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Sub-alpine Abies veitchii and A. homolepis are distributed in the central part of Honshu Island, Japan, and their habitats are segregated vertically. These species sometimes form a mixed forest in the overlapping area of the two species, that is, in the upper limit of the A. homolepis habitat and the lower limit of A. veitchii. These species have been considered to be distantly related because they were classified into different sections by most conventional classifications. No natural hybridization has been reported between the two species. The aim of this study was to demonstrate, through the use of molecular markers, whether natural hybridization takes place between these two species at two experimental sites on Mt. Fuji, where the species occur naturally. DNA markers from paternally inherited chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and biparentally inherited nuclear DNA (nDNA), were used for this study. As organelle DNA markers, polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) markers were developed to determine the maternal and paternal species for each individual. Two of 334 individuals possessed a cpDNA haplotype derived from A. homolepis and a mtDNA haplotype from A. veitchii. Furthermore, the nDNA of these two individuals was analysed using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay to investigate their genomic composition. RAPD analysis indicated that the nuclear genomes of the two individuals were derived from both species. We conclude that A. veitchii and A. homolepis produce natural hybrids, and that their systematic relationship should be re-evaluated.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism of 40 populations of five Abies species was investigated using PCR-amplified coxI and coxIII gene probes. Using four combinations of probe and restriction enzyme, we detected three major haplotypes and 15 total haplotypes. We also found varied levels of gene diversity for the different species: 0.741, 0.604, 0.039, 0.000, and 0.292 for A. firma, A. homolepis, A. veitchii, A. mariesii, and A. sachalinensis, respectively. The marginal and southern populations of A. firma and A. homolepis have unique haplotypes, especially the Kyushu, Shikoku, and Kii Peninsula populations, which inhabit areas coinciding with probable refugia of the last glacial period and possess high levels of mtDNA genetic diversity. The haplotypes in some populations suggested mtDNA capture also occurred between species through introgression/hybridization. The strong mtDNA population differentiation in Abies is most likely due to the maternal inheritance of mitochondria and restricted seed dispersal. A phenetic tree based on the genetic similarity of the mtDNA suggests that some species are polyphyletic. Based on mtDNA variation, the five Abies species could be divided roughly into three groups: (1) A. firma and A. homolepis, (2) A. veitchii and A. sachalinensis, and (3) A. mariesii. However, we found that all these Abies species, except A. mariesii, are genetically very closely related according to an analysis of their cpDNA sequences. This showed that the chloroplast rbcL gene differed by only one base substitutions among the four species. We believe that the mtDNA variation and cpDNA similarity clearly reflect relationships among, and the dissemination processes affecting these Abies species since the last glacial period.  相似文献   
Abstract. The percentage of above-canopy Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (%PPFD) was measured at 0, 50 and 100 cm above the forest floor and above the main understory vegetation in stands of (1) pure Betula papyrifera (White birch), (2) pure Populus tremuloides (Trembling aspen), (3) mixed broad-leaf-conifer, (4) shade-tolerant conifer and (5) pure Pinus banksiana (Jack pine) occurring on both clay and till soil types. %PPFD was measured instantaneously under overcast sky conditions (nine locations within each of 29 stands) and continuously for a full day under clear sky conditions (five locations within each of eight stands). The percentage cover of the understory layer was estimated at the same locations as light measurements. Mean %PPFD varied from 2% at the forest floor under Populus forests to 15% above the understory vegetation cover under Betula forests. Percent PPFD above the understory vegetation cover was significantly higher under shade intolerant tree species such as Populus, Betula and Pinus than under shade tolerant conifers. No significant differences were found in %PPFD above the understory vegetation cover under similar tree species between clay and till soil types. The coefficient of variation in %PPFD measured in the nine locations within each stand was significantly lower under deciduous dominated forests (mean of 19%) than under coniferous dominated forests (mean of 40%). %PPFD measured at the forest floor was positively correlated with %PPFD measured above the understory vegetation and negatively correlated with cumulative total percent cover of the understory vegetation (R2 = 0.852). The proportion of sunflecks above 250 and 500 mmol m–2 s–1 was much lower and %PPFD in shade much higher under Populus and Betula forests than under the other forests. Differences in the mean, variability and nature of the light environment found among forest and soil types are discussed in relation to their possible influences on tree succession.  相似文献   
Extracts of mature silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) needles, current-year, and one-year old (A) and seven to nine-year old (B), were purified by reversed and normal phase HPLC. Gibberellin (GA)-like compounds were detected by the Tan-ginbozu dwarf rice micro-drop bioassay and corresponding fractions were analyzed by GC-MS. GA9 was present in small amounts, while a major component was a cellulase-hydrolysable GA9 conjugate which was assumed to be GA9 glucosyl ester. It is proposed that GA9 glucosyl ester plays a key role in the regulation of endogenous GA levels in silver fir needles.  相似文献   
Aim An understanding of past relationships between fire occurrence and climate variability will help to elucidate the implications of climate‐change scenarios for future patterns of wildfire. In the present study we investigate the relationships between subalpine‐zone fire occurrence and climate variability and broad‐scale climate patterns in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans at both interannual and multidecadal time‐scales. Location The study area is the subalpine zone of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) in the southern sector of the Rocky Mountain National Park, which straddles the continental divide of the northern Colorado Front Range. Methods We compared years of widespread fire from AD 1650 to 1978 for the subalpine zone of southern Rocky Mountain National Park, with climate variables such as measures of drought, and indices such as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). Results Years of extensive subalpine‐zone fires are significantly related to climate variability, phases of ENSO, the PDO, and the AMO, as well as to phase combinations of ENSO, the PDO, and the AMO at both interannual and centennial time‐scales. Main conclusions Years of extensive fires are related to extreme drought conditions and are significantly related to the La Niña phase of ENSO, the negative (cool) phase of the PDO, and the positive (warm) phase of the AMO. The co‐occurrence of the phase combination of La Niña‐negative PDO‐positive AMO is more important to fire occurrence than the individual influences of the climate patterns. Low‐frequency trends in the occurrence of this combination of climate‐pattern phases, resulting from trends in the AMO, are the primary climate pattern associated with periods of high fire occurrence (1700–89 and 1851–1919) and a fire‐free period (1790–1850). The apparent controlling influence of the AMO on drought and years of large fires in the subalpine forests of the Colorado Front Range probably applies to an extensive area of western North America.  相似文献   
Questions: How does woody vegetation abundance and diversity differ after natural disturbances causing different levels of mortality? Location: Abies balsamea–Betula papyrifera boreal mixed‐wood stands of southeast Quebec, Canada. Methods: Woody vegetation abundance and diversity were quantified and compared among three disturbance‐caused mortality classes, canopy gap, moderate‐severity disturbances, and catastrophic fire, using redundancy analysis, a constrained linear ordination technique, and diversity indices. Results: Substantial changes in canopy tree species abundance and diversity only occurred after catastrophic fire. Shade‐tolerant, late‐successional conifer species remained dominant after canopy gap and moderate‐severity disturbances, whereas shade‐intolerant, early‐successional colonizers dominated canopy tree regeneration after catastrophic fire. Density and diversity of mid‐tolerant and shade‐intolerant understory tree and shrub species increased as the impact of disturbance increased. Highest species richness estimates were observed after catastrophic fire, with several species establishing exclusively under these conditions. Relative abundance of canopy tree regeneration was most similar after canopy gap and moderate‐severity disturbances. For the sub‐canopy tree and shrub community, relative species abundances were most similar after moderate‐severity disturbances and catastrophic fire. Vegetation responses to moderate‐severity disturbances thus had commonalities with both extremes of the disturbance‐caused mortality gradient, but for different regeneration layers. Conclusions: Current spatio‐temporal parameters of natural disturbances causing varying degrees of mortality promote the development of a complex, multi‐cohort forest condition throughout the landscape. The projected increase in time intervals between catastrophic fires may lead to reduced diversity within the system.  相似文献   
Because of introgressive hybridization, closely related species can be more similar to each other in areas of range overlap (parapatry or sympatry) than in areas where they are geographically isolated from each other (allopatry). Here, we report the reverse situation based on nuclear genetic divergence between two fir species, Abies chensiensis and Abies fargesii, in China, at sites where they are parapatric relative to where they are allopatric. We examined genetic divergence across 126 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in a set of 172 individuals sampled from both allopatric and parapatric populations of the two species. Our analyses demonstrated that AFLP divergence was much greater between the species when comparisons were made between parapatric populations than between allopatric populations. We suggest that selection in parapatry may have largely contributed to this increased divergence.  相似文献   
任毅华  罗大庆  周尧治  方江平  卢杰 《生态学报》2019,39(21):8048-8057
粗木质残体(Coarse woody debris,CWD)的空间格局反映了森林群落的死亡格局和干扰格局,在一定程度上体现了群落内林木的死亡过程。采用相邻网格法对色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var.smithii)原始林1 hm2固定样地内CWD进行调查,从CWD类型、腐烂等级、径级3个方面对CWD空间分布格局进行分析。结果表明:样地内CWD总密度为582株/hm2,倒木占55.33%,是CWD的主要输入形式。CWD密度在腐烂等级上的分布可用多项式拟合(R2=0.9973),在径级上的分布可用指数衰减模型拟合(R2=0.9746),且在不同类型、腐烂等级及径级上的分布差异较大。在50 m尺度内,CWD整体表现为小尺度的集群分布和中、大尺度的随机分布。在3种CWD分类中,仅有大枯枝、Ⅰ级腐烂、径级ⅠCWD在小尺度或中尺度表现为较强的集群分布,其余则均以随机分布为主,只是在个别尺度达到或接近集群分布。不同类型CWD间整体关联不显著,只有枯立木与大枯枝在0-21 m尺度内达到显著负关联。CWD空间分布格局是急尖长苞冷杉原始林的重要结构特征,在很大程度上决定着林下植物群落及林型自然更新格局。  相似文献   
濒危植物元宝山冷杉种群生命表分析   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
应用相邻格子法对元宝山冷杉种群进行野外调查,编制种群的静态生命表;根据试验结果编制幼苗期动态生命表。结果表明:元宝山冷杉种群结构存在明显的周期性和波动,出现多个死亡高峰,个体胸径超过18cm后,期望寿命陡降,存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅲ型;一年生幼苗死亡率高达48%。  相似文献   
Yu Q  Xie Z Q  Xiong G M  Chen Z G  Yang J Y 《农业工程》2008,28(5):1931-1941
In this paper, the community composition of Abies fargesii and the population structure of dominant species in this community were studied using a sampling plot method. The research plot was located in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, China. Results showed that the appearance of the community was characterized by evergreen phanerophytes with microphyllous (or mesophyllous), coriaceous and single leaves. The vertical structure of the community can be clearly divided into 4 layers: arbor layer, shrub layer, herb layer and developed moss layer. Abies fargesii population was a developing population as there were more seedlings and young trees than old trees. Saplings were found more frequently in gaps than under the close canopy, which indicated a pattern of gap regeneration. The height structure of Abies fargesii population presented a reversed pyramid shape. Crown size structure of the population showed a typical reversed J shape. The relation between crown size and DBH (diameter at breast height) was closer than that between crown size and height.  相似文献   
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