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Comparison of oligosaccharide components derived from salivary mucin was performed between secretor and non-secretor individuals. Salivary mucin was collected from four secretors and three non-secretors having blood group type-A. Compositional analysis showed that the contents of galactose and N-acetylglucosamine in the non-secretor were higher than those in the secretor. The O-linked oligosaccharides obtained by treatment with alkaline borohydride were separated by gel filtration using Sephadex G-50. The results indicated that the size of the type-A active oligosaccharides from the secretor was similar to or smaller than that of the non-secretor. Ion-exchange chromatography showed that the secretors had strong type-A activities in both the neutral and acidic fractions but the non-secretors showed type-A activity mainly in the neutral fraction. These results suggest that compositional differences in blood group substances exist between secretors and non-secretors.  相似文献   
Anthropological studies were done on 1276 Libyans from the Mediterranean cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, and from Sabha southward in The Sahara. The incidences of hemoglobin (Hb)-S and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency were low in the coastal areas and significantly high in Sabha. Hb-C occurred sporadically in Tripoli and Sabha, and was absent from Benghazi in the east. One case of Hb-J Benghazi was noted. There were no significant differences in the ABO blood group and Rh0 (D) type distributions in the three localities. G-6-PD gene GdA frequency was significantly high in Sabha. The lowest value of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD) gene PGDA frequency and highest value of the gene PGDC were in Sabha. Adenylate kinase (AK) gene AK2 was only detectable in Tripoli. Acid phosphatase (AP) gene Pa frequency in Sabha was more than twice that in Tripoli and Benghazi, while Pc was distinctly lower in Sabha than in the northern cities. Haptoglobin gene Hp1 frequency was almost identical in all areas. Anthropometric measurements revealed overall homogeneity of the three samples, closer similarity in the coastal region to adjacent North African populations, and Negroid influence in the Saharan Libyans. Anthropometry substantiated findings from blood markers.  相似文献   
Functional glycosyltransferase 6 (GT6) family members catalyze the transfer of galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine in alpha1,3 linkage to various substrates and synthesize structures related to the A and B histo-blood group antigens, the Forssman antigen, alphaGal epitope, and iGb3 glycolipid. In rat, mouse, dog, and cow genomes, we have identified three new mammalian genes (GT6m5, GT6m6, and GT6m7) encoding putative proteins belonging to the GT6 family. Among these, GT6m6 protein does not display major alterations of the GT6 motifs involved in binding of the divalent cation and the substrate. Based on protein sequence comparison, gene structure, and synteny, GT6 homologous sequences were also identified in bird, fish, and amphibian genomes. Strikingly, the number and type of GT6 genes varied widely from species to species, even within phylogenetically related groups. In human, except ABO functional alleles, all other GT6 genes are either absent or nonfunctional. Human, mouse, and cow have only one ABO gene, whereas rat and dog have several. In the chicken, the Forssman synthase-like is the single GT6 family member. Five Forssman synthase-like genes were found in zebrafish, but are absent from three other fishes (fugu, puffer fish, and medaka). Two iGb3 synthase-like genes were found in medaka, which are absent from zebrafish. Fugu, puffer fish, and medaka have an additional GT6 gene that we termed GT6m8, which is absent from all other species analyzed here. These observations indicate that individual GT6 genes have expanded and contracted by recurrent duplications and deletions during vertebrate evolution, following a birth-and-death evolution type.  相似文献   
The accuracy of regular serum methods to detect ABO blood groups can be negatively affected by some factors, such as irregular antibodies, autoantibodies or effects of diseases leading to false or weak agglutination. This study aimed to accurately identify ambiguous ABO blood groups by serological and gene detection methods. The samples were collected in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from December 2018 to December 2019. ABO genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific primer (PCR-SSP) method in 20 samples, and ABO exons 6 and 7 or FUT1 and FUT2 genes were sequenced in 5 samples. The genes detected in the 21 specimens included 4 cases of A/B, 2 cases of A205/O01, 3 cases of A/O01, 3 cases of A/O02, 1 case of O01/O01, 1 case of O01/O02, 1 case of B/O01, 1 case of B/O02, 1 case of Bel/O01, 1 case of Cisab01/O01, 1 case of rare B/O04, 1 case of Bombay-like Bmh, 1 case of new gene showing c.261del G of exon 6, c.579 T > C of exon 7 and B new/O01. This study suggests that ABO blood group genotyping technology combined with serological typing can be used for accurately typing ambiguous blood groups.  相似文献   
ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to determine the association of “ABO” and “Rhesus” blood groups with incidence of breast cancer.MethodsIn this study, we identified 70 research documents from data based search engines including “PubMed”, “ISI-Web of Knowledge”, “Embase” and “Google Scholar”. The research papers were selected by using the primary key-terms including “ABO blood type”, “Rhesus” blood type and “breast cancer”. The research documents in which “ABO” and “Rhesus” blood types and breast cancer was debated were included. After screening, we reviewed 32 papers and finally we selected 25 research papers which met the inclusion criteria and remaining documents were excluded.ResultsBlood group “A” has high incidence of breast cancer (45.88%), blood group “O” has (31.69%); “B” (16.16%) and blood group “AB” has (6.27%) incidence of breast cancer. Blood group “A” has highest and blood group “AB” has least association with breast cancer. Furthermore, “Rhesus +ve” blood group has high incidence of breast cancer (88.31%) and “Rhesus –ve” blood group has least association with breast cancer (11.68%).ConclusionBlood group “A” and “Rhesus +ve” have high risk of breast cancer, while blood type “AB” and “Rhesus –ve” are at low peril of breast cancer. Physicians should carefully monitor the females with blood group “A” and “Rh +ve” as these females are more prone to develop breast cancer. To reduce breast cancer incidence and its burden, preventive and screening programs for breast cancer especially in young women are highly recommended.  相似文献   
A/B-Transferase is a glycosyltransferase that transfers a sugar substrate onto H-antigen, which is responsible for the synthesis of glycoprotein- and glycolipid-conjugates termed A/B-antigens. One polymorphism that causes the Pro234Ser substitution in B-transferase was recently found in a genotyping study, and might be cis-AB. In the present study, we analyzed the phenotypes arising from the enzymatic specificity of B-transferase with the Pro234Ser mutation. To evaluate the effect of the P234S mutation on enzymatic specificity, we generated an expression plasmid for B-transferase with Pro234Ser as well as A-transferase with Leu266Met, which is frequently found in cis-ABs. Transfection of B-transferase/P234S or A-transferase/L266M cDNA into HeLa cells, an O-blood group cell line, resulted in an AB-phenotype by absorption-elution testing and immunostaining, whereas A- and B-transferase-expressing HeLa cells exhibited only their own activity. Molecular simulation indicated that the P234S mutation causes a conformational change in the substrate pocket making it suitable for N-acetylgalactosamine.  相似文献   
目的:探讨在母婴ABO血型不合引起的新生儿溶血病(HDN)中的血型分布。方法:对临床表现怀疑为HDN的1939例新生儿进行血清学试验检测,包括新生儿红细胞直接抗人球蛋白试验,红细胞抗体释放试验和游离抗体试验,同时检测母亲ABO血型和RhD血型。结果:1939例婴儿母亲血型均为O型RhD阳性。A型血新生儿818例,其中直接抗人球蛋白试验阳性率17.2%(141/818),红细胞抗体释放试验阳性率89.2%(730/818)。B型血婴儿1121例,其中直接抗人球蛋白试验阳性率10.9%(121/1121),红细胞抗体释放试验阳性率78.6%(881/1121)。结论:ABO血型不合引起的HDN中,A型新生儿比B型新生儿患病几率更大。  相似文献   
The results of ABO typing in Chilean mummies, a review of published South American paleoserological studies and a systematic discrepancy of admixture estimates based on ABO and Gm genes support the hypothesis that Andean pre-Columbian populations possessed the A (and perhaps the B) gene in small frequencies.  相似文献   
The author reports about the theoretical effects of his paleoserologic investigations on some historical population genetics problems. First he refers to the essence of the two modifications by the help of which the fluorescent antibody method can be made suitable for blood typing or archeological skeletal remains and determines his working units (sample, series, "population") used in the paleoserologic researches. The benefits of the projection of the ABO blood typing results on the map of the cemetaries are demonstrated. The distribution of the several phenotypes are collated to the character or richness of the grave goods and to the taxonomic features of the late individuals. The thorough examination of the serogenetic distances among the several samples of a given historical period may cast more light on the ethnic interrelations of the earlier populations living in the same geographic area. Following up the serogenetic changes of a population during subsequent historical periods, new ideas can be gained about the importance of the environmental, economic, and demographic factors shaping the serogenetic profile of the population.  相似文献   
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