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Schwann cell biosynthesis of the major myelin glycoprotein, P0, was investigated in the crush-injured adult rat sciatic nerve, where there is myelin assembly, and in the permanently transected nerve, where there is no myelin assembly. Endoneurial fractions from desheathed rat sciatic nerves distal to the crush were compared with similar fractions from the permanently transected nerves at 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 days after injury. The Schwann cell expression of this asparagine-linked glycoprotein was evaluated after sodium dodecyl sulfate-pore gradient electrophoresis by Coomassie Blue and silver stain and by autoradiography after direct overlay of radioiodinated lectins [wheat germ agglutinin, gorse agglutinin, and concanavalin A (Con A)]. As evaluated by these parameters, the concentration of P0 after crush decreased and subsequently increased as a function of time after injury, corresponding to the events of demyelination and remyelination. After permanent transection, the P0 concentration decreased following the same time course found after crush. At subsequent time points, P0 could not be detected with Coomassie Blue stain, silver stain, or wheat germ agglutinin. Both gorse agglutinin and Con A, however, showed binding to P0. Radioactive precursor incorporation studies with [3H]fucose or [3H]-mannose into endoneurial slices at 35 days posttransection revealed active oligosaccharide processing of P0 glycoprotein by Schwann cells in this permanent transection model. Compared with other Schwann cell glycoproteins in the transected nerve, the highest level of incorporation of [3H]mannose was found in P0 which accounted for 42.7% of the incorporated label. In contrast, incorporation of [3H]mannose into endoneurial slices at 35 days after crush accounted for only 13.3% in P0. In addition, higher levels of Con A binding were observed in P0 in the transected nerve compared with the contralateral control or the crushed nerve. Both the [3H]fucose incorporation and gorse agglutinin binding to P0 in the transected nerve suggest posttranslational processing of this glycoprotein in the Golgi apparatus; however, the absence of wheat germ agglutinin binding, the high level of mannose incorporation, and the high level of binding by Con A imply that additional processing steps are required prior to its assembly into myelin.  相似文献   
The complete nucleotide sequences of the genomes of the type 2 ( P712 , Ch, 2ab ) and type 3 (Leon 12a1b ) poliovirus vaccine strains were determined. Comparison of the sequences with the previously established genome sequence of type 1 (LS-c, 2ab ) poliovirus vaccine strain revealed that 71% of the nucleotides in the genome RNAs were common, that the 5' and 3' termini of the genomes were highly homologous, and that more than 80% of the nucleotide differences in the coding region occurred in the third letter position of in-phase codons, resulting in a low frequency of amino acid difference. These results strongly suggested that the serotypes of poliovirus derived from a common prototype. A comparison of the amino acid sequences predicted from the genome sequences showed highest variation in the capsid protein region, whereas non-structural proteins are highly conserved. Initiation of polyprotein synthesis occurs in all three strains more than 740 nucleotides downstream from the 5' end. An analysis of the non-coding region suggests that small peptides that could potentially originate from this region are conserved. The amino acid sequences immediately surrounding the cleavage signals, however, show a higher than average degree of variation. The analysis of the amino acid sequences of the capsid protein VP1 of all serotypes has led to the prediction of potential antigenic sites on the virion involved in neutralization.  相似文献   
Summary DNA sequencing has revealed an internal, tandemly repetitive structure in the family of giant polypeptides encoded by three types of Balbiani ring (BR) genes, in three different species ofChironomus. Each major BR repeat can be subdivided into two halves: a region consisting of short subrepeats and a more constant region that lacks obvious subrepeats. Comparative predictions of secondary structure indicate that an -helical segment is consistently present in the amino-terminal half of the constant region in all known BR proteins. Comparative predictions, coupled with consideration of the known phosphorylation of serine and threonine residues in BR proteins, suggest that the -helical structure may also extend into the carboxy-terminal half of the constant region, possibly interrupted by -turn(s). However, it is also possible that the structure is variable, and that a -strand is present in that half in some cases. All of the constant regions conserve one methionine and one phenylalanine residue, as well as all four cysteines; these residues presumably play roles in the packing or cross-linking of aligned constant regions. The structure of the subrepeat region is not clear, but the prevalence of a tripeptide pattern (basic-proline-acidic) suggests some type of structural regularity, possibly an extended helix. The possible significance of these conserved molecular features is discussed in the context of how they may serve the elasticity, insolubility, and hydrophilicity of the fibrils and threads formed by the BR polypeptides.  相似文献   
Summary A brief review is presented of the Vester-Ulbricht -decay Bremsstrahlen hypothesis for the origin of optical activity, and of subsequent experiments designed to test it. Certain of our experiments along these lines, begun in 1974 and involving the irradiation of racemic and optically active amino acids in a 61.7 KCi90Sr–90Y Bremsstrahlen source, have now been completed and are described. After 10.89 years of irradiation with a total Bremsstrahlen dose of 2.5×109 rads, crystallinedl-leucine, norleucine, and norvaline suffered 47.2, 33.6, and 27.4% radiolysis, respectively, but showed no evidence whatsoever of asymmetric degradation.d- andl-Leucine underwent about 48% radiolysis and showed 2.4–2.9% radioracemization. Other samples in solution were too severely degraded to analyze. Probable intrinsic reasons for the failure of the Vester-Ulbricht mechanism to afford asymmetric radiolysis in the present and related experiments involving -decay Bremsstrahlen are enumerated.A portion of this material was presented at the 7th International Conference on the Origins of Life, Mainz, FRG, July 10–15, 1983  相似文献   
The interaction among coupled oscillators is governed by oscillator properties (intrinsic frequency and amplitude) and coupling mechanisms. This study considers another oscillator property, the intrinsic resting level, and evaluates its role in governing oscillator interactions. The results of computer experiments on a chain of either three or five bidirectionally coupled nonlinear oscillators, suggest that an intrinsic resting level gradient, if present, is one of the factors governing the interaction between coupled oscillators. If there is no intrinsic frequency gradient, then an intrinsic resting level gradient is sufficient to produce many features of interaction among coupled oscillators. If both intrinsic frequency and intrinsic resting level gradients are present, then both of them determine the manner in which the coupled oscillators interact with each other.  相似文献   
Summary Dynamic change of plastid nucleoids (pt nucleoids) was followed by fluorescence microscopy after staining with 46-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI). The fluorescence image was quantified with a supersensitive photonic microscope system based on photon counting and image analysis. The results showed that small pt nucleoids located in the center of proplastids in the dry seed increased in size after imbibition and formed highly organized ring structures in the dark, which divided into ca. 10 pieces within 3 days. Corresponding to this morphological change, DNA content of a plastid multiplied 7.5 fold. Total increase in DNA content of pt nucleoids per cell was 34 times as that of dry seed, as plastid multiplied 4.6 times in the average during this period. Upon light illumination small pt nucleoids having basic genome size were separated from divided pt nucleoids, suggesting a relationship with the formation of thylakoid system. The significance of the procedure established in this study is discussed in analysing the dynamic changes of intracellular small genomes.On leave from Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Nagoya University, Furocho, Chikusaku, Nagoya 464, Japan.  相似文献   
Summary Alternative methods for shoot regeneration in protoplast derived cultures were developed in Nicotiana paniculata and Physalis minima. In both species protoplast derived callus is not regeneratable to shoots by conventional methods, e.g. hormone treatment. Leaf discs and stem segments of N. paniculata and P. minima were incubated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens shooter strains harbouring pGV 2215 or pGV 2298 or wildtype strain B6S3. After 36 h of co-incubation protoplasts were prepared. (Leaf disc and stem segment cloning). Co-cultivation experiments were also undertaken with protoplasts of both species. Transformed clones, characterized by their hormone independent growth and octopine production, could be isolated after about two months. Transformation frequencies of leaf disc and stem segment cloning and co-cultivation experiments varied from 5×10–3 to 5×10–5. After about one year of cultivation on hormone-free culture medium, shoots could be recovered from colonies of N. paniculata, transformed by the strain harbouring pGV 2298. In protoplast derived colonies of P. minima, shoot induction was obtained only after transformation by bacteria carrying pGV 2215. This demonstrates the importance of the particular shooter mutant, as well as the response of the host plant. Transformed shoots of P. minima produced octopine, whereas octopine production in transformed shoots and callus of N. paniculata was undetectable after one year of cultivation, though T-DNA was still present in the plant genome. Transformed shoots of N. paniculata and P. minima do not produce any roots. Shoots of N. paniculata have an especially tumerous phenotype. Shoots of both species were successfully grafted to normal donor plants of N. tabacum.Abbreviations B5-h Gamborg medium without hormones (Gamborg 1968) - V47 protoplast medium (Binding 1974) - D2a protoplast medium (Li et al. 1980) - MS-h Murashige and Skoog medium without hormones (Murashige and Skoog 1962) Dedicated to Professor Dr. G. Melchers in occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   
Efficient preparation of spheroplasts fromCandida utilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, andSchizosaccharomyces pombe, using a purified mixture of enzymes fromTrichoderma harzianum, is described. Limitations of other methods, and differences between yeasts are demonstrated.  相似文献   
Summary Plants often respond to microbial infection by producing antimicrobial compounds called phytoalexins. Plants also produce phytoalexins in response to in vitro treatment with molecules called elicitors. Specific elicitors, including a hexa--glucosyl glucitol derived from fungal cell walls, the pectin-degrading enzyme endopolygalacturonic acid lyase, and oligogalacturonides obtained by either partial acid hydrolysis or enzymatic degradation of plant cell walls or citrus polygalacturonic acid, induce soybean (Glycine max. L.) cytoledons to accumulate phytoalexins. The experiments reported here demonstrate that the elicitor-active hexa--glucosyl glucitol acts synergistically with several biotic and abiotic elicitors in the induction of phytoalexins in soybean cotyledons. At concentrations below 50 ng/ml, the hexa--glucosyl glucitol does not induce significant phytoalexin accumulation. When assayed in combination with either endopolygalacturonic acid lyase or with a decagalacturonide released from citrus polygalacturonic acid by this lyase, however, the observed elicitor activity of the hexa--glucosyl glucitol is as much as 35-fold higher than the sum of the responses of these elicitors assayed separately. A similar synergism was also demonstrated for the combination of the hexa--glucosyl glucitol with dilute solutions of sodium acetate, sodium formate, or sodium propionate buffers. These buffers are thought to damage or kill plant cells, which may cause the release of oligogalacturonides from the plant cell wall. The results suggest that oligogalacturonides act as signals of tissue damage and, as such, can enhance the response of plant tissues to other elicitor-active molecules during the initiation of phytoalexin accumulation.Supported by the United States Department of Energy DE-ACO2-84ER13161. This paper is number XXXI in a series, Host-Pathogen Interactions. The preceding paper, Host-Pathogen Interactions XXX is Characterization of elicitors of phytoalexin accumulation in soybean released from soybean cells by endopolygalacturonic acid lyase, by K. R. Davis, A. G. Darvill, P. Albersheim, and A. Dell. Zeitschrift für Naturforsschung, in press.  相似文献   
Plants of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. var. PG No. 1) were given two foliar sprays of phenolic compounds (H-acid, 1, 2, 4-acid, resorcinol and RD-Brown) at 100 and 200 ppm, 35 and 50 days after sowing. In treated plants, shelling %, yield (kg/ha), number of gynophores per plant and number of pods per plant were significantly greater than in the control. Oil content of kernels also showed a significant increase with all the phenolic compounds applied. These compounds increased the linoleic acid concentration so improving nutritional quality. The number of gynophores was significantly correlated with the number of pods per plant and yield per hectare. The effect of phenolic compounds on growth and development was independent of their structural configuration.  相似文献   
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