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Summary The complete nucleotide sequence of the 5S ribosomal RNA from the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus lividus II has been determined. The sequence is 5-UGCCUAGUGUUUAUGGCGCG-GUGGAACCACGCUGAUCCAUCCCGAACUC-AGAGGUGAAACAUCGCAGCGGUGAAGAU-AGUUGGAGGGUAGCCUCCUGCAAAAAUA-GCUCAAUGCUAGGCAOH-3. This 5S RNA has the cyanobacterial- and chloroplast-specific nucleotide insertion between positions 30 and 31 (using the numbering system of the generalized eubacterial 5S RNA) and the chloroplast-specific nucleotide-deletion signature between positions 34 and 39. The 5S RNA ofS. lividus II has 27 base differences compared with the 5S RNA of the related strainS. lividus III. This large difference may reflect an ancient divergence between these two organisms. The electrophoretic mobilities on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels of renatured 5S RNAs fromS. lividus II,S. lividus III, and spinach chloroplasts are identical, but differ considerably from that ofEscherichia coli 5S RNA. This most likely reflects differences in higher-order structure between the 5S RNA ofE. coli and these cyanobacterial and chloroplast 5S RNAs.  相似文献   
R S Chang  V J Lotti  T B Chen 《Life sciences》1985,36(10):965-971
CCK-octapeptide (CCK-8) (EC50 = 0.5 nM), in the presence of Li+, increased 3H-inositol phosphate (IP) accumulation in guinea pig gastric glands prelabeled with 3H-inositol. CCK-8 desulfate, human gastrin I and pentagastrin were much less potent than CCK-8. Antagonists of CCK receptors such as proglumide, dibutyryl-c-GMP and CBZ-Tyr (SO3H)-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-AspNH2 shifted the CCK dose response curve to the right. However, histamine (H1 and H2), cholinergic, substance P and alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists had no effect on 3H-IP accumulation induced by CCK. The results suggest that CCK receptor activation in gastric glands leads to an enhanced breakdown of inositol phospholipids which may relate to calcium mobilization and pepsinogen secretion.  相似文献   
Alfalfa weevils (Hypera postica (Gyllenhal)) with vestigial hind wings were discovered in a population from Wageningen, the Netherlands, and two populations from the United States—an eastern weevil strain from Beltsville, Maryland and an Egyptian weevil strain from Atascadero, California. Such a mutant was absent from 23 other populations surveyed in the United States—three from eastern, seven from western, and 13 from Egyptian weevil strains. This mutation is due to a dominant autosomal gene with normal-wing individuals as recessive. The mutant gene can be transferred from eastern weevil to the western weevil strain. The short-wing trait may be useful for genetic manipulation to control the alfalfa weevil.
Résumé Des H. postica aux ailes postérieures vestigiales ont été découverts dans une population de Wageningen (Pays Bas) et deux des USA—une lignée orientale de Beltsville (Maryland) et une lignée de H. brunneipennis d'Atascadero (Californie). Ce mutant était absent de 23 autres populations examinées aux USA: 3 de l'est, 7 de l'ouest et 13 de H. brunneipennis. Cette mutation est due à un gène dominant antosomal avec aile normale comme récessif. Le gêne mutant peut être transféré des lignées orientales aux lignées occidentales. Le caractère aile courte peut être pratique pour les manipulations génétiques destinées à maîtriser les populations d'H. postica.
The food selection behaviour of male fifth instar nymphs of Locusta migratoria was monitored on the host plant wheat and on the non-host plants Senecio vulgaris, S. jacobaea and Brassica oleracea. The non-hosts were rejected, but the mode of rejection altered with time in a way which suggested associative learning. This hypothesis was tested and the results discussed in relation to classical theories of learning.
La sélection des aliments chez les criquets: Le rôle de l'apprentissage dans le comportement de rejet
Résumé Des larves mâles de cinquième stade de Locusta migratoria ont été placées dans des cages avec des végétaux qui pouvaient être changées sans troubler les insectes. Le contact avec des pieds de blé entraînait généralement une palpation suivie de morsures et alors d'alimentation continue. Les plantes non-hôtes Senecio vulgaris, S. jacobaea et Brassica oleracea étaient rejetées, d'abord après morsures suivant la palpation, mais ultérieurement par palpation seule. Nous avons vérifié l'hypothèse que la sensation obtenue par palpation était initialement inadéquate pour provoquer le rejet, ce qui était assuré par les morsures ultérieures mais qu'avec l'expérience l'insecte apprenait à lier la sensation de palpation avec celle de morsures et progressivement rejetait après palpation seule. Ainsi les 8 premiers contacts avec des aliments désagréables ont été observés, soit quant S. vulgaris était présenté continuellement, soit quand S. vulgaris était remplacé par une autre plante désagréable après 4 contacts. Une analyse mathématique des résultats révèle une tendance au rejet par palpation seule à travers les contacts successifs, et que cette tendance est interrompue et se restaure quand l'espace végétal est changé. Ces résultats sond discutés dans le contexte des théories de l'apprentissage et on en a conclu que le phénomène observé est le résultat d'un apprentissage associatif.
Drugs are considered to produce their effects on biological tissues either by altering some physical property of cells or by interacting with specific cellular components, called receptors. Most drugs and endogenous neurotransmitters act on highly selective receptors located on the outer surface membrane of cells. These receptors were believed, until recently, to be stationary on the cell surface and to be present in unvarying numbers. Consequently, most early theorists modeled the drug-receptor interaction on the basis of stationary and static receptor molecules. The substantial advances in our understanding of drug action based on these models have partly justified this view. However, recent electron microscopic studies have revealed the presence of structures, including "coated" pits and vesicles, that appear to provide a mechanism by which cell surface receptors might be internalized in a process of endocytosis. The precise intracellular fate of these internalized receptors is unknown, but based on present understanding, it seems reasonable to believe that some are destroyed intracellularly whereas others are recycled to the cell surface. The importance of such processes to pharmacologic theory is a new awareness of a cellular pathway that is capable of internalizing drugs, receptors, or both. The implications of such a process to the theory of drug action extends to some unexplained drug phenomena such as down regulation, drug tolerance, tachyphyllaxis, and partial agonism. We present herein the theoretical framework for a model of drug action that incorporates the possibility of receptor internalization and subsequent degradation, recycling, or replacement.  相似文献   
R. S. Poethig  I. M. Sussex 《Planta》1985,165(2):170-184
The cellular parameters of leaf development in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) have been characterized using clonal analysis, an approach that provides unequivocal evidence of cell lineage. Our results indicate that the tobacco leaf arises from a group of around 100 cells in the shoot apical meristem. Each of these cells contributes to a unique longitudinal section of the axis and transverse section of the lamina. This pattern of cell lincage indicates that primordial cells contribute more or less equally to the growth of the axis, in contrast to the more traditional view of leaf development in which the leaf is pictured as arising from a group of apical initials. Clones induced prior to the initiation of the lamina demonstrate that the subepidermal layer of the lamina arises from at least six files of cells. Submarginal cells usually divide with their spindles parallel to the margin, and therefore contribute relatively little to the transverse expansion of the lamina. During the expansion of the lamina the orientation and frequency of cell division are highly regulated, as is the duration of meristematic growth. Initially, cell division is polarized so as to produce lineages that are at an oblique angle to the midrib; later cell division is in alternating perpendicular planes. The distribution of clones generated by irradiation at various stages of development indicates that cell division ceases at the tip of the leaf when the leaf is about one tenth its final size, and then ceases in progressively more basal regions of the lamina. Variation in the mutation frequency within the lamina reflects variation in the frequency of mitosis. Prior to the mergence of the leaf the frequency of mutation is maximal near the tip of the leaf and extremely low at its base; after emergence, the frequency of mutation increases at the base of the leaf. In any given region of the lamina the frequency of mutation is highest in interveinal regions, and is relatively low near the margin. Thus, both the orientation and frequency of cell division at the leaf margin indicate that this region plays a minor role in the growth of the lamina.Abbreviation MF mutation frequency  相似文献   
Salmonella typhimurium and Drosophila melanogaster were exposed to continuous wave (CW) 2.45-GHz electromagnetic radiation, pulsed 3.10-GHz electromagnetic radiation, CW 27.12-MHz magnetic fields, or CW 27.12-MHz electric fields (only Drosophila). The temperatures of the treated sample and the nonexposed control sample were kept constant. The temperature difference between exposed and control samples was less than +/- 0.3 degrees C. Ames' assays were made on bacteria that had been exposed to microwaves (SAR 60-130 W/kg) or RF fields (SAR up to 20 W/kg) when growing exponentially in nutrient broth. Survival and number of induced revertants to histidine prototrophy were determined by common plating techniques on rich and minimal agar plates. The Drosophila test consisted of a sensitive somatic system where the mutagenicity was measured by means of mutations in a gene-controlling eye pigmentation. In none of these test systems did microwave or radiofrequency fields induce an elevated mutation frequency. However, a significantly higher concentration of cells was found in the bacterial cultures exposed to the 27-MHz magnetic field or 2.45-GHz CW and 3.10-GHz pulsed microwave radiation.  相似文献   
In an attempt to show that the open field can still be used as a valid measure of fear, Jones (1983) has reported a failure to replicate some of our findings. The present studies show that this was due to procedural and methodological differences. For instance, we found that birds tested in a novel environment behaved quite differently from those, as in Jones' case, which were placed in one resembling the home cage. Moreover, birds housed in isolation for two days prior to testing reacted differently than those, as again in Jones' case, which were reared in isolation from hatching to the time of testing. The results were interpreted as being consistent with our view that open-field behaviour reflects a conflict between the need to reinstate contact with conspecifics on the one hand, and evade predation on the other.  相似文献   
Abstract Spore-forming sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were enriched selectively from various kinds of aerobic soils with fatty acids as the sole carbon and energy source. A Gram-negative motile rod-shaped bacterium, which produced gas vacuoles during sporulation was isolated. It degraded alcohols, aromatic and n-fatty acids (up to C18) except for propionate, completely to CO2. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate or elemental sulfur served as electron acceptors. Because of its sensitivity to H2S, the isolate never produced more than 8 mM dissolved sulfide at pH 7.0. G + C-content of the DNA was 48.0 mol %. The isolated strain Pato is described as a new species Desulfotomaculum sapomandens .  相似文献   
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