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All angiosperms can be arranged along a spectrum from a preponderance of juvenile traits (cambial activity lost) to one of nearly all adult characters (cambium maximally active, mature patterns realized rapidly early in ontogeny). Angiosperms are unique among seed plants in the width of this spectrum. Xylem patterns are considered here to be indicative of contemporary function, not relictual. Nevertheless, most families of early‐divergent angiosperms exhibit paedomorphic xylem structure, a circumstance that is most plausibly explained by the concept that early angiosperms had sympodial growth forms featuring limited accumulation of secondary xylem. Sympodial habits have been retained in various ways not only in early‐divergent angiosperms, but also among eudicots in Ranunculales. The early angiosperm vessel, relatively marginal in conductive abilities, was improved in various ways, with concurrent redesign of parenchyma and fibre systems to enhance conductive, storage and mechanical capabilities. Flexibility in degree of cambial activity and kinds of juvenile/adult expressions has been basic to diversification in eudicots as a whole. Sympodial growth that lacks cambium, such as in monocots, provides advantages by various features, such as organographic compartmentalization of tracheid and vessel types. Woody monopodial eudicots were able to diversify as a result of production of new solutions to embolism prevention and conductive efficiency, particularly in vessel design, but also in parenchyma histology. Criteria for paedomorphosis in wood include slow decrease in length of fusiform cambial initials, predominance of procumbent ray cells and lesser degrees of cambial activity. Retention of ancestral features in primary xylem (the ‘refugium’ effect) is, in effect, a sort of inverse evidence of acceleration of adult patterns in later formed xylem. Xylem heterochrony is analysed not only for all key groups of angiosperms (including monocots), but also for different growth forms, such as lianas, annuals, various types of perennials, rosette trees and stem succulents. Xylary phenomena that potentially could be confused with heterochrony are discussed. Heterochronous xylem features seem at least as important as other often cited factors (pollination biology) because various degrees of paedomorphic xylem are found in so many growth forms that relate in xylary terms to ecological sites. Xylem heterochrony can probably be accessed during evolution by relatively simple gene changes in a wide range of angiosperms and thus represents a current as well as a past source of variation upon which diversification was based. Results discussed here are compatible with both current molecular‐based phylogenetic analyses and all recent physiological work on conduction in xylem and thus represent an integration of these fields. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 26–65.  相似文献   
Original scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations are presented for stems of Brasenia schreberi and Cabomba caroliniana of Cabombaceae and three species of Trithuria of Hydatellaceae. End walls of stem tracheids of Brasenia have the same peculiar microstructure that we have reported in Barclaya, Euryale, Nuphar, Nymphaea (including Ondinea) and Victoria of Nymphaeaceae. This feature unites Cabombaceae with Nymphaeaceae. The minute rhomboidal crystals on the surfaces of stellate parenchyma cells of Brasenia reported by Solereder (1906. Oxford: University Press), but not noticed since, are figured. They are like the minute crystals of the often‐mentioned astrosclereids of Nymphaeaceae. Neither of these two features has been observed in Hydatellaceae. If the absence of these two features can be confirmed, the reason may be more related to ecology, development, habit and anatomical organization than to degree of phylogenetic relationship as shown by molecular studies. Anatomical observations on the stem anatomy of Trithuria are offered on the basis of paraffin sections prepared for a paper by Cheadle & Kosakai (1975. American Journal of Botany 62: 1017–1026); that study is notable for a discrepancy between an illustration of a specialized vessel element on the one hand and tabular data indicating long scalariform perforation plates on the other. Long scalariform perforation plates are mostly found in scalariformly pitted vessels of monocots, whereas the tracheary elements of Trithuria mostly have helical or annular thickenings. We were unable to demonstrate the presence of vessels in Hydatellaceae. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 572–582.  相似文献   
黄土高原子午岭天然柴松林种群结构与动态研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
对黄土高原地区子午岭天然柴松(Pinus tabulaeformisf.shekannesis)林种群的结构和动态进行了研究。结果显示:柴松种群结构呈反J分布型,种群处于增长阶段;种群的密度随径级的增加而降低,种群密度与径级呈现出明显的负相关;4个函数(生存率函数、积累死亡率函数、死亡密度函数、危险率函数)估计值说明种群具有前期增长、后期稳定的特点,其存活曲线介于DeeveyⅡ型和DeeveyⅢ型之间;随时间推移,种群中树和大树数量逐渐增多,种群在20 a后开始大量进入成熟阶段。表明柴松在本研究区内生长更新良好,在无人为干扰条件下,柴松可通过自我调节能力而保持种群的稳定性。  相似文献   
森林种群径阶转移模型中转移概率的估算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲智林  胡海清 《应用生态学报》2006,17(12):2307-2310
基于统计分析理论和微分方程理论,给出了森林种群径阶转移模型中估算转移概率的方法:第一种是在有两次样地观测数据,不考虑林分环境因子等因素的条件下估算转移概率;第二种是在已知林分环境因子条件下,不需要对样地有两次观测数据来估算转移概率.实例验证结果表明,两种估算转移概率的方法具有计算简单和实用性强的特点,对森林经营与管理有一定的理论指导和实际应用价值.  相似文献   
木质残体是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,其理化性质影响木质残体的分解.本研究以集中分布于天宝岩国家级自然保护区的长苞铁杉(Tsuga longibracteata)林木质残体为对象,将4个不同类型林分的木质残体划分为5个腐烂等级和4个径级,研究林分类型、腐烂等级、径级及其交互作用对木质残体理化性质的影响.结果 表明:从物...  相似文献   
目的 了解广东省三级医院护 理人力资源的配置现状,探讨更合理的配置对策。方法 自行设计问卷,对广东省21个地市的76所三级医院护理人力资源数量、护理人力资源内部结构、人员流失、支持保障系统情况等现状进行研究分析。结果 8所(13.33%)医院未成立临床支持中心; 23所(38.33%)医院普通病房实际床位总数与普通病房护士总数比不达标;职业性别比例严重失衡,男性仅占2.61%;34岁及以下护士占76.38%;大专及以下学历占78.61%;高级职称占4.65%;近年离职比由3.62%上升至5.08%。结论 广东省三级医院护理人员非护理工作负担较重;人力资源总量相对不足,队伍结构欠合理;护士人力流失逐年增加。建议优化三级医院护理人力配置,重视临床服务指标,建立并完善后勤保障系统,积极开展护士岗位改革等是适应社会高速发展需求和护理学科专业化的重要举措。  相似文献   
Abstract. Persistence and colonization of submersed aquatic plant species were studied in permanent plots (20 cm × 20 cm) at three shallow sites adjacent to Askö island, in the northern Baltic Sea. The study started in 1991 at two of the sites, in 1992 at a third site and continued until 1997. Two major weather‐induced disturbances occurred during the study: a long, stormy period during a mild winter and a cold winter with extreme low water levels. The stormy period caused a large loss of species from plots (95 ± 5% SE) at the most wave‐exposed site, resulting in a low species number per plot (0.8 ± 0.2) the following summer. During the three following years the mean species number increased to 3.6 ± 0.2. The cold winter caused high species turnover and increased species number per plot at the two most wave‐exposed sites. The species turnover at the sheltered site was highest in the two years with low water level in May, possibly due to increased waterfowl herbivory. Annuals, loosely anchored and highly reproductive species had significantly higher plot colonization rates and lower persistence than perennials, well‐anchored species and species with none or low reproduction. The extent of lateral growth had no significant effect on colonization or persistence. Although these disturbances have a large effect on the dynamics, species mobility was also high in other years. Relative to other, similar, studies in terrestrial vegetation mean persistence in plots was remarkably low and mean mobility and species turnover rates were very high.  相似文献   
Background: Research grade pancreata preserved by the two-layer method (TLM) yield significantly greater numbers of islets than organs stored with University of Wisconsin solution (UW). The goal of this study was to determine whether this would hold true for pancreata that meet selection criteria for clinical grade organs. Methods: Pancreata were chosen based upon a pre-defined set of criteria used for selecting clinical grade pancreata. Thirteen of these organs were preserved in UW and five pancreata were preserved by the TLM. Islets were isolated and evaluated according to the Edmonton protocol. Results: The average preservation time was significantly longer for organ preserved with TLM (9.5 + 2.0 h) as compared to UW (5.8 + 0.6 h, p = 0.015). The pancreata of TLM group resulted in a significant increase in islet yields (3588 ± 500 vs. 2536 ± 312 IE/g pancreas, p<0.05). Visual scoring of islets indicated that islets were better from TLM group (8.3 ± 0.3 vs. 7.3 ± 0.2), and islet survival rates after culture were higher from organs stored with the TLM (87 ± 17 vs. 55 ± 7.4, p<0.05). Other parameters such as viability, insulin content, and stimulation index were similar between the two groups. All the preparations from the TLM group, but only 54% of preparations from the UW group, qualified for islet transplantation. The two recipients receiving islets from TLM group, daily insulin requirements were reduced and C-peptide levels were increased. Conclusion: Compared to storage with UW, exposure of pancreata to the TLM resulted in greater islet yields and improved quality of islets despite longer preservation period. Consequently, pancreata that meet clinical grade status should be preserved by the TLM prior to islet isolation.  相似文献   
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