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A wide variety of the barrier crossing strategies exist among migrating songbirds, ranging from strict nocturnal flights to non‐stop flights over a few days. We evaluate barrier crossing strategies in a nocturnally migrating songbird crossing the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert, the great reed warbler, exploring variation between the sexes and within individuals. We used data from 31 year‐round light‐level geolocators tracks from 26 individuals (13 males and 13 females), with four individuals tracked for 2–3.5 consecutive years. Almost all individuals (25 of 26) prolonged their flights into the day at least on one occasion. The mean duration of these prolonged flights was 19.9 h and did not differ between sexes or seasons. Fifteen birds performed non‐stop flights during more than one full day and night (≥ 24 h; mean = 31.9 h; max = 55 h) in autumn and/or spring, but these flights were generally too short to cross an entire barrier (such as the Sahara Desert) in one non‐stop flight. Patterns of prolonged flights showed considerable within‐individual variation in females between seasons (autumn versus spring) and in both males and females between years, suggesting high individual flexibility in migration strategy. Significantly more males than females performed prolonged flights during autumn migration, but not spring, possibly reflecting sex‐specific carry‐over effects. We conclude that great reed warblers have the ability to conduct prolonged continuous flights for up to several nights and days, which potentially would allow them to cross the Sahara Desert in one non‐stop flight. However, they typically use a mixed strategy of several nocturnal flights with intermittent stopovers in combination with 1–3 prolonged flights. Prolonged flights covered less than half (44%) of the total flight time across the barriers, and the diurnal parts of the flights covered only 18% of this time.  相似文献   
The DNA-fingerprinting technique was used to find the true pedigrees and to detect the overall genetic similarity between mates of great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) at an isolated breeding site in Sweden. The study covered 4 yr preceded by 3 yr when almost all adults and nestlings in the study area had been banded. DNA fingerprinting revealed that the putative father had sired 97% of the young (N = 455). The mate's genetic similarity, revealed as the proportion of bands shared in restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns, was high compared with other species of wild birds. Also, band sharing was higher between mates native to the area than between pairs in which the female was experimentally introduced from a distant breeding site. Hatching success of eggs was negatively correlated with the degree of genetic similarity between the mates, whereas pedigree data, up to the level of great-grandparents, clearly demonstrated an absence of close inbreeding. These are the first data showing a significant fitness cost associated with the choice of a mate that has high genetic similarity, even if it is not a close kin. This cost might be caused by generalized negative consequences of genomewide inbreeding in the present study, possibly accentuated by recent population bottlenecks.  相似文献   
The presence of parents in the natal territory may play an important,but often overlooked, role in natal dispersal and the consequentacquisition of a territory. Living with parents in a territorymay confer a fitness advantage to subordinates through, forexample, the nepotistic behavior of the parents or indirectbenefits gained by helping to raise nondescendent kin. Whena parent is replaced by a stepparent, such advantages are reducedor disappear and, as a result, subordinates may disperse. Subordinatesthat disperse after parent replacement may be constrained intheir timing of dispersal, which could have negative fitnessconsequences. In the cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler,we show that when a parent was naturally replaced or experimentallyremoved and subsequently replaced by a stepparent from outsidethe territory, subordinates were more likely to disperse thanwhen both parents remained in the natal territory. Furthermore,subordinates dispersing from territories in which one or bothparents had been replaced were less likely to acquire a breederposition than subordinates dispersing when both parents werestill on the natal territory. Our findings suggest that thepresence of parents in the natal territory may promote delayeddispersal and facilitate the eventual acquisition of a breederposition outside the natal territory. Our results support theidea that the prolonged parental care, which long-lived speciesare able to provide, may have selected for family living.  相似文献   
1. Variation in survival, a major determinant of fitness, may be caused by individual or environmental characteristics. Furthermore, interactions between individuals may influence survival through the negative feedback effects of density dependence. Compared to species in temperate regions, we have little knowledge about population processes and variation in fitness in tropical bird species. 2. To investigate whether variation in survival could be explained by population size or climatic variables we used capture-recapture models in conjunction with a long-term data set from an island population of the territorial, cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis). The lack of migration out of the study population means that our results are not confounded by dispersal. 3. Annual survival was high, both for adults (84%) and juveniles (61%), and did not differ between the sexes. Although there was significant variation in survival between years, this variation could not be explained by overall population size or weather variables. 4. For territorial species, resource competition will work mainly on a local scale. The size of a territory and number of individuals living in it will therefore be a more appropriate measure of density than overall population density. Consequently, both an index of territory quality per individual (food availability) and local density, measured as group size, were included as individual covariates in our analyses. 5. Local density had a negative effect on survival; birds living in larger groups had lower survival probabilities than those living in small groups. Food availability did not affect survival. 6. Our study shows that, in a territorial species, although density-dependent effects might not be detectable at the population level they can be detected at the individual territory level - the scale at which individuals compete. These results will help to provide a better understanding of the small-scale processes involved in the dynamics of a population in general, but in particular in tropical species living in relatively stable environments.  相似文献   
We re‐evaluate the characteristics of the little‐known Large‐billed Reed Warbler Acrocephalus orinus based on plumage and biometrical comparisons of 10 newly discovered specimens of A. orinus with a large sample of Blyth’s Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum, the species most closely resembling A. orinus. Using specimens whose identity was verified by DNA analyses, we found that the most important criteria for identifying orinus are its long and comparatively broad bill, with typically uniformly dark upper mandible, and on average longer tarsi and claws with a thin and pointed hind claw. In contrast, previously suggested differences in wing formula, plumage colour and shape of flight‐feathers are very minor, variable and seem of limited use for identification of orinus. Graphical analysis of hind claw length against bill to skull length should assist researchers in locating museum or live specimens of orinus that otherwise might be overlooked as dumetorum, and multivariate analysis unambiguously separates the two species based on our present dataset. A review of the scattered literature and specimen records suggests that the breeding distribution of orinus lies between southeastern Kazakhstan and northeastern Afghanistan, within the breeding range of dumetorum, but that orinus may well winter predominantly east of the main wintering range of dumetorum. Further evidence to support this assessment of the species' breeding range was obtained in June 2009, with the discovery of a population in the Pamir Mountains of Afghanistan.  相似文献   
Genetic similarity within pairs of individuals was examined using both 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci and multi-locus DNA fingerprinting profiles in a semi-isolated population of great reed warblers at Lake Kvismaren, south Central Sweden, in 1987-1993. The population was founded by a few individuals in 1978, followed by a gradual increase in numbers until 1988, since when the population has remained relatively stable with about 60 breeding birds. We have previously found that high genetic similarity between pair-mates in the population during the early part of the study period reduced egg hatching success, and hence reproductive success. The measures of pairwise genetic similarity, microsatellite allele sharing and DNA fingerprinting band sharing, were highly correlated with pedigree-based relatedness. Both microsatellite and DNA fingerprinting similarities between pair-mates declined significantly over the study period, and the pattern was most pronounced in the DNA fingerprinting data. Analyses restricted to the microsatellite data showed that the average annual microsatellite similarity between pairwise combinations of individuals, as well as individual homozygosity in males, declined significantly over the study period, and that several immigrants carrying novel alleles entered the population during the study. Hence, the temporal decline in genetic similarity of mates in the population is probably a consequence of increased immigration, facilitated by the recent expansion of the species in the region. These results suggest that the population has now recovered genetically, or is in the process of recovering, from a recent founder event.  相似文献   
The obligate avian brood parasitic common cuckoo Cuculus canorus comprises different strains of females that specialize on particular host species by laying eggs of a constant type that often mimics those of the host. Whether cuckoos are locally adapted for mimicking populations of the hosts on which they are specialized has never been investigated. In this study, we first explored the possibility of local adaptation in cuckoo egg mimicry over a geographical mosaic of selection exerted by one of its main European hosts, the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. Secondly, we investigated whether cuckoos inhabiting reed warbler populations with a broad number of alternative suitable hosts at hand were less locally adapted. Cuckoo eggs showed different degrees of mimicry to different reed warbler populations. However, cuckoo eggs did not match the egg phenotypes of their local host population better than eggs of other host populations, indicating that cuckoos were not locally adapted for mimicry on reed warblers. Interestingly, cuckoos exploiting reed warblers in populations with a relatively larger number of co-occurring cuckoo gentes showed lower than average levels of local adaptation in egg volume. Our results suggest that cuckoo local adaptation might be prevented when different cuckoo populations exploit more or fewer different host species, with gene flow or frequent host switches breaking down local adaptation where many host races co-occur.  相似文献   
Frederic Jiguet 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):253-258
Capsule A first‐time observer effect in the new French breeding bird survey (BBS) was found to result from new observers learning how to use the point count method on randomly selected sites.

Aims To estimate the first‐year effect in a newly started BBS, to look for correlates and test for a temporal trend in learning.

Methods Trends of 105 species were estimated using data from 2001–2007 obtained by 1100 observers conducting point counts over 1535 randomly selected squares. I estimated the average increase in detected numbers between the first and all subsequent years of survey at a site.

Results Observers counted 4.3% more birds in subsequent years than during the initial year of survey. This first‐year effect decreased from 2001 to 2007 (by an average of 2% per year). It was not related to most variables known to influence species detection probability. Only species with songs of lower sound frequencies (ranging from 0.5 to 8 kHz here) displayed a greater increase in locally detected numbers.

Conclusion The detected first‐year effect was the result of method learning by new observers who had not previously conducted point counts or visited randomly selected sites. The learning effect was larger for species with songs of lower sound frequency which are harder to hear during the dawn chorus.  相似文献   
1. We have used molecular methods to unravel a remarkable diversity of parasite lineages in a long-term population study of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus that was not foreseen from traditional microscopic examination of blood smears. This diversity includes eight Haemoproteus and 10 Plasmodium lineages of which most probably represent good biological species. 2. Contrary to expectation, the relative frequency of parasite lineages seemed not to change over the 17-year study period and we found no effects of the parasites on a male secondary sexual ornament (song repertoire size) and two measures of fitness (adult survival and production of recruited offspring). 3. We discuss whether the absence of fitness consequences of the parasites might relate to the fact that we have studied the host at the breeding sites in Europe, whereas the transmission seems to take place at the wintering sites in Africa, where the na?ve birds encounter the parasites for the first time and the resulting primary infections likely make them sicker than during the chronic phase of the infection. 4. The prevalence of the three most common lineages appeared to fluctuate in parallel with a periodicity of approximately 3-4 years. Theoretical models based on intrinsic interactions between parasite antigen and host immune genes cannot explain such dynamics, suggesting that knowledge of extrinsic parameters such as vector distribution and alternative hosts are required to understand these patterns.  相似文献   
Rates of brood parasitism vary extensively among host species and populations of a single host species. In this study, we documented and compared parasitism rates of two sympatric hosts, the Oriental Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) and the Reed Parrotbill (Paradoxornis heudei), in three populations in China. We found that the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is the only parasite using both the Oriental Reed Warbler and Reed Parrotbill as hosts, with a parasitism rate of 22.4%-34.3% and 0%-4.6%, respectively. The multiple parasitism rates were positively correlated with local parasitism rates across three geographic populations of Oriental Reed Warbler, which implies that higher pressure of parasitism lead to higher multiple parasitism rate. Furthermore, only one phenotype of cuckoo eggs was found in the nests of these two host species. Our results lead to two conclusions: (1) The Oriental Reed Warbler should be considered the major host of Common Cuckoo in our study sites; and (2) obligate parasitism on Oriental Reed Warbler by Common Cuckoo is specialized but flexible to some extent, i.e., using Reed Parrotbill as a secondary host. Further studies focusing on egg recognition and rejection behaviour of these two host species should be conducted to test our predictions.  相似文献   
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