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M. Duranti  F. Faoro  N. Harris 《Protoplasma》1991,161(2-3):104-110
Summary The distribution of two seed proteins, namely conglutin and a legumin-like globulin, in developing and mature seeds ofLupinus albus L. has been examined by immunocytochemistry and the concomitant modifications of their constituent polypeptides followed by SDS-PAGE. Both proteins were found within vacuolar protein bodies in various tissues of the cotyledons, although with some differences in the distribution patterns. The legumin-like protein was found to be deposited within the large storage parenchyma cells of the cotyledons in a manner similar to that reported for other storage proteins; little or no immunolabelling was associated with the cotyledonary epidermal and vascular parenchyma cells. In contrast conglutin was present in all cell types.A precursor of the legumin-like protein accumulated transiently in the developing cotyledon, but was subsequently modified by proteolytic cleavage. The onset of such modification was concomitant with a transition in the predominant vacuolar forms within the storage parenchyma cells. No precursor molecules of conglutin have been detected in this study, thus indicating that this protein is deposited in the protein bodies in its mature form.Abbreviations LM light microscopy - EM electron microscopy - DAF days after flowering - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - GAR goat antirabbit antiserum  相似文献   
Summary Genetic mapping of polymorphic C-bands allows direct comparisons between genetic and physical maps. Eleven C-bands and two seed storage protein genes on chromosome 1B, polymorphic between Langdon durum and four accessions of T. dicoccoides, were used to study the distribution of recombination along the entire length of the chromosome. Recombination in the short arm was almost completely restricted to the satellite, two-thirds of the arm's length from the centromere; the Gli-B1 gene was found to be tightly linked to the telomeric C-band. In the long arm, the distal 51.4% of the arm accounted for 88% of recombination; the proximal half of the arm accounted for the remaining 12%. While the amount of crossing-over differed significantly between the four T. dicoccoides 1B chromosomes, there were no significant differences in the relative distributions of crossing-over along the chromosome. Consequently, the genetic maps obtained from the four individual T. dicoccoides chromosomes were combined to yield a consensus map of 14 markers (including the centromere) for the chromosome.  相似文献   
The NADH-quinone oxidoreductases of the bacterial respiratory chain could be divided in two groups depending on whether they bear an energy-coupling site. Those enzymes that bear the coupling site are designated as NADH dehydrogenase 1 (NDH-1) and those that do not as NADH dehydrogenase 2 (NDH-2). All members of the NDH-1 group analyzed to date are multiple polypeptide enzymes and contain noncovalently bound FMN and iron-sulfur clusters as prosthetic groups. The NADH-ubiquinone-1 reductase activities of NDH-1 are inhibited by rotenone, capsaicin, and dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The NDH-2 enzymes are generally single polypeptides and contain non-covalently bound FAD and no iron-sulfur clusters. The enzymatic activities of the NDH-2 are not affected by the above inhibitors for NDH-1. Recently, it has been found that both of these types of the NADH-quinone oxidoreductase are present in a single strain of bacteria. The significance of the occurrence of these two types of enzymes in a single organism has been discussed in this review.  相似文献   
Summary A rapid method for recording three-dimensional triple-resonance experiments utilising pulsed field gradient techniques is proposed, and applied to the HNCO experiment. In order to optimise the sensitivity of the method, a short phase cycle is used in conjunction with the pulsed field gradients to select the desired coherence transfer pathway. The method is demonstrated for the HU protein.  相似文献   
Lipid extracts of the red algaGracilaria longa were studied by1H- and13C-NMR spectroscopy. Peaks in the13C-NMR spectra attributable to sterols, chlorophylls and carotenoids allowed free and acylated cholesterol, chlorophylla and lutein to be identified as the most abundant components of these classes. A content of 0.5 ± 0.1 μmoles of total cholesterol/g wet alga was estimated from the1H-NMR spectrum, which also allowed the determination of the phosphatidylcholine/total lipid molar ratio (9.5 ± 0.5%). The13C-NMR spectroscopic experiments provided information on the position of the double bonds on the fatty acid residues. A comparison between NMR spectra of lipid extracts obtained for wet and dried alga showed that the alga undergoes both a dramatic peroxidation and some glycolipid degradation during the drying process.  相似文献   
A species of Prorocentrum (Dinophyta, Prorocentrales), isolated from a phytoplankton net sample from the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, has been brought into unialgal culture. The sample was collected at an aquaculture site immediately following an incident of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) due to the consumption of contaminated mussels. This clonal isolate has been identified as P. lima, based on its morphological characteristics. Analysis of the culture extract, using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection, indicated the presence of the DSP toxins, okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX-1).  相似文献   
The interaction between interleukin IL-1α and PGE2 on P388D2 on cells has been investigated. Preincubation of murine macrophage-like cells, P388D1, with IL-1α (0–73 pM) reduced the binding of PGE2 to these cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Scatchard analysis showed that IL-1α decreased the PGE2 binding by lowering both the high and low affinity receptor binding capacities (from 0.31 ± 0.02 to 0.12 ± 0.01 fmol/106 cells for the high affinity receptor binding sites and from 2.41 ± 0.12 to 1.51 ± 0.21 fmol/106 cells for the low affinity receptor binding sites). However, the dissociation constants of the receptor of the IL-1α-treated cells remained unchanged. Inhibition of PGE2 binding IL-1α did not involve changes in either protein phosphorylation or intracellular cyclic AMP levels. Our data clearly show that IL-1α inhibits the binding of PGE2 to monocytes/macrophages and may thereby counter the immunosuppressive actions of PGE2.  相似文献   
MDR has been studied extensively in mammalian cell lines. According to usual practice, the MDR phenotype is characterized by the following features: cross resistance to multiple chemotherapeutic agents (lipophilic cations), defective intracellular drug accumulation and retention, overexpression of P-gp (often accompanied by gene amplification), and reversal of the phenotype by addition of calcium channel blockers. An hypothesis for the function of P-gp has been proposed in which P-gp acts as a carrier protein that actively extrudes MDR compounds out of the cells. However, basic questions, such as what defines the specificity of the pump and how is energy for active efflux transduced, remain to be answered. Furthermore, assuming that P-gp acts as a drug transporter, one will expect a relationship between P-gp expression and accumulation defects in MDR cell lines. A review of papers reporting 97 cell lines selected for resistance to the classical MDR compounds has revealed that a connection exists in most of the reported cell lines. However, several exceptions can be pointed out. Furthermore, only a limited number of well characterized series of sublines with different degrees of resistance to a single agent have been reported. In many of these, a correlation between P-gp expresson and transport properties can not be established. Co-amplification of genes adjacent to the mdr1 gene, mutations [122], splicing of mdr1 RNA [123], modulation of P-gp by phosphorylation [124] or glycosylation [127], or experimental conditions [26,78] could account for some of the complexity of the phenotype and the absence of correlation in some of the cell lines. However, both cell lines with overexpression of P-gp without increased efflux [i.e., 67,75] and cell lines without P-gp expression and accumulation defects/increased efflux [i.e., 25,107] have been reported. Thus, current results from MDR cell lines contradict - but do not exclude - that P-gp acts as multidrug transporter. Other models for the mechanism of resistance have been proposed: (1) An energy-dependent permeability barrier working with greater efficacy in resistant cells. This hypothesis is supported by studies of influx which, although few, all except one demonstrate decreased influx in resistant cells; (2) Resistant cells have a greater endosomal volume, and a greater exocytotic activity accounts for the efflux. Furthermore, large amounts of P-gp in the plasma membrane altering the ultrastructure and generalized changes, such as increases or decreases in membrane fluidity, alterations in lipid composition, changes in transmembrane pH gradient and membrane potential have been described in MDR cell lines and could account for some of the findings.  相似文献   
The total and relative energies, bond order matrices and localized MOs for the eight possible tautomers of hypoxanthine (HYP) have been calculated, with full geometry optimization, using both AM1 and MNDO methods. The AM1 relative energies show that HYP(9,1), HYP(7,1) and HYP (9,10) are the predominant species at room temperature, the two former being in larger concentration that the latter. The calculated IR spectra for these species agree well with the reported spectrum in an isolated matrix, which has been interpreted in terms of the presence of these three tautomeric forms. The MNDO method does not predict the right order, and the more stable tautomer would be HYP(9,10). The calculated structure for the HYP(9,1) species shows that the molecule is essentially planar. The bond distances compare well with those of hypoxanthine hydrochloride and guanine and also correlate well with the calculated bond orders. The proton affinities for the three more stable tautomers have also been calculated. For HYP(9,1) the prefered site of protonation is N7, whereas for HYP(7,1) the protonation occurs rather at N9. These results agree well with15N and13C NMR studies in DMSO.  相似文献   
Human copper-cobalt superoxide dismutase in the reduced form has been investigated through 1H NMR techniques. The aim is to monitor the structural properties of this derivative and to compare them with those of reduced and oxidized native superoxide dismutases. The observed signals of the cobalt ligands have been assigned as well as the signals of the histidines bound to copper(I). The latter signals experience little pseudocontact shifts which allow a rough orientation of the magnetic susceptibility tensor in the molecular frame. The connectivities indicate that, although the histidine bridge is broken in the reduced form, the interproton distances between ligands of both ions are essentially the same.Abbreviations WEFT water eliminated Fourier transform - NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - NOESY NOE spectroscopy - COSY correlation spectroscopy - TOCSY total correlation spectroscopy - SOD superoxide dismutase - E2Co(II)SOD SOD with empty copper site (E=empty) and with cobalt(II) in the Zinc(II) site Offprint requests to: I. Bertini  相似文献   
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