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In the present study, we focused on whether Intracellular free Ca^2+ ([Ca^2+],) regulates the formation of mltochondrlal permeability transition pore (MPTP) In H2O2-induced apoptosis In tobacco protoplasts. It was shown that the decrease In mltochondrlal membrane potential (△ψm) preceded the appearance of H2O2-Induced apoptosls; pretreatment with the specific MPTP Inhibitor cyclosporine A, which also Inhibits Ca^2+ cycling by the mitochondria, effectively retarded apoptosls and the decrease In △ψm. Apoptosls and decreased △ψm were exacerbated by CaCl2, whereas the plasma membrane voltage-dependent Ca^2+ channel blocker lanthanum chloride (LaCl3) attentuated these responses. Chelation of extracellular Ca^2+ with EGTA almost totally Inhibited apoptosls and the decrease In △ψmInduced by H2O2. The time-course of changes In [Ca^2+]l In apoptosls was detected using the Ca^2+ probe Fiuo-3 AM. These studies showed that [Ca^2+]1 was Increased at the very early stage of H2O2-Induced apoptosls. The EGTA evidently Inhibited the Increase In [Ca^2+]1 Induced by H=O=, whereas It was only partially Inhibited by LaCl3. The results suggest that H2O2 may elevate cytoplasmic free Ca^2+ concentrations In tobacco protoplasts, which mainly results from the entry of extracellular Ca^2+, to regulate mltochondrlal permeability transition. The signaling pathway of [Ca^2+]1-medlated mltochondrlal permeability transition was associated with H2O2-Induced apoptosis In tobacco protoplaete.  相似文献   
结合线法的应用现状及其讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周国福 《昆虫知识》1997,34(3):146-148
侧多食跗线螨Polyphagotarsonemuslatus(Bank)又名茶黄螨[1],近年来在我地辣椒上发生危害十分严重。辣椒开花前受害很少开花,开花后受害常引起大量的落花、落果,一般危害减产10%~20%,危害严重的减产50%以上。笔者于1993~1995年对其发生规律及药剂防治等进行了调查研究,现整理报道如下。l生物学特性1.1生活史侧多食跗线螨在我地1年发生对代左右,以成螨在被害寄主的枯枝、落叶上或附近的越冬寄主及杂草的嫩芽中越冬。翌年3月,当日平均温度回升到12℃以上时,越冬成螨便开始活动,扩散到越冬场所附近的其他奇主上取食繁殖,5月…  相似文献   
随着全国各大中型医院放射科、同位素、超声波都相继使用自动洗片机。为此,洗片机对病员的诊断缩短了时间,提高了效率,及时解决病人的痛苦,从而给治疗带来了方便。 由于洗片机的大量涌现,国内外与之相适应的高温自动冲片套液相应而生,进口高温冲片套液一般都为浓缩液,价格昂贵,质量也较好,但使用前配制较麻烦。而国产高温自动冲片套液一般均为工作液。工作液可直接  相似文献   
本文介绍一种与影象增强X线电视系统配用的视频图象存储仪,1M字节的动态RAM存储体,可存储4帧分辨率为512×512的黑白图象,精度8位,256灰阶。在输入有效视频信号幅度变化大于25dB的范围内,均能得到清晰的实时或冻结图象。该存储仪亦可用于其他应用电视系统。  相似文献   
孙利民  丁文娟  周生平 《蛇志》2009,21(3):186-186
食管癌为常见的消化系统恶性肿瘤之一。约占全消化道肿瘤的50%以上。早发现.早诊断对本病的治疗有重要的价值.在基层卫生院。由于设备条件的限制.采用数字X线机行食管气钡双对比造影检查已逐步被广大患者所接受。  相似文献   
本文报道草兔胃内的四川尖柱线虫,新种Obeliscoides sichuanensis sp.nov.本新种同已知种有明显不同。  相似文献   
孙昭慧 《蛇志》2005,17(4):240-240
背肌筋膜炎多见于体质较弱的中老年人,以背部板滞、后项、肩部牵拉性疼痛,阴雨天加重为特点。检查背部常有固定压痛点或广泛性压痛区,部分病人沿骶棘肌行走区可触及条索状的改变,肩部活动正常,X线摄片无阳性体征。该病多有慢性劳损或外感风寒等病史。笔者以红花油为介质,采用中医走罐法治疗本病86例,取得满意效果,现总结如下。  相似文献   
Affine C. saccato W. T. Wang ex Tsiang et Li, sed pedunculis, brevissimis, tantum 1—2 mm longis, calyce extus glabris et intus ad bases sinum glandulis 10 praeditis differt. Planta volubilis herbaeea; caules teretes puberuli. Folia ovata vel ovato-triangulata, 5—8.5 cm longa, 3—5 cm lata, apiee breviter acuminata, basi auriculafa, auriculis rotumdatis, utringque puberula; costa media utrinque elevata, nervis lateralibus 6—7-paribus; petioli 1.5—3 cm longi supra sulcati puberuti ad apicem  相似文献   
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