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水麻果多酚的提取纯化及其抗氧化、抗肿瘤活性作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提取分离水麻果多酚,探索水麻果多酚的抗氧化及抗肿瘤能力。本研究通过单因素试验和正交试验优化水麻果多酚超声提取工艺,使用大孔树脂纯化水麻果多酚,通过测定水麻果多酚的总还原力以及清除·OH、DPPH·、ABTS·的能力来表征其抗氧化活性,以宫颈癌Hela细胞和肺癌A549细胞为抗肿瘤研究对象,测定水麻果多酚的抗肿瘤作用。在最优超声提取工艺条件下,即乙醇浓度为60%,料液比为1∶30,超声功率200 W,超声温度为70℃,提取时间为40 min,水麻果多酚得率为3. 29%,纯化产物总酚含量为40. 47 mg/100 mg,水麻果多酚的总还原力与维生素C相当,对·OH、DPPH·、ABTS·均具有显著清除作用,可抑制Hela细胞和A549细胞的生长增殖,并导致癌细胞产生大量活性氧,出现凋亡形态特征。该提取工艺简单、高效且多酚得率高,提取物经大孔树脂纯化后总多酚含量显著提高,且具有显著的抗氧化和抗肿瘤活性。  相似文献   
金塔柏(Platycladus orientalis ‘Beverleyensis’)是重要的观赏树种。生长素(IAA)、玉米素(ZT)、脱落酸(ABA)和茉莉酸(JA)在金塔柏扦插不定根再生过程中起着重要的调控作用,但不同发育阶段内源激素的动态变化及其对不定根发生的影响仍不清楚。以金塔柏半木质化枝条为材料,采用连续组织切片技术观察了不定根发生过程,利用高效液相色谱串联质谱法检测了4种内源激素含量的动态变化。结果表明,金塔柏不定根原基起源于愈伤组织、髓射线、木质部、维管形成层、次生韧皮部、皮层、髓射线与形成层交界处等部位,属于多位点发生模式和多类型生根方式。在不定根形成过程中,随着愈伤组织的形成,IAA和ZT含量下降,ABA和JA含量升高;随着根原基的分化,IAA和ZT含量缓慢升高,ABA和JA含量下降;随着不定根形成与伸长,IAA、ZT、JA逐渐升高,ABA维持在低水平。激素平衡分析发现,IAA/ABA比值和IAA/JA比值下降、IAA/ZT比值上升利于愈伤组织的形成,反之利于根原基的诱导分化,而IAA/ABA比值升高,IAA/ZT和IAA/JA维持在较低水平利于不定根形成与伸长。研究结果为揭示不同内源激素对金塔柏扦插不定根再生的调节作用提供了依据。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A test was made of the hypothesis that the prostrate growth habit of the leaves of the geophyte Brunsvigia orientalis enables utilization of soil-derived CO(2) and is related to the presence of lysigenous air-filled channels characteristic of B. orientalis leaves. METHODS: Brunsvigia orientalis was sampled at a field site. Leaf anatomy, stomatal density, leaf/soil gas exchange characteristics and soil atmosphere and leaf delta(13)C isotope abundances were examined. KEY RESULTS: The leaves of B. orientalis have large lysigenous air-filled channels separating the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves. The upper surface comprised approx. 70 % of the leaf mass and 75 % of the leaf N (mmol g(-1)). Between 20 % and 30 % of the stomatal conductance and CO(2) assimilation was through the lower surface of the leaf. CO(2) efflux rates from the soil surface were up to 5.4 micromol m(-2) s(-1) while photosynthetic fluxes through the lower surface of the leaves were approx. 7 micromol m(-2) s(-1). However, the utilization of soil-derived CO(2) only altered the leaf delta(13)C isotope abundance of the prostrate leaves by a small amount. Using delta(13)C values it was estimated that 7 % of the leaf tissue C was derived from soil-derived CO(2). CONCLUSIONS: A small proportion of photosynthetically fixed CO(2) was derived from the soil, with minimal associated transpirational H(2)O loss into the space between the leaf and soil. The soil-derived CO(2), taken up through the lower surface was probably assimilated by the palisade tissue in the upper surface of the leaf which was exposed to sunlight and where most of the leaf N was located. The occurrence of lysigenous air channels in the leaves may provide longitudinal strength without impaired transfer of CO(2) taken up through the lower surface to the upper surface.  相似文献   
风信子试管苗,取其芽体及切块在离体培养时存在全息现象,主要表现为,在风信子芽体的不同位置的切段上。不定芽发生的数量和频率呈梯度变化;在风信子芽体的不同大小的切段上,循着切段越小不定芽的分化数越少这一规律变化,这些现象都遵循了生物全息律。适当的激素浓度对全息胚的表现具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   
北京九龙山侧柏人工林空间结构多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以北京九龙山面积为0.32 hm2样地调查数据为基础,采用传统方法及结构参数角尺度(W)、大小比数(U)和混交度(M)的二元分布法,分析了侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)人工林的空间结构多样性。结果表明:群落结构较为简单,侧柏占绝对优势,并处于低度混交、大小分化不明显且均匀分布状态,而其他伴生树种则处于高度混交与相对劣势状态;林分径级与树高结构呈单峰分布;侧柏林中平均59%的林木个体周围最近4株树均和它同种,22%林木个体周围最近4株树仅有一株其他树种,总体处于低度混交状态;侧柏样地有52%的林木呈随机分布,且处于随机分布状态的林木其周围57%都是本种,同时处于高度混交状态(M=0.75,1.00)的林木有50%呈随机分布;不同优势度的林木有相近的概率,但优势木略多于劣势木,且大多处于低度混交和随机分布状态。侧柏人工林的空间多样性是由混交度及直径分化共同决定的,这种结果不仅与群落的发展阶段密切相关,还与群落的起源、人为干扰以及物种组成有关。  相似文献   
自从我们观察到两栖类胚胎的表皮在一定的发育阶段能够传导兴奋性,很自然地想到表皮细胞与中枢神经系统的联系的问题,想到Rohon-Beard细胞(以下简称R.-B.细胞)。R.-B.细胞自从1860年在七鳃鳗被发现以来,在无尾两栖类的青蛙、蟾蜍、铃蛙都被找到。在有尾类的钝口螈胚胎,Coghill在1914年进行了经典的,比较系统的研究,相当精细地叙述了这种细胞的发育,联系到胚胎的早期行为,他认为这些细胞是躯干部最早的感觉细胞,在背部的感觉神经节建立之前,执行感觉的功能,尽管那时关于兴奋是怎样传入到这种细胞的,还没有定论。  相似文献   
昆嵛山东方铃蟾的生物学特性及保护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陆宇燕  李丕鹏 《四川动物》1999,18(3):101-104
对分布于胶东昆嵛山脉的东方铃蟾的种群特征和繁殖生态进行了研究, 其年龄组可分为幼体组(1-31 %)、亚成体组(13-16% )、成体Ⅰ组(31-58% ) 和成体Ⅱ组(53-95% ), 雌雄性比为1-16∶1。根据发育程度成体卵巢中的卵可分为5 种类型。通过详细的测量和分析, 表明繁殖期成体的机能形态学指标表现出与生殖状态相关的明显而复杂的变化。  相似文献   
Abstract.  Opisoplatia orientalis is an ovoviviparous cockroach living in the subtropical areas in Japan. Both adults and nymphs overwinter on Hachijo Island (33°N). The nymphs sampled before and after overwintering showed a similar pattern in frequency distribution of head widths with a definite peak of fifth instars. The present study was conducted to determine how this pattern was formed by investigating the effects of photoperiod and temperature on development and reproduction. Photoperiod influenced the number of nymphal instars, resulting in a longer duration of nymphal development at LD 12 : 12 h than at LD 16 : 8 h. However, the rate of development at each instar was only affected to a small extent by photoperiod and no sign of diapause was detected. It was suggested that the photoperiodic response controlling the number of nymphal instars might have evolved to adjust the timing of adult emergence and reproduction to the favourable season. The prereproductive period and time intervals between nymph depositions were prolonged as temperature declined, but there was no evidence for diapause in adults. Mortality occurred in eggs and embryos inside of the body of the females during winter. Thus, it was inferred that female adults would reset ovarian development in spring and deposit nymphs in summer simultaneously, and these nymphs would reach the fifth instar before winter comes. This winter mortality hypothesis was supported by experiments in which reproductive activity and mortality were monitored for field-collected adults under either constant or changing temperature conditions simulating those in the field.  相似文献   
北京地区油松、侧柏人工林叶面积指数变化规律   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
王希群  马履一  张永福 《生态学杂志》2006,25(12):1486-1489
叶面积指数(LAI)是群体结构的重要参数,也是衡量林分质量的重要指标。通过光学测量方法和遥感技术等手段测量的大范围LAI需要进一步的地面实测验证。以北京十三陵林场为研究区,利用CI-110植冠分析仪和野外实测的69个油松和侧柏林分LAI为基础,分析了有效叶面积指数(LAIe)与实测叶面积指数(LAIa)的关系。结果表明,油松林的LAIe/LAIa之值在35.52%~36.36%;侧柏林的LAIe/LAIa之值在14.60%~16.72%。由于测定的油松、侧柏林分郁闭度在0.5~0.8,符合生态公益林的经营要求,因此油松、侧柏林的LAI是合适的,可以作为油松、侧柏林林分质量调控的一个重要依据。  相似文献   
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