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超声外科吸引器利用超声振荡将组织粉碎,并冲洗乳化和吸引切除病变,术中操作简便,术野肿瘤切除较彻底,能保留直径〉1mm的血管,已作为临床手术中重要手术工具。  相似文献   
在抓取小鼠颈部过程中实验者易被小鼠转颈咬伤。曾有人设想过用一种类似于火钳的大夹夹取小鼠,但此举不容易掌握力度,小鼠易被用力夹持窒息。如果采用如下图的小鼠夹取器(用硬塑料或薄不锈钢制成),  相似文献   
本文介绍了大肠杆菌生理活动的分子生物学基础,重点阐述细菌在各种环境条件下基因的转录调节。转录调节蛋白被激活后,有的诱导产生不同的RNA多聚酶的δ亚基,有的与RNA多聚酶的C末端结合,有的与δ^70亚基的C末端结合,通过蛋白-蛋白间的相互作用,启动转录过程。  相似文献   
纤毛运动是生物的运动形式之一。如何使中学生亲自观察到纤毛运动,以加深对纤毛运动的理解,介绍方法如下。  相似文献   
细胞器沿着微管的转运能够用分离出的成份重新建立,从而对这一复杂的运动过程得以进行生物化学的剖析.这一技术途径己导致一个新颖的、普遍存在的、以微管为基础产生动力的蛋白质的提纯,称之为驱动蛋白(Kinesin,源于希腊语"运动").驱动蛋白的体外运动性质和免疫细胞化学定位提示,它可能作为细胞器转运和有丝分裂中微管依赖性运动的原动力而起作用.  相似文献   
发现 初级纤毛是位于细胞表面微小的绒毛状细胞器,它们在视觉和味觉方面发挥重要功能。纤毛膜的组成不同于其他细胞膜,其中的蛋白质(胞裂蛋白)形成环状以防止自身扩散。但纤毛的胞质蛋白如何正确定位至特定位置的机制目前仍未知。  相似文献   
Entosis, a ceU-in-ceU process, has been implicated in the formation of aneuploidy associated with an aberrant cell division control. Microtubule plus-end-tracking protein TI P150 facilitates the loading of MCAK onto the microtubule plus ends and orchestrates micro- tubule plus-end dynamics during cell division. Here we show that TIP150 cooperates with MCAK to govern entosis via a regulatory cir- cuitry that involves Aurora A-mediated phosphorylation of MCAK. Our biochemical analyses show that MCAK forms an intra-molecular association, which is essential for TIP150 binding. Interestingly, Aurora A-mediated phosphorylation of MCAK modulates its intra-mo- lecular association, which perturbs the MCAK-TI P150 interaction in vitro and inhibits entosis in vivo. To probe if MCAK-TIP150 inter- action regulates microtubule plasticity to affect the mechanical properties of ceUs during entosis, we used an optical trap to measure the mechanical rigidity of live MCF7 ceils. We find that the MCAK cooperates with TIP150 to promote microtubule dynamics and modulate the mechanical rigidity of the cells during entosis. Our results show that a dynamic interaction of MCAK-TI P150 orchestrated by Aurora A-mediated phosphorylation governs entosis via regulating microtubule plus-end dynamics and cell rigidity. These data reveal a previously unknown mechanism of Aurora A regulation in the control of microtubule plasticity during ceU-in-ceU pro- cesses.  相似文献   
本实验用吊瓶式磁化卫生器观察100例散在门诊病人,对于治疗外阴炎、阴道炎、宫颈炎、尿路感染等妇科疾病,总有效率为97%;治愈率93%;好转率4%,无效3%。  相似文献   
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