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Summary A cDNA encoding trypsin inhibitor CMe from barley endosperm has been cloned and characterized. The longest open reading frame of the cloned cDNA codes for a typical signal peptide of 24 residues followed by a sequence which is identical to the known amino acid sequence of the inhibitor, except for an Ile/Leu substitution at position 59. Southern blot analysis of wheat-barley addition lines has shown that chromosome 3H of barley carries the gene for CMe. This protein is present at less than 2%–3% of the wild-type amount in the mature endosperm of the mutant Risø 1508 with respect to Bomi barley, from which it has been derived, and the corresponding steady state levels of the CMe mRNA are about I%. One or two copies of the CMe gene (synonym Itc1) per haploid genome have been estimated both in the wild type and in the mutant, and DNA restriction patterns are identical in both stocks, so neither a change in copy number nor a major rearrangement of the structural gene account for the markedly decreased expression. The mutation at the lys 3a locus in Risø 1508 has been previously mapped in chromosome 7 (synonym 5H). A single dose of the wild-type allele at this locus (Lys 3a) restores the expression of gene CMe (allele CMe-1) in chromosome 3H to normal levels.  相似文献   
The gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor uniconazol reduces both the elongation and indole-3-acetic acid content of growing Pisum sativum cv. Alaska intemodes. Both internode growth and indole-3-acetic acid content in uniconazol-treated plants can be elevated by gibberellin A3 treatment. The lengths of the growing intemodes are directly related to the indole-3-acetic acid contents.  相似文献   
Summary Detailed growth analysis in conjunction with information on leaf display and nitrogen uptake was used to interpret competition between Abutilon theophrasti, a C3 annual, and Amaranthus retroflexus, a C4 annual, under ambient (350 l l-1) and two levels of elevated (500 and 700 l l-1) CO2. Plants were grown both individually and in competition with each other. Competition caused a reduction in growth in both species, but for different reasons. In Abutilon, decreases in leaf area ratio (LAR) were responsible, whereas decreased unit leaf rate (ULR) was involved in the case of Amaranthus. Mean canopy height was lower in Amaranthus than Abutilon which may explain the low ULR of Amaranthus in competition. The decrease in LAR of Abutilon was associated with an increase in root/shoot ratio implying that Abutilon was limited by competition for below ground resources. The root/shoot ratio of Amaranthus actually decreased with competition, and Amaranthus had a much higher rate of nitrogen uptake per unit of root than did Abutilon. These latter results suggest that Amaranthus was better able to compete for below ground resources than Abutilon. Although the growth of both species was reduced by competition, generally speaking, the growth of Amaranthus was reduced to a greater extent than that of Abutilon. Regression analysis suggests that the success of Abutilon in competition was due to its larger starting capital (seed size) which gave it an early advantage over Amaranthus. Elevated CO2 had a positive effect upon biomass in Amaranthus, and to a lesser extent, Abutilon. These effects were limited to the early part of the experiment in the case of the individually grown plants, however. Only Amaranthus exhibited a significant increase in relative growth rate (RGR). In spite of the transitory effect of CO2 upon size in individually grown plants, level of CO2 did effect final biomass of competitively grown plants. Abutilon grown in competition with Amaranthus had a greater final biomass than Amaranthus at ambient CO2 levels, but this difference disappeared to a large extent at elevated CO2. The high RGR of Amaranthus at elevated CO2 levels allowed it to overcome the difference in initial size between the two species.This study was supported by a grant from the US Department of Energy  相似文献   
Indole compounds secreted byFrankia sp. HFPArI3 in defined culture medium were identified with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). WhenFrankia was grown in the presence of13C(ring-labelled)-L-tryptophan,13C-labelled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-ethanol (IEtOH), indole-3-lactic acid (ILA), and indole-3-methanol (IMeOH) were identified.High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and GC-MS with selected ion monitoring were used to quantify levels of IAA and IEtOH inFrankia culture medium. IEtOH was present in greater abundance than IAA in every experiment. When no exogenous trp was supplied, no or only low levels of indole compounds were detected.Seedling roots ofAlnus rubra incubated in axenic conditions in the presence of indole-3-ethanol formed more lateral roots than untreated plants, indicating that IEtOH is utilized by the host plant, with physiological effects that modify patterns of root primordium initiation.  相似文献   
Eighty-two cultures of Fusarium species isolated in 1986 from moldy maize in Minnesota were each cultured on rice for 4 weeks and found to produce the following mycotoxins: F. graminearum isolates, deoxynivalenol (DON, 4–225 g/g), 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (3-ADON, 2–4g/g), 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol (15-ADON, 1–35 g/g) and zearalenone (ZEA, 5–4350 g/g); F. moniliforme, fusarin C (detectable amounts to 1000 g/g); F. mòniliforme, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans isolates, moniliformin (15–6775 g/g); F. moniliforme, F. proliferatum, and F. subglutinans isolates, fusaric acid (detectable amounts). Other mycotoxins screened for in each rice sample and not detected were T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, neosolaniol, T-2 tetraol, nivalenol, fusarenon-X, scirpenols, alpha and beta trans-zearalenols, wortmannin, and fusarochromanone. The rat feeding bioassay indicated that other, unidentified toxins may be present.  相似文献   
Summary [3H] thymidine incorporation into DNA of the parotid (PA) gland of adult and 20-day-old rats and into DNA of the pancreas (PANC) of 20-day-old rats was increased markedly following a 2-day regimen of isoproterenol (ISO) administration. However, when the submandibular-sublingual (SM-SL) glands had been removed just prior to initiation of the ISO injections, the [3H] thymidine incorporation into PA and PANC was inhibited, and cpm/mg protein of these organs was even lower than that of organs of untreated rats with SM-SL glands present. Removal of the PA glands just prior to initiation of the ISO regimen had no effect on the ISO-induced [3H] thymidine incorporation into DNA of PANC but partially inhibited that of the submandibular (SM) gland. It is suggested that the inhibitory effects on DNA and RNA synthesis that follow removal of SM-SL glands are attributable to the growth factors (epidermal growth factor and nerve growth factor) found in the rat SM gland. These factors appear to regulate normal DNA synthetic activity of exocrine glands as well as 1-adrenoceptor mediated DNA synthesis. Cellular hypertrophy induced by the ISO was less markedly affected by absence of the SM glands, but a partial inhibition of [3H] uridine incorporation into RNA of PA of adult rats also occurred when SM-SL glands were removed prior to initiation of the ISO-regimen.  相似文献   
The structure of the lipopolysaccharide from Rhizobium meliloti 10406, a derivative of the wild-type strain MVII-1, was examined. The compositional analysis of its polysaccharide moiety demonstrated lack of heptose(s), but high contents in glucose, galacturonic acid and 2-keto-3-deoxy-octonate (dOclA) as characteristic features. The lipid A moiety consisted of a -1,6 linked glucosamine disaccharide carrying ester (at C-4) and glycosidically (at C-1) linked phosphate residues, both present exclusively as monoester phosphates but not as phosphodiesters. Ester- and amidelinked 3-hydroxy fatty acids were mostly present as non-3-O-acylated residues. Laser desorption mass spectrometry (LD-MS) revealed heterogeneity in the fatty acid substitution, as was also indicated by the non-stoichiometric ratios obtained by quantitative fatty acid analysis. The predominating lipid A structure contained at the reducing glucosamine residue ester-linked 3-hydroxy-tetradecanoic acid (3-OH-14:0) and amide-linked 3-OH-18:0, or 3-OH-18:1, respectively. The distal (non-reducing) glucosamine carried ester-bound the recently discovered 27-hydroxyoctacosanoic acid and 3-OH-14:0 and, as amide-linked fatty acid, mostly 3-hydroxy-stearic acid (3-OH-18:0).The isolated lipopolysaccharide exhibited a high extent of lethal toxicity in galactosamine-treated mice, comparable to that of enterobacterial lipopolysaccharide. The structural relationship of LPS and lipid A of Rhizobium meliloti to other rhizobial lipopolysaccharides and lipid A's with respect to questions of taxonomy and of phylogenetic relationships will be discussed.Abbreviations LPS lipopolysaccharide - dOclA 3-deoxy-D-mannooctulosonic acid (KDO) - GalA galacturonic acid - DOC sodium deoxycholate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - LD-MS laser desorption-mass spectrometry  相似文献   
Résumé La métamorphose des insectes est régie par un équilibre hormonal complexe dans lequel l'hormone juvénile (HJ) joue un rôle important. Au dernier stade larvaire, la teneur en HJ est particulièrement faible dans le corps de l'insecte. Si un régulateur de croissance d'insectes (RCI)-un mimétique de l'HJ-est appliqué à ce moment-là, la mue nymphale est pertubée provoquant des déformations morphogénétiques caractéristiques. La teneur en HJ est également très faible dans les ufs fraîchement pondus. Les traitements aux RCI peuvent par conséquent perturber le développement embryonnaire de certaines espèces et produire ainsi un effet ovicide. Depuis quelques années deux RCI-le fenoxycarb et le CGA 45 128-ont été testés pour leur activité morphogénétique sur le dernier stade larvaire de quelques ravageurs tels qu'Adoxophyes orana F.v.R., ainsi que pour leur activité ovicide sur les ufs frais de Cydia pomonella L. et Grapholita funebrana Tr. Après quelques années d'expérimentation et de commercialisation des RCI dans les vergers européens, il s'avère que l'utilisation de ces produits peu toxiques, sélectifs et peu nocifs pour la faune utile, constitue une amélioration considérable pour l'aménagement de la lutte intégrée.
Insect growth regulators (IGR), mimics of juvenile hormone, as morphological and ovicidal means of control against orchard tortricids
Summary Metamorphosis is regulated by a complex hormonal balance in which juvenile hormone (JH) plays an important part. At the last larval instar the content of JH is particularly low in the insect body. If an insect growth regulator (IGR) — a mimic of JH-is applied at this time, the pupal moult may be disturbed with the characteristic morphogenetical deformations. The JH content is also very low in freshly laid eggs. Therefore IGR treatments may disturb the embryonic development of some species and produce an ovicidal activity. During a few years two IGR-fenoxycarb and CGA 45128-were evaluated for their morphogenetical effect on the last larval instar of Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. and their ovicidal effect on freshly laid eggs of Cydia pomonella L. and Grapholita funebrana Tr. After a few years of experimentation with both compounds and of commercialisation of fenoxycarb in European orchards, IGR confirmed to present a considerable improvement in integrated pest management due to selectivity, and low mammal toxicity.
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