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Idazoxan, a highly specific and selective alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist, caused a dose-dependent increase in the concentration of homovanillic acid (HVA) a metabolite of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine, in cisternal CSF of freely moving rats. This increase in HVA level could be antagonized by the alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist medetomidine. The increase was directly proportional to the concurrent elevation in level of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol, a metabolite of noradrenaline, in the CSF of individual rats and followed a similar time course. It is suggested that the HVA level in CSF may be increased under conditions of enhanced noradrenergic activity and that, in such situations, it reflects noradrenergic rather than dopaminergic neuronal activity. Care should be taken, therefore, when changes in central dopaminergic activity are assessed by measurements of HVA level in CSF.  相似文献   
5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; 3 x 10(-8)-1 x 10(-5)M) produced a dose-dependent increase in phosphatidylinositol/polyphosphoinositide (PI) turnover in mouse cortical slices, as measured by following production of 3H-labelled inositol phosphates (IPs) in the presence of 10 mM LiCl. Analysis of individual IPs, in slices stimulated for 45 min, indicated substantial increases in inositol monophosphate (IP1; 140%) and inositol bisphosphate (IP2; 95%) contents with smaller increases in inositol trisphosphate (IP3; 51%) and inositol tetrakisphosphate (IP4; 48%) contents. The increase in IP3 level was solely in the 1,3,4-isomer. This response was inhibited by the nonselective 5-HT antagonists methysergide, metergoline, and spiperone. It was also inhibited by the selective 5-HT2 antagonists ketanserin and ritanserin but not by the 5-HT1 antagonists isapirone, (-)-propranolol, or pindolol. 5-HT-stimulated IP formation was also unaltered by atropine, prazosin, and mepyramine. Lesioning brain 5-HT neurones using 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT; 50 micrograms i.c.v.) produced a 210% (p less than 0.01) increase in the number of 5-HT2-mediated head-twitches induced by 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (2 mg/kg). However, 5,7-DHT lesioning had no effect on 5-HT-stimulated PI turnover in these mice. Similarly, an electroconvulsive shock (90 V, 1 s) given five times over a 10-day period caused an 85% (p less than 0.01) increase in head-twitch responses but no change in 5-HT-stimulated PI turnover. Decreasing 5-HT2 function by twice-a-day injection of 5 mg/kg of zimeldine or desipramine (DMI) produced 50% (p less than 0.01) and 56% (p less than 0.01), respectively, reductions in head-twitch behaviour.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The mechanism of integration of λbioll, which is deleted of all the known λ recombination genes, was studied using bio deleted hosts as recipients. The presence of recBC DNase and exoI in the recipient cells affected the fate of λbioll DNA. In nine of ten immλ+ transductants, insertion of the λbioll genome took place somewhere between J and N and the remaining one had abnormally permuted prophage λ. In this lysogen (#42), the sequence of prophage genes was similar to that of vegetative phage λ. The properties of lysogen #42 were compared with those of other lysogens.  相似文献   
The nature of the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3) and reverse triiodothyronine (rT3) was investigated in rat liver homogenate and microsomes. A 6-fold rise of T3 and 2.5-fold rise of rT3 levels determined by specific radioimmunoassays was observed over 6 h after the addition of T4. An enzymic process is suggested that converts T4 to T3 and rT3. For T3 the optimal pH is 6 and for rT3, 9.5. The converting activity for both T3 and rT3 is temperature dependent and can be suppressed by heat, H2O2, merthiolate and by 5-propyl-2-thiouracil. rT3 and to a lesser degree iodide, were able to inhibit the production of T3 in a dose related fashion. Therefore the pH dependendy, rT3 and iodide may regulate the availability of T3 or rT3 depending on the metabolic requirements of thyroid hormones.  相似文献   
Xylulose-1,5-bisphosphate in preparations of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (ribulose-P2) arises from non-enzymic epimerization and inhibits the enzyme. Another inhibitor, a diketo degradation product from ribulose-P2, is also present. Both compounds simulate the substrate inhibition of ribulose-P2 carboxylase/oxygenase previously reported for ribulose-P2. Freshly prepared ribulose-P2 had little inhibitory activity. The instability of ribulose-P2 may be one reason for a high level of ribulose-P2 carboxylase in chloroplasts where the molarity of active sites exceeds that of ribulose-P2. Because the KD of the enzyme/substrate complex is ≤1 μM, all ribulose-P2 generated in situ may be stored as this complex to prevent decomposition.  相似文献   
The Australian Sphenomorphus group is a morphologically and ecologically diverse clade of lygosomine scincids, collectively comprising more than one‐half of the Australian scincid fauna. A previous phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA, and ND4 and adjacent tRNA sequences for a series of Australian Sphenomorphus group scincids recovered several well‐supported, major clades, although these were generally separated by relatively short branches associated with low support values. Applying a recently described methodology for inferring lineage‐level polytomies, I employ ATP synthetase‐β subunit intron sequences and the existing mitochondrial (mt)DNA data set (with sequences for additional taxa) to assess the hypothesis that the poorly resolved basal relationships within the Australian Sphenomorphus group are a consequence of the major clades having originated essentially simultaneously. Phylogenetic analyses of the separate mtDNA and intron sequence data reveal a number of congruent clades, including Anomalopus, Calyptotis, Ctenotus, Lerista, the Eulamprus quoyii group, the Glaphyromorphus crassicaudis group (including Glaphyromorphus cracens, Glaphyromorphus darwiniensis, and Glaphyromorphus fuscicaudis), Glaphyromorphus gracilipes + Hemiergis, Coeranoscincus reticulatus + Ophioscincus truncatus + Saiphos, and Eulamprus amplus + Eulamprus tenuis + Gnypetoscincus + Nangura. The relationships among these clades indicated by the two data sets, however, are generally incongruent. Although this may be partially ascribed to error in estimating phylogenetic relationships due to insufficient data, some incongruence is evident when uncertainty in inferred relationships is allowed for. Moreover, the congruent clades are typically separated by very short branches, several having a length insignificantly different from zero. These results suggest that initial diversification of Australian Sphenomorphus group scincids was rapid relative to the substitution rates of the mtDNA and intron fragments considered, if not essentially simultaneous. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 347–366.  相似文献   
The synthesis of a tritiated derivative of the 5-HT1A photoaffinity probe 8-methoxy-2-[N-n-propyl, N-3-(2-nitro-4-azidophenyl)aminopropyl]aminotetralin ([3H]8-methoxy-3'-NAP-amino-PAT) allowed the use of this probe for attempting the irreversible labeling of specific binding sites in rat brain membranes. Sodium dodecyl-sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins solubilized from hippocampal microsomal membranes that had been incubated with 20 nM [3H]8-methoxy-3'-NAP-amino-PAT under UV light revealed a marked incorporation of 3H label into a 63-kilodalton protein termed PI. As expected of a possible correspondence between PI and 5-HT1A receptor binding sites, 3H labeling by the photoaffinity probe could be prevented by selective 5-HT1A ligands such as 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin, ipsapirone, buspirone, and gepirone and by N-ethylmaleimide, but not by the 5-HT2 antagonist ketanserin, noradrenaline- and dopamine-related drugs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and chlorimipramine. Furthermore, the regional and subcellular distributions of PI were identical to those of specific 5-HT1A binding sites. These results indicated that the binding subunit of the 5-HT1A receptor is a 63-kilodalton protein with a functionally important sulfhydryl group(s).  相似文献   
The inhibition of adenylate cyclase from rat striatal plasma membranes by guanyl-5'-yl-imidodiphosphate [Gpp(NH)p] and morphine was compared to determine whether Gpp(NH)p-mediated inhibition accurately reflected hormone-mediated inhibition in this system. Inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity by Gpp(NH)p and morphine was examined with respect to temperature, divalent cation concentration, and the presence of Ca2+/calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM). Gpp(NH)p-mediated inhibition was dependent on the presence of Ca2+/CaM at 24 degrees C; the inhibition was independent of Ca2+/CaM at 18 degrees C; and inhibition could not be detected in the presence, or absence, of Ca2+/CaM at 30 degrees C. In contrast, naloxone-reversible, morphine-induced inhibition of adenylate cyclase was independent of both temperature and the presence of Ca2+/CaM. Mg2+ dose-response curves also reinforced the differences in the Ca2+/CaM requirement for Gpp(NH)p- and morphine-induced inhibition. Because Gpp(NH)p-mediated inhibition was independent of Ca2+/CaM at low basal activities (i.e., 18 degrees C, or below 1 mM Mg2+) and dependent on the presence of Ca2+/CaM at higher basal activities (24 degrees C, or above 1 mM Mg2+), the inhibitory effects of Gpp(NH)p were examined at 1 mM Mg2+ in the presence of 100 nM forskolin. Under these conditions, both Gpp(NH)p- and morphine-induced inhibition of adenylate cyclase were independent of Ca2+/CaM. The results demonstrate that the requirement for Ca2+/CaM to observe Gpp(NH)p-mediated inhibition depends on the basal activity of adenylate cyclase, whereas hormone-mediated inhibition is Ca2+/CaM independent under all conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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