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B型烟粉虱在四种葫芦科寄主植物上的发育和繁殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了B型烟粉虱在4种葫芦科寄主植物黄瓜、节瓜、苦瓜和丝瓜上的发育和繁殖特性.结果表明,B型烟粉虱在节瓜上的世代发育历期最短,为19.3 d,在苦瓜上的世代发育历期最长,为29.0 d;世代存活率在黄瓜上最高,为92.85%,在苦瓜上最低,为53.08%;平均单雌产卵量在黄瓜上最多,为187.4粒,苦瓜上最少,为30.0粒;雌成虫寿命以在黄瓜上最长,为25.2 d,在苦瓜上最短,为10.9 d.B型烟粉虱在黄瓜、节瓜、苦瓜和丝瓜上的内禀增长率(rm)分别为0.1453、0.1429、0.0616和0.1055.综合比较4种葫芦科植物,黄瓜是B型烟粉虱的最适宜寄主.  相似文献   
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) in the AGO-containing RISC complex control messenger RNA (mRNA) translation by binding to mRNA 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR). The relationship between miRNAs and other regulatory factors that also bind to mRNA 3′UTR, such as CPEB1 (cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding protein), remains elusive. We found that both CPEB1 and miR-15b control the expression of WEE1, a key mammalian cell cycle regulator. Together, they repress WEE1 protein expression during G1 and S-phase. Interestingly, the 2 factors lose their inhibitory activity at the G2/M transition, at the time of the cell cycle when WEE1 expression is maximal, and, moreover, rather activate WEE1 translation in a synergistic manner. Our data show that translational regulation by RISC and CPEB1 is essential in cell cycle control and, most importantly, is coordinated, and can be switched from inhibition to activation during the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Somatic hybrids were produced between haploid Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Petite Havana (wild type) and haploid streptomycin resistant (SR1) mutant by an improved version of microelectrofusion of preselected pairs of protoplasts and the culture of fusion products in a nurse culture. Resistance of diploid plants regenerated from 20 somatic hybrid clones was tested at low concentration of streptomycin in the light as well as at high concentrations of streptomycin in the dark. In two independent hybrid lines, plants resistant in the light but sensitive in the dark were found. The existence of this plant type indicates a segregation of chloroplasts and mitocondria in somatic hybrid clones. It is suggested that microelectrofusion of preselected pairs of protoplasts combined with a reliable nurse culture might be a good technique for controlled somatic hybridization, cell reconstitution and partial gene transfer to different plant species. It might also be used to follow and analyse organelle segregation in somatic hybrid clones. The possibility that mitochondria might be resistant to streptomycin in the SR1 mutant is also discussed.  相似文献   
1. Thirty small upland lakes in Cumbria, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were each visited once during June and July 2000. From each lake, samples of surface sediment epilithon, macrophytes and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) were collected for nitrogen stable isotope analysis. As part of a wider programme, samples were also collected for chemical analysis and bioassays. 2. Considerable variation was found in δ15N values in all measured nitrogen compartments. Some regional variation was evident but was generally weak. Sediment and epilithon δ15N were positively correlated with δ15N of TDN, suggesting that baseline nitrogen isotope ratios influence those in some organic matter compartments in the lakes. 3. Sediment δ15N was higher when inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water was low, possibly reflecting reduced isotope fractionation under these conditions. However, this was not the case for epilithon or macrophytes. Sediment δ15N values were also negatively related to annual nitrogen deposition. 4. Sediment, epilithon and macrophyte δ15N values all showed significant relations to nutrient limitation in the lakes as determined by algal bioassays. We suggest that sediment δ15N might be developed as a simple integrating measure of the degree of nitrogen limitation in lakes.  相似文献   
Eimeria acervulina 3-1E antigen gene and mature chicken interleukin 15 (mChIL-15) gene were cloned into expression vector pcDNA3.1(+) in different forms, produced DNA vaccine pcDNA3.1-3-1E, and pcDNA3.1-3-1E-linker-mChIL-15 co-expressing E. acervulina 3-1E gene and mChIL-15 gene, respectively. The expression of objective gene in vitro was detected by indirect fluorescent antibody technique and immunohistochemistry. The two DNA vaccines were administered by intramuscular leg injection. An animal challenge experiment was carried out to evaluate the immune protective efficacy of the vaccines. The results indicated that DNA vaccines were successfully constructed and the expression of objective gene could be detected in vitro. The animal experimental results showed that both DNA vaccines could provide partial protection against homologous challenge in chickens. The chimeric DNA vaccine, pcDNA3.1-3-1E-linker-mChIL-15, could significantly increase oocyst decrease ratio, reduce the average lesion score in the duodenum, improve body weight gain, and increase anti-coccidial index (ACI) compared to the DNA vaccine pcDNA3.1-3-1E. Taken together, these results demonstrate ChIL-15 enhance the immunogenicity of 3-1E DNA vaccine, and co-expression of cytokine and optimized surface antigen of Eimeria may be a promising method to enhance immunogenicity of DNA vaccines in poultry.  相似文献   
1. Populations in different locations can exchange individuals depending on the distribution and connectivity of suitable habitat, and the dispersal capabilities and behaviour of the organisms. We used an isotopic tracer, 15N, to label stoneflies (Leuctra ferruginea) to determine the extent of adult flight along stream corridors and between streams where their larvae live. 2. In four mass, mark‐capture experiments we added 15NH4Cl continuously for several weeks to label specific regions of streams within the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, U.S.A. We collected adult stoneflies along the labelled streams (up to 1.5 km of stream length), on transects through the forest away from labelled sections (up to 500 m), and along an 800‐m reach of adjacent tributary that flows into a labelled stream. 3. Of 966 individual adult stoneflies collected and analysed for 15N, 20% were labelled. Most labelled stoneflies were captured along stream corridors and had flown upstream a mean distance of 211 m; the net movement of the population (upstream + downstream) estimated from the midpoint of the labelled sections was 126 m upstream. The furthest male and female travelled approximately 730 m and approximately 663 m upstream, respectively. We also captured labelled mature females along an unlabelled tributary and along a forest transect 500 m from the labelled stream, thus demonstrating cross‐watershed dispersal. 4. We conclude that the adjacent forest was not a barrier to dispersal between catchments, and adult dispersal linked stonefly populations among streams across a landscape within one generation. Our data on the extent of adult dispersal provide a basis for a conceptual model identifying the boundaries of these populations, whose larvae are restricted to stream channels, and whose females must return to streams to oviposit.  相似文献   
We have measured the uptake capacity of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) from different soil depths by injecting 15N and caesium (Cs; as an analogue to K) at 5 and 50 cm soil depth and analysing the recovery of these markers in foliage and buds. The study was performed in monocultures of 40-year-old pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) located at an experimental site in Palsgård, Denmark. The markers were injected as a solution through plastic tubes around 20 trees of each species at either 5 or 50 cm soil depth in June 2003. After 65 days foliage and buds were harvested and the concentrations of 15N and Cs analysed. The recovery of 15N in the foliage and buds tended to be higher from 5 than 50 cm soil depth in oak whereas they where similar in spruce and beech after compensation for differences in immobilization of 15N in the soil. In oak more Cs was recovered from 5 than from 50 cm soil depth whereas in beech and spruce no difference could be detected. Out of the three investigated tree species, oak was found to have the lowest capacity to take up Cs at 50 cm soil depth compared to 5 cm soil depth also after compensating for differences in discrimination against Cs by the roots. The uptake capacity from 50 cm soil depth compared with 5 cm was higher than expected from the root distribution except for K in oak, which can probably be explained by a considerable overlap of the uptake zones around the roots and mycorrhizal hyphae in the topsoil. The study also shows that fine roots at different soil depths with different physiological properties can influence the nutrient uptake of trees. Estimates of fine root distribution alone may thus not reflect the nutrient uptake capacity of trees with sufficient accuracy. Our study shows that deep-rooted trees such as oak may have lower nutrient uptake capacity at deeper soil layers than more shallow-rooted trees such as spruce, as we found no evidence that deep-rooted trees obtained proportionally more nutrients from deeper soil layers. This has implications for models of nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems that use the distribution of roots as the sole criterion for predicting uptake of nutrients from different soil depths.  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the signaling pathways for extracellular signal-related protein kinase (ERK) activation by three structurally different peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma) agonists. In murine C2C12 myoblasts, treatment with 15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J(2) (15d-PGJ(2)), ciglitazone, and GW1929 leads to ERK1/2 phosphorylation in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Consistent with ERK phosphorylation, mitogen activated protein/ERK kinase (MEK) phosphorylation as well as Raf-1 kinase activity are also accordingly stimulated, while the constitutive Ser259 phosphorylation of Raf-1 is decreased. The ERK phosphorylation induced by PPARgamma agonists is not blocked by the PKC inhibitors GF109203X and Ro31-8220, the PI3K inhibitor wortmannin, the Ras inhibitor FPTI, the negative mutant of Ras, or the PPARgamma antagonist bisphenol A diglycidil ether. Expression of PPARgamma2 without DNA binding domain or with a nonphosphorylatable mutant (S112A) fails to change ERK phosphorylation by 15d-PGJ(2). On the contrary, the ERK phosphorylation by PPARgamma agonists is inhibited by the MEK inhibitor PD98059, GSH, and permeable SOD mimetic MnTBAP. Chemiluminescence study reveals that these three PPARgamma agonists are able to induce superoxide anion production, with an efficacy similar to their action on ERK phosphorylation. Consistent with this notion, we also show that superoxide anion donor 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-naphoquinone elicits ERK phosphorylation. In this study, we for the first time demonstrate a novel mechanism, independent of Ras activation but initiated by superoxide anion production, for PPARgamma agonists to trigger the Raf-MEK-ERK1/2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   
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