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为探索拟黄花乌头 Aconitum anthoroideum DC. 作为生物农药的应用价值,以拟黄花乌头整株为研究对象,在活性跟踪的基础上,综合应用硅胶柱层析、ODS、Sephadex LH-20等方法对拟黄花乌头甲醇粗提物进行分离纯化,从中分离得到了4个生物碱类化合物,分别为4-hydroxynicotinic acid methyl ester (1)、Ranaconitine (2)、Lappaconitine (3)、13-hydroxylappaconitine (4),其中4-hydroxynicotinic acid methyl ester为首次从天然产物中分离得到。采用点滴法测定4个化合物对褐飞虱 Nilaparvata lugens Stal和白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera Horvath的触杀活性,结果表明4种化合物对褐飞虱和白背飞虱具有显著的触杀活性,处理后48 h的LD50 分别为0.26~0.38 μg/头、0.25~0.33 μg/头。研究结果为进一步研究拟黄花乌头中的杀虫活性成分提供基础数据。  相似文献   
[目的]探究乌头产吲咮乙酸(IAA)内生细菌的遗传多样性、溶磷解钾能力、抗逆能力及其对水稻幼苗生长的影响,为道地产区乌头产业可持续发展提供科技支撑.[方法]从健康乌头植株分离可培养内生细菌,采用Salkowski比色法测定内生细菌产IAA能力,16S rDNA限制性片段长度多样性(16S rDNA-RFLP)及16S ...  相似文献   
从敦化乌头(Aconitum dunhuaense S.H.Li)的根中分得6个单体二萜生物碱成份,经光谱分析及同标准品对照,鉴定它们分别为乌头碱(aconitine,1)、下乌头碱(hypaconitine,2)、尼奥灵(nepline,3)、去氧乌头碱(3-deoxyaconitine,4)、中乌头碱(mesaconitine,5)和阿康诺辛(aconosine,6)。  相似文献   
Aconitum kusnezoffii Reichb., one of the earliest recorded toxic species of genus Aconitum, has been used as traditional Chinese medicine and medicinal diet over the last 2500 years to treat heart failure congestion, neuralgia, rheumatism and gout, etc. In the present paper, four water-soluble polysaccharide fractions isolated from the tubers of A. kusnezoffii Reichb. were studied the antioxidant and immunological activities for the first time. In vitro antioxidant assays indicated that fraction WKCP-A had noticeable scavenging activities on DPPH radical, hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion, H2O2 and self-oxidation of 1,2,3-phentriol, ferrous ion-chelating ability and reducing power. Moreover, the in vivo immunological assay exhibited that fractions WKCP-A and WKHP could more significantly enhance splenic lymphocyte proliferation and macrophage phagocytosis than other fractions. Therefore, the water-soluble polysaccharides from A. kusnezoffii Reichb., especially WKCP-A, have the potential to be explored as novel natural antioxidants and immunostimulating agents for using in functional foods or medicine.  相似文献   
目的:对藏药处方中诃子与乌头的配伍概况及诃子配伍乌头的减毒机理进行分析,探讨其配伍的机理和意义。方法:从《四部医典》和《藏医秘方精选》中遴选出诃子配伍乌头的相关处方进行分析;通过检索中国期刊全文数据库,查找与诃子及乌头的相关化学成分研究文献,进行遴选分析。结果:从选出相关藏药处方中发现,诃子与乌头配伍,诃子通常用量大于乌头;通过相关文献分析,诃子配伍乌头减毒存在物质基础。结论:藏药处方中乌头常配伍诃子共用,诃子配伍乌头减毒的情况及机理已有初步的分析结果,进一步的相关研究需要继续进行。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Aconitum is widely used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and cardiotonic properties. Knowledge is limited, however, on its effects on embryonic development. METHODS: Whole embryo culture was applied to explore the effects of aconitine on rat embryos during their critical period of organogenesis. All embryos isolated on gestational day 9.5 were exposed to 0, 1, 2.5, 5, and 10 microg/ml of aconitine with and without S9 mix, and scored for their growth and differentiation at the end of the 48-hr culture period. RESULTS: The embryonic growth and development were adversely affected at the concentration of 2.5 microg/ml aconitine without S9 mix, represented as reduced crown-rump length and head length, decreased number of somites, and lower morphologic score. When the concentration of aconitine was increased to 5 microg/ml, it induced severe dysmorphogenesis effects, including cardiac defect (undivided cardiac tube and inflated pericardial cavity), irregular somites, and brain malformation (e.g., narrow brain vesicles). In the presence of S9 mix, Aconitine toxicity to rat embryos was reduced to a certain extent. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that Aconitine had direct embryotoxic effects during the rat organogenetic period. NOAEL was about 1 microg/ml and metabolism in S9 mix could induce the attenuation of Aconitine toxicity. Until more is known about the effects of Aconitine in pregnant women, we suggest its use should be treated with caution.  相似文献   
短距乌头根的两个新二萜生物碱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从短距乌头(Aconitum brevicalcaratum Diels)的根分离到两个新的二萜生物碱:短距乌碱丁(acobretine D, Ⅰ)和短距乌碱戊(acobretine E, Ⅱ),通过光谱技术(IR, MS, 1H 和13C-NMR)和化学方法确定了它们的结构。短距乌碱丁最初以盐酸盐的形式分得,利用1H-1HCOSY 和13C-1H COSY 归属了其盐的各碳和氢的化学位移值  相似文献   
This paper deals with chromosomal numbers and morphology of 10 species of Aconitum in China. According to the basic number of the genus (x=8), these species can be referred to diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid. Correlation is found between chromosomal numbers, sizes and structures. The perennial species with a rhizome are mostly diploid, with chromosomes larger than those in the biennial species with a tuber, and their chromosome pairs 3-7 are mostly subterminal ones, whereas most biennial species are polyploid, and their chromosome pairs 3-7 are almost submetacentric. The evolutionary trends of chromosome from diploid to polyploid, large to small, st to sm are considered possible. The data are agreed with the idea that rhizomal species are more primitive than tuberous ones. The existence of two types of karyotypes in these 10 species is a further support of taxonomic division of two subgenera, subgen. Paraconitum and subgen. Aconitum. In addition, some species are taxonomically discussed.  相似文献   
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