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Pachysandra is an eastern Asian-North American disjtunct genus with three species, two in eastern Asia (Pachysandra axillaris and Pachysandra terminalis) and one in eastern North America (Pachysandra procurnbens). Although morphological and cytological studies suggest a close affinity of Pprocumbens with P axillaris, molecular data from nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions have provided conflicting signals. In this study, we tested previous phylogenetic hypotheses using sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers and chloroplast ndhF gene from multiple individuals of each of the three species. We also estimated the time of divergence between eastem Asia and eastern North America. Our results support the morphological and cytological conclusion that P procumbens is more closely related to P axillaris than to P terminalis. The estimated time of divergence of P axillaris and P procumbens was 14.6±5.5 mya, consistent with estimates from many other eastern Asian-North American disjunct genera. The migration of Pachysandra populations from eastern Asia to North America might have occurred by way of the North Atlantic land bridge.  相似文献   
人乳头瘤病毒58型(HPV58)是具有高度致癌危险性的HPV型别之一,在亚洲和非洲等地呈现出特殊的流行状况.由于全球HPV58数据分布零散,加之一些高发地区(如中国内地)数据缺乏,迄今为止尚未有对世界范围内HPV58地理分布的全面分析.本研究对中国内地妇女宫颈癌组织标本进行了HPV58检测,共获得14条HPV58-E6,L1基因序列.对GenBank收录的自1985年起分离的HPV58序列进行了系统地理学分析.结果表明,在上海、江苏和四川等地检出的HPV58-E6,L1序列均与以往来自中国香港、西安和日本等HPV58亚洲株同源.HPV58毒株可能由非洲西部起源,而中国内地及东南亚地区则在接受“根部”来源的变异株之后,成为毒株播散源“中转站”和新的策源地.HPV58型可能与HPV16,HPV18相同,也是宫颈癌发生和散播的主要HPV型别.  相似文献   
一项研究表明,新近北美出现的甲型H1N1流感病毒新毒株所有的基因都来自猪流感病毒,只是来自两个不同谱系.其中一个谱系的猪流感病毒约是10年前人、禽、猪流感病毒的杂合体。中国动物卫生与流行病学中心陈继明等研究人员,借助互联网流感病毒数据库平台。对猪流感病毒进行了谱系分析。并得出上述结论。这一成果发表在《科学通报》2009年第12期上。  相似文献   
中国昆虫区系的多元相似性聚类分析和地理区划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了总结分析中国昆虫的分布规律, 为昆虫地理区划提出依据, 作者2008年创建了新的多元相似性聚类分析方法, 它与传统的聚类分析方法的主要不同是直接计算任意多个地区之间的相似性系数, 从而摈弃原来的合并环节。我们应用这种方法对中国823科17 018属93 662种昆虫的分布进行了定量分析。当种级水平相似性系数分别为0.19和0.14时, 全国64个基础地理单元聚类为20个小单元群和9个大单元群。根据聚类分析结果, 提出我国第一个由定量分析产生的9个昆虫区20个昆虫亚区的中国昆虫地理区划的初步方案。西北昆虫区、 东北昆虫区、 华北昆虫区、 青藏昆虫区稳定地组成中国北方昆虫大区, 江淮昆虫区、 华中昆虫区、 西南昆虫区、 华东昆虫区、 华南昆虫区稳定地组成中国南方昆虫大区。江淮昆虫区的设立是因为这里多平原和丘陵, 为重要农业区, 昆虫区系简单, 种类显著少于华东、 华中、 华南昆虫区, 而和华北昆虫区相当; 包括台湾在内的华东昆虫区是昆虫多样性最丰富地区之一, 显著高于邻近的华北、 江淮、 华南昆虫区。最后, 对昆虫地理定量分析中的重要环节进行讨论, 还对今后昆虫区系调查的薄弱地区提出建议。这项研究证明多元相似性聚类分析方法是简便、 快捷、 实用的, 能够在更广泛的范围应用, 这预示着生物地理学研究将会由定性研究进入到定量研究阶段。  相似文献   
Due to combinations of diverse geography and climate, and complex geo-climate histories and sea level fluctuations, the Sino-Japanese floristic region has extremely high species diversity. Phylogeography is an effective method to identify the factors triggering the formation and differentiation of species diversity. Previous studies showed that phylogeographic breaks, the genetic discontinuity between different gene genealogies, were ubiquitously present. From the west to the east, seven general phylogeographic breaks occur, including the Mekong- Salween Divide, the Tanaka-Kaiyong Line, the Sichuan Basin, ca. 105° E, the boundary between the Second and Third ladders, the North China, and the East China Sea and Korea Strait. These phylogeographic breaks are mainly attributable to both historical and ecological factors, which are generally due to a combined effect of the isolation by distance (IBD) and the isolation by environment (IBE). Geological events and climate changes are the historical factors, mainly including the uplift of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, the formation and intensification of the Asian monsoon and the Asian interior aridification, the redevelopment of the arid belt, and the Quaternary climate oscillations and sea level fluctuations. Adaptive divergence, namely the divergence induced by different selective pressures under different environments, is responsible for the ecological factors. Adaptive divergence could obstacle gene flow among populations, resulting in the formation of phylogeographic break. However, an identical phylogeographic break is not shared by all the plants because of their various intrinsic biological characteristics, among which the difference in dispersal ability is most important. Finally, we envisaged the future development of phylogeographic break studies based on accurate divergence time estimation, relative contribution of IBD and IBE, and also the utilization of comparative phylogeography.  相似文献   
物种分布模型(Species distribution models,SDMs)是基于物种的生态位要求,通过将物种已知的分布数据和对应地区的环境数据联系起来,以预测该物种在不同时间和空间下的地理分布的一种数学工具。它为地史时期生物地理分布的重建、生物生态特征的分析及生物与地球环境协同演化研究等提供了一种新的途径。此方法具有研究精度高、预测效果好及应用广泛等优点,尤其适合开展高精度的古生物地理、古生态及生物宏演化等相关研究。文章着重介绍物种分布模型的基本原理及建模流程,在此基础上以笔石种Tang yagraptus typicus Mu作为建模实例进一步说明物种分布建模的详细步骤,最后概述此方法在古生物研究中的适用性及存在的问题。  相似文献   
[目的]明确双斑乙蠊Sigmella biguttata种群间遗传分化程度,并揭示该种地理分布格局成因.[方法]PCR扩增双斑乙蠊19个地理种群284头个体的线粒体基因COⅠ,COⅡ和ND1以及核基因ITS的序列;使用MEGA v.7.0,DnaSP v.5.0和Arlequin v.3.5软件分析双斑乙蠊地理种群的遗...  相似文献   
绵参(Eriophyton wallichii)是中国青藏高原地区高山流石滩特有植物.为探讨第四纪冰期气候波动对青藏高原高山流石滩植物居群遗传结构以及谱系历史的影响,检测了绵参20个居群187个个体的核糖体内转录间隔区(ITS)的序列变异,共发现19个单倍型,且结果表明大部分居群拥有独自的单倍型.AMOVA分析表明,居群间的变异占了总变异量的89.54%,居群遗传分化指数很高(GST=0.863,NST=0.957),但无明显的谱系结构.我们推测这种独特的谱系地理结构可能主要是由于高山流石滩独特的地形和环境及“孤岛效应”形成的,与先前研究过的青藏高原植物不同,绵参呈现出高度分化的遗传结构,常常呈现出“一个居群,一种单倍型”的模式,这可能是由于第四纪冰期及间冰期尽管绵参的分布范围有扩大和收缩,但始终由于特殊的高山生境和流石滩基质,导致了该物种长期以来居群间很少有基因交流并一直处于隔离状态,造成了现在这样的谱系地理结构.  相似文献   
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