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小麦耐盐系愈伤组织细胞的超微结构观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对用正筛选法选出的耐1%、2%和2.5%NaCl的小麦3个耐盐细胞系进行了详细的电镜观察。结果表明,随着耐盐程度的提高,小麦愈伤组织细胞的质体膨胀状态,数量有减少的趋势。耐低盐浓度(1%NaCl)的细胞系线粒体结构与对照差别不大,而耐高浓度盐分的细胞系对对照有明显差异。耐盐系细胞的线粒体,粗糙型内质网及核糖体数量比对照细胞增加,高尔基体和内质网膨胀,细胞核核质凝聚,核膜膨胀,液泡发达,细胞壁的生长  相似文献   
125I-Aminopotentidine (125I-APT), a reversible probe of high specific radioactivity and high affinity and selectivity for the H2 receptor, was used to characterize and localize this histamine receptor subtype in human brain samples obtained at autopsy. On membranes of human caudate nucleus, specific 125I-APT binding at equilibrium revealed a single component, with a dissociation constant of 0.3 nM and maximal capacity of about 100 fmol/mg of protein. At 0.2 nM, 125I-APT specific binding, as defined with tiotidine, an H2-receptor antagonist chemically unrelated to iodoaminopotentidine, represented 40-50% of the total. Specific 125I-APT binding was inhibited by a series of typical H2-receptor antagonists that displayed apparent dissociation constants closely similar to corresponding values at the reference biological system, i.e., guinea pig atrium. This indicates that the pharmacology of the H2 receptor is the same in the human brain as on this reference system. However, histamine was about 10-fold more potent in inhibiting 125I-APT binding to membranes of human brain than of guinea pig brain. 125I-APT binding was also inhibited by amitriptyline and mianserin, two antidepressant drugs, in micromolar concentrations corresponding to effective plasma concentrations of treated patients. The distribution of H2 receptors was established autoradiographically with 125I-APT on a series of coronal sections of human brain after assessing the pharmacological specificity of the labeling. The highest density of 125I-APT sites was found in the basal ganglia, various parts of the limbic system, e.g., hippocampus or amygdaloid complex, and the cerebral cortex. H2 receptors displayed a laminar distribution in cerebral cortex and hippocampal formation. A low density of sites was found in cerebellum as well as in hypothalamus, the brain area where all the perikarya and the largest number of axons of histaminergic neurons are found. The widespread distribution of H2 receptors in the human brain is consistent with the alleged modulatory role of histamine mediated by this subtype of receptor.  相似文献   
Summary Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L., var. TMV-2) plants were raised in sand cultures salinized with sodium chloride at 0.4% on air dry weight basis. Phosphate was sprayed to the drip point, once daily for five days from 20th to 25th day and from 30th to 35th day. Shoot apices and mature leaves were harvested for nucleic acid analyses at 30th and 40th day, receiving one and two sets of sprays respectively. Salinity decreased RNA and DNA levels which were partially restored by foliar application of phosphate.  相似文献   
NaCl胁迫对马齿苋光合作用及叶绿素荧光特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以马齿苋为材料,采用温室盆栽法研究了14 d NaCl胁迫处理对其幼苗生长、光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性的影响.结果显示:(1)马齿苋幼苗的鲜重和株高在25 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫时与对照无显著差异,但其随着NaCl浓度的继续增加均显著降低,且其生物量受到的抑制早于株高.(2) NaCl胁迫下,马齿苋幼苗叶片净光合速率(Pn)降低,胞间二氧化碳浓度(C1)增大,且两者的变化幅度随着NaCl浓度增加而增大.(3)NaCl胁迫下,马齿苋幼苗叶片的初始荧光(F0)、最大荧光(Fm)、可变荧光(Fv)、恒态荧光(Fs)、恒态荧光与初始荧光差值(△F0)、PSⅡ潜在光化学效率(Fv/Fo)和PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)均降低,叶片光化学荧光猝灭系数(qP)也在NaCl胁迫下降低,而非光化学荧光猝灭系数(NPQ)则上升;在0~50 mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫下,幼苗叶片各荧光参数下降幅度小于其他高浓度NaCl胁迫.研究表明,在NaCl胁迫条件下,马齿苋幼苗叶片的光合作用受光抑制伤害,但在低浓度NaCl下能够较多地将光能用于光化学反应,光抑制程度较低,保持了较高的净光合速率,明显减轻盐胁迫对植株生长的影响,表现出一定的耐盐性.  相似文献   
目的:探讨艾迪注射液联合化疗对卵巢癌患者血清人附睾蛋白4(HE4)、糖类抗原125(CA125)、糖类抗原19-9(CA19-9)、甲胎蛋白(AFP)、癌胚抗原(CEA)及T细胞亚群的影响。方法:选取我院2014年8月至2016年2月收治的78例卵巢癌患者,按照随机数表法将其分为观察组(n=39)和对照组(n=39),对照组患者给予化疗,观察组患者给予艾迪注射液联合化疗,比较两组患者的临床疗效、治疗前后血清HE4、CA125、CA19-9、AFP、CEA水平及T细胞亚群的变化。结果:治疗后,观察组的总有效率(94.87%)显著高于对照组(76.92%)(P0.05)。治疗后,两组患者血清HE4、CA125、CA19-9、AFP、CEA水平均较治疗前明显下降,且观察组显著低于对照组(P0.05)。治疗后,两组患者CD3~+、CD4~+、CD8~+较治疗前均显著降低,且观察组患者CD3~+、CD4~+、CD8~+低于对照组(P0.05)。结论:艾迪注射液联合化疗对卵巢癌治疗效果显著,能有效降低血清HE4、CA125、CA19-9、AFP、CEA水平并改善患者免疫功能。  相似文献   
摘要 目的:探讨妊娠早期流产的阴道超声影像表现及与血清瘦素、融合素 -α(ADAM12)、糖类抗原 -125(CA-125)的相关性。方法:选取 2017年 7月 -2020年 9月于我院就诊的 419例具有早期先兆流产征象的孕妇患者,按妊娠结局分为妊娠早期流产组(流产组,61例)和正常早期妊娠组(正常组,358例)。所有患者均进行阴道超声检查,观察卵黄囊的大小和形态。测定胎儿冠臀长(CRL)、胎囊直径(GSD)、卵黄囊直径(YSD)和胎心率(FHR)。同时检测患者血清瘦素、ADAM12、CA-125水平。采用 Spearman秩相关分析评价阴道超声影像学表现与血清瘦素、ADAM12、CA-125水平的相关性。结果:正常组孕妇超声影像表现可见孕囊形态饱满,孕周和胎芽大小相符,可清晰显示原始心管、卵黄囊和胎心波动。流产组孕妇部分超声影像表现可见卵黄囊过大、过小或未见显示,胎芽略小,卵囊位置位于宫腔中下段,孕囊外形稍欠规则,同时可见原始心管或胎心波动。流产组孕妇平均 CRL、GSD、FHR均显著低于正常组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);流产组患者平均 YSD稍低于常组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。流产组孕妇各孕周 CRL、GSD、FHR均显著低于正常组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);流产组患者第 6-7周 YSD高于正常组、第8-9周和第 10-11周 YSD低于正常组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。流产组患者血清瘦素、ADAM12水平明显低于正常妊娠组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),流产组患者血清 CA-125水平明显高于正常妊娠组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。妊娠早期流产患者阴道超声参数 CRL、GSD、FHR与血清瘦素、ADAM12呈正相关(P<0.05),与 CA-125水平呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论:妊娠早期阴道超声及血清瘦素、ADAM12、CA-125可作为早期流产的有效预测因素,阴道超声参数 CRL、GSD、FHR与血清瘦素、ADAM12、CA-125水平具有相关性,临床可通过测定这些指标以提高妊娠早期流产预测的准确性。  相似文献   
盐胁迫对枸杞光合作用的气孔与非气孔限制   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
NaCl胁迫后,枸杞叶片的Pn,gs,Tr随盐浓度的增加呈现下降趋势。在0.08%-0.6%的NaCl胁迫范围内,枸杞叶片的Ci降低,Ls升高,gs下降主要受气孔限制,这可能由于盐刺激根系产生的某些物理或化学信号运输到地上部所致;而在盐分浓度大于0.6%的胁迫条件下,枸杞叶片的Ci则升高,Ls降低,gs下降的原因是由于Na^ ,Cl^-的大量积累对光合酶活性产生直接的毒害作用,从而使非气孔限制因素成为主要限制因子。  相似文献   
Erythrocytes of the rare human blood group En(a?) lack the major sialoglycoprotein, glycophorin A, and the cell population heterozygous for the En(a) antigen contain half the normal amount of glycophorin A. With such cells we have studied whether glycophorin A influences the phospholipid composition and the availability of aminophospholipids to external labeling reagents. We here demonstrate that the amounts of all phospholipids are closely similar in normal and variant membranes. However, using the amino-reactive reagent trinitrobenzenesulfonate, we show that phosphatidylethanolamine is more easily labeled in intact En(a?) cells as compared to normal cells, whereas phosphatidylethanolamine shows an intermediate labeling in En(a) heterozygous cells.  相似文献   
低温加剧氯化钠对蓝藻固氮的抑制,营养液中氯化钠浓度增高时,抑制程度更甚.能源受限(暗处理和加抑制剂时的光合受抑,N_2和Ar的厌氧下呼吸代谢受阻)和氧下固氮酶受到伤害时,低温处理使氯化钠对蓝藻固氮的抑制进一步加剧.在能源和还原剂供应,合成固氨酶蛋白的物质基础(如CO_2和N_2的加合).光合作用正常进行的条件得到改善和保证,以及供应CO_2、外源蔗糖和氮氧加合时,低温加剧氯化钠对蓝藻固氮的抑制程度明显变小.  相似文献   
外源ALA、SNP和Spd对NaCl胁迫下桔梗种子萌发特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以药用植物桔梗为研究对象,通过测定不同浓度的ALA、SNP和Spd对NaCl胁迫下桔梗种子发芽势、发芽率、萌发指数和平均根长等萌发指标的影响,寻找提高桔梗种子及幼苗在盐胁迫条件下抗性能力的途径.实验结果表明,75 mmol·L-1 NaCl胁迫下的桔梗种子萌发受到显著抑制,但是用不同浓度的ALA、SNP和Spd对桔梗种...  相似文献   
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