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Mortality and growth of self and outcross families of three wind-pollinated, mixed-mating, long-lived conifers, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), and noble fir (Abies procera) were followed from outplanting to age 26 (25 for noble fir) in spaced plantings at a common test site. Response to inbreeding differed greatly among species over time and in all regards. Only Douglas-fir and noble fir will be contrasted here, because ponderosa pine usually was intermediate to the other two in its response to inbreeding. In earlier reports, compared to noble fir Douglas-fir had a higher rate of primary selfing and larger inbreeding depression in seed set. Douglas-fir continued to have higher inbreeding depression in nursery and early field survival. The species differed in time courses of inbreeding depression in height and in allocation of growth due to crowding. Between ages 6 and 12, the relative elongation rate (dm · dm?1 · yr?1) of Douglas-fir was significantly greater in the selfs than in the outcrosses. The response was not observed in noble fir. At final measurement, inbreeding depression in diameter relative to inbreeding depression in height was greater in Douglas-fir than in noble fir. At final measurement inbreeding depression in height was inversely related to inbreeding depression in survival. Cumulative inbreeding depressions from time of fertilization to final measurement were 0.98, 0.94, and 0.83 for Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, and noble fir, respectively, which indicates that selfs will not contribute to the mature, reproductive populations.  相似文献   
The phloeo‐cambiophagous buprestid Melanophila knoteki knoteki (Reitt.) var. hellenica (Obenberger.) is not a primary factor of fir decline problem although the beetle substantially contributes to Greek fir Abies cephalonica Loud. var. graeca (Fraas) Liu mortality. By using mapping depiction of the exit holes of the insect on a set of fir trees located on a line transect in a randomized point‐centred quarter scheme and employing pattern analysis techniques we were able to reveal various scales of the infestation pattern. Four scales were recognized, two of them corresponding to the pattern of microsite selection on the bark of a fir tree. While the dispersed exit holes exhibited a statistically significant random dispersion on the bark, within each aggregation the pattern was uniform. The area of compartments created by Dirichlet partition approximated very well the sizes of the actual larval galleries. The Dirichlet tessellation of the bark space and the analysis of the parameter of the resulting partitions showed the predominance of the hexagonal conformation of the larval spaces when space was limited. When some exit holes were positioned close together it was found that they were directed away from each other so the resulting galleries were well separated. Several hypotheses are presented as to the mechanisms underpinning the observed patterns. The allocation of space is in accordance with the widely accepted ‘central place theory’ of W. Christaller, a general theory of pattern generated in the geographical dispersion of human settlements. The revealed pattern was also in accordance with the predictions of the theory of ‘central place foraging’ of R. H. MacArthur and the theory of ‘resource concentration hypothesis’ of R. Root.  相似文献   
在川西高原松潘县二道海林区的东南坡、西北坡和扎日寺林区的东坡用零信号法建立4条云、冷杉树轮年表,通过年轮 气候响应分析、多因素方差分析等方法研究不同坡向树木生长对快速升温的响应差异.结果表明: 快速升温(1980年)后,东坡紫果云杉生长显著加速(0.011 a-1),而西北坡紫果云杉生长则显著降低(-0.006 a-1),东南坡紫果云杉和西北坡岷江冷杉生长降低,但不显著.随着快速升温,不同坡向云、冷杉径向生长与气候因子的关系均出现显著变化.快速升温后,生长季温度对东坡紫果云杉径向生长的促进作用显著增加,对东南坡和西北坡紫果云杉径向生长的抑制作用也显著增加,但生长季温度对西北坡岷江冷杉径向生长的影响在升温前后变化不明显.5月降水量对东坡紫果云杉径向生长由升温前的抑制作用变为升温后的显著促进作用,而对东南坡和西北坡紫果云杉径向生长的抑制作用显著增加,5月降水量对西北坡岷江冷杉径向生长的影响在升温前后变化不明显.树轮与帕尔默干旱指数响应分析表明,快速升温后,不同坡向的土壤湿度变化是造成树轮响应差异的重要原因.多因素方差分析表明,坡向与温度、降水的综合作用是影响紫果云杉径向生长的重要因素.因此,在模拟预测树木生长对气候变暖的响应动态时,应考虑不同坡向与温度、降水的综合作用.  相似文献   
Bark beetle outbreaks are widespread in western North American forests, reducing primary productivity and transpiration, leading to forest mortality across large areas and altering ecosystem carbon cycling. Here the carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of soil respiration (δJ) was monitored in the decade after disturbance for forests affected naturally by mountain pine beetle infestation and artificially by stem girdling. The seasonal mean δJ changed along both chronosequences. We found (a) enrichment of δJ relative to controls (<1 ‰) in near‐surface soils in the first 2 years after disturbance; (b) depletion (1‰ or no change) during years 3–7; and (c) a second period of enrichment (1–2‰) in years 8–10. Results were consistent with isotopic patterns associated with the gradual death and decomposition of rhizosphere organisms, fine roots, conifer needles and woody roots and debris over the course of a decade after mortality. Finally, δJ was progressively more 13C‐depleted deeper in the soil than near the surface, while the bulk soil followed the well‐established pattern of 13C‐enrichment at depth. Overall, differences in δJ between mortality classes (<1‰) and soil depths (<3‰) were smaller than variability within a class or depth over a season (up to 6‰).  相似文献   
Tissue-specific accumulation of phenylpropanoids was studied in mycorrhizas of the conifers, silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.], white pine (Pinus strobus L.), Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.), and Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco], using high-performance liquid chromatography and histochemical methods. The compounds identified were soluble flavanols (catechin and epicatechin), proanthocyanidins (mainly dimeric catechins and/or epicatechins), stilbene glucosides (astringin and isorhapontin), one dihydroflavonol glucoside (taxifolin 3′-O-glucopyranoside), and a hydroxycinnamate derivative (unknown ferulate conjugate). In addition, a cell wall-bound hydroxycinnamate (ferulate) and a hydroxybenzaldehyde (vanillin) were analysed. Colonisation of the root by the fungal symbiont correlated with the distribution pattern of the above phenylpropanoids in mycorrhizas suggesting that these compounds play an essential role in restricting fungal growth. The levels of flavanols and cell wall-bound ferulate within the cortex were high in the apical part and decreased to the proximal side of the mycorrhizas. In both Douglas fir and silver fir, which allowed separation of inner and outer parts of the cortical tissues, a characteristic transversal distribution of these compounds was found: high levels in the inner non-colonised part of the cortex and low levels in the outer part where the Hartig net is formed. Restriction of fungal growth to the outer cortex may also be achieved by characteristic cell wall thickening of the inner cortex which exhibited flavanolic wall infusions in Douglas fir mycorrhizas. Long and short roots of conifers from natural stands showed similar distribution patterns of phenylpropanoids and cell wall thickening compared to the respective mycorrhizas. These results are discussed with respect to co-evolutionary adaptation of both symbiotic partners regarding root structure (anatomy) and root chemistry. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted: 6 November 1998  相似文献   
Abstract. Size-structure dynamics and co-existence of the conifers Abies sachalinensis and Picea glehnii in subalpine forests in Japan, in relation to the understorey dwarf bamboo Sasa, were examined using a simulation model. This model explicitly incorporated recruitment rate, size growth rate and mortality. Recruitment and growth rates were assumed to be suppressed by the cumulative basal area of taller trees and the density of Sasa. As for the one-sided crowding effect, two types of model were examined. The total basal area of the two species suppresses the growth and recruitment rates in an additive model, while the basal area of each species has a separate effect included in a specific model. Two types of recruitment process were examined, i.e. open and closed systems; recruitment rates of open and closed systems are independent of, and proportional to, the basal area of the same species within the plot, respectively. Parameters were estimated from data of plot censuses for four years. The parameters of the specific model showed that recruitment and size growth rates were more suppressed by the same species than the other species. Recruitment of A. sachalinensis was more sensitive to suppression by Sasa compared with P. glehnii. The stationary size structure of the two species, generated from both the models with the open system, fitted well to the observed size structures across various Sasa densities. A. sachalinensis and P. glehnii dominated at lower and higher densities of Sasa, respectively. However, the closed-system simulation showed that the stable co-existence of the two species with a good fit to the observed size structure occurred only in the specific model. These results suggest that within-species interference, which is more severe than between-species interference, is important for the co-existence of the two species and that the relative dominance of the two species readily explained the differential responses to Sasa abundance.  相似文献   
The volatile oil of Abies nephrolepis Maxim leaves growing in Changbai Moutain region was analyzed by OV-1 Capillary column (25×0.25)GC/MS/DS and found to contain 46 chemical constituents, 22 of them which make up 96.8% of the total oil were identified. The major components are α-pinene (15.944%), camphene (20.329%), limonene (29.709%), bornyl acetate (17.083%), etc. Six components from the oil were isolated by N2 protected vectification under vacuum, preparative circle thin-layer chromatography and column chromatography. Limonene, borneol, bornyl acetate and α–bisabolol were idetified by IR and MS.  相似文献   
Comparative investigation of the inner surface of the needle cuticle of 36 species and 2 varieties of Abies under SEM has revealed that the characteristics of the intercellular flanges are rather distinct and four types can be distinguished: (1) Straight and developed single flange. This type is only represented by Abies bracteata D. Don. Morphologically, this species is also quite unique in the genus Abies and was once treated as a subgenus by Franco and Liu. Its special structure of the leaf cuticle observed here seems to support their treatment. (2) Double flanges. This type was first discovered in a leaf fossil of Abies from England. In modern plants of Abies, it is found only in the species from Central America. (3) Undeveloped single flange. This type is represented by a small group of Abies from the west and east coastal area of the Pacific Ocean. (4) Undulate and developed single flange. This type is represented by most of the species of Abies, including all the species in Europe and most species in Asia and North America. The flange types mentioned above seem to have some relationships with the geographical distribution of the species in the genus Abies, and their occurrence might have not been completely influenced by the habitats, hence the features of the intercellular flanges may provide good evidence for the subgeneric division of Abies. Based on our results and those from the previously published literature about the infrageneric treatments of Abies and the distribution of the fossils, we consider that western North America might be the diversity center of modern Abies. Florin once pointed out that the characters of the leaf cuticle in gymnosperms are of great significance for the generic andinfrageneric division. This viewpoint is strongly supported by our study on modern Abies.  相似文献   
Abies nebrodensis (Lojac .) Mattei (Pinaceae) is a species occurring in a very small population only in a restricted area of Sicily. Its taxonomic classification as different species has been object of discussion. In this work the chemical composition of the essential oil from the leaves is presented for the first time and compared to the essential oils from other euroasiatic species reported in literature. Peculiar characteristics of the essential oil of A. nebrodensis are highlighted.  相似文献   
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