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红壤丘陵区林下灌木生物量估算模型的建立及其应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以中国科学院千烟洲生态试验站林下常见的16种物种作为研究对象,构建了单一物种以植冠面积(Ac)为变量的二次方程和以植冠投影体积(Vc)为变量的乘幂方程来估算物种生物量,以及16种物种的混合模型来估算其生物量,并将最佳生物量估算模型应用于不同森林内灌木层生物量的估计.不同森林的灌木层生物量组成存在较大差异.以物种单一模型计算的落叶阔叶林、次生林、人工针叶林灌木层的生物量分别为4773、3175和733kg.hm-2;以物种混合模型估算的结果略低于单一模型,分别为3946、2772和840kg.hm-2.混合模型在未能对所有物种建立单一模型的情况下估算灌木层生物量时,具有简便、实用性的特点.  相似文献   
退耕地人工植物群落根系生态位及其分布特征   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
根系生态位研究是全面掌握植物群落特性、种间搭配以及生态功能的重要科学问题。其测度方式、分布特征、影响因素等方面内容,对于合理指导退耕还林还草工程十分必要。将植物群落根系视为“标准地”,分布于每个土体层次的每个径级根系视为“植物种”。根量、根长、根数作为“植物种”的观测变量,仿照群落生态学方法,提出了一种综合计算根系生态位指数的方法。即将整个研究区域作为一个系统.将这一系统中所有植物群落。统一选用指标最大值。在纵向(即相对于指标维的不同指标)用上限效果测度公式统一进行归一化处理,然后在横向(土层、径级间。简称层径级)进行合并运算,得出层径级根系参数,这一参数定义为层径级根系生态位指数;而将某一群落各层径级生态位指数之和,定义为植物群落根系生态位指数。从而使区域内所有植物群落间具有可比性。使用这一方法,对国家退耕还林还草科技试验县——青海省大通县退耕地人工植物群落根系进行了系统研究。研究结果表明,根系生态位垂直空间分布大多数为典型的表层聚积型,表土层0~20cm根系生态位指数明显高于其它层次。植物群落根系比单一种群或纯林根系具有更高的生态位指数。根系生态位径级分布包括J型、反J型、S型和U型。J型多为粗根一深根型植物群落根系,反J型为细根一浅根型植物群落根系,S型和U型为上述2种类型之间的过渡型。根系生态位指数与植物群落地上部分鲜重生物量、根系丰富度呈显著正相关。退耕地植物群落根系的生态位指数较为接近天然植被,明显高于农作物根系。青海云杉 中国沙棘、中国沙棘、青海云杉等3种植物配置模式更有利于退耕地植物根系生态位的恢复。实施退耕还林还草工程是有效增加根系生态位、提高根系多方面功能的重要途径。  相似文献   
蕨菜叶、茎中γ-氨基丁酸的提取分离及含量测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用渗漉法对蕨菜叶、茎中的γ-氨基丁酸进行了提取,并用柱层析法对提取物进行了分离。采用双波长薄层扫描 法测定其含量,测得蕨菜叶、茎中γ-氨基丁酸的质量分数分别为0.319%、0.141%。采用该法测定γ-氨基丁酸操作简便、 快速,结果稳定。  相似文献   
根据冰晶在水溶液中生长的基本热力学性质,应用多层界面模型,分别得到了冰晶在纯水及抗冻蛋白溶液中生长界面层的吉布斯自由能.由冰晶生长界面层的吉布斯自由能,分析了冰晶在三种不同第一类鱼抗冻蛋白分子溶液中,热平衡状态下生长界面层的微观平衡结构,发现冰晶在抗冻蛋白溶液中生长与其在纯水中生长相比,界面层结构有明显变化,结合抗冻蛋...  相似文献   
Bardet–Biedl Syndrome is a multisystem autosomal recessive disorder characterized by central obesity, polydactyly, hypogonadism, learning difficulties, rod-cone dystrophy and renal dysplasia. Bardet–Biedl Syndrome has a prevalence rate ranging from 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 160,000 births although there are communities where Bardet–Biedl Syndrome is found at a higher frequency due to consanguinity. We report here a Pakistani consanguineous family with two affected sons with typical clinical features of Bardet–Biedl Syndrome, in addition to abnormal liver functioning and bilateral basal ganglia calcification, the latter feature being typical of Fahr's disease. Homozygous regions obtained from SNP array depicted three known genes BBS10, BBS14 and BBS2. Bidirectional sequencing of all coding exons by traditional sequencing of all these three genes showed a homozygous deletion of 10 nucleotides (c.1958_1967del), in BBS10 in both affected brothers. The segregation analysis revealed that the parents, paternal grandfather, maternal grandmother and an unaffected sister were heterozygous for the deletion. Such a large deletion in BBS10 has not been reported previously in any population and is likely to be contributing to the phenotype of Bardet–Biedl Syndrome in this family.  相似文献   
An immunohistochemical method utilizing anti-ganglioside GM1 antiserum combined with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique was applied to a mixed cell population in primary cultures of newborn rat brain. Ganglioside GM1 was demonstrated to be present in neurons and oligodendroglia, but was absent in astroglia. This demonstration was confirmed using a newly developed biotinylated choleragen-avidin-peroxidase procedure. Primary cultures from newborn rat brain cells that had been subjected to a single treatment with trypsin (first passage) and then cultured for 14 days were predominately (95%) composed of astrocytes that stained positively for glial fibrillary acidic protein but were negative for GM1 ganglioside. This preparation contained only 0.34 nmol ganglioside NeuNAc per mg protein compared to 23.9 nmol gangliosidic NeuNAc/mg protein for a five day culture of newborn rat brain mixed cell culture that had not been subjected to passage. Prolongation of culture time from 5 to 21 days in the latter preparation reduced the ganglioside NeuNAc content to 4.9 nmol gangliosidic NeuNAc/mg protein as the proportion of astrocytes in the culture increased. Ganglioside GM1 could not be detected by TLC analysis of the lipid extract obtained from the “pure” astrocyte culture, although small amounts of GM3 and some polysialogangliosides were detected. About half of the label incorporated upon 24 h incubation of astrocytes in the presence of N-[3H]acetylmannosammine appeared in ganglioside GM3. It is concluded that astrocytes in mixed cell primary cultures from newborn rat brain, as well as astrocytes in astroglial preparations derived from such cultures, do not contain ganglioside GM1.  相似文献   
华北地区针叶林下凋落物层化学性质的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
森林凋落物中贮积了大量的有机、无机养分物质,它是森林土壤自然肥力的重要来源之一。在森林生态系统中,养分物质的内部循环主要是通过凋落物来实现的。在分解、转化过  相似文献   
Molecular mechanisms of neurotrophin signaling on dendrite development and dynamics are only partly understood. To address the role of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the morphogenesis of GABAergic neurons of the main olfactory bulb, we analyzed mice lacking BDNF, mice carrying neurotrophin‐3 (NT3) in the place of BDNF, and TrkB signaling mutant mice with a receptor that can activate phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ) but is unable to recruit the adaptors Shc/Frs2. BDNF deletion yielded a compressed olfactory bulb with a significant loss of parvalbumin (PV) immunoreactivity in GABAergic interneurons of the external plexiform layer. Dendrite development of PV‐positive interneurons was selectively attenuated by BDNF since other Ca2+‐binding protein‐containing neuron populations appeared unaffected. The deficit in PV‐positive neurons could be rescued by the NT3/NT3 alleles. The degree of PV immunoreactivity was dependent on BDNF and TrkB recruitment of the adaptor proteins Shc/Frs2. In contrast, PLCγ signaling from the TrkB receptor was sufficient for dendrite growth in vivo and consistently, blocking PLCγ prevented BDNF‐dependent dendrite development in vitro. Collectively, our results provide genetic evidence that BDNF and TrkB signaling selectively regulate PV expression and dendrite growth in a subset of neurochemically‐defined GABAergic interneurons via activation of the PLCγ pathway. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   
Tropical nitrogen (N) deposition is projected to increase substantially within the coming decades. Increases in soil emissions of the climate‐relevant trace gases NO and N2O are expected, but few studies address this possibility. We used N addition experiments to achieve N‐enriched conditions in contrasting montane and lowland forests and assessed changes in the timing and magnitude of soil N‐oxide emissions. We evaluated transitory effects, which occurred immediately after N addition, and long‐term effects measured at least 6 weeks after N addition. In the montane forest where stem growth was N limited, the first‐time N additions caused rapid increases in soil N‐oxide emissions. During the first 2 years of N addition, annual N‐oxide emissions were five times (transitory effect) and two times (long‐term effect) larger than controls. This contradicts the current assumption that N‐limited tropical montane forests will respond to N additions with only small and delayed increases in soil N‐oxide emissions. We attribute this fast and large response of soil N‐oxide emissions to the presence of an organic layer (a characteristic feature of this forest type) in which nitrification increased substantially following N addition. In the lowland forest where stem growth was neither N nor phosphorus (P) limited, the first‐time N additions caused only gradual and minimal increases in soil N‐oxide emissions. These first N additions were completed at the beginning of the wet season, and low soil water content may have limited nitrification. In contrast, the 9‐ and 10‐year N‐addition plots displayed instantaneous and large soil N‐oxide emissions. Annual N‐oxide emissions under chronic N addition were seven times (transitory effect) and four times (long‐term effect) larger than controls. Seasonal changes in soil water content also caused seasonal changes in soil N‐oxide emissions from the 9‐ and 10‐year N‐addition plots. This suggests that climate change scenarios, where rainfall quantity and seasonality change, will alter the relative importance of soil NO and N2O emissions from tropical forests exposed to elevated N deposition.  相似文献   
目的:探究CT诊断对于胰腺癌侵犯胰周动静脉的临床价值。方法:随机选取在我院就诊的64例胰腺癌患者,在他们进行手术前全在距离肿瘤边缘1cm内的血管进行分期和诊断进而进行螺旋CT检查。结果:经组织学术后病理切片染色发现胰周动脉29条,静脉48条。运用外科手术探查方法发现86条胰周动脉,89条胰周静脉。在这些血管中,有23条动脉、47条静脉经外科手术证实的确是肿瘤侵犯,并且经过CT诊断,我们最终断定为有25条动脉、46条静脉处于1~4级。结论:胰周动、静脉受到侵犯时,具有不同的CT表现特征,因此在利用CT方法判断胰周动、静脉遭受侵犯时应当根据不同情况不同对待。  相似文献   
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