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Here, we study the evolution of specialization using realistic computer simulations of bacteria that secrete two public goods in a dynamic fluid. Through this first‐principles approach, we find physical factors such as diffusion, flow patterns and decay rates are as influential as fitness economics in governing the evolution of community structure, to the extent that when mechanical factors are taken into account, (a) generalist communities can resist becoming specialists despite the invasion fitness of specialization; (b) generalist and specialists can both resist cheaters despite the invasion fitness of free‐riding; and (c) multiple community structures can coexist despite the opposing force of competitive exclusion. Our results emphasize the role of spatial assortment and physical forces on niche partitioning and the evolution of diverse community structures.  相似文献   
Two simplifying hypotheses have been proposed for whole‐plant respiration. One links respiration to photosynthesis; the other to biomass. Using a first‐principles carbon balance model with a prescribed live woody biomass turnover, applied at a forest research site where multidecadal measurements are available for comparison, we show that if turnover is fast the accumulation of respiring biomass is low and respiration depends primarily on photosynthesis; while if turnover is slow the accumulation of respiring biomass is high and respiration depends primarily on biomass. But the first scenario is inconsistent with evidence for substantial carry‐over of fixed carbon between years, while the second implies far too great an increase in respiration during stand development—leading to depleted carbohydrate reserves and an unrealistically high mortality risk. These two mutually incompatible hypotheses are thus both incorrect. Respiration is not linearly related either to photosynthesis or to biomass, but it is more strongly controlled by recent photosynthates (and reserve availability) than by total biomass.  相似文献   
Since the professionalization of US-based forensic anthropology in the 1970s, ancestry estimation has been included as a standard part of the biological profile, because practitioners have assumed it necessary to achieve identifications in medicolegal contexts. Simultaneously, forensic anthropologists have not fully considered the racist context of the criminal justice system in the United States related to the treatment of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color; nor have we considered that ancestry estimation might actually hinder identification efforts because of entrenched racial biases. Despite ongoing criticisms from mainstream biological anthropology that ancestry estimation perpetuates race science, forensic anthropologists have continued the practice. Recent years have seen the prolific development of retooled typological approaches with 21st century statistical prowess to include methods for estimating ancestry from cranial morphoscopic traits, despite no evidence that these traits reflect microevolutionary processes or are suitable genetic proxies for population structure; and such approaches have failed to critically evaluate the societal consequences for perpetuating the biological race concept. Around the country, these methods are enculturated in every aspect of the discipline ranging from university classrooms, to the board-certification examination marking the culmination of training, to standard operating procedures adopted by forensic anthropology laboratories. Here, we use critical race theory to interrogate the approaches utilized to estimate ancestry to include a critique of the continued use of morphoscopic traits, and we assert that the practice of ancestry estimation contributes to white supremacy. Based on the lack of scientific support that these traits reflect evolutionary history, and the inability to disentangle skeletal-based ancestry estimates from supporting the biological validity of race, we urge all forensic anthropologists to abolish the practice of ancestry estimation.  相似文献   
With the development of genomics, the update of modern imaging technology and the advent of artificial intelligence and big data, the surgical treatment of gastric cancer has gradually stepped into precision medicine. Precision surgery treatment of gastric cancer is based on accurate molecular typing and staging using modern molecular diagnostic technology and imaging, and the formulation of precise and individualized surgical treatment plans, with the concept of minimally invasive and accelerated rehabilitation surgery running through it. For intermediate-stage gastric cancer, we have adopted a comprehensive treatment approach including traditional radiotherapy and chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Utilize artificial intelligence and big data technology to improve the standardization and interconnectivity of specialty data and realize the transformation of evidence-based medicine. Promoting the standardization, standardization and individualization of gastric cancer surgical treatment, providing patients with precise diagnosis and treatment, and further improving patients'' prognosis are the opportunities and challenges in the development of gastric cancer surgery.  相似文献   
The ability of the Movement Deviation Profile (MDP) and Gait Deviation Index (GDI) to detect gait changes was compared in a child with cerebral palsy who underwent game training. Conventional gait analysis showed that sagittal plane angles became mirrored about normality after training. Despite considerable gait changes, the GDI showed minimal change, while the MDP detected a difference equal to a shift between 10-9 on the Functional Assessment Questionnaire scale. Responses of the GDI and MDP were examined during a synthetic transition of the patient's curves from before intervention to a state mirrored about normality. The GDI showed a symmetric response on the two opposite sides of normality but the neural network based MDP gave an asymmetric response reflecting faithfully the unequal biomechanical consequences of joint angle changes. In conclusion, the MDP can detect altered gait even if the changes are missed by the GDI.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional finite-element model was developed to simulate the complex movement of the laryngeal cartilages during vocal fold abduction and adduction. The model consists of cricoid and arytenoid cartilages, as well as the intralaryngeal muscles and vocal folds. The active and passive properties of the muscles were idealised by one-dimensional elements based on the Hill theory. Its controlling input value is a time dependent stimulation rate. Optimisation loops have been carried out for the arrangement of the individual stimulation rates. Since in vivo measurements are not feasible, the developed biomechanical model shall be used to analyse the force distribution within the laryngeal muscles during phonatory manoeuvres. Simulations of abduction and adduction in different pitches of voice lead to realistic tensions of the vocal folds. The model is a first step to analyse motional vocal fold diseases and to predict the consequences of phonosurgical interventions.  相似文献   

This paper presents the process of designing a new elastic element replacing a membrane in the chamber stapes prosthesis (ChSP). The results of the study are volume displacement characteristics obtained for the prosthesis and physiological stapes. Simulation tests on a 3D CAD model have confirmed that a properly designed ring can stimulate perilymph with the same or greater efficacy as the physiological stapes footplate placed on the elastic annular ligament. The ChSP with a new elastic element creates a good chance of improving hearing in patients suffering from otosclerosis.  相似文献   

When designing any rehabilitation, sportswear or exoskeleton device the mechanical behaviour of the body segment must be known, specifically the skin, because an excessive tissue strain may lead to ulceration and bedsores. To date, it is not known if the kinematic variability between subjects have an effect on the skin strain field, and therefore, in the design and manufacturing of rehabilitation products, such as orthoses. Several studies have analysed the skin deformation during human motion, nevertheless, the comparison between the skin strain field in different subjects during normal or pathological gait has not been reported yet. This work presents a comparison of skin strain analysis for different gait patterns to study the differences between people and, specifically, if it is possible to standardize the orthotic design between subjects with the same gait disorder. Moreover, the areas with relatively minimum strain during the ankle-foot motion are compared to improve the design of structural parts of rehabilitation devices. In this case, a validated 3D digital image correlation system has been used for this purpose combined with strain ellipse theory. The results demonstrate variations in the skin strain field between subjects with the same pathology and similarities between subjects with normal gait. However, more studies and experiments are necessaries to validate this hypothesis and also to test it between different gait pathologies.  相似文献   
Cartilage material properties are important for understanding joint function and diseases, but can be challenging to obtain. Three biphasic material properties (aggregate modulus, Poisson's ratio and permeability) can be determined using an analytical or finite element model combined with optimisation to find the material properties values that best reproduce an experimental creep curve. The purpose of this study was to develop an easy-to-use resource to determine biphasic cartilage material properties. A Cartilage Interpolant Response Surface was generated from interpolation of finite element simulations of creep indentation tests. Creep indentation tests were performed on five sites across a tibial plateau. A least-squares residual search of the Cartilage Interpolant Response Surface resulted in a best-fit curve for each experimental condition with corresponding material properties. These sites provided a representative range of aggregate moduli (0.48–1.58 MPa), Poisson's ratio (0.00–0.05) and permeability (1.7 × 10? 15–5.4 × 10? 15 m4/N s) values found in human cartilage. The resource is freely available from https://simtk.org/home/va-squish.  相似文献   
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