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The spectroscopic and photoluminescence characteristics of trivalent dysprosium (Dy3+)‐doped Sr0.5Ca0.5TiO3 phosphor materials synthesized via solid‐state reaction method were studied. The X‐ray diffraction profile confirmed the orthorhombic perovskite structure of the prepared samples. Judd–Ofelt analysis was carried out to obtain the intensity parameters and predicted radiative properties of Sr0.5Ca0.5TiO3:2wt%Dy3+. The photoluminescence spectrum of Dy3+‐doped Sr0.5Ca0.5TiO3 showed three emission peaks at 481, 574 and 638 nm corresponding to 4F9/26H15/2, 4F9/26H13/2 and 4F9/26H11/2 transitions respectively. The variation of luminescence intensity with different excitation wavelengths and Dy3+ concentrations is discussed. The decay profiles of 4F9/2 excited levels of Dy3+ ions show bi‐exponential behaviour and also a decrease in average lifetime with increase in Dy3+ concentration. Yellow to blue luminescence intensity ratio, CIE chromaticity co‐ordinates and correlated color temperature were also calculated for different concentrations of Dy3+‐doped Sr0.5Ca0.5TiO3 phosphor at different λex. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The wheat gene Lr34 confers durable and partial field resistance against the obligate biotrophic, pathogenic rust fungi and powdery mildew in adult wheat plants. The resistant Lr34 allele evolved after wheat domestication through two gain‐of‐function mutations in an ATP‐binding cassette transporter gene. An Lr34‐like fungal disease resistance with a similar broad‐spectrum specificity and durability has not been described in other cereals. Here, we transformed the resistant Lr34 allele into the japonica rice cultivar Nipponbare. Transgenic rice plants expressing Lr34 showed increased resistance against multiple isolates of the hemibiotrophic pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae, the causal agent of rice blast disease. Host cell invasion during the biotrophic growth phase of rice blast was delayed in Lr34‐expressing rice plants, resulting in smaller necrotic lesions on leaves. Lines with Lr34 also developed a typical, senescence‐based leaf tip necrosis (LTN) phenotype. Development of LTN during early seedling growth had a negative impact on formation of axillary shoots and spikelets in some transgenic lines. One transgenic line developed LTN only at adult plant stage which was correlated with lower Lr34 expression levels at seedling stage. This line showed normal tiller formation and more importantly, disease resistance in this particular line was not compromised. Interestingly, Lr34 in rice is effective against a hemibiotrophic pathogen with a lifestyle and infection strategy that is different from obligate biotrophic rusts and mildew fungi. Lr34 might therefore be used as a source in rice breeding to improve broad‐spectrum disease resistance against the most devastating fungal disease of rice.  相似文献   
监测具有潜在威胁的小麦秆锈病病原菌小种动态并分析其毒力谱变化,是培育抗病品种不可或缺的基础工作。在小麦秆锈病鲜有发生的情况下,于2012–2013年获得小麦田间秆锈病标样11份和经有性生殖过程的禾柄锈菌小麦专化型菌样22份。上述菌样经过分离、纯化,得到了53个单孢子堆菌株。利用国内最新采用的禾柄锈菌小麦专化型小种与毒力鉴别寄主体系进行分析,鉴定出13个生理小种,其中34C3RTGQM和34Oro II-MRGQM为优势小种,出现频率均为13.2%,首次发现了对Sr5+Sr11具有联合毒力的6个新小种,其出现频率处在1.9%–13.2%范围内。同时测定出Sr9e、Sr26、Sr31、Sr33、Sr37、Sr38、Sr47和Sr Tt3等8个抗秆锈病单基因对全部供试菌株表现抗病,余下40个单基因系则分别表现对1个以上至全部菌株感病。结论:(1)首次报道了6个对Sr5+Sr11具有危险性的联合毒力谱的新小种类型,这类毒力类型应当被密切关注;(2)明确了当前完全有效的8个抗秆锈病基因和其他部分有效的抗病基因;(3)初步说明了有性循环菌株与无性循环菌株在毒力结构上存在差异。  相似文献   
The blood brain barrier (BBB) specifically regulates molecular and cellular flux between the blood and the nervous tissue. Our aim was to develop and characterize a highly reproducible rat syngeneic in vitro model of the BBB using co-cultures of primary rat brain endothelial cells (RBEC) and astrocytes to study receptors involved in transcytosis across the endothelial cell monolayer. Astrocytes were isolated by mechanical dissection following trypsin digestion and were frozen for later co-culture. RBEC were isolated from 5-week-old rat cortices. The brains were cleaned of meninges and white matter, and mechanically dissociated following enzymatic digestion. Thereafter, the tissue homogenate was centrifuged in bovine serum albumin to separate vessel fragments from nervous tissue. The vessel fragments underwent a second enzymatic digestion to free endothelial cells from their extracellular matrix. The remaining contaminating cells such as pericytes were further eliminated by plating the microvessel fragments in puromycin-containing medium. They were then passaged onto filters for co-culture with astrocytes grown on the bottom of the wells. RBEC expressed high levels of tight junction (TJ) proteins such as occludin, claudin-5 and ZO-1 with a typical localization at the cell borders. The transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER) of brain endothelial monolayers, indicating the tightness of TJs reached 300 ohm·cm2 on average. The endothelial permeability coefficients (Pe) for lucifer yellow (LY) was highly reproducible with an average of 0.26 ± 0.11 x 10-3 cm/min. Brain endothelial cells organized in monolayers expressed the efflux transporter P-glycoprotein (P-gp), showed a polarized transport of rhodamine 123, a ligand for P-gp, and showed specific transport of transferrin-Cy3 and DiILDL across the endothelial cell monolayer. In conclusion, we provide a protocol for setting up an in vitro BBB model that is highly reproducible due to the quality assurance methods, and that is suitable for research on BBB transporters and receptors.  相似文献   
在胚胎发育过程中,用不同比放射性的~(90)锶试液处理受精卵,各处理组都有畸形和死亡现象。畸形的高峰一般出现在囊胚期和晶体形成期,畸形的类型一般为脊椎弯曲、体短、胸腔和卵黄囊扩大,头和眼畸形。随后即出现死亡高峰。例如:游动期的死亡率分别是:21%(对照);36%(5×10~(-11)居里/升);40%(5×1-~(-10)居里/升);45%(5×10~(-9)居里/升)。鲫仔鱼对~(90)锶吸收积累的结果表明:鲫仔鱼体中比放射性大小与试液的比放射性大小成正比,并随试验吋间的延长,生物量的增加而增加,鲫仔鱼的积累系数则不依试液的比放射性大小和生物量的多少为转移。  相似文献   
目的 对一株具有拮抗多重耐药菌的芽孢杆菌的特性进行研究.方法 采用菌落法测试多株芽孢杆菌对18种不同来源致病菌的抑制效应,并对其中一株可拮抗多重耐药菌的芽孢杆菌(KC株)进行鉴定和电泳分析.结果 该芽孢杆菌(KC株)经生理生化以及16S rDNA鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌;KC株对人源、鱼源、畜禽源和鸡粪源的多重耐药菌有不同程度的拮抗效应;SDS-PAGE分析提示,35 kD左右的分泌蛋白可能参与了KC株的抑菌活性.结论 具有拮抗多重耐药菌的芽孢杆菌为枯草芽孢杆菌,且该菌分泌的35 kD蛋白可能参与抑菌活性.  相似文献   
采用液体培养基包括牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基和强化营养肉汤培养基对大肠杆菌K88进行发酵培养,采用不同摇瓶培养时间和不同pH值的培养基观察发酵结果,研究菌体和菌毛生产量的相关性,并通过紫外分光光度计UV751于600nm处测量菌体OD值以对菌种发酵情况进行检测.热激分离菌体和菌毛蛋白,(NH4)2SO4盐析分离纯化K88菌毛蛋白并用分光光度计于280nm处测定其OD值.透析后经SDSP-AGE检测菌毛蛋白纯度.根据实验结果优化发酵培养条件,确定菌种的最佳发酵工艺,以收获最多的K88菌毛蛋白.经过实验研究,最终确定了大肠杆菌K88在pH值为6.5、转速为250r/min的条件下发酵18个h,菌体和菌毛生产量均达到高峰,同时得出菌毛蛋白和菌体成正相关.  相似文献   
一株野生细菌的16Sr DNA序列分析与系统发育树的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以野生细菌F0303的总DNA为模板,采用细菌16Sr DNA的通用引物,通过PCR的方法扩增到一条约1.5Kb的16SrDNA片段。连接到pGEM-T-easy克隆载体上,并用化学法转化E.coli DH5a。用EcoR I对5个随机挑取的转化子进行的酶切分析表明这5个转化子皆为阳性。DNA测序表明该PCR扩增到的16Sr DNA片段长为1475核苷酸。与GenBank上已提交的16Sr DNA进行的比对(BLAST)表明野生细菌F0303归属于沙雷氏属。由Vector NTI Suite 6软件构建的系统发育树表明与深红色沙雷氏细菌(Sematia rubidaea)亲源关系最近,在核苷酸水平有97.8%的相似性。  相似文献   
王臣  刘伟  战培荣  王继隆  李培伦 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3189-3194
为探明外源Sr2+在大麻哈鱼耳石上的沉积状况,本研究利用电子显微探针技术(EPMA)对大麻哈鱼发眼卵后期胚胎进行50、100、200、400 mg·L-1Sr2+ 48 h浸染试验,经12和100 d暂养后检测其在耳石上的沉积.结果表明:不同浓度Sr2+均在大麻哈鱼耳石上产生明显的深红色标记环.同一剂量组锶峰区均值和极值不稳定,但最小锶峰极值也能达到对照组水平的35.1倍,整体上锶峰随浸染浓度增加而增大.经100 d暂养后,锶峰没有减弱迹象.检测结果还表明,锶在大麻哈鱼耳石上的沉积是逐渐进行的,有明显的滞后现象,高峰后能恢复到正常水平.这些特点符合对放流标记技术的要求,表明可以利用外源Sr2+对大麻哈鱼耳石进行标记.  相似文献   
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