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流感病毒表面抗原血凝素( hemagglutinin,HA)是流感核酸疫苗重要的靶抗原,针对HA的保护性中和抗体主要由HA上的五个抗原表位诱导产生.在本文中,我们构建了一种以新甲型H1N1流感病毒HA1为骨架的含2个A/PR/8( H1N1)流感病毒HA抗原表位和3个新甲型H1N1流感病毒HA抗原表位的核酸疫苗,并在B...  相似文献   
Previously, safety and immunogenicity of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) or 18 E7-pulsed dendritic cells (DC) vaccinations were demonstrated in a dose-escalation Phase I clinical trial which enrolled ten patients diagnosed with stage IB or IIA cervical cancer (nine HPV 16-positive, one HPV 18-positive). The goal of the study was to define the T-cell epitopes of HPV 16 or 18 E7 protein in these patients in order to develop new strategies for treating HPV-associated malignancies. This was accomplished through establishing T-cell lines by stimulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells with autologous mature DC pulsed with the HPV 16 or 18 E7 protein, examining the T-cell responses using ELISPOT assays, and isolating E7-specific T-cell clones based on IFN-γ secretion. Then, the epitope was characterized in terms of its core sequence and the restriction element. Twelve T-cell lines from eight subjects (seven HPV 16-positive, one HPV 18-positive) were evaluated. Positive T-cell responses were demonstrated in four subjects (all HPV 16-positive). All four were positive for the HPV 16 E7 46-70 (EPDRAHYNIVTFCCKCDSTLRLCVQ) region. T-cell clones specific for the E7 47–70 region were isolated from one of the subjects. Further analyses revealed a novel, naturally processed, CD4 T-cell epitope, E7 58–68 (CCKCDSTLRLC), restricted by the HLA-DR17 molecule. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (R21CA094507). An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Hu S  Zhu Z  Li L  Chang L  Li W  Cheng L  Teng M  Liu J 《Proteins》2008,70(3):938-949
Anti-ErbB2 antibodies targeting distinct epitopes can have different biological functions on cancer cells. A21 prepared by surface epitope masking (SEM) method is a tumor-inhibitory anti-ErbB2 monoclonal antibody. Previously we engineered a single chain chimeric antibody chA21 with potential for therapy of ErbB2-overexpressing tumors. Here, we mapped the A21 epitope on ErbB2 extracellular domain (ECD) by screening a combinatorial phage display peptide library, serial subdomain deletion, and mutagenesis scanning. X-ray crystal structure of the A21 scFv fragment at 2.1 A resolution was also determined. A molecular model of Ag-Ab complex was then constructed based on the crystal structures of the A21 scFv and ErbB2 ECD. Some of biological functions of the A21 mAb and its derivative antibodies including their tumor cell growth inhibition and effects on the expression, internalization, and phosphorylation of ErbB2 receptor were also investigated. The results showed that A21 recognized a conformational epitope comprising a large region mostly from ErbB2 extracellular subdomain I with several surface-exposed residues important for the binding affinity. These data provide unique functional properties of A21 that are quite different from two broadly used anti-ErbB2 mAbs, Herceptin and 2C4. It suggested that the A21 epitope may be another valuable target for designing new anti-ErbB2 therapeutics.  相似文献   
Gao Q  Yang Z  Zhou Y  Yin Z  Qiu J  Liang G  Xu C 《Gene》2012,497(2):155-163
Monoclonal antibodies against soybean Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor (BBI) have been generated and used to detect and quantify BBI in foods, soybean germplasm, and animal tissues and fluids. The purpose of this study was to determine the recognition sites of two monoclonal antibodies to BBI (mAb 238 and mAb 217) in relation to the protease-inhibitory sites of BBI. The results showed that (1) the binding of mAb 238 can be blocked by trypsin and that of mAb 217 by chymotrypsin; (2) the trypsin or chymotrypsin inhibitory activities of BBI are blocked by mAb 238 or mAb 217, respectively; and (3) mAb 238 failed to recognize a tryptic loop mutant BBI variant and mAb 217 was unable to bind a chymotryptic loop mutant BBI variant. These findings demonstrate that the epitopes recognized by mAb 238 and mAb 217 reside, at least in part, in the tryptic and chymotryptic loops of BBI, respectively.  相似文献   
Salmonella fIagellin has been repeatedly used as a carrier for heterologous peptide epitopes either as a parenterally delivered purified antigen or as a parenterally/orally-administered, flagellated, live, attenuated vaccine. Nonetheless, the ability to induce specific antibody responses against the flagellin moiety, fused or not with heterologous peptide, has not usually been reported in mice orally inoculated with a live, attenuated, flagellated Salmonella strain. In this work we evaluated the immunogenicity of flagellin in mice following oral inoculation with an aroA Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin SL5929 strain, which expressed plasmid-encoded recombinant hybrid flagellin fused to the CTP3 epitope (amino acids 50–64) of cholera toxin B-subunit. In contrast to parenterally immunized mice, no significant CTP3- or flagellin-specific antibody responses either in sera (IgG) or feces (IgA) were detected following repeated oral delivery of the recombinant Salmonella strain to C57BL/6 mice. Similarly, flagellin-specific antibody responses were also not detected in mice immunized with strain SL5930, which expressed a nonhybrid flagellin. The lack of flagellin-specific antibody responses was not associated with deficient Peyer patch colonization or spleen invasion. Moreover, stabilization of the flagellin-coding gene by integration into the host chromosome did not significantly improve flagellin-specific antibody responses following administration by the oral route. Taken together, these results suggest that flagellin does not represent an efficient peptide carrier for activation of antibody responses in mice orally immunized with live, attenuated Salmonella strains. Received: 29 December 1998 / Accepted: 3 May 1999  相似文献   
Aims:  To identify LipL32 epitopes and to evaluate their capability to recognize specific antibodies using ELISA.
Methods and Results:  Epitope mapping by means of a library of overlapping peptide fragments prepared by simultaneous and parallel solid phase peptide synthesis on derivatized cellulose membranes (SPOT synthesis) was carried out. Eighty-seven overlapping decapentapeptides corresponding to the complete sequence of LipL32 were synthesized. According to spot-image intensities, the most reactive sequences were localized in regions 151–177 (sequence AAKAKPVQKLDDDDDGDDTYKEERHNK) and 181–204 (sequence LTRIKIPNPPKSFDDLKNIDTKKL). Two peptides (P1 and P2) corresponding to these sequences were synthesized, and their reactivity evaluated using ELISA test.
Conclusions:  Epitope identification and analysis suggested the existence of two antigenic regions within LipL32. These LipL32 reactive regions were highly conserved among antigenically variants of Leptospira spp. isolates. Peptides containing these regions (P1 and P2) showed a good capability for anti-leptospiral antibody recognition.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This finding could have potential relevance not only for serodiagnosis but also as a starting point for the characterization of targets for vaccine design.  相似文献   
The 235-kDa antigenic rhoptry protein Py235 of Plasmodium yoelii is encoded by a large, highly polymorphic gene family. Monoclonal antibodies to some of these antigens have been shown to attenuate the virulence of the lethal YM strain of the parasite, converting a potentially fatal YM infection to a fulminating one typical of the nonlethal 17X strain, by inducing a switch in target cell preference from mature red blood cells to reticulocytes. The reason for this is not known but would suggest that antigenic determinants of Py235 may be useful in or as subunit vaccines. To identify such determinants, we constructed an epitope expression library of one Py235 variant and screened the library with the antibodies. Thus, we mapped 5- and 12-amino acid epitopes to the C-terminus of the antigen. Both epitopes were more reactive with protective than with nonprotective monoclonal antibodies. This may explain the differential protection conferred by these antibodies upon their passive transfer into mice.  相似文献   
目的:基于B细胞表位制备抗肝细胞生成素(HPO)的抗体。方法:根据HPO的空间结构选择了2个候选B细胞表位,展示在T7噬菌体的表面,将提取的重组噬菌体免疫动物,采用ELISA法检测抗血清的效价,通过杂交瘤技术制备针对HPOC端表位的单克隆抗体。结果:2个候选B细胞表位KDGSCD和DGWKDGSC均能诱导抗相应表位多肽的多克隆抗体的产生,免疫6周后血清中抗体效价均达到1∶103,产生的抗体还能够特异识别HPO全蛋白;针对HPOC端表位KDGSCD的单克隆抗体也能识别HPO全蛋白,且具有良好的特异性。结论:基于T7噬菌体展示的B细胞表位可作为免疫原用于制备识别该B细胞表位来源的全蛋白质的抗体。  相似文献   
The major barrier for xenotransplantation in humans is the presence of (1–3) Galactosyl epitopes (Gal) in xenogeneic tissue and the vast quantities of natural antibodies (Ab) produced by humans against this epitope. The binding of anti-Gal Ab to cells expressing Gal triggers a complement-mediated hyperacute rejection of target cells. The hyperacute rejection of whole cancer cells, modified to express Gal epitopes, could be exploited as a new cancer vaccine to treat human cancers. We tested this hypothesis in Galactosyltransferase knockout (GT KO) mice which, like humans, do not express Gal on their cell surfaces and can produce anti-Gal Ab. Forty-five percent of mice with preexisting anti-Gal Ab rejected Gal positive melanoma cells (B16Gal). These mice remained tumor-free for more than 90 days. The majority of control mice injected with B16Null, Gal negative cells succumbed to melanoma. The rejection of B16Gal induced strong long-lasting antitumor immunity against B16Null measured by the expansion of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. In addition, mice rejecting B16Gal were protected against melanoma since they survived a second rechallenge with B16Null. Protected mice developed antitumor immunity in the absence of autoimmune depigmentation (vitiligo). These results show that rejection of Gal positive melanoma cells can efficiently boost the immune response to other tumor associated antigens present in Gal negative melanoma cells. This study supports the concept of a novel anticancer vaccine to treat human malignancies.  相似文献   
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