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Although macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is known to have antioxidant property, the role of MIF in cardiac fibrosis has not been well understood. We found that MIF was markedly increased in angiotension II (Ang-II)-infused mouse myocardium. Myocardial function was impaired and cardiac fibrosis was aggravated in Mif-knockout (Mif-KO) mice. Functionally, overexpression of MIF and MIF protein could inhibit the expression of fibrosis-associated collagen (Col) 1a1, COL3A1 and α-SMA, and Smad3 activation in mouse cardiac fibroblasts (CFs). Consistently, MIF deficiency could exacerbate the expression of COL1A1, COL3A1 and α-SMA, and Smad3 activation in Ang-II-treated CFs. Interestingly, microRNA-29b-3p (miR-29b-3p) and microRNA-29c-3p (miR-29c-3p) were down-regulated in the myocardium of Ang-II-infused Mif-KO mice but upregulated in CFs with MIF overexpression or by treatment with MIF protein. MiR-29b-3p and miR-29c-3p could suppress the expression of COL1A1, COL3A1 and α-SMA in CFs through targeting the pro-fibrosis genes of transforming growth factor beta-2 (Tgfb2) and matrix metallopeptidase 2 (Mmp2). We further demonstrated that Mif inhibited reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and Smad3 activation, and rescued the decrease of miR-29b-3p and miR-29c-3p in Ang-II-treated CFs. Smad3 inhibitors, SIS3 and Naringenin, and Smad3 siRNA could reverse the decrease of miR-29b-3p and miR-29c-3p in Ang-II-treated CFs. Taken together, our data demonstrated that the Smad3-miR-29b/miR-29c axis mediates the inhibitory effect of macrophage migration inhibitory factor on cardiac fibrosis.  相似文献   
We established a 96‐well‐plate‐based refolding screening system using zeolite. In this system, protein denatured and solubilized with 6 M guanidine hydrochloride is adsorbed onto zeolite placed in a 96‐well plate. The refolding conditions can be tested by incubating the samples with refolding buffers under various conditions of pH, salts, and additives. In this study, we chose green fluorescent protein as the model protein. Green fluorescent protein was expressed as inclusion bodies, and we tested the effects of four pH conditions and six additives on its refolding. The results demonstrate that green fluorescent protein was more efficiently refolded with zeolite than with the conventional dilution method. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   
Heat-shock protein glycoprotein (gp96) serves as a natural adjuvant for chaperoning antigenic peptide into the immune surveillance pathway. In our laboratory, MethA tumor cell suspension culture process has been recently developed for gp96 production in spinner flask. In this work, effects of dissolved oxygen tension (DOT) and agitation rate on this process were studied in stirred-tank bioreactor. The optimal conditions for gp96 production were different with those for MethA tumor cell growth. MethA tumor cell growth pattern was not much changed by various levels of DOT and agitation rate, while gp96 biosynthesis was more sensitive to DOT and agitation rate. Compared with 50% of DOT, the production and specific productivity of gp96 was increased by 27 and 66% at 10% of DOT, respectively. Compared with the agitation rate of 100 rpm, the production and volumetric productivity of gp96 was increased by 48 and 144% at the agitation rate of 200 rpm, respectively. Low DOT (i.e., 10% of air saturation) and high agitation rate (i.e., 200 rpm) were identified to be favorable for gp96 biosynthesis. The results of this work might be useful to scale-up the bioprocess into the pilot scale.  相似文献   
In stimulated murine macrophage, arginase and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) compete for their common substrate, -arginine. The objectives of this study were (i) to test the new α-amino acid Nω-hydroxy-nor- -arginine (nor-NOHA) as a new selective arginase inhibitor and (ii) to elucidate the effects of arginase inhibition on -arginine utilization by an inducible NOS. Nor-NOHA is about 40-fold more potent than Nω-hydroxy- -arginine (NOHA), an intermediate in the -arginine/NO pathway, to inhibit the hydrolysis of -arginine to -ornithine catalyzed by unstimulated murine macrophages (IC50 values 12 ± 5 and 400 ± 50 μM, respectively). Stimulation of murine macrophages with interferon-γ and lipopolysaccharide (IFN-γ + LPS) results in clear expression of an inducible NOS (iNOS) and to an increase in arginase activity. Nor-NOHA is also a potent inhibitor of arginase in IFN-γ + LPS-stimulated macrophage (IC50 value 10 ± 3 μM). In contrast to NOHA, nor-NOHA is neither a substrate nor an inhibitor for iNOS and it appears as a useful tool to study the interplays between arginase and NOS. Inhibition of arginase by nor-NOHA increases nitrite and -citrulline accumulation for incubation times higher than 12 h, under our conditions. Our results allow the determination of the kinetic parameters of the two competitive pathways and the proposal of a simple model which readily explains the differences observed between experiments. This model readily accounts for the observed effects and should be useful to predict the consequences of arginase inhibition in the presence of an active NOS on -arginine availability.  相似文献   
We describe an optimized algorithm, which is faster and more accurate compared to previously described algorithms, for computing the statistical mechanics of denaturation of nucleic acid sequences according to the classical Poland-Scheraga type of model. Nearest neighbor thermodynamics has been included in a complete and general way, by rigorously treating nearest neighbor interactions, helix end interactions, and isolated base-pairs. This avoids the simplifications of previous approaches and achieves full generality and controllability with respect to thermodynamic modeling. The algorithm computes subchain partition functions by recursion, from which various quantitative aspects of the melting process are easily derived, for example the base-pairing probability profiles. The algorithm represents an optimization with respect to algorithmic complexity of the partition function algorithm of Yeramian et al. (Biopolymers 1990, 30, 481-497): we reduce the computation time for a base-pairing probability profile from O(N2) to O(N), where N is the sequence length. This speed-up comes in addition to the speed-up due to a multiexponential approximation of the loop entropy factor as introduced by Fixman and Freire22 and applied by Yeramian et al. The speed-up, however, is independent of the multiexponential approximation and reduces time from O(N3) to O(N2) in the exact case. A method for representing very large numbers is described, which avoids numerical overflow in the partition functions for genomic length sequences. In addition to calculating the standard base-pairing probability profiles, we propose to use the algorithm to calculate various other probabilities (loops, helices, tails) for a more direct view of the melting regions and their positions and sizes. This can provide a better understanding of the physics of denaturation and the biology of genomes.  相似文献   
Chaperone proteins are considered to be fairly ubiquitous proteins that promote the correct folding and assembly of multiple newly synthesized proteins. While performing an embryonic screen in zebrafish using morpholino phosphorodiamidate oligonucleotides (MPOs), we identified a role for an endoplasmic reticulum chaperone protein family member, zebrafish GP96. Knockdown of GP96 resulted in a specific otolith formation defect during early ear development. Otolith precursor particles did not adhere to the kinocilia of the tether cells in the GP96-MPO-injected embryos, aggregating instead into a single clump. Although otolith development was abnormal, the patterning of the ear and the differentiation of tether cells and macular sensory and support cells was not affected. We have isolated and sequenced the full open reading frame of zebrafish GP96 and characterized its expression pattern. GP96 is expressed both maternally and zygotically. GP96 RNA is localized within the floorplate, hatching gland, and in the cells of the otic placode and otic vesicle, consistent with the function of GP96 in ear development. We conclude that the GP96 chaperone protein is involved in the otolith formation during normal ear development. This is the first report of a specific function during organism development being attributed to a chaperone class molecule.  相似文献   
Synopsis Embryos in specific stage of the estuarine teleost, Fundulus heteroclitus, were exposed to mercuric chloride (MC) and methylmercuric chloride (MMC) under several distinct treatment conditions. Four-eight cell stage eggs (0-day old) were exposed for 4 days (continuous), 2 days and one day to each mercury compound. One-day old (mid-blastula), 2-day old (mid-neurula) and 5-day old (beating heart) embryos were exposed 4 days to MC and MMC. Mortality for the four days immediately following the initiation of exposure was the embryonic response measured. Under most exposure conditions to the 4–8 cell eggs, progressive and significant reductions in survival were observed at all concentrations above 40 and 30 gHg++l–1 as MC and MMC, respectively. Reducing the duration of exposure to 1 day most significantly increased the survival potential of the 4–8 cell eggs. For all exposure treatments to the 4–8 cell eggs, significant differences in survival, between eggs exposed to MC and MMC, were determined at 40, 60 and 80 gHg++l–1, indicating the presence of compound-dependent response differences. In all cases demonstrating response differences between MC and MMC exposed embryos, survival was significantly lower following exposure to MMC. Survival of embryos was progressively increased when the initiation of continuous exposure (4 days) was delayed 1, 2 and 5 days after fertilization. As a result, compound-dependent response differences were progressively shifted to higher He++ concentrations. For both MC and MMC, survival of 1-day old embryos exposed for 4 days was greater than that of 0-day old eggs exposed for 1 day. Of the embryonic stages examined, it appears that the earlier cleavage stages are the most sensitive to mercury intoxication.  相似文献   
Abstract The unicellular cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa K-81 has two types of restriction barrier, an extracellular nuclease and sequence-specific endonuclease. The nuclease was detected in the culture supernatant and it was easily released from the cells by washing with water or buffer containing Triton X-100. This nuclease was identified as a polypeptide of about 28 kDa that digested covalently closed circular and linear double-stranded DNAs, including chromosomal DNA from M. aeruginosa K-81. Among another 13 Microcystis strains examined, 3 produced an extracellular nuclease. Furthermore, M. aeruginosa K-81 contained two sequence-specific endonucleases, Mae K81I and Mae K81II, which were isoschizomers of Sp /I and Sau 96I, respectively.  相似文献   
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