photoadaptive mechanisms have evolved to protect the sensitive cell structures of the host coral and their photosynthetic, endosymbiotic zooxanthellae. Environmental stressors may destabilize the coral-zooxanthellae system resulting in the expulsion of zooxanthellae and/or loss of photosynthetic pigment within zooxanthellae, causing a condition known as bleaching. It is estimated that 1% of the world’s coral population is lost yearly, partly due to bleaching. Despite intensive research efforts, a single unified mechanism cannot explain this phenomenon. Although UVA and UVB cellular damage is well documented, UVC damage is rarely reported due to its almost complete absorption in the stratosphere. A small scale coral propagation system at the University of Maine was accidentally exposed to 15.5 h of UVC radiation (253.7 nm) from a G15T8 germicidal lamp, resulting in a cumulative surface irradiance of 8.39 × 104 J m−2. An experiment was designed to monitor the progression of UVC induced damage. Branch sections from affected scleractinian corals, Acropora yongei and Acropora formosa were submitted to histopathology to provide an historical record of tissue response. The death of gastrodermal cells and necrosis resulted in the release of intracellular zooxanthellae into the gastrovascular canals. Zooxanthellae were also injured as evidenced by pale coloration, increased vacuolization and loss of membrane integrity. The recovery of damaged coral tissue likely proceeds by re-epithelialization and zooxanthellae repopulation of gastrodermal cells by adjacent healthy tissue.  相似文献   
Connectivity underpins the persistence and recovery of marine ecosystems. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the world's largest coral reef ecosystem and managed by an extensive network of no‐take zones; however, information about connectivity was not available to optimize the network's configuration. We use multivariate analyses, Bayesian clustering algorithms and assignment tests of the largest population genetic data set for any organism on the GBR to date (Acropora tenuis, >2500 colonies; >50 reefs, genotyped for ten microsatellite loci) to demonstrate highly congruent patterns of connectivity between this common broadcast spawning reef‐building coral and its congener Acropora millepora (~950 colonies; 20 reefs, genotyped for 12 microsatellite loci). For both species, there is a genetic divide at around 19°S latitude, most probably reflecting allopatric differentiation during the Pleistocene. GBR reefs north of 19°S are essentially panmictic whereas southern reefs are genetically distinct with higher levels of genetic diversity and population structure, most notably genetic subdivision between inshore and offshore reefs south of 19°S. These broadly congruent patterns of higher genetic diversities found on southern GBR reefs most likely represent the accumulation of alleles via the southward flowing East Australia Current. In addition, signatures of genetic admixture between the Coral Sea and outer‐shelf reefs in the northern, central and southern GBR provide evidence of recent gene flow. Our connectivity results are consistent with predictions from recently published larval dispersal models for broadcast spawning corals on the GBR, thereby providing robust connectivity information about the dominant reef‐building genus Acropora for coral reef managers.  相似文献   
Corals at the world's southernmost coral reef of Lord Howe Island (LHI) experience large temperature and light fluctuations and need to deal with periods of cold temperature (<18°C), but few studies have investigated how corals are able to cope with these conditions. Our study characterized the response of key photophysiological parameters, as well as photoacclimatory and photoprotective pigments (chlorophylls, xanthophylls, and β‐carotene), to short‐term (5‐d) cold stress (~15°C; 7°C below control) in three LHI coral species hosting distinct Symbiodinium ITS2 types, and compared the coral–symbiont response to that under elevated temperature (~29°C; 7°C above control). Under cold stress, Stylophora sp. hosting Symbiodinium C118 showed the strongest effects with regard to losses of photochemical performance and symbionts. Pocillopora damicornis hosting Symbiodinium C100/C118 showed less severe bleaching responses to reduced temperature than to elevated temperature, while Porites heronensis hosting Symbiodinium C111* withstood both reduced and elevated temperature. Under cold stress, photoprotection in the form of xanthophyll de‐epoxidation increased in unbleached P. heronensis (by 178%) and bleached Stylophora sp. (by 225%), while under heat stress this parameter increased in unbleached P. heronensis (by 182%) and in bleached P. damicornis (by 286%). The xanthophyll pool size was stable in all species at all temperatures. Our comparative study demonstrates high variability in the bleaching vulnerability of these coral species to low and high thermal extremes and shows that this variability is not solely determined by the ability to activate xanthophyll de‐epoxidation.  相似文献   
Somatic chromosome number was determined for 22 species of the scleractinian coral genus Acropora, three species of Montipora, and one species of Fungia, using colchicine-treated cells of externally developing embryos. Most had 28 chromosomes, except for six species of Acropora, which had somatic numbers of 24, 30, 30, 42, 48, and 54. Two models that invoke a combination of polyploidy and aneuploidy are presented to account for the observed intrageneric variation in somatic chromosome number. The ability to propagate clones through vegetative fragmentation plus the opportunities for hybridization during multispecies spawning events may have contributed to the development of polyploidy and rapid, sympatric speciation in the uniquely speciose coral genus Acropora.  相似文献   
In recent decades, the Florida reef tract has lost over 95% of its coral cover. Although isolated coral assemblages persist, coral restoration programs are attempting to recover local coral populations. Listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, Acropora cervicornis is the most widely targeted coral species for restoration in Florida. Yet strategies are still maturing to enhance the survival of nursery‐reared outplants of A. cervicornis colonies on natural reefs. This study examined the survival of 22,634 A. cervicornis colonies raised in nurseries along the Florida reef tract and outplanted to six reef habitats in seven geographical subregions between 2012 and 2018. A Cox proportional hazards regression was used within a Bayesian framework to examine the effects of seven variables: (1) coral‐colony size at outplanting, (2) coral‐colony attachment method, (3) genotypic diversity of outplanted A. cervicornis clusters, (4) reef habitat, (5) geographical subregion, (6) latitude, and (7) the year of monitoring. The best models included coral‐colony size at outplanting, reef habitat, geographical subregion, and the year of monitoring. Survival was highest when colonies were larger than 15 cm (total linear extension), when outplanted to back‐reef and fore‐reef habitats, and when outplanted in Biscayne Bay and Broward–Miami subregions, in the higher latitudes of the Florida reef tract. This study points to several variables that influence the survival of outplanted A. cervicornis colonies and highlights a need to refine restoration strategies to help restore their population along the Florida reef tract.  相似文献   
A corrected western Atlantic Holocene sea-level curve was constructed from 145 calibrated 14C and TIMS U-Th dates from shallow Acropora palmata framework and intertidal Rhizopora mangle peat from the Florida Keys, Belize, and the wider Caribbean. Data include both previously published and newly reported coral and peat dates. With the elevations of corals restricted to positions below sea level and those of peats to intertidal and higher levels, a curve bracketed by corals below and peat above effectively delineates the positions of a rising Holocene sea. From 3–11 ka, the corrected curve shifts progressively to older calibrated ages, reaching an ~1-kyr increase at –21 m MSL (mean sea level). Elevations and calibrated ages of samples from each locality in the wider Caribbean region constitute an important database for future refinement with glacio-hydro-isostatic elevation corrections from 3-D Earth models. In future studies of the history of western Atlantic coral reefs, scientists will be able to relate calibrated radiocarbon dates to this sea-level curve to determine paleo water depths and rates of sea-level rise.  相似文献   
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