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Using rat hepatocytes we confirmed our previous results that glucagon and -adrenergic agonists increased the enzyme activity of alanine aminotransferase (AAT) and propranolol abolished their effects. Only the enzyme activity was measured and other parameters like quantity of the enzyme or activation due to modification were not looked for. As in perfusion experiment phenylephrine and phenoxybenzamine (-agonist and -antagonist respectively) also increased the AAT activity in isolated rat hepatocytes and propranolol reversed these effects. The additive effect of glucagon and phenoxybenzamine on AAT was also persistant in hepatocyte system.Fructose- 1:6-bisphosphatase (Fru-P2ase), another key enzyme in gluconeogenic pathway, was elevated by glucagon and other -adrenergic agonists both in liver perfusion and isolated hepatocyte experiments and was brought back to the normal level by propranolol. In this case also only the enzyme activity was measured and no other parameters were looked for. Unlike AAT this enzyme was not stimulated by phenylephrine or phenoxybenzamine. But AAT and Fru-P2-ase activities were increased significantly by adenylate cyclase activators like fluoride or forskolin. Thus, it appears that the regulation of fru-P2-ase by glucagon is purely a -receptor mediated process whereas AAT activation shows a mixed type of regulation where some well known -agonist and antagonists are behaving as -agonists.Results further indicate the presence of phosphodiesterase in hepatocyte membrane which was stimulated by glucagon and brought back to the normal level by propranolol.The different adrenergic compounds stated above, not only modified the activity of the above two enzymes but also stimulated glucose production by hepatocytes from alanine which was in turn abolished by propranolol as well as amino oxyacetate (AOA), a highly specified inhibitor of AAT. This confirm the participation of AAT in gluconeogenesis from alanine in liver. Forskolin and fluoride also increased the glucose production from alanine and showed additive effects with glucagon, phenylephrine and phenoxybenzamine.  相似文献   
Summary R*-cells of the digestive gland of Carcinus maenas have been investigated functionally and morphologically. A comparison of the capacity of separated cell suspensions to synthesize glycogen gave support to the hypothesis that R and R* cells belong to the same cell line. The unexpected observation of R* cells in gastric juice suggests that their release could represent a mode of redistribution of carbohydrate stores when the feeding activity of the crab is lower. Under electron microscopy, the calcospherites of R* cells appeared to be surrounded by multiple membranous layers, and displayed tubular and vesicular structures in their core. High glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) activity in the subcellular fraction that is enriched in calcospherites suggests that these membranes are derived from the endoplasmic reticulum, via a process in which the enzyme plays a key role. We propose that this is the way by which the R cell differentiates into R* cell.  相似文献   
The present study examines the time dependent effects of n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on liver microsomal lipid metabolism in FVB mice fed a diet supplemented with a mixture of free fatty acids (mainly 18:3n-6 and 20:5n-3) at 25 mg/g diet. Significant changes in the fatty acid composition of total liver and microsomal lipids were observed after 7 days on the diets. Thereafter, some animals remained on the same diet while others were fed a diet supplemented with hydrogenated coconut oil (HCO). With the exception of 20:5n-3 which showed a slower recovery, establishment of the HCO pattern was rapid indicating that the diet-induced changes could be easily reversed. The unsaturation index, the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio and the microviscosity of the microsomal membranes were not affected by these dietary manipulations. Unsaturated fatty acid supplementation reduced the activity of 9 desaturase by 50%. Feeding the HCO diet to mice previously fed the EPA/GLA diet led to a progressive increase in 9 desaturase activity, reaching 80% of the day zero values after 14 days. The monoene content of hepatic total lipids reflected, in most cases, the changes in enzyme activity. This study shows that a low dose of a n-3 and n-6 free fatty acid mixture increases the quantities of members of the n-3 family, without loss of n-6 fatty acids in microsomal membranes and modifies the activity of 9 desaturase without altering the microsome physicochemical parameters.  相似文献   
Summary This study investigates the effects of anticancer drugs and immunomodulating agents on the release of interleukin-6 (IL-6) from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear leucocytes in vitro. The addition of non-cytotoxic concentrations of Adriamycin (doxorubicin), vincristine and 4-OOH-cyclophosphamide (the in vitro active analogue of cyclophosphamide) resulted in suppression of IL-6 release. The drugs bleomycin, FK156 [d-lactoyl-l-alanyl--d-glutamyl-(l)-meso-diaminopimelyl-(l)-glycine], FK565 [heptanoyl--d-glutamyl-(l)-meso-diaminopimelyl-(d)-alanine] and the immunosuppressive agent cyclosporin A did not alter the release of IL-6 in the same experimental system.  相似文献   
The present study, utilizing thioglycolamido as the reactive group, describes the synthesis and pharmacology of a new opioid antagonist affinity ligand, 6-thioglycolamido-6-desoxynaltrexone (TAN) and compares TAN with a related known compound, 6-bromoacetamido-6-desoxynaltrexone (BAN). Both compounds were tested for their reversible and irreversible inhibition of [3H]naloxone binding to calf brain membranes. Reversible binding of BAN and TAN had Ki values of 1×10–9 and 1×10–10 M, respectively as determined by log probit plots. Irreversible binding was determined after extensive washing to remove all non-covalently bound ligand. At a concentration of 5×10–8 and 1×10–8 M for BAN and TAN irreversible binding was inhibited 50% of the maximum value. A study of the time course of irreversible inhibition of [3H]naloxone binding revealed that maximal inhibition occurred within 5 min with a concentration of 1×10–7 M of either agent. TAN but not BAN when administered systematically to mice produced an antinociceptive effect as measured by the writhing test. When administered intracerebraventricularly BAN did not block morphine-induced analgesia for more than 2 hr; whereas, with a single ED50 dose of 20 nmoles of TAN i.c.v. morphine-induced analgesia was almost completely blocked for a period of over 24 hr, as determined by the tail flick test. Although the SH group of TAN were required for the covalent interaction with opioid receptors, the site of TAN's interaction appears to involve other than protein SH groups.  相似文献   
A rapid, one-step procedure has been developed for inducing direct organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis in cultures of Phaseolus coccineus L., P. acutifolius A., P. aureus L. [Vigna radiata L. Wilczek] and P. wrightii L. Development of somatic embryos and shoot buds occurred within 6–8 weeks of culture from intact seedlings raised on MS (Murashige and Skoog 1962) medium supplemented with N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). Shoot buds or embryoids originated from subepidermal tissue of the regions adjacent to the shoot apex, hypocotyl and cotyledonary axils. While P. acutifolius and P. aureus were regenerated via shoot formation and P. wrightii by somatic embryogenesis, both embryogenesis and shoot regeneration were observed in P. coccineus. Relatively higher levels of BAP, 50–80 M, were found to be optimal for inducing regeneration while lower concentrations were ineffective. About 40–70 shoots and 70–250 somatic embryos were produced per responding seedling. Regenerated shoots and somatic embryos developed into whole plants on a basal medium or the one supplemented with 1 M naphthaleneacetic acid.  相似文献   
Anti-idiotype antibodies can mimic the conformational epitopes of the original antigen and act as antigen substitutes for vaccination and/or serological purposes. To investigate this possibility concerning the tumor marker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), BALB/c mice were immunized with the previously described anti-CEA monoclonal antibody (MAb) 5.D11 (AB1). After cell fusion, 15 stable cloned cell lines secreting anti-Ids (AB2) were obtained. Selected MAbs gave various degrees of inhibition (up to 100%) of the binding of 125I-labeled CEA to MAb 5.D11. Absence of reactivity of anti-Id MAbs with normal mouse IgG was first demonstrated by the fact that anti-Id MAbs were not absorbed by passage through a mouse IgG column, and second because they bound specifically to non-reduced MAb 5.D11 on Western blots. Anti-5.D11 MAbs did not inhibit binding to CEA of MAb 10.B9, another anti-CEA antibody obtained in the same fusion as 5.D11, or that of several anti-CEA MAbs reported in an international workshop, with the exception of two other anti-CEA MAbs, both directed against the GOLD IV epitope. When applied to an Id-anti-Id competitive radioimmunoassay, a sensitivity of 2 ng/ml of CEA was obtained, which is sufficient for monitoring circulating CEA in carcinoma patients. To verify that the anti-Id MAbs have the potential to be used as CEA vaccines, syngeneic BALB/c mice were immunized with these MAbs (AB2). Sera from immunized mice were demonstrated to contain AB3 antibodies recognizing the original antigen, CEA, both in enzyme immunoassay and by immunoperoxidase staining of human colon carcinoma. These results open the perspective of vaccination against colorectal carcinoma through the use of anti-idiotype antibodies as antigen substitutes.  相似文献   
Racemic 4',6-dichloroflavan (BW683C), a highly effective inhibitor of rhinovirus serotype 1B in vitro, was resolved by high-performance liquid chromatography on a chiral stationary phase. The enantiomers were separately collected and circular dichroism curves were obtained, in order to determine the absolute configuration of the two enantiomers. The activity of the isomers was studied on human rhinovirus serotype 1B multiplication in HeLa cell cultures, by means of the plaque reduction assay. Both enantiomers were potent inhibitors of virus replication; by comparing the IC50 values, the S form was 3.5 times more effective than the R form.  相似文献   
Developing pods of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska no 7) were used to study the enzymes of sucrose metabolism. Acid and neutral invertase (EC sucrose synthase (SS, EC and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS, EC have been localized in the soluble fraction. Acid invertase activity was also present in the insoluble fraction and in pea ovary apoplast. In pea pods, sucrose breakdown was dominated by the invertase pathway. SS specific activity only increased at late stages of parthenocarpic pod development, while SPS did so in pods obtained by pollination. Changes in time course of invertase activities have been correlated with the growth rate of fruits induced to develop either by fertilization or by exogenous application of giberellic acid (GA), 2,4-dichloro-phenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) or 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP). The soluble neutral activities might be associated with pod elongation, while the acid ones were rather related to assimilate import by the induced fruits. Application of gibberellic acid to non-pollinated ovaries significantly enhanced the soluble neutral invertase activity before any ovary outgrowth was detected (up to 2 h after treatment). Within the same period of time. GA-treated ovaries showed a decrease in the acid invertase activity of the soluble fraction and an increase of the acid invertase activity in the apopiast. preceding in time the increment of the acid invertase activity associated with the insoluble fraction. Our results suggest that the early GA response may be mediated through a promotion of processes of protein secretion.  相似文献   
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