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Growth, CO2 exchange, and the ultrastructure of chloroplasts were investigated in the leaves of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Désirée) of wild type and transformed with a gene for yeast invertase under the control of patatin class I B33 promoter (for apoplastic enzyme) grown in vitro on the Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 2% sucrose. At a temperature of 22°C optimal for growth, the transformed plants differed from the plants of wild type in retarded growth and a lower rate of photosynthesis as calculated per plant. On a leaf dry weight basis, photosynthesis of transformed plants was higher than in control plants. Under hypothermia (5°C), dark respiration and especially photosynthesis of transformed plants turned out to be more intense than in control material. After a prolonged exposure to low temperature (6 days at 5°C), in the plants of both genotypes, the ultrastructure of chloroplasts changed. Absolute areas of sections of chloroplasts and starch grains rose, and the area of plastoglobules decreased; in transformed plants, these changes were more pronounced. By some ultrastructural characteristics: a reduction in the cold of relative total area of sections of starch grains and plastoglobules (in percents of the chloroplast section area) and in the number of granal thylakoids (per a chloroplast section area), transformed plants turned out to be more cold resistant than wild-type plants. The obtained results are discussed in connection with changes in source-sink relations in transformed potato plants. These changes modify the balance between photosynthesis and retarded efflux of assimilates, causing an increase in the intracellular level of sugars and a rise in the tolerance to chilling.  相似文献   
1. One-year-old seedlings of shade tolerant Acer rubrum and intolerant Betula papyrifera were grown in ambient and twice ambient (elevated) CO2, and in full sun and 80% shade for 90 days. The shaded seedlings received 30-min sun patches twice during the course of the day. Gas exchange and tissue–water relations were measured at midday in the sun plants and following 20 min of exposure to full sun in the shade plants to determine the effect of elevated CO2 on constraints to sun-patch utilization in these species.
2. Elevated CO2 had the largest stimulation of photosynthesis in B. papyrifera sun plants and A. rubrum shade plants.
3. Higher photosynthesis per unit leaf area in sun plants than in shade plants of B. papyrifera was largely owing to differences in leaf morphology. Acer rubrum exhibited sun/shade differences in photosynthesis per unit leaf mass consistent with biochemical acclimation to shade.
4. Betula papyrifera exhibited CO2 responses that would facilitate tolerance to leaf water deficits in large sun patches, including osmotic adjustment and higher transpiration and stomatal conductance at a given leaf-water potential, whereas A. rubrum exhibited large increases in photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency.
5. Results suggest that species of contrasting successional ranks respond differently to elevated CO2, in ways that are consistent with the habitats in which they typically occur.  相似文献   
Summary A quantitative method is suggested for measuring the similarity of seasonal abundance patterns of different animal species. The method was applied to two sets of field data and produced biologically meaningful and interesting results.  相似文献   
Sociality has evolved independently many times in a diverse array of animal taxa. While sociality in some invertebrates, birds and mammals is relatively well understood, complex social behaviour in Squamate reptiles is a comparatively recent discovery. The extent to which social behaviour is phylogenetically constrained, or free to respond to environmental conditions is a key question in understanding sociality. We sampled 74 aggregations involving 137 individuals of a social lizard (Egernia stokesii) from 13 sites across a 96 250 km2 area showing a wide range of environmental conditions. Over all locations, 70% of the lizards were found in aggregations, supporting the previous suggestion that aggregation in this species is phylogenetically constrained. However, the size of aggregations was negatively related to spatial variation in aridity and daily variation in maximum temperature, suggesting that social behaviour also varied in response to harsh environmental conditions. Lizards aggregated more in arid areas and on cold days. Our results show that it is overly simplistic to regard social behaviour in E. stokesii as either phylogenetically constrained or environmentally determined. A more nuanced appreciation of the extent to which social behaviour is free to vary in response to environmental conditions improves our understanding of social behaviour in Squamate reptiles.  相似文献   
Data on species distribution and abundance are the foundation of population ecology. However, due to difficulties in surveying bats, abundance estimates for tree-roosting microchiropterans are non-existent. Therefore, our objective was to develop methods for estimating colony abundance and density, taking as our model Rafinesque’s big-eared bat Corynorhinus rafinesquii, a species of conservation concern found in cypress-gum swamps of the southeastern United States. We searched 123 transects at eight study sites in the Coastal Plain of Georgia, USA to locate and characterize diurnal summer roosts of C. rafinesquii. We modeled the relationship between the number of bat colonies and landscape-scale habitat variables with zero-inflated negative binomial regression and used Akaike’s information criterion to select the most parsimonious models. We generated a predictive density map to identify areas of high colony density and to estimate overall abundance. Colony density was predicted by the duration of wetland flooding, wetland width, and study site. Application of the regression model to a GIS indicated there were 3,734 colonies containing 6,910 adult bats on the eight study sites. Predicted density ranged from 0.07 colonies/ha and 0.07 adult bats/ha in saturated wetlands to 0.47 colonies/ha and 1.18 adult bats/ha in semi-permanently flooded wetlands. This study is the first to estimate density and abundance of forest-dwelling microchiropterans over a large area. Such data can serve as a baseline for future work on population trends in C. rafinesquii. In addition, our approach could be replicated for other bat species with moderately cryptic roosts.  相似文献   

A total of 106 Fusarium spp. were isolated from infected roots and soil samples of wheat and rice. Of the 106 isolates, 32 from wheat, and 74 from rice, were isolated. Six Fusarium spp. (F. oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F. poae, F. graminearum, F. tricinctum and F. equiseti) were identified at specie level. In aggressiveness tests Fusarium spp. root rot causing fungi were screened out into different aggressiveness classes according to disease severity scales. The aggressiveness of Fusarium spp. was studied on wheat varieties (Inqalab-91 and chakwal-86) and on rice varieties (Basmati-385 and IRRI-6) under controlled conditions. The overall total number of aggressive isolates was higher in rice than in wheat. However, the percentage of severely aggressive isolates was high in wheat, whereas the percentage of moderately and slightly aggressiveness isolates was high in rice. In rice, five isolates were non-aggressive and on wheat 17 were non-aggressive. Random Amplified Polymorphism DNAs (RAPDs) were used to study the polymorphism and genetic variations within the population of Fusarium spp. that established to study correlation between taxonomical and genetical characters of fungi. Five random primers were used P1 (5′-AGGAGGACCC-3′), P2 (5′-ACGAGGGACT-3′), PE7 (5′-AGATGCAGCC-3′), P14 (5′-CCACAGCACG-3′) and PE20 (5′-AACGGTGACC-3′). Each of the 10-mer primers produced results based on the respective banding patterns they generated in present investigations. Primers distinguished the F. oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F. graminearum, F. tricinctum, F. poa and F. equiseti. All the tested primers yielded amplification products, and that were reproducible. Although there was some intraspecific variation with primers, some strains were similar and some were different in banding pattern. In F. oxysporum, F. moniliforme, F. graminearum, F. tricinctum, F. poa and F. equiseti were seen clustered close to one another but each primer separated them unambiguously. All primer (P1, P2, P14, PE7 and PE20) combination produced 62 bands. All primers have shown interspecific and intraspecific variations in banding patterns.  相似文献   
Most studies of police–minority relations in America focus on blacks, usually in comparison with whites. This pattern is particularly puzzling in light of the growing population of Hispanic Americans throughout the US, now outnumbering blacks and consisting of the majority in some major cities. Aside from the need for more empirical research on the policing of Hispanics per se, comparing Hispanics’ relations with the police to other racial and ethnic groups offers some important insights into both the dimensions that are shared across groups and those that are distinctive to Hispanics. This article critically evaluates the small body of empirical research literature on this topic – highlighting both deficiencies in this literature as well as suggestive findings – and concludes by identifying a set of issues that should be addressed in future studies. The available evidence largely supports a racial-hierarchy perspective with regard to the policing of different racial and ethnic groups in the US.  相似文献   
A case‐study is presented of two Los Angeles‐based cross‐cultural coalitions, the Black‐Korean Alliance [BKA] and the Latino‐Black Roundtable [LBR]. An analysis of the development and eventual dissolution of these two coalitions is presented against the backdrop of the history of relations between the African‐American, Korean‐American and Latino communities of Los Angeles. The central issues leading to the breakup of the two coalitions were: lack of resources, internal power dynamics between coalition partners, nationalistic factions within the broader communities, cross‐cultural dynamics between coalition members, the use of a dialogue model to frame coalition activities, and the analysis of intergroup relations underlying the formation of the coalitions. The applied and theoretical implications of the research are discussed.  相似文献   
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