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Nemoto T  Sugihara H  Mano A  Kano T  Shibasaki T 《Peptides》2011,32(6):1281-1288
Ghrelin, the endogenous ligand for growth hormone secretagogues (GHSs) receptor (GHS-R), increases adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and cortisol (corticosterone) as well as GH secretion in humans and animals. However, the site of GHSs action to induce ACTH secretion is not fully understood. To clarify the mechanisms of the action of ghrelin/GHSs on ACTH secretion, we analyzed the effects of KP-102 and ghrelin on the mRNA expression and release of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) and arginine vasopressin (AVP), ACTH secretagogues, in monolayer-cultured hypothalamic cells of rats. Incubation of cells with KP-102 for 4 h and 8 h and with ghrelin for 4 h significantly increased AVP mRNA expression and release without changing CRF mRNA expression. CRF levels in culture media were undetectable. Suppression of GHS-R expression by siRNA blocked ghrelin- and KP-102-induced AVP mRNA expression and release. NPY significantly increased AVP mRNA expression and release. Furthermore, treatment of cells with anti-NPY IgG blocked KP-102-induced AVP mRNA expression and release. We previously reported that KP-102 significantly increases NPY mRNA expression in cultured hypothalamic cells. Taken together, these results suggest that ACTH secretion by ghrelin/GHSs is induced mainly through hypothalamic AVP, and that NPY mediates the action of ghrelin/GHSs.  相似文献   
精氨加压素的 C端片段 ,AVP( 4 - 8) ,具有增强记忆的功能 ,它在大鼠脑内引发一系列的生理生化反应 .PKC经常是 G蛋白偶联受体信号传导途径中的介导激酶 ,在 AVP( 4 - 8)信号转导支路中亦不例外 .放射性配基结合实验表明 ,在海马及皮层突触膜上存在 AVP( 4 - 8)的特异性结合位点 .AVP( 4 - 8)可以刺激大鼠脑内 PKC酶活的升高 ,并可以被 AVP( 4 - 8)的受体拮抗剂 ZDC( C) PR阻断 .在同样条件下 ,AVP( 4 - 8)对 PKA酶活无显著性影响 .  相似文献   
This study describes the synthesis and some pharmacological properties of ten new analogues of arginine vasopressin (AVP) containing a conformationally constrained dipeptide fragment in the N-terminal part of their molecules. Amino acid residues in positions 2 and 3 of AVP and some of its agonistic analogues were replaced with -Phe-Phe and D-Phe-D-Phe, dipeptides having a -CH2-CH2- link bridging two nitrogens. All the new peptides were tested for vasopressor and antidiuretic activities. Four peptides with pA2 values ranging from 5.96 to 7.21 turned out to be weak or moderately potent V1a antagonists. The results supplied new information about the structure-activity relationship of AVP analogues. As some of these were unexpected, they point to the need for caution when extrapolating previously known effects of modifications to analogues having conformationally constrained fragments in their molecules.  相似文献   
The complexity of gonadal steroid hormone actions is reflected in their broad and diverse effects on a host of integrated systems including reproductive physiology, sexual behavior, stress responses, immune function, cognition, and neural protection. Understanding the specific contributions of androgens and estrogens in neurons that mediate these important biological processes is central to the study of neuroendocrinology. Of particular interest in recent years has been the biological role of androgen metabolites. The goal of this review is to highlight recent data delineating the specific brain targets for the dihydrotestosterone metabolite, 5alpha-androstane, 3beta,17beta-diol (3beta-Diol). Studies using both in vitro and in vivo approaches provide compelling evidence that 3beta-Diol is an important modulator of the stress response mediated by the hypothalmo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Furthermore, the actions of 3beta-Diol are mediated by estrogen receptors, and not androgen receptors, often through a canonical estrogen response element in the promoter of a given target gene. These novel findings compel us to re-evaluate the interpretation of past studies and the design of future experiments aimed at elucidating the specific effects of androgen receptor signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Arg8-vasopressin inhibited the adenylate cyclase activity of human platelet particulate fraction up to a maximum of 27% (IC50 = 1.2 nM). This inhibition required the presence of 10 μM GTP and was optimal with 100 mM NaCl. Orn8-vasopressin had similar effects. 1-Deamino-Val4, D-Arg8-vasopressin did not by itself affect adenylate cyclase activity but competitively inhibited the action of Arg8-vasopressin (pA2 = 7.74). Arg8-vasopressin did not inhibit adenylate cyclase in intact platelets but instead caused platelet aggregation, an effect that was also competitively inhibited by 1-deamino-Val4, D-Arg8-vasopressin (pA2 = 7.82). Thus, platelets possess vasopressin receptors of the V1 type that, under appropriate conditions, can mediate either inhibition of platelet adenylate cyclase or platelet aggregation.  相似文献   
Dong J  Xie XH  Lu DX  Fu YM 《Life sciences》2007,80(5):408-413
Although there is considerable evidence supporting that fever evolved as a host defense response, it is important that the rise in body temperature would not be too high. Many endogenous cryogens or antipyretics that limit the rise in body temperature have been identified. Endogenous antipyretics attenuate fever by influencing the thermoregulatory neurons in the preoptic anterior hypothalamus (POAH) and in adjacent septal areas including ventral septal area (VSA). Our previous study showed that intracerebroventricular (I.C.V.) injection of interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) affected electrophysiological activities of thermosensitive neurons in VSA regions, and electrical stimulation of POAH reversed the effect of IL-1beta. To further investigate the functional electrophysiological connection between POAH and VSA and its mechanisms in thermoregulation, the firing rates of thermosensitive neurons in POAH of forty-seven unit discharge were recorded by using extracellular microelectrode technique in New Zealand white rabbits. Our results show that the firing rates of the warm-sensitive neurons decreased significantly and those of the cold-sensitive neurons increased in POAH when the pyrogen (IL-1beta) was injected I.C.V. The effects of IL-1beta on firing rates in thermosensitive neurons of POAH were reversed by electrical stimulation of VSA. An arginine vasopressin (AVP) V1 antagonist abolished the regulatory effects of VSA on the firing rates in thermosensitive neurons of POAH evoked by IL-1beta. However, an AVP V2 antagonist had no effects. These data indicated that VSA regulates the activities of the thermosensitive neurons of POAH through AVP V1 but not AVP V2 receptor.  相似文献   
抑郁症是目前最为常见的情感性精神障碍,以情绪及应激的行为反应失调为主要特征。迄今为止,抑郁症的病因及发病机制不明,但相关的神经生化假说很多。精氨酸加压素(Arginine vasopressin,AVP)作为一种神经肽,因其在抑郁症中改变明显而越来越受关注。加压素系统包括丘脑大细胞性神经元、丘脑视上核和室旁核小细胞性神经元、视交叉上核(Suprachiasmatic nucleus,SCN)及下丘脑外边缘脑区。AVP在大脑区域分布不同,对大脑功能的调节机制也不一样。本文从加压素系统及血浆AVP在抑郁症中的研究进展、AVP受体拮抗剂在抗抑郁治疗方面的研究现状进行综述。  相似文献   
Oxytocin (OT) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP) are involved in the physiological response to different stressors like the occurrence of seizures which is regarded as a severe stress factor. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is recently featured as a model of epilepsy but the role of neurohypophyseal hormones on this teleost is still unknown. We attempted to determine whether non-mammalian homologues like isotocin (IT) and vasotocin (AVT) affected pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced seizures in adult zebrafish in comparison with OT/AVP. The mechanism was studied using the most selective OT and AVP receptor antagonists. Zebrafish were injected i.m. with increasing doses (0.1-40ng/kg) of the neuropeptides 10min before PTZ exposure. DesGly-NH2-d(CH2)5-[D-Tyr2,Thr4]OVT (desglyDTyrOVT) for OT receptor and SR49059 for V1a subtype receptor, were injected together with each agonist 20min before PTZ exposure. All the peptides significantly decreased the number of seizures, increased the mean latency time to the first seizure and decreased lethality. This protective effect led to a dose-response curve following a U-shaped form. IT was approximately 40 times more active than OT while AVT was 20 times more potent than AVP in reducing the number of seizures. DesglyDTyrOVT was more effective in antagonizing OT/IT, while SR49059 mainly blocked AVP/AVT-induced protection against PTZ-induced seizures. The present findings provide direct evidence of an important involvement of IT/OT and AVP/AVT as anticonvulsant agents against PTZ-induced seizures with a receptor-mediated mechanism in zebrafish. These data reinforce zebrafish as an emerging experimental model to study and identify new antiepileptic drugs.  相似文献   
Corticosterone-releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) are crucial components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis that stimulates the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone from the pituitary and mediate the stress response. CRH binds to two subtypes of CRH receptors (CRH-R1 and CRH-R2) that are present in both central and peripheral tissues. We used the CRH-R1-specific antagonist, antalarmin (ANT), the CRH-R1 and CRH-R2 peptide antagonist, astressin (AST), and the CRH-R2-specific peptide antagonist, astressin2b (AST2b), to determine which CRH receptor is involved in the nicotine-stimulated secretion of corticosterone. Male C57BL/6 mice were administered ANT (20 mg/kg, i.p.), AST (0.3 mg/kg, i.p.), AST2b (0.3 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle prior to administration of nicotine (1.0 mg/kg, s.c.), CRH (10 μg/kg, s.c.), AVP (10 μg/kg, s.c.) or saline (s.c.), killed 15 min later and trunk blood collected and assayed for corticosterone plasma levels. We found that CRH enhanced corticosterone release, and this response was blocked by both AST and ANT. Nicotine also increased corticosterone secretion, but this effect persisted in the presence of either CRH antagonist. Furthermore, AST but not ANT or AST2b decreased corticosterone levels associated with stress of handling and injection. We also assessed the role of AVP V(1b) -specific receptor antagonist, SSR149415 alone and in combination with AST and AST2b. Although the AVP antagonist did not alter basal or nicotine-stimulated corticosterone secretion, it attenuated the AVP-induced stimulation of corticosterone and its combination with AST but not AST2b completely abolished nicotine-mediated stimulation of corticosterone secretion. Our results demonstrate that the nicotine-induced stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is mediated by both the CRH-R and the AVP V(1b) receptor and when the CRH receptor is blocked, nicotine may utilize the AVP V(1b) receptor to mediate secretion of corticosterone. These results argue in favor of the development of specific antagonists that block both AVP and CRH receptors to decrease the pleasurable component of nicotine, which may be mediated by corticosterone.  相似文献   
Pupfishes in the Death Valley region have rapidly differentiated in social behaviors since their isolation in a series of desert streams, springs, and marshes less than 20,000 years ago. These habitats can show dramatic fluctuations in ecological conditions, and pupfish must cope with the changes by plastic physiological and behavioral responses. Recently, we showed differences among some Death Valley populations in brain expression of arginine vasotocin (AVT). As AVT regulates both hydromineral balance and social behaviors in other taxa, these population differences may indicate adaptive changes in osmoregulatory and/or behavioral processes. To test whether AVT is relevant for behavioral shifts in these fish, here we examined how manipulations to the AVT system affect agonistic and reproductive behaviors in Amargosa River pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis amargosae). We administered exogenous AVT (0.1, 1, and 10 microg/g body weight) and an AVP V1 receptor antagonist (Manning compound, 2.5 microg/g body weight) intraperitoneally to males in mixed-sex groups in the laboratory. We found that AVT reduced the initiation of aggressive social interactions with other pupfish but had no effect on courtship. The effects of AVT were confirmed in males in the wild where AVT (1 microg/g body weight) reduced the aggressive initiation of social interactions and decreased aggressive responses to the behavior of other males. Combined, these results show that AVT can modulate agonistic behaviors in male pupfish and support the idea that variation in AVT activity may underlie differences in aggression among Death Valley populations.  相似文献   
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