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&#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &#  &# 《水生生物学报》2014,38(1):137-141
为了阐明养殖环境对鱼类寄生指环虫群落的影响,研究调查了湖北省梁子湖和湖北省石首市养殖池塘中鲫鳃部寄生指环虫的种类和感染情况。在梁子湖中的野生鲫共发现6种指环虫,分别为坏鳃指环虫(Dactylogyrus vastator)、中型指环虫(D. intermedius)、弧形指环虫(D. arcuatus)、弓茎指环虫(D. baueri)、美丽指环虫(D. formosus)、望外指环虫(D. inexpeatatus);在养殖池塘中,除了望外指环虫外,其他5种指环虫均有发现。分析结果表明,来自于梁子湖野生鲫鳃部的坏鳃指环虫的平均丰度以及其他4种指环虫(不含望外指环虫)的感染率与平均丰度明显高于养殖池塘的。梁子湖中的指环虫群落平均物种丰富度、平均寄生虫数量以及Brillouin多样性指数都明显高于养殖池塘的;梁子湖野生鲫寄生指环虫的优势种是弧形指环虫(0.54),而池塘中的是坏鳃指环虫(0.76)。在宿主密度、种群大小、光照和溶氧等影响指环虫群落的因子中,溶氧可能是最主要因子。    相似文献   
极具观赏价值的野生棕榈科植物--香棕   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对香棕野生资源、园林观赏价值的调查、研究.认为香棕是一种极具观赏价值的野生棕榈科植物.可在我国南亚热带极其偏北地区的园林绿化中推广应用。  相似文献   
中国野生葡萄组织培养研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对中国野生山葡萄左山—1、左山—2、燕山葡萄燕山—1和秋葡萄平利—7的叶片、叶柄、茎段及单芽茎段进行了离体培养研究。诱导左山—1叶片分化出不定芽的培养基为MS BA 5.0mg/L NAA0.1mg/L,诱导率2.5%;诱导平利—7叶柄分化出不定芽的培养基为MS BA7.0mg/L NAA0.1mg/L,诱导率1.95%;诱导左山—1、燕山—1和平利—7茎段分化出不定芽的培养基与叶柄相同,但诱导率相对较高,分别为8.25%、4.88%和6.49%;应用这一培养基对平利—7、左山—2的单芽茎段进行培养,丛状不定芽的诱导率均为100%。不定芽继代培养基为MS BA0.5mg/L IBA0.2mg/L;生根培养基为1/2MS IBA0.1—0.2mg/L。  相似文献   
藤本野生花卉羊乳   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
羊乳以其风铃般的花朵,纤柔的茎蔓,独具情趣,是一种具有较高观赏价值,并有待于广泛运用于园林中的藤本花卉。羊乳(Codonopsislanceolata)别名奶参、四叶参、乳薯、土党参、头参、轮叶党参等,属桔梗科党参属多年生草质藤本植物。植株光滑无毛,全株有白色乳汁和特殊的气味。根粗壮肥大,圆锥状或纺锤状,少数有细小侧根,表皮有稀疏的环纹,下部疏生横长皮孔。茎细长,缠绕后能伸长6米以上,有多数细小短分枝,黄而略带紫色。叶在主茎上互生,细小,披针形菱状狭卵形,在分枝上部的叶常4片近轮生,有短柄,菱状卵形,长圆状披针形或椭圆形,先端尖,基部楔形…  相似文献   
我国第一座国家级野生生物种质资源库——中国西南野生生物种质资源库在中国科学院昆明植物研究所建成,已正式投入运行。该资源库是目前世界上仅有的两个按照国际标准建立的野生生物种质资源保藏设施之一。它已收集保存8444种、近7.5万份野生生物种质资源。中国的特有物种、稀有濒危物种、具有重要经济价值和科学研究价值的物种作为重点保存对象,  相似文献   
早在1999年8月,知名植物学家吴征镒院士就给朱镕基总理写信,陈述种质资源的重要性,建议“尽快建立云南野生种质资源库”。朱总理十分重视,8月15日就作了明确批示:“我认为设想很好,应予支持”。云南省的主要领导和中国科学院的路甬祥院长也分别指示,要集中各有关单位的技术力量,认真组织落实。  相似文献   
It is generally accepted that Oryza rufipogon is the progenitor of Asian cultivated rice (O. sativa). However, how the two subspecies of O. sativa (indica and japonica) were domesticated has long been debated. To investigate the genetic differentiation in O. rufipogon in relation to the domestication of O. sativa, we developed 57 subspecies-specific intron length polymorphism (SSILP) markers by comparison between 10 indica cultivars and 10 japonica cultivars and defined a standard indica rice and a standard japonica rice based on these SSILP markers. Using these SSILP markers to genotype 73 O. rufipogon accessions, we found that the indica alleles and japonica alleles of the SSILP markers were predominant in the O. rufipogon accessions, suggesting that SSILPs were highly conserved during the evolution of O. sativa. Cluster analysis based on these markers yielded a dendrogram consisting of two distinct groups: one group (Group I) comprises all the O. rufipogon accesions from tropical (South and Southeast) Asia as well as the standard indica rice; the other group (Group II) comprises all the O. rufipogon accessions from Southern China as well as the standard japonica rice. Further analysis showed that the two groups have significantly higher frequencies of indica alleles and japonica alleles, respectively. These results support the hypothesis that indica rice and japonica rice were domesticated from the O. rufipogon of tropical Asia and from that of Southern China, respectively, and suggest that the indica-japonica differentiation should have formed in O. rufipogon long before the beginning of domestication. Furthermore, with an O. glaberrima accession as an outgroup, it is suggested that the indica-japonica differentiation in O. ruffpogon might occur after its speciation from other AA-genome species.  相似文献   
Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) may cause a serious disease affecting wheat worldwide. True resistance to BYDV is not naturally found in wheat. BYDV resistance genes are found in more than 10 wild relative species belonging to the genera of Thinopyrum, Agropyron, Elymus, Leymus, Roegneria, and Psathyrostachy. Through wide crosses combining with cell culture, use ofph mutants, or irradiation, 3 BYDV resistance genes in Th. intermedium, including Bdv2, Bdv3 and Bdv4, were introgressed into common wheat background. Various wheat-Th, intermedium addition and substitution, translocation lines with BYDV-resistance were developed and characterized, such as 7D-TAi#1 (bearing Bdv2), 7B-7Ai#1, 7D-7E (beating Bdv3), and 2D-2Ai-2 (bearing Bdv4) translocations. Three wheat varieties with BYDV resistance from Th. intermedium were developed and released in Australia and China, respectively. In addition, wheat-Agropyron cristatum translocation lines, wheat-Ag, pulcherrimum addition and substitution lines, and a wheat-Leymus multicaulis addition line (line24) with different resistance genes were developed. Cytological analysis, morphological markers, biochemical markers, and molecular markers associated with the alien chromatin carrying BYDV resistance genes were identified and applied to determine the presence of alien, chromosomes or segments, size of alien chromosome segments, and compositions of the alien chromosomes. Furthermore, some resistance-related genes, such as RGA, P450, HSP70, protein kinases, centrin, and transducin, were identified, which expressed specifically in the resistance translocation lines with Bdv2. These studies lay the foundations for developing resistant wheat cultivars and unraveling the resistance mechanism against BYDV.  相似文献   
在烟草属(Nicotiana L.)中,野生种具有抗病、抗虫及抗逆性强等性状,是烟草抗病、抗逆育种的珍贵材料。研究野生烟草种子活力及其物候特点,对于解决烟草远缘杂交过程中的花期相遇问题以及开展抗性鉴定等工作具有重要意义,是烟草抗性育种工作的基础。  相似文献   
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