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It has been known for some time that pokeweed antiviral protein acts by enzymatically inhibiting protein synthesis on eucaryotic ribosome systems. The site of this action is known to be the ribosome itself. In this paper we show that the pokeweed antiviral protein reaction against ribosomes is a strong function of salt concentrations, where 160 mM K+ and 3 mM Mg2+ retards the reaction, while 20 mM K+ and 2 mM Mg2+ allows maximum reaction rate. It is also shown, however, that an unidentified protein in the postribosomal supernatant solution, together with ATP, allows the ribosome to be attacked even in the presence of high salt. Kinetic analysis of the antiviral protein reaction has been carried out under both sets of conditions, and reveals that the turnover number for the enzyme is about 300–400 mol/mol per min. in each case. The Km for ribosomes is 1 μM in the presence of low salt and 0.2 μM at higher salt in the presence of postribosomal supernatant factors plus ATP. The antiviral protein reaction is also shown to be pH dependent and is controlled by a residue with pKa value of approx. 7.0, apparently a histidine. Stoichiometric reaction of the enzyme with iodoacetamide results in a significant loss of antiribosomal activity.  相似文献   
Slowly cooled cells of Streptomyces aureofaciens contained mainly tight-couple ribosomes. Maximum rate of polyphenylalanine synthesis on ribosomes of S. aureofaciens was observed at 40°C, while cultures grew optimally at 28°C. Ribosomes of S. aureofaciens differed from those of E. coli in the amount of poly(U) required for maximum synthetic activity. The polyphenylalanine-synthesizing activity of E. coli ribosomes was about 3-times higher than that of S. aureofaciens ribosomes. The addition of protein S1 of E. coli or the homologous protein from S. aureofaciens had no stimulatory effect on the translation of poly(U). In order to localize alteration(s) of S. aureofaciens ribosomes in the elongation step of polypeptide synthesis we developed an in vitro system derived from purified elongation factors and ribosomal subunits. The enzymatic binding of Phe-tRNA to ribosomes of S. aureofaciens was significantly lower than the binding to ribosomes of E. coli. This alteration was mainly connected with the function of S. aureofaciens 50 S subunits. These subunits were not deficient in their ability to associate with 30 S subunits or with protein SL5 which is homologous to L7/L12 of E. coli.  相似文献   
Prevention of ultraviolet radiation- or chemical carcinogen-induced morphologic transformation and inhibition of tumor-producing transformed cell growth by lymphotoxin and by normal spleen leukocytes were quantitatively compared to define the antineoplastic activity spectra of these natural immune mediators. When Syrian golden hamster embryo cells seeded for colony formation in culture dishes were treated simultaneously with carcinogen and lymphotoxin, the number of morphologically transformed cell colonies was irreversibly reduced by 50% in the presence of 6 units of lymphotoxin/ml. Lymphotoxin inhibition of tumor cell growth, however, was reversible and 50% reduction in tumor cell growth in three transformed lines required 124, 330, and 477 units/ml. Thus, the anticarcinogenic activity of lymphotoxin can be 20-fold or more greater than its tumor growth-inhibitory activity. Similarly spleen leukocytes also were more effective as an anticarcinogen than as an inhibitor of tumor cell growth, consistent with previous observations that naturally occurring spleen leukocyte antineoplastic activity may result from lymphotoxin secretion.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung von Aktinomycin auf die neurosekretorischen Q-und P-Zellen im Cerebralganglion von Enchytraeus wurde untersucht. Die Cytophotometrie lichtmikroskopischer Präparate von Q-Zellen ergab, daß in den ersten Stunden nach Aktinomycin-Behandlung eine deutliche Verminderung PAF-positiven Materials auftritt. Die ersten Veränderungen wurden elektronenmikroskopisch zwischen 1 und 4 Std nach Aktinomycin-Injektion beobachtet. Sie waren in beiden Zelltypen am eindeutigsten am Nucleolus. Es kommt zu einer Sonderung und räumlichen Trennung von granulärem und fibrillärem Material. Letzteres wird sehr stark vermehrt.In bezug auf Veränderungen der Strukturen des Cytoplasmas unterscheiden sich die Q-und P-Zellen besonders im Verhalten des Golgi-Apparates und der Ribosomen. Der Golgi-Apparat wird in den Q-Zellen kurze Zeit nach Applikation von Aktinomycin reduziert. In den P-Zellen persistiert er dagegen über alle beobachteten Zeitstufen hinweg. Die Ribosomen lösen sich von den Membranen in den Q-Zellen 4–8 Std nach Injektion, was in den P-Zellen nicht festzustellen ist. Diese Tatsachen führen zu der Annahme, daß das System der Proteinsynthese der P-Zellen relativ stabiler als das der Q-Zellen ist.Die in den späteren Zeitstufen beobachtete Normalisierung der Zellstrukturen läßt darauf schließen, daß die Wirkung des einmalig injizierten Aktinomycins 24 Std danach nachzulassen beginnt.
Light and electron microscopic studies on the influence of actinomycin D on the dynamics of neurosecretory cells of Enchytraeus (Oligochaeta)
Summary The influence of actinomycin on the neurosecretory Q and P cells of the brain of Enchytraeus was studied. Cytophotometrical measurements of Q cells in light mirocscopic preparations showed a significant decrease of PAF-positive material in the first hours after actinomycin application. At the ultrastructural level primary changes were established one to four hours after injection of actinomycin: In the nucleolus granular and fibrillar material became separated; there was a substantial increase of the fibrillar component.Concerning structural changes of the cytoplasm, Q and P cells differed especially with respect to the Golgi apparatus and the ribosomes. In the Q cells the Golgi apparatus had become greatly reduced shortly after actinomycin treatment. However, it persisted in P cells during all stages examined. Ribosomes became detached from membranes only in Q cells between 4 and 8 hours after injection.These data indicate that protein synthesis in P cells shows greater stability than in Q cells. The restitution of normal ultrastruoture during subsequent stages indicates that effects begin to subside 24 hours after a single injection.
Für technische Unterstützung danken wir Frl. B. Reymann, Frl. A. Zinßer, Frau B. Cosack und Frau E. Wolschner.  相似文献   
Summary Rat prostate extracts contain an abundant 20–22 kilodalton heparin-binding protein with near identical chromatographic properties, but only 0.2–1% of the mitogenic activity, of bovine brain heparin-binding growth factor-1 (acidic fibroblast growth factor). Amino terminal amino acid sequence (met-met-thr-asp-lys-asn-leu-lys-lys-lys-ile-glu-gly-asn-trp-arg-thr-val-tyr-leu-ala-ala-ser-?-val-glu-lys-ile-asn-glu-gly-ser-pro) and immunochemical analysis revealed that the protein is identical to the androgen-dependent protein “probasin”. This work was supported in part by NCI grant CA37589 (W. L. M., J. W. C.) and the Medical Research Council of Canada (R. J. M.).  相似文献   
A model-system is established to analyze purine and pyrimidine metabolism leading to DNA synthesis. The principal aim is to explore the flow and regulation of terminal deoxynucleoside triophosphates (dNTPs) in various input and parametric conditions. A series of flow equations are established, which are subsequently converted to differential equations. These are programmed (Fortran) and analyzed on a Cray X-MP/48 supercomputer. The pool concentrations are presented as a function of time in conditions in which various pertinent parameters of the system are modified. The system is formulated by 100 differential equations.  相似文献   
The effects of a new calcium channel blocker, 1-[bis(4-fluorophenyl)methyl]-4-(2,3,4-trimethoxybenzyl)-piperazine dihydrochloride (KB-2796), on delayed neuronal death (DND) in the hippocampus were examined in gerbils in comparison with those of pentobarbital and flunarizine. The neuronal density in the hippocampal CA1 subfield was counted on the seventh day of recirculation following 5 min of bilateral carotid occlusion, and protein biosynthesis in the brain was also determined at 1, 2, 4, 24, and 72 h following occlusion. The drugs were intraperitoneally administered after recirculation. KB-2796 (10 mg/kg) significantly prevented DND in the CA1 subfield. Pentobarbital (40 mg/kg), but not flunarizine (3 and 10 mg/kg), inhibited DND. Protein synthetic activity in the CA1 subfield was reduced by ischemia and the reduction was not restored even at 72 h after recirculation. KB-2796 did not ameliorate the reduction of protein synthesis in the CA1 subfield by 24 h after recirculation, but in one of three animals restoration of protein synthesis was observed at 72 h of recirculation. Pentobarbital also restored the reduced protein synthesis in two of three animals at 72 h. These results suggest that calcium influx into neurons participates in the pathogenesis of DND, and also that KB-2796 might prevent both morphological and functional cell damage in CA1 neurons induced by transient ischemia.  相似文献   
Apples ( Malus domestica Borkh.) were heated for 4 days at 38°C immediately after harvest and then placed at 20°C for 7–10 days. Protein synthesis, ethylene production and fruit softening were reversibly inhibited by the heat treatment. Fruit respiration, membrane permeability and chlorophyll degradation in the fruit peel were enhanced during the treatment. The heat-treated apples ripened normally but more slowly than untreated apple We hypothesize that heat treatment differentially affects processes which normally increase simultaneously during fruit ripening, by inhibiting those processes which require tie novo protein synthesis and enhancing those that do not.  相似文献   
A brief pulse of red light (R) given to darkgrown seedlings ofArabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyn. potentiates rapid synthesis of chlorophyll upon transfer to continuous white light. The time course for potentiation of rapid greening shows that a R pulse in the LF (low fluence) range has maximal effect within a few hours, and that there is a small VLF (very low fluence) component as well. Partial reversal of the effect of R by far-red light (FR) indicates that the pulse acts through phytochrome. As it does in the wild-type (WT), a pulse of R accelerates greening of long-hypocotyl (hy) mutants. The extent of induction by the R pulse was about the same in the WT and in allhy mutants studied. Reversibility by FR was greatly decreased in thehy-1 andhy-2 strains. It is possible that these mutants contain a species of phytochrome with defective phototransformation kinetics. If there is such a defective phytochrome species, it nevertheless appears to be active in the potentiation of rapid greening. Dedicated to Professor Hans Mohr on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
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