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Abstract. The percentage of above-canopy Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (%PPFD) was measured at 0, 50 and 100 cm above the forest floor and above the main understory vegetation in stands of (1) pure Betula papyrifera (White birch), (2) pure Populus tremuloides (Trembling aspen), (3) mixed broad-leaf-conifer, (4) shade-tolerant conifer and (5) pure Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) occurring on both clay and till soil types. %PPFD was measured instantaneously under overcast sky conditions (nine locations within each of 29 stands) and continuously for a full day under clear sky conditions (five locations within each of eight stands). The percentage cover of the understory layer was estimated at the same locations as light measurements. Mean %PPFD varied from 2% at the forest floor under Populus forests to 15% above the understory vegetation cover under Betula forests. Percent PPFD above the understory vegetation cover was significantly higher under shade intolerant tree species such as Populus, Betula and Pinus than under shade tolerant conifers. No significant differences were found in %PPFD above the understory vegetation cover under similar tree species between clay and till soil types. The coefficient of variation in %PPFD measured in the nine locations within each stand was significantly lower under deciduous dominated forests (mean of 19%) than under coniferous dominated forests (mean of 40%). %PPFD measured at the forest floor was positively correlated with %PPFD measured above the understory vegetation and negatively correlated with cumulative total percent cover of the understory vegetation (R2 = 0.852). The proportion of sunflecks above 250 and 500 mmol m–2 s–1 was much lower and %PPFD in shade much higher under Populus and Betula forests than under the other forests. Differences in the mean, variability and nature of the light environment found among forest and soil types are discussed in relation to their possible influences on tree succession.  相似文献   
After a disturbance, balsam fir stands (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) regenerate primarily by seedlings, but layering is also known to occur and to contribute to the subsequent population base. We examined in detail the lower part of one balsam fir stem, stump and roots in order to: reconstruct the establishment of one mature balsam fir with evidence of layer-origin. The life history of this tree was then reconstructed by measuring tree-ring widths, dating all the sections, and by identifying the presence or absence of pith to differentiate between stem and root structures. We located a pith structure in this tree 51 cm below ground level. This lowest section with pith was characterized by a diameter of only 3 mm and contained 40 concentric tree-rings, suggesting that it originated from a branch. Radial and height growth measured were small until the beginning of 1930s. This period was abruptly followed by an increase in growth in both height and diameter as well as a massive production of adventitious roots, probably produced by partial harvesting of the parent tree/stand.  相似文献   
Aim An understanding of past relationships between fire occurrence and climate variability will help to elucidate the implications of climate‐change scenarios for future patterns of wildfire. In the present study we investigate the relationships between subalpine‐zone fire occurrence and climate variability and broad‐scale climate patterns in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans at both interannual and multidecadal time‐scales. Location The study area is the subalpine zone of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) in the southern sector of the Rocky Mountain National Park, which straddles the continental divide of the northern Colorado Front Range. Methods We compared years of widespread fire from AD 1650 to 1978 for the subalpine zone of southern Rocky Mountain National Park, with climate variables such as measures of drought, and indices such as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). Results Years of extensive subalpine‐zone fires are significantly related to climate variability, phases of ENSO, the PDO, and the AMO, as well as to phase combinations of ENSO, the PDO, and the AMO at both interannual and centennial time‐scales. Main conclusions Years of extensive fires are related to extreme drought conditions and are significantly related to the La Niña phase of ENSO, the negative (cool) phase of the PDO, and the positive (warm) phase of the AMO. The co‐occurrence of the phase combination of La Niña‐negative PDO‐positive AMO is more important to fire occurrence than the individual influences of the climate patterns. Low‐frequency trends in the occurrence of this combination of climate‐pattern phases, resulting from trends in the AMO, are the primary climate pattern associated with periods of high fire occurrence (1700–89 and 1851–1919) and a fire‐free period (1790–1850). The apparent controlling influence of the AMO on drought and years of large fires in the subalpine forests of the Colorado Front Range probably applies to an extensive area of western North America.  相似文献   
Abstract. Anthropogenic influences on recent tree mortality in mid-montane mixed conifer forests of southern California, USA, and northern Baja California, Mexico, were investigated. The Pinus jeffreyi-Abies concolor phase of the mixed-conifer montane community was sampled at three sites, characterized by: (1) low levels of air pollution and long-term fire suppression (Holcomb Valley in the San Bernardino Mountains, California); (2) chronic, severe air pollution and long-term fire suppression (Barton Flats in the San Bernardino Mountains, California); and (3) little air pollution and no fire suppression (La Corona Arriba in the Sierra San Pedro Martir in Baja California, Mexico). Similar percentages of dead standing trees, around 14 %, were found at both San Bernardino sites, but a comparatively low level, 4 %, was found in the Mexican forest. Anthropogenic effects, in particular fire suppression, may play an important role in enhancing the impact of natural stresses on the dynamics of mixed conifer forests.  相似文献   
Background and Aims In mountain ecosystems, predicting root density in three dimensions (3-D) is highly challenging due to the spatial heterogeneity of forest communities. This study presents a simple and semi-mechanistic model, named ChaMRoots, that predicts root interception density (RID, number of roots m–2). ChaMRoots hypothesizes that RID at a given point is affected by the presence of roots from surrounding trees forming a polygon shape.Methods The model comprises three sub-models for predicting: (1) the spatial heterogeneity – RID of the finest roots in the top soil layer as a function of tree basal area at breast height, and the distance between the tree and a given point; (2) the diameter spectrum – the distribution of RID as a function of root diameter up to 50 mm thick; and (3) the vertical profile – the distribution of RID as a function of soil depth. The RID data used for fitting in the model were measured in two uneven-aged mountain forest ecosystems in the French Alps. These sites differ in tree density and species composition.Key Results In general, the validation of each sub-model indicated that all sub-models of ChaMRoots had good fits. The model achieved a highly satisfactory compromise between the number of aerial input parameters and the fit to the observed data.Conclusions The semi-mechanistic ChaMRoots model focuses on the spatial distribution of root density at the tree cluster scale, in contrast to the majority of published root models, which function at the level of the individual. Based on easy-to-measure characteristics, simple forest inventory protocols and three sub-models, it achieves a good compromise between the complexity of the case study area and that of the global model structure. ChaMRoots can be easily coupled with spatially explicit individual-based forest dynamics models and thus provides a highly transferable approach for modelling 3-D root spatial distribution in complex forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
The essential oils extracted from the leaves and the shoots of five Abies species (Pinaceae) growing in Japan, i.e., A. firma, A. homolepis, A. veitchii, A. mariesii, and A. sachalinensis, were characterized by GC-FID and GC/MS analyses. The yields of the essential oils extracted from A. sachalinensis were the highest among them. A significant amount of α-pinene was contained in the essential oils of all the Abies species examined. In A. homolepis and A. veitchii, significant differences in the content of the essential oils were found depending on whether these were extracted from the leaves or from the shoots. Regarding the enantiomeric ratio of α-pinene, the (+)-enantiomer was predominant in the oil extracted from the leaves of A. firma, while (-)-α-pinene was present in higher amounts in the oils of A. veitchii (leaves and shoots), A. mariesii (leaves and shoots), and A. sachalinensis (shoots). The fact that there may be a quantitative and qualitative difference in the components of the essential oils extracted from the different parts of a plant was investigated by cluster analysis.  相似文献   
A method for direct estimation of percentage apoplastic water volume (% APO) in conifer needles is described. The method presented here, and designated the pressure-needle (P-N) method, measures the relative water content of the needles to develop a curve similar to the pressure-volume (P-V) curve. P-V and P-N curves were developed for Picea pungens Engelm. cv. Hoopsi, Pinus sylvestris L., Abies gradis (Dougl.) L., and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) Franco. The % APO estimated by the two procedures varied as much as 2-fold, while other parameters were similar. The P-V method generated consistently higher and more variable % APO than the P-N method, due to the inclusion of the apoplastic water of the stem in the P-V method. For conifers, the P-N method offers a more accurate and precise method for determining % APO.  相似文献   
* Plants establishing in environments that are marginal for growth could be particularly sensitive to mycorrhizal associations. We investigated ectomycorrhizal colonization and its significance for young conifers growing at, or above, their normal limits for growth, in the alpine-treeline ecotone. * Colonization of seedlings (<1 yr old) and juveniles (2- to 10-yr-old) of Picea engelmannii and Abies lasiocarpa by Cenococcum geophilum was determined in a field study, and effects of Cenococcum on Picea seedling ecophysiology were investigated in a glasshouse. * Colonization by Cenococcum was c. 20-fold greater for juveniles than seedlings, and approximately 4-fold greater adjacent compared with approximately 7 m away from trees. Juveniles of Picea were more colonized at timberline than Abies, and the opposite relationship was observed in forest. Colonization enhanced seedling water potential, but not phosphorus concentrations or photosynthesis. * These landscape and age-dependent variations in colonization correspond well with known variations in conifer physiology and establishment near timberline. Facilitation of seedling establishment by older trees at alpine-treeline may include a below-ground, mycorrhizal component that complements previously reported effects of trees on the microclimate and ecophysiology of seedlings.  相似文献   
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