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大多数植物要“传宗接代”,就必须经过有效的传粉。传粉是指在种子植物雄蕊花药里的成熟花粉,通过各种媒介传到雌蕊柱头上的过程。植物传粉的方式多种多样,有的依靠空气流动,称为风媒传粉,有的依靠水流的带动,称为水媒传粉,二者均属于非生物传粉,更多的还是依靠其他生物来帮它们传粉,称为生物传粉,如果是蜂类,则称为蜂媒传粉。依此,又有蛾媒、蝶媒、甲虫媒、鸟媒、哺乳动物媒(蝙蝠、猴等)等传粉的多种模式。在植物漫长的演化进程中,植物的花粉也形成了各自相应的形态结构,以适应不同的传粉模式。例如风媒植物大多会产生大量的花粉,花粉粒较…  相似文献   
在本刊前二期《绿色奥运》栏目中的“传统名花迎奥运”文章中,分别谈了2008年奥运会期间,中国园林工作者的任务,以及在园林绿化美化应用中植物种类的选择,及其选择的原则等。本文就中国传统名花形成的特色、发展契机和有待解决的问题谈一点本人的看法,并与读者共同探讨。中国传统名花形成的特色中国是拥有温带观赏植物种类资源最多的国家,物种多样性丰富,更是梅花、牡丹、芍药、含笑、荷花、和木槿等多种名花分布的中心。同时中国自古以来对许多特种名花都有栽培记载,从而积累了丰富的经验。例如牡丹的栽培始于南北朝公元420年(南宋)—581年…  相似文献   
白细胞介素13   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白细胞介素13是最近新命名的细胞因子。由Th2细胞产生。白细胞介素13基因与IL-4基因紧密连锁,两者在蛋白结构上有较大同源性,并共用一相同受体亚单位。白细胞介素13与IL-4有广泛相似的生物学功能。白细胞介素13在抗炎过程以及IgE介导的变应性疾病中可能起重要作用。  相似文献   
鸡爪草属的染色体及其系统位置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了毛茛科鸡爪草Calathodes oxycarpa的核形态。其静止核和有丝分裂前期染色体分别属于复杂中央染色微粒型和中间型,中期染色体属于R型,核型公式为2n=16=8sm 8st(2sat)。据此并结合有关资料,讨论了鸡爪草属与毛茛科其它类群的亲缘关系,认为鸡爪草属与金莲花属和特产于南朝鲜的Megaleranthis属是极为近缘的类群,不宜将它们分开置于不同的族或亚科中。  相似文献   
To cope with pathogen and insect attacks, plants develop different mechanisms of defence, in both direct (physical and chemical) and indirect ways (attractive volatiles to entomophagous beneficials). Plants are then able to express traits that facilitate "top-down" control of pests by attracting herbivore predators. Here we investigate the indirect defence mechanism of potato plants by analyzing the volatile patterns of both healthy and aphid- infested plants. Important changes in the emitted terpene pattern by the Myzus persicae infested host plant were observed. Using Solid Phase MicroExtraction (SPME) and GC-MS, the (E)-fl-farnesene (EBF) appeared to be emitted by aphid-infested potato and not by healthy plants. To assess the infochemical role of these volatile releases after aphid damage on the aphidophagous predators Episyrphus balteams, the hoverfly foraging behavior was assessed using the Observer 5.0 software (Noldus, Wageningen, The Netherlands). Aphidfree potato plants were also used as a control volatile source in the predator behavioral study. While aphid-infested plants induced efficient searching and acceptation behaviors leading to egg-laying, no kairomonal effect of healthy potato plants was observed, leading to longer immobility durations and shorter searching periods in the net cage. High oviposition rate of E. balteatus was observed when aphid-infested potato was used (mean of 48.9 eggs per laying and per female). On the other hand, no egg was produced by the hoverfly on healthy aphid-free plants. The E. balteatus foraging and reproductive behaviors according to the volatile emission from aphid-infested plants are discussed in relation to the potential use of active infochemical molecules in integrated aphid pest management.  相似文献   
Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) is a major stem borer of ash (Fraxinus spp.). It is univoltine in Tianjin, while it is semivoltine in Heilongjiang Province, and both univoltine and semivoltine in Changchun, Jilin Province, where the majority is univoltine. The longevity of emerald ash borer adults is 17.2 ± 4.6 days (n = 45), eggs 9.0 5:1.1 days (n = 103), univoltine larvae 308 days, semivoltine larvae 673 days, and pupae 61.2 ± 1.6 days (n = 45). It takes about 100 days from the time larvae bore into the phloem to when they complete the pupal cell. In a 10-year-old velvet ash (Fraxinus velutina Tort.) plantation in Tianjin, emerald ash borer preferred to oviposit on the regions of boles from 50-150 cm above ground, accounting for 76.7% of the total girdling. Girdling on the south side of the tree boles accounted for 43.40% of the total girdling. The emerald ash borer population density is higher at the edge of the plantation compared with the center.  相似文献   
The author affiliations were mixed up in the previous published version. The third fund number of National Natural Science Foundation of China in the Acknowledgments was wrong, it should be "30270335". The Shanghai Municipal Council for Science and Technology (No.06DZ22032) was missed in the Acknowledgments. There are some labeling and production errors in Figure 2A, Figure 3B and 3C, Figure 5C, Figure 6B and 6E, Figure 7B and 7D.  相似文献   
何湘  钟辉 《生物技术通讯》2007,18(6):978-980
MRN复合物包括MRE11、NBS1、RAD50,此复合物中的MRE11或NBS1缺失或突变会导致人的共济失调一毛细血管扩张样疾病、Nijmegen断裂综合征。MRN复合物在DNA双链损伤修复、同源重组、非同源重组、端粒长度维持、细胞检验点激活、保证DNA复制的顺利进行,以及维持基因组的稳定性等方面都起到了重要的作用。从以上几个方面简要综述MRN复合物的研究进展。  相似文献   
王瑞翟保平  孙晓洋 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4536-4546
灰飞虱(Laodelphax striatellus Fallén)近年来严重危害水稻并传播病毒病,麦田是其越冬并虫量扩增后向稻田迁移的重要场所,麦田一代灰飞虱也是防治的重点对象之一。利用半方差函数模型分析了麦田一代灰飞虱若虫在时间序列上的空间结构,得出了空间自相关的各项属性与虫口密度或环境因素的关系:长、短变程与密度无关,保持相对稳定;块金常数与密度成正相关(比例效应的存在),随机性强度与密度成三次多项式曲线相关;各向异性主要由于麦田行株距的差别所决定。并用一般克立金方法作出预测表面图,按时间顺序排列,将灰飞虱若虫在田间的时空分布情况直观地显示出来进行比较分析,得出灰飞虱若虫具有比较稳定的时空分布,认为食料充足、生境孤立、自身行动力较弱是形成这种情况的主要原因,此外包括天敌在内的一些次要因素也对其种群分布产生影响。  相似文献   
鱼类干扰素系统基因研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干扰素是一类多基因家族诱导性细胞因子,可在脊椎动物细胞中诱导建立抗病毒状态,并在抗病毒防御中起重要作用。干扰素系统包括应答外界刺激(如病毒感染)而合成干扰素的细胞,和应答干扰素建立抗病毒状态的细胞。干扰素系统基因主要包括Ⅰ型干扰素、Ⅱ型干扰素、干扰素刺激基因以及组成干扰素信号传导系统的基因。鱼类干扰素类作用发现较早,而对其基因的克隆和鉴定较晚。随着哺乳类和鸟类中干扰素及其相关基因研究的开展和深入,近年来鱼类干扰素及其相关基因的研究也得到快速发展。综述了鱼类干扰素系统基因的克隆、鉴定,以及其功能方面的研究进展。  相似文献   
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