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GH重组蛋白对达氏鲟生长、血液生化和体组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究生长激素(GH)重组蛋白对达氏鲟生长、代谢及鱼体肝组分的影响,构建了GH成熟肽融合原核表达载体pET32a-AdGH,并将其在宿主菌BL21(DE3)中诱导表达,重组蛋白rAdGH以包涵体的形式存在。设置了4个试验组,分别在鲟鱼商品饲料中添加含量为0(对照组)、10(低处理组)、50(中处理组)和100 mg/kg(高处理组)的粉状rAdGH,连续投喂8周。结果表明,低水平rAdGH添加能够显著促进鱼体生长,提高特定生长率,降低饵料系数,提高肝体比和脏体比;进一步的分析表明,低水平rAdGH添加可提高除血糖外所有测定的血液指标数值,反映了机体代谢水平的增强。各浓度rAdGH的添加均能提高鱼体肝和肌肉中蛋白质、水分含量,降低脂肪含量。rAdGH对鱼体生长和代谢的影响可能与其剂量相关,低水平的添加可显著增强鱼体代谢水平,加快肝中蛋白质的沉积与脂肪的消耗,促进鱼体生长;高水平的添加进一步增强其代谢水平,但其促生长的功能下降,部分血液指标异常,肝组分异常,疑似肝损伤。研究探索了鲟鱼重组生长激素的生长调控功能,为重组生长激素在鲟鱼养殖中的应用提供了基础。  相似文献   
Diploid gynogenesis was induced in Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri using ultra violet (UV)-irradiated bester ( Huso huso × Acipenser ruthenus ) sperm. The higher survival rate of meiotic diploids was noted after 1350 ergs mm−2 UV irradiation. A total of 80 meiotic diploids of known parentage from two different experimental treatments were screened using microsatellite DNA and cytogenetical analysis, and uniparental transmission in meiotic diploids was confirmed.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to explore the morphology and histochemistry of the digestive tract of Acipenser dabryanus (Duméril, 1869). The digestive system of the Dabry's sturgeon contained an oropharyngeal cavity, esophagus, stomach, pyloric caeca, duodenum, valvula intestine, and rectum. Both the pyloric caeca, and the valvula intestine, which belonged to elasmobranch, were present simultaneously in the digestive system of the Dabry's sturgeon, which indicated that it was an archaic species. According to the results, we found four types of mucous cells exist in the digestive tracts of the Dabry's sturgeon. The statistical results showed that there were various types and densities of mucous cells in different parts. In comparison, large quantities of mucous cells existed in intestines. The difference in type and distribution of mucous cells are closely related to the functions of the organs where they are found; 5‐hydroxytryptamine were used to identify the endocrine cells in the digestive tract of the Dabry's sturgeon.The 5‐hydroxytryptamine immunoreactive cells were distributed throughout the digestive tract except the esophagus.  相似文献   
The use of genetic information is crucial in conservation programs for the establishment of breeding plans and for the evaluation of restocking success. Short tandem repeats (STRs) have been the most widely used molecular markers in such programs, but next‐generation sequencing approaches have prompted the transition to genome‐wide markers such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Until now, most sturgeon species have been monitored using STRs. The low diversity found in the critically endangered European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio), however, makes its future genetic monitoring challenging, and the current resolution needs to be increased. Here, we describe the discovery of a highly informative set of 79 SNPs using double‐digest restriction‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing and its validation by genotyping using the MassARRAY system. Comparing with STRs, the SNP panel proved to be highly efficient and reproducible, allowing for more accurate parentage and kinship assignments' on 192 juveniles of known pedigree and 40 wild‐born adults. We explore the effectiveness of both markers to estimated relatedness and inbreeding, using simulated and empirical datasets. Interestingly, we found significant correlations between STRs and SNPs at individual heterozygosity and inbreeding that give support to a reasonable representation of whole genome diversity for both markers. These results are useful for the conservation program of A. sturio in building a comprehensive studbook, which will optimize conservation strategies. This approach also proves suitable for other case studies in which highly discriminatory genetic markers are needed to assess parentage and kinship.  相似文献   
为研究达氏鲟(Acipenser dabryanus)生长激素(Growth Hormone, GH)基因的功能, 合成了达氏鲟垂体SMART cDNA, 克隆得到GH全长cDNA序列。达氏鲟GH全长cDNA序列为1008 bp, 由52 bp的5'端非编码区(Untranslated region, UTR)、编码214个氨基酸的645 bp开放阅读框(Open reading frame, ORF)和311 bp的3'UTR构成。运用GH氨基酸序列构建进化树分析发现, 达氏鲟与两栖类、爬行类和哺乳类的一致性要高于真骨鱼类。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明, 达氏鲟GH mRNA主要在垂体和下丘脑中表达, 且垂体中GH的表达量约为下丘脑的110倍; Western-blot研究结果与qRT-PCR一致, 仅在垂体和下丘脑中检测到生长激素蛋白, 且垂体中GH的表达量远高于下丘脑。免疫荧光定位结果显示, GH主要定位于垂体中部, 下丘脑中也有少量荧光信号; 苏木精-伊红组织切片染色研究表明, GH主要是由嗜酸性的生长激素分泌细胞分泌。研究为深入研究脊椎动物生长激素基因的进化和人工养殖达氏鲟的生长调控提供了基础。    相似文献   
达氏鲟(Acipenser dabryanus)属淡水定居性鲟鱼类,为我国特有种,主要分布在长江上游干流及金沙江下游。长期人为过度捕捞及其生存环境的持续污染和水利工程的影响,使得达氏鲟自然种群资源遭到严重破坏,其配子质量的下降己经成为限制其规模化人工繁殖成功的关键因素之一,因此为解决达氏鲟规模化人工繁殖过程中存在的关键性技术点,作者从达氏鲟精液基本特征、精浆元素组成以及不同水体和Na+、K+对达氏鲟精子活力的影响、精子超微结构方面入手,对达氏鲟精子的生理生态特性进行了研究。结果显示,达氏鲟精子平均密度为1.52×109个/ml;精浆元素以Na+含量最高,其次是K+,之后为Ca2+、Mg2+、Cu2+、Zn2+,其中Na+、K+、Zn2+在达氏鲟精浆中的含量有极显著性差异(P0.01),Ca2+、Cu2+、Mg2+差异不明显;精子在江水中的活力最高;在Na+浓度为20 mmol/L时,精子活力最高,精子快速运动时间(FT)和寿命(LT)分别为(66.7±7.1)s和(177.0±14.9)s;达氏鲟精子对K+浓度变化较为敏感,在K+浓度为0.05 mmol/L时,精子FT和LT最长,分别为(109.0±16.1)s和(189.3±12.4)s,K+浓度超过0.05 mmol/L后精子FT和LT急速下降,当K+浓度达到0.5 mmol/L以上时,精子活力立即受到抑制;达氏鲟精子细胞核长(5.67±0.20)μm,鞭毛长(63.16±2.79)μm,全长为(70.35±2.92)μm。  相似文献   
实现全人工繁殖是中华鲟(Acipensersinensis)物种保护的重要途径,建立中华鲟人工养殖亲鱼群体是人工繁殖的基础条件.本文以自然变温条件下人工培育的中华鲟后备亲鱼(年龄15龄,体长183~235 cm,体重71.5~180.5 kg,n = 14)为研究对象,每天对摄食行为进行观察记录,每月对生长指标进行检查...  相似文献   
保存介质和温度对西伯利亚鲟卵子短期保存的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同保存介质(体腔液CF、Hepes液、RMS液)、温度(4℃、16℃)和保存时间(4 h、8 h、16 h、24 h)对西伯利亚鲟卵子短期保存的影响.结果显示:保存介质、温度和时间对卵子受精率、孵化率和初孵仔鱼畸形率有显著性影响(P<0.05),受精率、孵化率均随保存时间的延长而下降,畸形率上升.16℃条件下保存卵子受精率、孵化率和畸形率均高于4℃,但4℃下卵子的保存时间较16℃下长.研究表明,采用根据西伯利亚鲟体腔液生化成分配制的Hepes液作为保存介质,于16℃下保存4 h为西伯利亚鲟卵子的最佳保存条件,此时受精率、孵化率和畸形率分别为86.36%、94.74%和0.  相似文献   
为研究亚麻油替代不同水平的鱼油后对杂交鲟(Acipenser baeri Brandt♀×A. schrenckii Brandt♂)幼鱼[初均重(70.8±0.5) g]生长、脂肪酸组成、肝脏及肌肉脂肪沉积以及脂肪代谢的影响, 在油脂添加量为8%的饲料中用亚麻油分别替代0(LO0)、25%(LO25)、50%(LO50)、75%(LO75)和100%(LO100)的鱼油, 配制5种等氮(38.7%CP)等脂(10%CF)饲料。每组饲料随机设3个重复, 养殖周期为12周。结果表明,亚麻油替代100%的鱼油对杂交鲟幼鱼的生长没有显著影响, 而且随着饲料中亚麻油含量的上升, 饲料效率有所提高, 100%鱼油替代组的饲料效率明显高于100%鱼油组的(P<0.05); 但用亚麻油替代鱼油后, 肌肉和肝脏的粗脂肪含量以及血清中谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶和乳酸脱氢酶活性明显升高(P<0.05); 肌肉亚麻酸和n-3多不饱和脂肪酸的含量与饲料中相应脂肪酸组成呈明显的线性相关关系(R2>0.69; P<0.05)。对于杂交鲟的脂肪代谢而言, 亚麻油的添加对血清中的游离脂肪酸、甘油三酯、高、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇的变化产生明显影响, 但亚麻油对血清总胆固醇和酮体影响不显著。考虑到亚麻油完全替代鱼油后, 肌肉中的EPA和DHA这两种长链高不饱和脂肪酸的含量仅下降了不到30%, 因此亚麻油应该是一种比较优质的鱼油替代品。  相似文献   
中华鲟胚胎的耗氧率   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应用密闭定容装置 ,对中华鲟胚胎耗氧率进行了研究。结果对尾部接近心脏时期胚胎 ,在不同水温条件下耗氧率测定表明 ,随水温的升高胚胎耗氧率有上升的趋势。在 1 4℃时 ,耗氧率为 0 69mg 1 0 0eggs·min ;而 2 6℃时 ,耗氧率为 1 63mg 1 0 0eggs·min。中华鲟胚胎耗氧率随发育的进程而增大 ,在水源pH为 6 4、水温为 1 9℃条件下 ,受精卵的耗氧率为 0 2 8mg 1 0 0eggs·min ,而到胚胎心脏形成、搏动期开始耗氧率显著升高 ,为 0 87mg 1 0 0eggs·min,到胚体滚动、出膜期时又是一个高峰期 ,为 1 5 4mg 1 0 0eggs·min。  相似文献   
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