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基于最小累积阻力模型的东北地区生态安全格局构建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于成龙  刘丹  冯锐  唐权  郭春玲 《生态学报》2021,41(1):290-301
生态安全格局对于缓解生态保护与经济发展之间的矛盾具有积极意义。以东北地区为研究对象,综合参考《生态保护红线划定技术指南》、《全国生态功能区划》以及东北地区自然资源禀赋和社会经济发展水平,基于水源涵养、防风固沙、生物多样性维持与保护等功能指标和敏感性指标划分生态源地;利用夜间灯光数据修正基本生态阻力面,并运用最小累积阻力模型划分缓冲区、识别生态廊道和生态战略节点,从而构建东北地区生态安全格局。结果表明:东北地区生态源地总面积为6.50×105km2,占全区土地总面积的45.02%,包括18个生态源地,主要分布在大兴安岭、小兴安岭、长白山脉和西部草原的部分区域;划分了高、中、低3个水平缓冲区,关键生态廊道中心线总长11073.52km,生态战略节点29个,在东北地区形成以生态源地为中心的网状空间布局。结果可为保障区域生态系统服务功能和可持续发展政策的制定提供科学参考。  相似文献   
本文采用AnitaHarris建立的统一标准,编制了中国中部和北部地区奥陶系─三叠系的15幅牙形刺CAI图,并作了说明,这对找油找气具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
A new genus of Cobitinae, Bibarba gen. n., and a new species, B. bibarba sp. n., were discovered and are described for the Chengjiang River, a tributary of the Hongshuihe River in Guangxi Province of southern China. This river region is characterized by a Karst landscape, and the river that is inhabited by the new genus is a slowly moving stream with arenaceous and cobblestone beds. The new genus resembles Cobitis Linnaeus, 1758 (subfamily Cobitinae) in the shape and pigmentation pattern of their body, the absence of scales on their head, and the presence of a suborbital spine, but differs from it by a single Lamina circularis on the third pectoral fin ray instead of on the base of the second pectoral fin ray; two pairs of barbels (one rostral pair and one maxillo-mandibular pair) instead of three pairs of barbels (one rostral pair, one maxillary pair, and one maxillo-mandibular pair); a relatively thick and short suborbital spine with a strong medio-lateral process instead of a suborbital spine without or with a weakly formed medio-lateral process as in Cobitis; and the lack of a black stripe extending from the occiput through the eye to the insertion of the rostral barbel. The first two characters have not been reported in any other genus of the subfamily Cobitinae. A morphometric character analysis based on PCA reveals differences between B. bibarba and C. sinensis in body size, barbel length, interorbital width, pectoral fin length in males, and the position of the dorsal and ventral fins. Type specimens of the new species are kept in the Freshwater Fishes Museum of the Institute of Hydrobiology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan, Hubei Province.  相似文献   
中国南部高等真菌的热带亲缘   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
中国南部,特别是北回归线以南的地区,高等真菌区系与世界热带真菌区系有着广泛的联系。该地区高等真菌具有明显的热带性质,主要有泛热带成分、热带亚洲—热带非洲和热带亚洲的成分,尽管在该区高等真菌区系中也有相当比重的温带成分。该区系中某些属种可能有古南大陆起源的背景,另一些区系成分与热带亚洲的有密切的亲缘关系。  相似文献   
四川杜鹃花属三个新异名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将我国四川杜鹃花属Rhododendron L.植物2个种和1个亚种(R.decorum Franch. ssp.cordatum Hu,R.xichangense Z.J.Zhao及R.davidsonianum Rehd.&Wils.)处理为新异名,并作了相应的讨论。  相似文献   
The potentiometric acid-base titration curve of fully protonated lysozyme at ionic strengths of 0.10 and 1.0 m has been performed. The stoichiometry and the pKa values of each titratable group have been determined through the linearization of titration curves. Two types of carboxylic groups with pKa values of 3.76 and 5.02, the imidazole group with pKa 7.37 and the amine group with pKa 9.63, have been identified at an ionic strength of 0.10 m at 25.0°C. The number of titratable groups found per mole of protein has been 5.12 and 5.60 for the two types of carboxylic groups, 1.13 for the imidazole group, and 3.19 for the amino groups. The endpoint of the titration of the protein obtained by this method accords quite well with the endpoint obtained by the use of Gran function applied to the excess of strong base.  相似文献   
Patterns of species richness for vascular plants in China's nature reserves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Explaining the heterogeneous distribution of biodiversity across the Earth has long been a challenge to ecologists and biogeographers. Here, we document the patterns of plant species richness for different taxonomic groups in China's nature reserves, and discuss their possible explanations at national and regional scales, using vascular plant richness data coupled with information on climate and topographical variables. We found that water deficit, energy and elevation range (a surrogate of habitat heterogeneity) represent the primary explanations for variation in plant species richness of the nature reserves across China. There are consistent relationships between species richness and climate and habitat heterogeneity for different taxonomic vascular plant groups at the national scale. Habitat heterogeneity is strongly associated with plant richness in all regions, whereas climatic constraints to plant diversity vary regionally. In the regions where energy is abundant or water is scarce, plant richness patterns were determined by water and habitat heterogeneity, whereas in the region with low energy inputs, water interacting with energy, and habitat heterogeneity determined its species richness pattern. Our results also suggest that energy variables alone do not represent the primary predictor of plant richness.  相似文献   
洪欣  汪秀平  温放 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1417-1422
该文报道了产自中国西藏自治区墨脱县境内的线柱苣苔属(Rhynchotechum Blume)中国分布新记录——小花线柱苣苔(R. parviflorum Blume)。该新记录种常生长在林中溪流附近的崖壁以及次生林下阴湿生境中,主要辨别特征为叶基本对生,花萼裂片被绢毛,花梗被黄褐色绒毛,花冠筒较小,子房具短柔毛,果无毛至微柔毛。印度学者于2020年记载为印度新分布,而原始文献中记录的凭证标本采集点位于中国西藏自治区墨脱县境内,故对原文记述的产地信息提出质疑。同时,在前人的研究中部分馆藏的线柱苣苔属植物标本被认定为该新记录种,在此一并提出该新记录种在中国的分布地理信息和详细描述。  相似文献   
曝氧后,棕色固氮菌(Azotobacter vinelandii)固氮酶钼铁蛋白的催化活性和圆二色信号都显著降低,而吸收光谱则显著增加。与钼、铁、硫化合物和二硫苏糖醇组成的重组溶液保温后,曝氢蛋白的圆二色信号和吸收光谱几乎完全恢复至天然状态的同时,乙炔还原活性也得到了显著的恢复,表明重组溶液可使曝氧蛋白中的 P-cluster和其它活性部位都得到了不同程度的修复。  相似文献   
齿隐翅虫属Priochirus种类多见于腐木树皮下,是重要的腐木甲虫.其中斑齿隐翅虫亚属的物种比较稀少,目前全世界仅记录3种.本文记述产于我国云南的齿隐翅虫属斑齿隐翅虫亚属1新种,硕斑齿隐翅虫Priochirus(Stigma-tochirus)magnificus sp.nov,及1新纪录种,阿斑齿隐翅虫Priochirus(Stigmatochirus)abori Bernhauer.文中物种检索表包括了世界现有的3种及新种共4个种.所有标本材料(包括所有模式标本)都保存在中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   
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